Show THE DIFFERENCE Time and again reports have been prepared pre-pared in this city by federal officials that were not Intended for local eyes They were gotten out for exportation and designed de-signed for effect other than beneficial to Salt Lake and Utah The present governor has been guilty of attaching his name to reports and stories which were calculated t mislead and which were written more in his own interest than out of a sincere desire de-sire to se this city advance and tho people of the territory prosperous I will be remembered re-membered that after the late election this Airmen L THOMAS said to a representative of the Associated Press that the Z C M L store was a monaco to the business interests inter-ests of the cty At least a statement to that effect was attributed t him by the Associated Press and as his excellency has never denied It we must assume that he was correctly reported I might be regarded as impolite to characterize I char-acterize the statement by the use of the cne emphatic word of three letters which I would best express the meaning hence we maintain the proprieties and say the i I governors messago is not in harmony with the facts Z C M I has done i i more t encourage and foster the business interests of Salt Lake than a thousand men of the THOMAS caliber would or could I do i they were t reside hero halfadozen life ties The profits which have been I a made by the institution have really been less in proportion to the capital invested and business done than those of other similar concerns Thousands thousands of dollars of its prefits instead of going directly di-rectly into the pockets of the stockholders have been expended for the benefit of the city and territory in general as in the I establishment of industrial and manufacturing manufac-turing institutions in which the people could be employed and the natural resources re-sources of the country utilized It is pretty generally understood that there is more money in merchandising where it is successfully suc-cessfully conducted than in banking but Tun HEHALD ventures the assertion that the shareholders of Z C M L have not received as dividends on the money invested in-vested one dollar where those of the Deseret National bank have received two Z C M 1 stock is worth in the market today to-day from 130 to 13 per share while the bank shares readily fetch 375 each or nearly three times as much as the former This difference in price may bo attributed t the fact that the institution las established fostered and sustained enterprises en-terprises which had for their object the good of Salt Lake At present Z C M I stockholders receive 10 per cent dividends those of the Deseret National bank 27 percent per-cent We mention the Deseret in making this comparison though it is not doubted that McCoRNicK Co WELLS FARGO Co and other banks have done equally well with the one named I Is a mighty mean man and one whose soul is of the small kind who does not look with pride and pleasure on the Z C M I shoo and clothing factory on the tannery and on the magnificent stores of the institution insti-tution These all arc monuments to the generous public spirit of the owners and managers of the great concern Is tho Deseret National bank a menace to the business interests of this city Governor Gov-ernor THOMAS 1 Wo do not think his excellency ex-cellency will answer in the affirmative and yet its owners have had three times the returns re-turns from their investment that have gone t tho owners of the concern con-cern which he attacks Tho Deseret is known from one end of the republic to the other as one of the most solid and substantial institutions in the land Its reputation for careful and conservative management is second to none and all classes of our citizens take pride in the grand record it has made WALKEU BROTHERS BROTH-ERS GEORGE A LOWE tho AUEIIBACHS and others of our capitalists and business men and firms have records of which they and we aro proud TIE HERALD is confident that it speaks within bounds when it says these gentlemen have made from two to three times as much on their money as have the Z C M I shareholders and this being true why does not the governor denounce de-nounce them as a menace to the business interests of the city Some time ago tho HOWARD SEBUEE company com-pany was purchased by the Cooperative Wagon and Machine company which in the esteem of a certain smallsouled class cass would probably make the latter company a menace to the business interests of the city It is Gentile enterprise which causes the street car company and the gas company com-pany to fall into the hands of nonMormon capitalists it is Mormon monopoly when an enterprising Mormon company purchases a competitor When the street railway and gas company com-pany passed from Mormon to Gentile control con-trol THE HEP VLB did not denounce the business because the purchasers were its political opponents The transactions were perfectly legitimate and they did not suggest sug-gest any menace to anybody or to any interest in-terest though his excellency and his newspaper news-paper organ would have seen something wrong and threatening i the buyers and sellers had been reversed I Governor THOMAS and those with whom ho trains would bo fair and just i they would work as earnestly for Salt Lake as they do for the advancement of their political party if they would keep partisan politics in its place and not mix it with business and all tho affairs of life if they would recognize and applaud enterprise and merit as THE HERALD does no matter by whom displayed dis-played it would bo a good deal better for this city and for all the citizens So long as the good done by Mormons is denounced as bad so long as Mormon enterprise and Mormon progress are proclaimed against a vicious and vile we suggest that there cannot exist that harmonious feeling in the community which is essential to the public welfare and which would bring about progress the best results in the way of material |