Show NEW vaudeville HOUSE salt lake jan U the Orp houin is not destined to have things all ita own way in either salt lake or denver and the statement Is forthcoming that by next may both clelea will have which will be oc the 1020 10 20 amt order on saturday afternoon john W co ot the firm of sullivan co ns iUne accompanied by john H blowe who made fortune in uncle toms cabin venture and otto floto of the shows and sporting editor of the denver post arrived lu salt lake ahoy dropped in at the Or at the maunee and took a glanco at the packed houss with people standing downstairs and then drifted over to main street where ru bior has it they secured an option of a piece ot property near the bon ton theater between first and second south streets later in the day they went lo 10 where they were last reported as being anxious to secure an option on the utahna theater |