OCR Text |
Show OKFICIA L DIRECTORY. C y ITKD riTAT lio Off ICSBjB JOB UTAH : ' xiuour Gi-vrne L. WooJa, Or (ton. crt'Lir)-tir-jTco A. BUCK, Utah. (WJuiiia J. B. HcKran, Sew York. AhiU Juiticca 0. F. Strickland, Mich., end !. M. ilawley. HI. M.r.b-.! -M.T. Patrick. NVbranka. 0. 1. AUorn-j Wllliiiii CtrtT. crv jctJIpii. rl C. C. Clemen U. I-vt. H-fiT-r of PuMic M t.-j-I. B. OTertoo, Pa. (Wht lni Ofhcf Gwre-s &. Mmjwrll in-h n. k a-..-J. P. Taeart, of III. U " Oilocur O. J. Ht-lluter. Cal. TEflRIT')M A L OmCIFUi: rvifcut to OnsrwM Wm. H. Uooper Uo'nry JJenemJ Zrae WW Boo. Mr!ia1 J. D. T. SlrALlUier. .n.'m.r Vita. ClarK-a. "im,l)nt-Jti Jark. .itrinlrrKlnil of Oommoo geboola Robert 1, alt lake coontt orncERa : pT-lI Ju-lrf, Kliaa Pmltb. i-lxtuirn, Hmln Millf-r, bus M. awrt, V 0 KmJ. C r-o, II. T-jlir. f hrriff. B. T. Bur ton. p.-wn:iig Attorney, Z.Snow. p-jr anil Oil Ire lor, R. J. OoldiDg T-owirrr, Thodor VcKeu. 0 .ndj C!rk, D. BoekboldL Ooontj Recorder, Kdwio D. Woolley. frVbel Superintendent, Robert L. Campbell. CITT OTFICRRa : MaTOB. Vr.tdel II. Weill. Ul Municipal Ward, liuc Groo. tnd " "A. Miner. Brd " . U. FeJL iuj " '' Jeter Clin ion. 1th " " Jo tin Van Cott- OOOlfOlLOlS. R. T. Burton, Theodore UeKeen, JoMph I Wraith, itnguam Young, Henry Grow, John Clark, . C. Pyrvr, John R. Winder, Lewi 8. Hllli Recorder Rcl-crt Campbell. Trpaanrer Paol A. Schettler. Uarabal John D. T. McAllister. Auditor of Public Account Robert OampbelL Awwtor and Collector John R. Winder. flurviaor of StrwU Ium Oroo. Cnr-K-jor Jee W. For. !,nl or School Innpectors Pro feasor J. B Park, Kot-ert L. Campbell, Henry I. Doremoj. ttnltr of Weighta and M pasture Nathan Dalt Captain of Police Andraw Bart. Witter Maater Iae Oroo. Inipector of BttiMinpi A. H. Ralrigh. - Wood and Lumber . Dlnwoodey " " Li.jnora Robert Omibell. " " Provision! Jmh 0. LitiK Quarantine Phjslclui Jeter Clinton. Ciller Kugineer Fire Dopwtment John D, T MfAl itt. B'irrl of Jtxarclning Physlciftni Doctor W. I lndercn, J. 8. Ormsby, Jeter Clinton. Oity Uarket Master Albert Dewey. " fcitou Jinepli R. Tylor. " Stock Insjiecior II. J. Fanau 8oiinodcut Icue Asylam nd HMplUl . heodore McEean. PbydcUn Inmoe Aylnm and Bovplul Jeter Ulluton. Fiaa mm li Municipal Werd Lexi Riter. io'l " ' gunnel Tnrnbow. -rJ " " Di'leon a. 0. Qlbbi. Kb " " million Alwood. tth " ' W. C. A. Smoot. |