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Show IKLIGS. There are fifiy-fuur di-tiuct t-pecies of idies. There ?ti!l remain at humc ia Nebraska Ne-braska 6.UUU laiiiaui. Frozen whi-ky i shipped from Kentucky a? "Lucdicattd inc." A Davenpoit trirl lias luittcutd a niau for 9it;llirj J une with a G. Mr. Ninhiiiifule and Miss Bird were married iu B.u-n la-t week. It is c.-tiiuated iliat T.OilO aerej cf timbtr art; c It and daily iu iliiociuutry. Ben Butl'.-r rtfu-is to d-f-ud the WLKjdhuIl, but pivi-s Ur Mime good advice. Tcrc llyaciiith.' lcw d tines his positioD as "a iiiitMul t'iiihuiic.lboURh Dot acct-'ptinic ccrtaiu duKiuab." TIjc five babies recently horn at nne time aud of one mother io Clarksville, TV'Xiis, are " hoe, healthy children." George Francis Train's trial will ome on iu New York soon, and "the btys" are looking 'or sport in the august court room. The mayor of Detroit was fined recently for tearing down the pest hiyn from the house of a friend, in which tho small-pox was ragiug. Among the foreign artist.) now siog-mn siog-mn in Italy aro two i'laish teuore, bearing, respectfully, the oelebrated names of Shakespeare and Byron. A Minnesota mother gave a man who saved her boy's life ten cents, and cord ally invited him to "call at her house and hear her play on the piano." Mftnv nf t! lW;-.l orlla" nfSt Lnuis aro whining that the tax is hard on them. They ,sny th-.y can't add it ro tlnir price list like an ordinary income in-come lax. "Murder is a very pciiuus thing, sir," said aa Arkansas judge to a convicted prisoner. "It is next to stealing a horse or a mule, sir, and I filial! send you to the state prison for six years, Bir. " The Winona licpubhcao designates tho night that a clothes-line was rolbcd in that city by remarking that it was the name night that Bevoral members of (ho legislature came down from St. 1'au1. A negro in Coffee counly, Georgia, who bet $2.75 that he could rido a roan mulo with a pine burr undor tho saddle, lo.-t the money. Ho was folio wod. to the tomb by a largo and enthusiastic audience. 0, tho snow, tho beautiful snow; such a hunky thing, you know; blueing your nose and chilling your toes, as whirling aloBg the street it goer. No silly praise, not any for J no, for tho coldest of frauds, the beautiful enow. A San Francisco widow keeps tho skull of her deceased hu-b'.ud io a glass case. She once remarked to a triend who was viewing tho remains; "Alasl how often have I banged those bones witb. a broomstick. I am sorry for it now." The eager heirs of Bcrijamiu Craig, who wcro extensively advertised for, wero informed, upon application to lho ! authorities at Washington, that the only property found was his ancient commission as a pilot on North Carolina Caro-lina waterp. Thero is always something lacking for perfect human contentment. Balis-bury, Balis-bury, Com?., for example, has a beautiful beau-tiful new cemetery, which it proudly regards re-gards as "superior to many of tho race-oources race-oources in the State;" but, alasl there isn't a doctor in the place. |