Show THOUSANDS COMING bummer summer to see enormous travel come west salt lake jan 14 the coming su bummer nimer will see the greatest k ge r movement directed to and through this city in the history of salt lake circulars have bave been issued by the transcontinental Pas passenger association announcing tho the dates rates and other particulars ulars of conventions andi movements scheduled for summer the christian endeavor national conven alon will be held tn in seattle this year july 1 15 the convention of baptist young peoples union will be held in smokane okane avis 0 i tr the grand loufie lodge in dependent order 0 of grand Tem Temp plara lars will he be held in sea seattle atle july 1022 10 22 rates have been authorized from all points east with stopover stop over privileges in salt lake over ver persons attended tho the christian endeavor Ena eavor convention held in san francisco in 17 seventy one special trains passed through salt lake in three days lays summer rates are authorized from all points east to california and the northwest these will bo be sold from june 1 until september 15 with limit date october 31 rates have haire been authorized for the imperial Imp orial council ancient arabic order nobles of 0 the mystic c shrine this will be held in lo 10 los F angeles may 1023 10 23 tickets will be sold between adru 25 26 to siar ilar 28 18 T 1 council was to have been held in san sall francisco but was postponed on account of the earthquake and fire 1 I colonists rates are also scheduled to be posted commencing march I 1 and continuing until september sep 1 and commencing september 1 until october 31 stopovers will be allowed in salt lake the rio grande carried persons through salt lake during the first half of last sea seasons sona movement A rate of will be made from chicago to salt lake for the one way trip and a rate of 33 to los angeles from salt lake hates rates of will le be made from chicago to points in the burth northwest these conventions are but a few of tho the many scheduled for the west fiad a and ditl tickets tw miffing liberal stopovers stop overs in salt lake thousands of travelers will visit this c city ity during the coming coding season PACES FACES C CHARGE HARGE OF MURDER shoot log ernest howard accused of an ital italian laborer at singham salt lake jan TanT 14 ernest Emest HO u rd D 9 a ft clean intelligent looking 3 10 D 1 d b ho 0 all n from Abbe abbeyville S C and PI ing K a t lett letter arof of recommendation si I 1 continued on paso elgh eight Conti from pigo two by 18 prominent citizens of his home town was placed on preliminary examination in judge diehls court this morning on the charge of murder in the first degree it Is alleged that on nov 14 1906 he shot and hilled an italian laborer named frank you ask at bangham where young howard was employed at a grading camp howard was represented by judge A J weber and the prosecution waa in the hands of the newly elected county attorney willard hanson only two witnesses were examined tor the prosecution this morning the case may last for several days as the defense will offer evidence in support of the claim of self defense |