Show TERRITORIAL TOPICS J Ail Evanston Barkeeper Killed by His Mistress TIlE TOUGHS AT COLLINSTON A Budget of News From Brigham City Sprlnc Freshets Kaystlllo Matters General Gen-eral Topics interest EVAXSTOX Wyo March HSpccial correspondence of Tim HERALD About P oclock this morning a shooting affray 1 took place on the County road > Kate Harris occupies a goodlooking Tame house which is frequented by men wr immoral purposes one of those who visited the place was Hiram Martin a bartender bar-tender and who it is reported wanted to marry Kate but for some reason kept delaying de-laying the matter This morning after his usual work of cleaning the saloon of David Reese on Front street he took a bottle of liquor and resorted to Kate Harris Har-ris house It is supposed they quarreled and while he was forcing open the door which leads from the kitchen to the front room she trying to prevent him from doing so she sired a shot from n 33calibre pistol through the door panel which entered his head on the right side penetrating the brain and killing him almost instantly In falling fall-ing the stove was upet singing his hair I mustache and eyebrows The woman noti fled some of the neighbors of what had happened which led to her arrest This i afternoon a jury was impaneled who rendered ren-dered a verdict in accordance with the circumstances cir-cumstances viz that Hiram Martin came to his death by at pistol shot fired by said Kate Harris Last night while two ranchers were coming com-ing to town in a sleigh they were held up and relieved of 5175 after a desperate struggle strug-gle Ko clue to the robbers The Disgraceful Scenes at Collinston COXUXSTOX Utah March HSpecial correspondence of THE HERALD Through the building of the great Both well canal Collinston is fast becoming famous fa-mous but to our regret and not favorably to The country is becoming populous but we have no pride in its numbers A great amount of wealth is being crowded in upon us but we feel poor by its accession acces-sion In fact we have all the vices of civilization civ-ilization and but few of its virtues We have saloons in full blast gambling houses running openly and unrestricted and women who do not blush to acknowledge their trade Brawls are common and black eyes and bruised heads by no means rare Thieving of one kind or another is an everyday occurrence property and life itself are unsafe In view of the above state of affairs it i would seem as if the county officials would take steps to remedy the eviL Complaints have been made and we have waited patiently pa-tiently for some action to be taken but nothing is done Every saloon has forfeited Ok forfeit-ed its bonds but the gaming tables are undisturbed un-disturbed the fights foul Ian guago and thieving arc still in progress J It is expected that the prairie work will soon be resumed on tho canal The westside west-side branch will be pushed to completion A system of colonization will be one oft the schemes of the company and it is pro bablo that thousands OEfn make Fo table t-able homes within the water limits of the canal We hope that some good will grow out of the present evil and that a thriving city will be made from the foul collection of lumber shanties called a town Work has been continued all winter in tho Bear River canon It is an immense undertaking to make a canal thirty feet wide and five feet deep through a narrow canon tunneling through rock for a hundred hun-dred feet building up solid masonry over deep ravines and cutting into the sides of deep precipices It is like one continual bombardment to Wbe in the neighborhood of this work tines are exploded on one side of the river a blast on the other further up the cane are heard the reports from other camps and the air is full of flying rocks stumps and debris Several men have been killed and many injured from premature prema-ture blasts and missiles in the air Yesterday I Yes-terday poor old Gallagher was laid awaIt awa-It is not probable that he or others did know Just how he met his death It was Ian I-an incidental result of an explosion of a magazine in Camp 4 Several others were injured but none seriously We arc all anxiously waiting developments develop-ments in the investigation of the death of Hyrum Gleason of Farmington Many conflicting stories have been told and perjury per-jury committed in the justices court The United States commissioner at Ogden has taken thr matter in hand and we hope for a thorough investigation and a full devel opmcnt of the facts JOXATHAX I Brigham City BitsY Bits-Y L M I A quarterly conference to day Bishop A A Janson returned last Wednesday from his visit to Sugar house ward > Spring has hardly opened up yet still numbers of buildings and other improvements improve-ments arc in active progress Eastern parties hue opened up a clothing cloth-ing store next door to the temperance halL Mrs Lundgrens new millinery store is nearing completion and will soon be ready for business A grand picnic conference was held in Third ward meeting house Tuesday last by members of Relief society of Box Elder El-der stake David Rosenbaum the Kelton merchant has purchased the Rosenbaum corner on Main street 52000 being the price f Aiiumber of petty thefts have been committed com-mitted around town lately City Marshal Rees hearing of the cases investigated the matter and located and arrested the guilty party Seven thousand five hundred dollars dol-lars was tho price offered to a gentleman gentle-man for his lot on Main street butthe property was not for sale Tho Chinese doctor from the Wood River country is kept very busy and can claim mere patients than any other doctor that ever came to Brigham City John Booth and others claim that they aro progressing pro-gressing favorably under his care Frank Earl of Salt Lake having purchased pur-chased a piece of property in the northern part of the city expects to start a chicken ch on large scale at that place Saturday nights storm raised the water In the lake north of town to such an extent > as to carry away a portion of tho Utah NNsrthe i track and tho ice knocked over r some of the telegraph poles and the wire A number of railroad employees are talking talk-ing strongly of moving their families to Brigham City on account of rent and other expenses being so high in Ogden and other places C H Davis is negotiating with an Idaho party for the sale of his property known as City Hotel if he sells the hotel he will move the livery stables over to Main street was broken so that no communication could be had to the north Consequently the south bound train Sunday morning was stopped on the other side of the lake until a train with men and material could be brought up from Ogden and the track was repaired Elias Jensen expects to make more extensive ex-tensive use of the natural gas on his farm this summer Briekmaking and other industries in-dustries where the gas can be used as fuel and power will be in active operation Owing to the improvements being made in the tabernacle the public meetings are at present held in the various wards It has been decided by the officers of the Y 1L M I A that a series of lectures will be delivered Sunday evenings in the Third ward meeting house The first one of tho kind was held last Sunday evening R H Jones and AV S Hansen were the speakers A gentleman from this place whose I gray hair would lead a person to think that he was old enough to know better went to Collinston a short time ago and while there was taken in by sharpers to the tune of 50 He says that he thought he already had his eye teeth cut but admits that we are never too old to learn and 50 was the price paid for this lesson Last Monday morning while David Morgan Mor-gan was trying to get some hay from the top of his barn he slipped and fell quite a distance to the floor About half way down he struck a beam and broke two of his ribs on the left side He turned over and fell to the floor and broke three of his ribs on the right side Mr Morgan is about seventy years of age and is suffering suffer-ing very much from the effects of his injuries in-juries and his recovery is doubtful A committee of three are visiting among the people Their respective names are Diphtheria mumps and la grippe These unwelcome visitors cause no small amount of alarm anxiety and trouble and a great deal of sorrow follows when they bring along with them their dreaded partner death During the sudden thaw last week the people at Mantua thought that a young Jonnstown flood had struck them in the upper part of the town the creeks and ditches overflowed to such an extent as to nil cellars barns outhouses and streets with i water so that I the cattle would be standing kneedeep in water A party undertook to show the water which way it ought to KO by driving a homemade snowplow down the street through snow and slush he had not proceeded pro-ceeded fur when the flood came rushing after him with such force as to nearly upset up-set both him and horses BUIGIIAM CITY March 12 1890 Kaysville Kinks Only six drummers are in town today soliciting orders for the various firms they represent R H Cottrell is around town today shaking hands with his old friends after an absence of sixteen months The real estate transfers appear to be few and far between Our real estate agents however have not yet hung out their shingles locating their offices The all absorbing topic among our townsmen towns-men is bricks and to judge from the conversation of the little group of bystanders by-standers every man has got a great big red brick on the brain A heated discussion and the best of the season was held last Monday evening The question was Resolved that fire is amore a-more destructive element than water The Historical and Debating club are doing good work and the wellfilled house every week shows the interest taken in the meetings Our neighbors on the north at Layton I appear to bo booming their end of the town Among the new enterprises are the following follow-ing A new saloon to bo opened in the near future by Bonnemort Day a mercantile mer-cantile establishment to be run by W A Hyde Layton Evans anticipate leading out in the butcher business and will supply sup-ply our northern neighbors with meats of the choicest quality The boys at Layton Lay-ton have our good wishes The progressive euchre party given by Messrs O A and W Taylor and Mrs D Vessels their home last Monday evening was a decided success Fortyeight persons per-sons took part in the game and many of the guests did not icst good sociable I time was had and the best of feelintjpre vailed The prizes were awarded to James I H Larkins and Charles Cottrell jr The remainder of the evening was spent as I usual in music singing social chats etc Great credit is due the hosts and hostess for the able manner in which they entertained enter-tained their friends and all felt like congratulating con-gratulating them on the success of tho entertainment en-tertainment It now takes two agents to transact the business at the Central depot but the office of-fice is inadequate for the business A town doing an average business of from eight to ten thousand dollars per month is entitled to far greater accomodations than are to be had at the Utah Central depot The warehouse and waiting room are two small insignificant rooms unworthy of their name and patrons of the road who are unfortunate enough to have to wait for a belated train often have to stand out on the platform in a drenching rain or snow storm because of there being no room on the inside A few days ago the waiting room was full of ladies four its full capacity and the gentlemen had to take their stand on the platform in one of the most driving snow storms of the season sea-son It is not often that the people complain com-plain but when we consider the above figures are only a small estimate for the business transacted here we do not think it would be asking too much to ask the railroad company to appropriate one months takings for tho supplying of a long felt want the building of a new depot K KATSVILLE March 14 1890 |