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Show GEHEKAL. Sew York. Iutclllcuce. New York, 11. A private cablegram reports great success in tho Japanese loan, for ten millions of dollars, just brought out in London. The gold books were opon ihree days, and tho subscriptions subscrip-tions amounted lo fifty millions. The bonds aro now active at three- and a half per cent, premium. Only seven jurors aro obtained in the Scannel case, and tho panel is exhausted. exhaust-ed. It is understood that a petition numerously nu-merously signed will bo sent to governor gover-nor Uii, to-night, asking a commutation commuta-tion of the death sentence ou Foster, to imprisonment fur hfo. Political. Concord, NT. H., 11. About fifty liberal lib-eral Kepublicans met hero to-day and nominated cawuei j.. jiiason lor governor, gov-ernor, and W ni. A. Head for railroad commissioner. Harrisburg, 11. Tho legislature has , rosolved to suspend business until after the funeral of governor Geary. The Slate bears the expenses of the tuneral. Credit Moblllcr. "Washington, 11 Poland to-day requested re-quested Auk-s to ahow such original entries en-tries in his book as related, lo the mailers testified. Tho first entries were in relation to transactions with Henry Wilson and Dawes, and agree with ihe former testimony of Ames. W itness next turned to tuo date, March 5, '68, and read as follows : Keeeived of Schuyler Colfax a cheek for the balance or $oo-l The next entry was a check on the sergoam-at-arms, given Coltax, SI, AX), no dale given. Then following was, Coltax, twenty shares credit moDilier, cost :2,0u0; seven months and ten days interest, $Sti.21i; total S,-Oti S,-Oti 72, less tO per cent, bonds at $1)7; $1,652. Paid March 6th,iwo4 .72; $2,0OU U. P-stock, $2,JG0crodil mobilier stock. In roipouse to a request by Poland, Ames produced another book.and read the following entry : "Friday, Jan, : 22, '09. Paid S. Coitx $ii 075 for inter- J et on Sl&U) certificates Union Pacific railroad." Ames testified that the cor-1 lificales alluded to wero dividends on I credit mobilier stock, and the money I was paid in Washington. In reply to a question, Ames said he Hud n't been able to find any receipt from Colfax; bis clerk was still searching one. Witness Wit-ness was positive he gave Colfax a statement showing the balance due on shares, when Collar gave a check for the balance- Colfax was not so green as to give a chock for $634 unless ho know what for. Colfax never notified witness that he would surrender the stock. Sidney Dillon, clerk of the oQico of the sergont-at-arms, testified that it was his impression be paid a $1,200 check marked "S. C" to Oakes Ames. He thought ho paid him two fivo hundrod dollar bills. Ho had asked Amos since tho latter's return to Washington, it he didn'tpay him the check; Ames replied he thought it very likely. Ames then showed tho entrios in roforenco to his transactions with Scho-tiold, Scho-tiold, Patterson, Allison, Garfield, Kelley and Bingham, all of which tallied with his former testimony, Having exhausted the contents of his books, Ames was subjectod to a severe cross-examination by judgo Halo. Finally judge Poland said to Hale, that tho committee was thoroughly acquainted acquaint-ed with all those mailers, having had it all in evidence, and if there were any inconsistencies in Ames' state me ot, the committee- could judgo for itself; bo thought this all a waste of time going over what tho comniilteo already bad. Witness further testitied thai ho didn't remembor that he got any receipt from Colfax; never said to any person he remembered ho gave Colfax a check for $1,200. When ho made his statement in icuioiuber if ho had paid Colfax any dividend, ho had not seen tbo memorandum, memor-andum, and his memory had not been refreshed. To tho question "Did you moan then to tell a Ho or tuo Iruth r" Ames answered "'I won't answer tho question. It is an impudent ono." In explanation of b 8 former -statement, witness said ho desired lo make it as easy as ho could tor all those mec; he probably bad orrod on their side, but now fiey camo in hero to make him out a liar. At tbo evening"-1! ssion vice-Preiiden Colfax appeared and addressed tho committee com-mittee al great length, reviewing the chances brought against him, repeating substantially his former rtalemenls and explanations of his connection with the credit mobilier, and denying positively ever receivingany sum of money whatever what-ever from Ames or anyone else, as dividends divi-dends on credit mobilier, as he had never owned tho stock, having abandoned llio claim to it as beforo testitied to by him. In regard to the cheek for $1.2il to "S. C. or bearer,'' he raid. "I repent again, I have not the slightest knowledge, recollection, recol-lection, or belief that 1 over saw this eheeK or any oilier check of Ames,1 nor that 1 have ever been paid or proferrd by him, direetiy or indirectly, in check, stock or bond?, twelve, hundred, or one hundred, or ono dollar on ny account whatever, and further state that 1 have not the fliiiiue-t knowledge, recollection, recollec-tion, or beii-M that 1 ever heard there was or could be any cash dividend on credit mob're: till the diieuision ot last fall. X must say that until to-day 1 have never heard of the certificate certifi-cate for M.ooVot C nion Paciic bonds, sixty dollars imerei on which Ames iays he pa,d me in January, V.i; and I wouid not have beeri more astounded to have Ivpnensrced by him with the assassination of or.e of his faniilv, than I been by bis chnrc-s that he paul me oilier $i.LiO or sixty d-'ilars or any o'.h'T amount whatever, what-ever, on ocii that 1 had arndoned. L'. lisx then proceeded to explain concerning con-cerning li.e -l.i'.i. that JM paid him by Ma-,:,;.s. h- st ;.-"nt -,erf on account a dei'l ot i). aid the bl-aneo bl-aneo of a"1 as rveivid by hini in a ',. Iter Ir.im Ge. W. Ni-sbit, of New York, as a eo;.;rib-,.:i,-n to h; election e.p.-i.-.'s, it bfii'i: imnn-di-itply after his nomination v'.ce-pre-i.i.'ncy. Th tier was opi'-r.ed by Ci;fx at the break's-l tab'o, u i:h the rest of his morn if. it s mail, at.d wa road aloud to ir.e rr.'-:.i':e-s ol'the f.vnii'.y. cen-'.'lm; at ;hit li :-.! of f;s m 'tri.r, -Mr. Matthew; and his ha'.f si-;r. Tiie sistement concerning tho sr."0 wts corrob- raed. bj tha testuuooj Jiav- thews, who also testified to the payment pay-ment of f'JX) about the same time ; and bv the testimony of Mrs. H-'.h;:r, hn'.:" sister toCoifax. who came from Utah to testify. Tue vice-presideni sui-d tLtre ere"oti:er witnesses thht cou.d Lo pru-duc pru-duc d, but FoUnd announci-d the proof on this p 'itit was euiIh'H'M. Colfax tee ti tied mat be sent the S:,1.-"-' t- Connor, Con-nor, cbairmaflcf the Indisna republican committee. |