Show BULGARIAN CONFLICTS frequent encounters with bands of serviano ians belgra belgrade do jan 14 the frequency of the conflicts between bulgarian and servian bands in Ida macedonia cedonia la Is seriously embitter em in 9 1 the relations between the two countries the newspapers of belgrade point out the necessity of ending the causes of the friction Je claring that recourse to war would b to both countries and would only benefit austria to whose interest it Is that t the he balkan states should on dad terms the local feeling of irritation was recently illustrated by a th reLt ening enan demonstration in front of the bulgarian le legation gatian here an unfounded wag was published to tb th effect that the servian legation at sofia bad had lieen been attacked the charge daff alres killed hilled aud the wervlan legation burn bum ed an excited mob mo b immediately as and flud only the hurried muster of a strong military guard prevented cited an attack upon the building |