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Show Mrs. Lyman Dies After Long Illness Josephine Wells Lyman, 59, 1054 S. 13th E.f Salt Lake City, died last Wednesday at her home alter a long illness. She had lived in Provo from 1938 until 1966 where she was active in the Manavu LDS Ward. Mrs. Lyman was born Nov. 8, 1910, in Salt Lake City, a daughter daugh-ter of Joseph S. and Mamie Ely Lovell Wells. She married Bruce Halls Lyman on Aug. 22, 1933 in the Salt Lake LDS Temple. Her early life was spent in Salt Lake and in Oak City, Mil- ?nttl RohhoeEi's Sons Flora 1042 So. State Orem, Utah lard Co., and she was a graduate of the LDS School of Nursing in 1932. She held many LDS Church positions including stake and ward Primary organist, Primary counselor, teacher and secretary; secre-tary; ward Relief Society counselor coun-selor and president; accompanist for Ladies Chorus. At the time of her death she was actively engaged in genealogical work. Survivors include her husband; two sons and three daughters: Dr. David R. Lyman, Belmont, Calif; Mrs. Frank (Janice) Cope, Orem: Anthony M. Lyman, Mrs. William J. (Pauline) Huhtala and Joy Lyman, all of Salt Lake City; six grandchildren; three brothers and five sisters: Joseph L. Wells, Sunset; Buron F. Lovell, Mrs. Wilford L (Bessie) Sheriff and Mrs. Melvin J. (Ann) Roper, all of Oak City; Edward L. Lovell,N Blackfoot, Idaho; Mrs. Elias (Alice) Smith Jr. and Mrs. Joseph Jo-seph B. (Geneva) Musser, San Marino, Calif.; Mrs. J. Wilmer (Kathleen) Anderton, Richfield. Funeral services were held Saturday at the Garden Park Second Ward, Salt Lake City. Burial was in the Salt Lake City Cemetery. ( MR. CARTER OBPWSETS AUGUST 4 MEETING The Orem Women's Business and Professional Club will hold their annual August membership drive, August 4 at a potluck garden party at the home of Jessie Hawk, at 7:30 p.m. All members of the OBPW are reminded to bring a guest to the meeting. PHIL OLSEN INJURED Phil Olsen, first draft choice of the Boston Patriots, suffered a partially torn knee ligament in agility drills July 16 during workouts in the all-star camp Illness Claims Ross Carter Roscoe Reid (Ross) Carter, 57, 825 N. 75 E., Orem died Friday at the Utah Valley Hospital of a sudden illness. He was born Dec. 20, 1912. in Nephi. a son of Joseph and Alice Jane Reid Carter. He married Melba Edmunds on May 25, 1940, in Nephi. The marriage was later solemnized in the Salt Lake LDS Temple. Mr. Carter was a furnace charger char-ger at Geneva Steel Co. He received his education in Nephi City schools. After his marriage bis wife and he made their home in Rupert, Ida.; moving in 1941 to Tooele, where he was employed at the ordinance depot. In 1947 they moved to Orem where he began working for Geneva Gen-eva Steel Co. He was an Elder in the LDS Church. He also belonged be-longed to AFL-CIO Local 2701. Survivors include his widow of Orem; on son and one daughter, Blaine Carter and Mrs. Larry (Jacque) Green, both of Orem; two brother and three sister, Farrell Carter.Nephi; VarrCar-ter, VarrCar-ter, Mrs. Winnie Sudweeks.Mrs. Ray (Nelda) Pexton and Mrs. Brent (Jennie) Hall, all of Salt Lake City. Funeral services were held Mother Of Orem Woman Dies Annie Elnora Neilson Peterson, Peter-son, 81, died at the Central Utah Convalescent Center in Orem Sunday of a lingering illness. ill-ness. She was born in Richfield, Rich-field, March 14, 1889, to Soren C. and Annie Christina Jensen Neilson. She was reared and spent her entire life in Richfield and educated ed-ucated in the schools there. She was a member of the LDS Church. She married Andrew Peterson on July 19, 1911, in Richfield. He died Dec. 16, 1947. She was an active member of the Richfield Third Ward, serving ser-ving as second counselor in the YWMIA, as a Sunday School teacher tea-cher and Relief Society block teacher. She was on the Sunshine Sun-shine Committee for many years and in the Richfield Third Ward Choir. She also belonged to the American Legion Auxiliary where she served as chaplain and she worked in the Democratic Party where she was chairwoman of Sevier County. Survivors include sons and a daughter, Andrew Verl Peterson, Richfield; Wayne A. Peterson, Salina; Sterling K.Peterson, Littleton, Lit-tleton, Colo.; Mrs. Wallace (Madeline) Strate, Orem; six grandchildren; five great-grandchildren, one sister, Mrs. Frank (Lilly) Wight, Camp Verde, Ariz. Funeral services were held in the Richfield Third Ward Chapel Wednesday. Burial was in the Richfield Cemetery. Monday in the Orem Seventh LDS Ward Chapel, with BishopDonald B. Jessee officiating. Burial was in the Orem City Cemetery. Mrs. Jackson Dies Of Cancer Cecilia Ward Jackson, 66, Manila, Man-ila, died Wednesday morning at her home of cancer. She was born Aug. 21, 1903, in Middles-borough, Middles-borough, Yorks, England, a daughter of John W. and Ann Walker Ward. She married Denton K. Jackson Jack-son on Nov. 30, 1921, intheMan-ti intheMan-ti LDS Temple. Her family were converts of the LDS Church and came from England to Utah in 1919, settling in Richfield where Mrs. Jackson spent her childhood and school days. After her marriage she moved to Salt Lake City where she and her husband owned and operated the Grand Cleaning plant for 15years.They retired in 1964. Mrs. Jackson was an active member of the LDS Church where she held many music positions. lAt the time of her death she was serving as a temple worker. Survivors include her husband; three sons and three daughters, Clinton R. Jackson, Pleasant Grove; John Jackson, Murray; Ward K. Jackson, Mrs. Russell (Mabel) Spencer and Mrs. Steven H. (Cecilia Mae) Hurst, all of Salt Lake City; Mrs. RoyS. (Betty (Bet-ty Ann) Taylor, Orem; 33 grandchildren; grand-children; three great-grandchildren; six brothers and three sisters, sis-ters, John A. Ward, Murray; Ben Ward, Price; Alfred Ward and Mrs. Elsie Ogden, Richfield; Thomas Ward, Sandy; Lawrence Ward, Murtah, Ida.; Harold Ward, Orem; Mrs. Francis (Ada) S duelling, Dallas, Tex.; Mrs. EUen Farrer, California. Funeral services were held Saturday in the Manila LDS Ward Chapel. Burial was in the PI. Grove City Cemeter. VETERANS! HERE'S YOUR ANSWER Q. Is a veteran 65 years of age or older required to furnish furn-ish evidence of disability to be eligible for VA pension? A. No, unless he is also Orem-Geneva Times Thursday, July 30, 1970 claiming he is housebound or requires aid and attendance. Q. My husband, a veteran, died recently, and the VA paid his life insurance to his former wife even though they had been divorced for 15 years. Why was this done? OT AT A S ACE 8 Closeout on all RCA and Whirlpool Appliances AT COST Strictly Cash and Carry Choose Your Appliance This Friday and Saturday at CLAWSON'S SIDEWALK SALE. IIimiteipnaDirs 177 West Center, Provo Phone 373-9554 BLUE BONNET MARGARINE LBS. in I U V" PKGS. M.D. TOILET TISSUE 4-ROLL PKG. IP pST7 DUNCAN V II I II w CAKE mm mix LAYER VARIETY PKGS. 1 ' WIMSMI maum unci LIQUID CRYSTAL WHITE I'j QUARTS PILLSBURY'S INSTANT BREAKFAST 6 ENVELOPES PKG u y COUNTRYSIDE MEDIUM "AA" GRADE EGGS c i DOZEN PROVO OREM SPRINGVILLE AMERICAN FORK OPEN SUNDAY 10 A.M. TILL 10 P.M. AMERICAN FORK STORE 10 A.M. TILL 9 P.M. PRICES EFFECTIVE WEDNESDAY. THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY 'Royal ROYAL PUDDINGS ASSORTED FLAVORS 3-OZ. PKSS. $ MILE HIGH DICED BEETS - Cans 10c OLYMPIA Stems and Pieces MUSHROOMS 4 cans S100 HORMEL VIENNA SAUSAGE 4&95c CANTALOUPE (2) VINE RIPENED lb. TREE RIPENED PEACHES lb. fe) SWEET UTAH CORN ears LnJ Co ixW &&i riLLiBUKY 3 fJPH? SWEET MILK and I BISCUITS - O V BISCUITS M HJ? PU SWEET PEAS I if PKGS 1 V--" I 1 RHODES BREAD 579M PIERCE'S kSJtomato juice 44-OZ. CANS 79 3 SALAD BOWL SALAD DRESSING .QUART JAR 43 RAM'S CEDAR FARMS CANNED Round Steak BONELESS ROUNDS? tfl.09 BONELESS TOP ROUND lb.J1.39 FAMILY STEAKS "?N.ELE."lb. $1.49 J PicnicSr BARS SLICED f ?l BAC0N I ' POUND COUNTRY STYLE SPARE RIBS lb. 69' PS . n ) U.S.DA CHOICE lb. RUMP ROAST si TEXAS CUT RUMP ROAST BONELESS SIRLOIN TIP ROAST it 98c lb. S119 PORK CHOPS CENTER CUT LOIN II CENTER CUT RIB PORK CHOPS lb. 98c 11 PORK CHOPS lb. 89c PRE-SLICED PORK LOIN ROASTS, lb. 69' F and P DESSERT CUT PEACHES4&T0 F and P FRUIT COCKTAIL 5- s100 89c ROYALTY HOUSE PEANUT BUTTER 21,. JAR WITH F and P CATSUP 14-OZ. BOTTLES I luscious CARAMEL WV C TOPPING- RFRMAH CH0C0UU CUE 7.INCH DOUBLE UAR CHILDREN'S ALLEREST TABLETS FOR ALLERGY 69 PALS MULTIPLE VITAMINS 100 COUNT $3.39 VALUE J2.29 VITAMINS 60 Count in PLUS IRON $2.59 Value il.07 PLAYTEX LIVING GLOVES $1.49 VALUE DEL MONTE PINEAPPLE JUICE 3 s100 SEVEN SEAS 1 6-01. Jar RUSSIAN DRESSING 39c STAR K I ST CHUNK STYLE TUNA FISH KRACKLIN FRESH 4 for W FEMINIQUE FEMININE SPRAY 3-oz. Size $1.59 VaU FREE ONE REGULAR SIZE FREE with this coupon 39c I V ( I U 1 i I M HejuHr Retail Varus . couwttoiwswi Aug. 1st This coupon redeemable only at. Allen'i Super Save p minim ill I fBM-l 3 "" r ijr HTM THIS COUPON ' OOOD S j 9 III T'M'T. I 1 No. ", CANS $100 I cdfnpH BREAD SPRINGVILLEa- SOFTIQUE BATH BEADS 17-oz. Size 59c hnitein PROTEIN SHAMPOO 21 or in n DRY end OILY FORMULA 7-oz. $1.59 VALUE 99c PERSONNA Ultra-Chrome $ 1 .49 Value INJECTOR BLADES 79c iiiiiiiiiH t m KING SIZE IVORY "own UNLT WITH TMIt COUPON A 1 I 1 OMIHUPINfl AUgUST 1ST LIMIT 1 COUPON Ptn PURCHASf SAVE 25c Wuri THIS COUPON WHEN YOU BUY A 3 IB. CAN OF MJ.B. COFFEE 3-lb. can $159 Coupon expired August I, 1970 sain GIANT SIZE CHEER ONLY WITH THIS COUPON PHICf WITHOUT COUPON 86c! 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