Show of course you know that diamonds are higher in price than evar and the bricea arc detill boing poing skyward to prospective buyers we would suggest early purchases as the right bort of atones will surely boino in for another advance soon goods which we purchased in the spring for per karat wr are compelled to pay for tobay wp have quantity of looie loo ie and mounted stones you ought to see before deciding to buy elsewhere diamond ains to 00 y SL 7 co ie y tt arte rte rt 0 weer teT alte feel or cold clothes arf adl as your body 1 YOU we ao 10 K t OO 00 Z sunbonnet Sun bohneT bs va I 1 i i j alere 15 90 eed to stiver 90 v because you 09 bu to ver very we vlot to close out of our vater goods but you yet fully alree nore to venir alen tte ts little 19 begue yd dext we lope 16 yet before you it will deiy you to buy wlater goods ait te prices ve te bof sell li ten evea if you do bot ver alen before winter tle birds of aire to ble 19 te eidd ve re buying lots of spring goods i we wish to have room for them therefore our reduction iu prices continue during clearance sale california OR PICNIC HAMS 12 PER LB CURED IN THE SAME CAREFUL MANNER AS OUR REGULAR HAMS FROM SELECT UTAH PORK COMPANY st st our RIVER DALE flour always pleas ing the RIVERDALE BRAND is tho kand you should have at all times avoid by calling on your dealer and insisting on getting the RIVERDALE BRAND MILLING ELEVATOR CO 25 votes in the house and salsbury 10 |