Show METEOROLOGICAL LOCAL RECORD SALT LAKE CITY Utah March 15 lBOO Signal Service U S A Time cd s o fo 8 ° ° S State 01 observ a i Ao w4 ro Weather alien q F 0 is o D 6 am 2398 82 80 Ca 1m Cloudless II pm 258t Mj3S Nwl 4 Cloudless MaL temp G60 min temp 310 4 Mean temp440 for 13 years420 excess 2 Deficiency temp since January 11890182 Deficiency or temp since March 11890 I 76 Rainfall 000 inches mean dally 13 years 000 inches detloiencyvOUfljinches Excess of rainfall since January 1 1890187 inches Deficiency of rainfall since March 11890 I 037 Inches P H FITZMAURICE Serceant Signal Corps |