Show Books as a Means of Thorough Enjoyment for Children How much of our lifeof our world lies Iu books Our thoughts and our characters are shaped by those silent companions as much as by the influence of friends with whom wo associate from day to day There is nothing like a good Horary in the home to supplement the parental training train-ing I is in the home where tho childs intellectual in-tellectual tastes and inclinations should be trained and directed What to read and how to read it should bo learned there Children should be taught to read I as if they were talking with a friend This can be done only as a feeling of sympathy exists between the author and the reader I a mutual feeling of interest in the subject discussed How much the parent can do to arouse this feeling of sympathy by talking the book over with the child enlarging en-larging upoi tho authors statements drawing out tho meanings and analyzing his sentiments adding anecdote and illustration illus-tration until the child feels at home with trton unt tho author and familiar with his thoughts I have been today with one of my little friends through London by canal I was a glorious rido that we had over tho water lit up in the open spaces by the bright sunshine then falling into in-to deep shadows where tall buildings looked across 01 the arched bridges spanned the stream Part of the time we had Dickens for company and some of his immortal characters spoke to us from across the way We found them too down by the dock and under the piers We shall never forget that slow sail ing through that wonderful city on this cool and placid byway when now and then the trees stooped down to the waters edge to whisper us a welcome and the voices of the past called to us in the softest echoet1 heel work was beautifully illustrated < d when wo gone through it London meant more to the child than it ever had before i Her minds eye could guide her to many familiar spot in the great city and henceforward hence-forward all that pertains to it will be of interest to her I had an old book that I brought in here with perhaps twentyfive illustrations of different differ-ent parts of London and a few stereoscopic views that altogether gave us so many1 glimpses of this great metropolis that I was not surprised to hear the exclamation excamaton I really feel Miss Ward a i I had been to London We can go abroad with our little friends in this way i in no other and wo can go anywhere where human thought has explored ex-plored handinhand with them by the help of books carefully read and understood As the mind is fed there always comes the everyday consideration of bread and butter I am not sure but that it comes first generally Food well prepared wholesome and tempting a good temptng goes way towards placing us in a fit condition to enjoy en-joy our mental pabulum Let me suggest a few dishes to bo prepared pre-pared by what is left over that may prove acceptable to the good housewife The table is tho place where the most waste can occur so guard it well and pay strict attention to the second preparing of food The people who prefer an economical economi-cal table which in their own mind means broiled steak and roast beef are the most difficult to cater for Study to make the warmedover dishes something dedecidedly more than hashes Employ judicious combinations and pleasant seasonings for instance use sage with warmedover pork parsley with poultry sprig of mint with your mutton or lamb and a little onion to stimulate your beef Cucumber catsup inexpensive in-expensive if you make it yourself hightens the flavor of fish An acid jelly witn tame auck and tomato sauce with warmedover veal For warming over dark meats use sauces made from browned butter and tour for white meats cream sauces which of course can bo made from milk One or two potatoes left from dinner will wake a coinlortablc dish of Lyonnaiso potatoes po-tatoes for breakfast The two tablespoonfuls tablespoon-fuls of canned peas may be turned into an omelette for another meal Boiled rice may be made into croquettes fish into scollops cutlets or cream fish ham into croquettes beef into hash meat balls ragouts rissoles or warmed up in its own gravy Soup meat may be pressed or potted Game and duck made over into salmis Chicken and turkey into salads croquettes rissoles boudins and < timbale Pieces ot bread left at the table may housed for toast croutons bread puddings pud-dings or crumbs for breading Veal re i warmed make delicious blankette or cromcsqui Many vegetables suffer but little from a second warming and even if only in small quantity may oo served as a garnish for a little meat dish thereby rendering it palatable pal-atable and sightly In all these little points we must be on the alert or the garbage bucket will devour our substance Those who have the res ponsibillty of the household management I must not forget the necessity of practical work in the kitchen The power of giving directions so clearly that the maid will from them produce the desired result is perhaps all that is required In some instances in-stances but to teach others thoroughly so that no waste will occur one must be able to do the thing ones self |