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Show PAC1TIC COAST 5EWS. ' CALIFORNIA. I 1 Bodega cefusr 5 to enforce the Sue-day Sue-day law. A fioe Masonic hall lias been completed com-pleted at l'reks. A stark of alfalfa in the plaza at Sonoma has grown twenty-eight inches in seven week?. The Sacramento Bee cays that the farmers in that section of the State are ; payiDg more attention to tree planting than ever. Benjamin A- Mardig.a gentleman well koown in political circles, died in Sacramento on the Tth inst., alter a brief illness, aged 47 year?. A half interest in the St. Lawrence mine, El Dorado oonnty, ha3 been sold, the grantee being an EnglUh ampany and the reported consideration considera-tion $S00,0o0. A Laocel, recently from Amiens, France, has purchased from Hudspeth A. Alctjuire i60 acres or. land in faonc-ma faonc-ma county for the sum of $7,000, and will stock it with hoe sheep. A flume will bo buiic nest spring from Lake Tahoe to Truckee, following follow-ing the course of the river; length, fif-, fif-, teen miles. The flume will be bnilt : for ihe.purpose of floating lumber, , railroad ties, mining timbers, wood and shingle blocks and perhaps saw lop?. The Yolo Mail saye: Mr. D. C. Has- kin, of Vallejo, while in Woodland - last week, is reported to have said that the Central Pacifio company was negotiation nego-tiation a sale of the roads running out , of Vallejo, t8 the original owners and builders of the road, the California Pacific company, and that such sale would be consummated within the nest two weeks. fSKVADA. The Carson mint is coining $20 pieoef. There are thirteen inmates in the Gold Hill jail. Piute Indians indulge Id $20 overcoats over-coats at Virginia oily. There ate eleven patients in the Lincoln county hospital at Piochc. A man died a natural death in Pioche last week. The coroner threatens to resign. A hunter killed, in one day near Reno, 260 jackase rabbits and sent them to Virgina city for sale. On the 5th inst., fifty-one thousand ounces of Belcher bullion were received at thu branch mint at Carson. It is said that J. T. Goodman, of the Virginia Eoterprise, will be urged as a ouccessor to 0. E. De Lon?, minister min-ister to Japan, by his friend, senator Jones. A V'rinia city policeman has gone to Portland, Oregon, to institute suit for the recovery of about one half the town, which he c'aims under some old title acquired a quarter of a century ago. The editors in Nevada are calling oaeh other pet names, the Carson Appeal Ap-peal man says: The outlaw who presides pre-sides over the ink pot of the Territorial Enterprise is divided between a propensity pro-pensity lo cry havoo and let Blip the mules and asses and swine of destruction destruc-tion According to the Silver State, M. D. Fleming has been arrested in Union-ville, Union-ville, Nevada, and fined $200 for threatening to jump down the throat of James Hocking and locate for the winter in his stomach. Wm. Cavanagh, of Eureka, nearly beat bis wife to death, notwithstanding notwithstand-ing she was nursing an iotknf.aud then complained that the court was hard on him when fined $S0. The Virginia and Truckee railroad company are erecting a water tank on the south side of the river, near Reno, capable of holding 18,000 gallons of water. A small donkoy engine is to be plaoed close to the river for the pui-pnso pui-pnso of forcing the water from the river into the tank. Perry Gossctt, a well-known freighter freigh-ter on the Pioche and Toano road, Nevada, lost twelve mules a few days ago, at Ej;an Canyon, from epizootio 7 being nearly a quarter of his train, lie had refused $S0O for one epju of the animals lost. They were worked in a cold storm. |