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Show THEATRICAL.-Tha eharacter of Susan Su-san Mold, Simon Simple and Mr. Mold, in "Not such a Fool as Le Looks," played respectively by Miss Walters, Mr. Goggswell and Mr. Graham, admit of Borne excellent acting, act-ing, and the opportunity is taken advantage ad-vantage of by tho lady and gentlemen named to tho fullest extent, the personations per-sonations beiDg very superior. The parts, too, rf Murtgarovd, Frederick, Captain Market, Felicia Craven and Mr?. Mcrton aro well rendered by Messr?. Thome, Dndley, Foreter, Miss Kent and Mrs. Bird. Tho comedy is a most enjoyable one and well deserves popularity. It will be repealed tt-aight for tie last time, followed -by the farce of "A Dead hot." Mr. Urabam as Hector Timid. Both pieces are well cast and mako a pleasant entertainment. |