Show TWO SISTERS HAVE 01 H AD two illinois girls suffer from scalp trouble another sister needs a tonic friend suggests Cuti Cut icum cura they use it and now give AJ MUCH PRAISE TO ALL REMEDIES 1 I must give much to all tho the Cuti cura remedies I 1 used but ono one cake dake of Cuti cura soap and one bos box of Cuti cura ointment as that was vas all that was required to cure my mr disease I 1 was very much troubled with eczema of tho the head and ft a friend of mine told me to use the Cuti cura remedies which I 1 did and am glad cosay to asay that they cured my rny eczema entirely since sinco then wo we have always kept the th soup on hand at all times my fy sister was also cured of eczema of tho the head by luing using tha tho Cuti cura remedies another sister has used Cuti cura and pills and thinks they are a splendid tonic I 1 cannot say exactly how lone long I 1 buffered suffered but I 1 think about six months miss edith mth hammer R F D no 0 morrison ill oct 3 1906 1900 11 |