Show HE LOVES mm r And all the Mortem French School Says Reginald Burcheil TEMQUILITY OF THE PRISONER I I Simply WonderfulHe Parries Adroit Questions Like I Fencer Tarries ThrustsAnxiety for his WIfe ISpecial t THE EciumExaminer Dispatch 1 TORONTO Ont March Keginald Burchells cell in Woodstock jai is a light J tidy little nook in the corner of the building build-ing I contains only tho regulation stool and a little table A Bible lays upon the table When your correspondent called this morning together with a few local newspaper men that was all the entertainment entertain-ment that had been furnished him for the day He seemed happy as a lark and talked away as the brook runs Yet he never murmured a word on the Benwell tragedy that he had not carefully weighed beforehand before-hand In fact the tragedy itself ho never alluded t nor has he directly since he was arrested His cot is in another cell and he jocosely asked his visitors i he might havo the pleasure of showing them his suit The tragedy sits upon his shoulders as light a a bird upon a tree Your correspondent first touched upon the Pckcthal mystery Burcheil said emphatically I did not meet him in New York that night Mrs Burcbcll was mistaken I 1 knew Pickthal well but I never corresponded corre-sponded with him The letter which i said to have called him suddenly away to that city never came from me I know no more about him now than I do about the moon Ho camo over here a farm pupil like myself and circumstances threw usa us-a rood deal together Since I left Woodstock Wood-stock last May I have not laid 03 Ob on him As to his whereabouts on tho 17th after he left Stafford house at Buffalo with Ben well Burcheil could not be induced to speak Ho parried every thrust which he did not care t receive with the adroitness of a perfect fencer He can play with ivords as he can wit foils and when finally pushed to the wall would say only that such and such a thing would be made clear on his trial Then you will have a strong defense at 1 asked trial Mr Burchelli1 the correspondent 1 shal and I shall bring numerous witnesses wit-nesses from England but I a not set ready to tell you what I shall use them for I know Melleroh very well but was never associated with him intimately 1 have not sud much about him to you for reasons whc I do not care to divulge now and under un-der the advice of counselbut it is not due to counselbut the fact that I am afraid to speak of our relations re-lations His reputation in England however how-ever Is of the best Then you have not the slightest fear about the eventual outcome of this affair J Not the slightest And i Burcheil has any fear the posi tivciiess of his words and manner showed not the faintest trace of it He is complete master of himself stilL And how do youiecl about your wife1 the correspondent next asked him Ah that is the only thing that causes me anxiety Her position troubles me greatly Timu will adjust the whole difficulty diffi-culty however And boW will you spend the time in jail here till next October Oh I shall read and smoke and ruminate rumin-ate I love Balzac and all the modern French school I shall have the best food to eat I can get about the place and am making mak-ing arrangements with the sheriff to have tossed off for me the most palatable dishes he can get up Ill get along all ri lt never fear Cameron the jailor is a jolly food fellow I fancy and he will look out for me Good bye will see you in the autumn Jailer Cameron says the utter tranquility of the prisoner is simply wonderful and that he has adapted himself to his surroundings t roundings as if he were installed rS the 4 bummer in a villa by the sea |