Show THE GRANT ± 3ROS o LIVERYJt I 1M RTHNT The Grant Bros Company have today concluded the purchase and taken possession of the entire s Class Livery Equipment and embrace this opportunity of informing their friends and the public c Promptness politeness safety and reasonable charges are a few of the characteristics of this filled at all hours of the day and night Connect with all railroad trains Te1e I ALASKA REFRIGERATORS Family Grocers and Butchers Refrigerators Refriger-ators hard and soft wood all styles big variety low prices Call and seo them at H DIXWOODETS Epoch Tho transition from long lingering and painful sickness to robust health marks an epoch in the life of the individual Such a remarkablo event is treasured in the memory mem-ory and the agency whereby the goodhcalth has been attained is gratefully blessed Hence it is that so much is heard in praise of Electric Bitters So many feel they owe their restoration to health to the use of the Great Alterative and Tonic If you are troubled vith any disease of the Kidneys Liver or Stomach of long or short standing stand-ing you will surely find relief by use of Electric Elec-tric Bitters Sold at 50c and SI per bottle bot-tle at A C Smith Cos drug store 3 Spencer Bywator Co have removed to opposite tho city hall where they are 1 prepared to do all kinds of tin work roofing roof-ing guttering galvanized iron work etc THE WASATCH PATENT ROLLER MILLS Best Grades of Roller Process Flour TRANDS HIGH PATENT AND STRAIGHT BRANDSHIGH warranted as good as any made In Utah THE HIGHEST CASH PRICE paid for Good Wheat Telephone to the Mills 105 Office 45 East ie Jre First South Street HUSLER Ss CO Props 1f emlJN OF lIE i = ic tm palmers English Caianfa Cm i I Intl noHlontho Iterae3j Coin to CIA front bill npp put of tho head rncro mo t needed S PH8EQ DEAFNESS CATAHRH HAY FEVEH iiyUilWEAK EYES BAD BREATH BOLD BY DITnoiSTS SO CEXTS Dr Prentioe The Successful Catarrh Specialist Use J and Recommends this Remedy FOR SALE BY SALT LAKE s CITY The Security Abstract Co Ino o irp orei ± e > cl IS NOW PREPARED TO Furnish Abstracts of Title to Real Estate In all parts of Salt Lake County with dispatch and Guaranteed Accuracy Office in Basement Under Deseret National Bank TELEPHONE No 01 J C JENSEN Manager Studebaker Bro Manf g Cor Carriage Repository 33 and 33 Main Street and Branch House corner State Road and Second South Street The Finest Carriage Display in the Territories Light and Heavy Wagons in Every Style that Is Made Vehicles for Public and Private Use in All Varieties and Prices ALSO AGENTS rOB < Tbe Mteley Champion and Piano Harvesting Machines and Extras J I Case Threshers HorsePowers Engines and Mills Weir Morrison Meifcel and South Bend Plois Hay Rases FrECIJer Road Csrtia EU1d HE1r1eosla o A11 KJ1do SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE AND PRICES WILLIAMS HOYT COS ROCKY OUNTAIN Boys Youths Misses Childrens and Infants SHOES I ARE SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS Ask Z O 3I I for Thexn Phil Klipples Carriage Shops Carriage and Painting Y1agoll Repairing and Trimming NEW WORK TELEPHONE BUILT TO ORDER 23 i 1Q an 1qs IIV SeOODd SoxatJbL Street fr r ZCM Q I o O > o Ve Are Displayin Elegant Lines oi CA PETSG Axminster Moquette Brussels Tapestry ThreePly Extra Super 4 UGS i Smyrna Moqiiette Brussels Tapestry and Velvet CuRTAINS Chenille Silk Satin Derby Brussels Point Irish Point r Venetian Point Tambour and Nottingham ALL PAPER Plain Ingrains Matched Ceiling and Wall Decorations HandPainted Decorations Embossed Gold Color Gilt Mica Satin White Blanks and Brown Blanks LINOLEUMSQ Three OarloacB Just Received Our Stocks in All These Lines are the Largest and Most Varied Ever Seen in Utah T G WEBBER Superintendent I Jt |