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Show u: LL- -1 'JjLL .3 JR. LEAGUE TENNIS Champions in the Central Utah Summer Tennis Program, are the Orem team who were undefeated. Members Mem-bers of the winning team are front, left to right: Dave Clark, Alan Cranney, Gary Sabin, and Tom Briggs. Back, left to ngnt. Coach Larry Hall, Eddie Robinson, Rick Rowley, Terry Peterson. Not pictured were Chris Crawford, Larry Leavitt, and Tom Peterson. Little League Tennis Results This year Orem entered two teams in the Little League Tennis Ten-nis Program. As both teams placed second in their division, a playoff was held. The following follow-ing are the results of the playoff. SINGLES Clint Friel, Orem A def Ryan Liddiard, Orem B 9-7 Todd Williams, Orem A def Joel DeRoest Orem B 8-2 Chuck Elmer, Orem B def Brain Nielson Orem A 8-6 Larry Tucker, Orem B def Robert Skraznas, Orem A 8-5 Jeff Chatterly, Orem B def Ron Jensen, Orem A 8-6 Gary Lew, Orem B def Rick Summers, Orem A 13-11 . Gary Bell, Orem A def Robert Liddiard Orem B 8-5 FINAL SCORE - Orem B (4) Orem A (3) Central Utah Tennis Results The following boys qualified for team matches to be played at the Brigham Young University on Aug. 10 and lL Six states represent the In-termountain In-termountain Area. Boys who qualified in the 18 and under division are: Rick Rowley, Orem; Tom Briggs, Orem; Eddie Robinson, Orem; Scott Eastman, Springville; and David Welky, Juab. Dave Warner, War-ner, Juab, is a substitute. Boys who qualified in the 14 and under division are: Rex Wilky, Juab; Todd Williams, Orem; David Williams, Provo; Rick Summer, Orem; and Ryan Liddiard, Orem. Mark Jensen, Provo, is a substitute. NOW OPEN TO THE PUBLIC Serving Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner DINNER HOURS: Wed. -Sat. .6to 12p 1 A IV I f 1 1 fTC Reservations for banquets are required and Ij A 111 IJ M P I will be served sumptously Monday and Tues- W fc 0ny f g Wj Q Q ffl Q Q Q QNAfH Delicious meals or snacks will 1Q(U HO LP Rl" with your friends after a round JMM.I fae $eryed 7 am t0 9 pm I Till llWfcU of golf. Open doily except SundoyH SHOP evervtlay- LOUNGE to midnight. 1 mi obbte Creek For Reservations Phone 489-461 5 Your host James B. Perri 11 Orem Jr. League Tennis Team 1st In Central Utah Orem-Geneva Times Thursday, J uty30, 1970 The Orem Jr. League Tennis team came, out as champs in the Central Utah Tennis Summer vo 5-0 in the final match. The Orem team went into the championship champ-ionship undefeated. They are coached by Larry Hall. Results of match: SINGLES Tom Briggs, Orem def Mark Harmon, Provo 6-0, 6-2 Eddie Robinson, Orem def Kevin Larson, Provo 6-0, 6-2 Rick Rowley, Orem def Brent Knudsen, Provo 6-4, 6-2 DOUBLES David Clark and Gary Sabin, Orem def Scott Volstek and Williams, Wil-liams, Provo, 6-1, 6-1 Terry PetersonandAlanCran-ney, PetersonandAlanCran-ney, Orem def Paul Burnhamand Bruce Dangerfield, Provo 6-0, Timpffike Set For Aug. 1st Snow and trail conditions are rated as "excellent for the annual Timpanogos Hike set for Aug. 1, according to Stephen M. Rushton, district ranger at Pleasant Plea-sant Grove, U.S. Forest Service. Both the Aspen Grove and Timpoonekee trails will be used by the nearly 6,000 climbers this year as they trek up the 12,000-foot 12,000-foot peak. The first hikers will be allowed to start at 4 a.m. Beginning at 6:30 a.m. Summit Club badges will be awarded by the Provo Chamber of Commerce to an expected 3500 who reach the top. Since the hike was inaugurated in 1912, over 55,000 persons have reached the top and enjoyed the breathtaking view of several Utah valleys. The U.S. Forest Service encourages en-courages hikers to use the Timpoonekee Tim-poonekee Trail this year which is more scenic and offers an easier climb. The trail begins at the Timpoonekee Campground in American Fork Canyon, goes up to Emerald Lake and then to-the to-the summit. The Aspen Trail, although about a quarter of a mile shorter, is a steeper climb and due to heavy traffic in past years there has been much soil movement and plant destruction. X Extensive plans have been made for security, crowd control, parking, and highway safety on the hike. A doctor will be at E mer aid Lake and a helicopter will be on standby in Provo to lift persons off the mountain in case the e mer-gency mer-gency arises. Two-way radio sets will be manned at strategic, spots along the trail and the Order of the Arrow will give assistance to hikers. Others helping with first aid and safety will be the Sheriffs Posse on horses, the Forest Service, and Alpine Club fromBYU. Preceeding the hike will be two programs, one on July 30 in the. old BYU stadium and the otherQ July 31 in Aspen Grove amphitheater. amphi-theater. Both will begin at 8:30 p.m. 6-0 FINAL STANDINGS Won Lost Orem 6 0 Springville 4 2 Juab 2 4 Provo 0 6 Final League Jr. M Men Standings SHARON STAKE Won Lost ( Q f? IS Orem 31st Ward 8 0 Orem 13th 7 1 Orem 16th 6 2 Orem 12th 5 3 Orem 19th 4 4 Orem 23rd 4 4 Orem 32nd 2 6 Orem Uth 17 Provo 20th 0 8 OREM WEST STAKE Orem 3rd Ward 9 0 Orem 36th 7 2 Vineyard 6 3 Orem 8th 5 4 Orem 9th 5 4 Orem 20th 5 4 Orem 21st 5 4 Orem 4th 2 7 Orem 27th 1 8 Orem 37th 0 9 OREM STAKE Orem 34th Ward 12 0 Orem 17th 11 1 Orem 2nd 9 3 Orem 24th 9 3 Orem 7th 8 . 4 Orem 33rd 8 4 Orem 26th 5 7 Orem 6th 4 8 Orem 1st 3 9 Orem 10th 3 9 Orem 25th 3 9 Orem 18th 2 10 Orem 30th 1 11 iiv! f-(C- Jc FT I Vnf , LUUb . t j m 1 iL, iWJT. i ', ' Lie). 'J If v? ) f i : NATIONAL LEAGUE 2nd place winners in the Orem Little League Games were the Sharon Giants. Front row, left to right, Don Rigby, bat boy; Mike Chessnut, Dennis Leonhardt, Mike Karner, Mitch Alger,TerryPowlowski, Kent Downs, Ron Thatcher. Middle, left to right, Chris Gayerman, bat boy; David Leonhardt, Larry Hancock, Stephen Bunker, Rex Hampton, David Siddaway, Daniel Rigby, Jeff Thatcher, Brad Boehner. Back, left to right, Duane Hampton, Baxter Lee, Paul Leonhardt. MONTH-END SPECIALS FIRST ROUND RESULTS The following are the results of the first round of the Jr. M-Men City Tournament: SLOW PITCH Orem 34th def Orem 6th 10-6 Orem 33rd def Orem 2nd 14-0 Orem 17th def Orem 26th 11-0 Orem 24th def Orem 7th 8-5 FAST PITCH Orem 8th def Orem 31st 6-2 Vineyard def Orem 13th 6-4 Orem 3rd def Orem 12th 12-0 Orem 16th def Orem 36th 7-5 Championship games will be played Saturday, August 1, starting start-ing at 8:30 p.m. on the Pony League Field. 1967 Chrysler 300 Hardtop sedan, factory air conditioning. $2195 1965 Chevelle 396 Super Sport with 4 speed transmission. 1968 Ford Custom 500 Sedan with radio, heater, automatic transmission, power steering, vinyl top, factory air conditioning. $1895 1967 Olds Cutlass Supreme 2-door hardtop with vinyl top, power steering, power brakes, automatic transmission, factory air conditioning. condition-ing. $2095 SOUR CHERRIES, APRICOTS Harvest of sour cherries is just starting in leading Utah County and well along in Box Elder and Weber Counties. Apricot Apri-cot harvest is nearing completion comple-tion in Box Elder and Weber Counties. A good sour cherry , crop and a small apricot crop is reported. MEID-SlUMMEIia SALE 1968 Plymouth Sport Fury 1968 Dodge Coronet 500 Hardtop coupe, V - 8 engine, automatic trans., V - 8 engine, automatic transmission, power air conditioning, power steering, A CLEAN, steering, vinyl top, stereo tape player, radio SHARP CAR! NADA average retail Was $2210 NADA average retail Was $2060 .Harmon's sale price Now $1950 Harmon's sale price Now $1800 1970 Dodge Challanger 1966 Ford Mustang V - 8 engine, standard trans., special edition 2-door hardtop, standard transmission, body, vinyl top, bucket seats white sidewall tires Was $3295 Now $3195 Was $1495 Now $1295 1969 Pontiac Grand Prix lo,0 n, . V -8 engine, automatic trans., power steering, 1963 Chrysler Newport . power disk brakes, vinyl top. . Automatic transmission, power steering, power brakes, low actual milage Was $3895 Now $3695 Was $895 Now $695 1965 Ford Station Wagon 1961 Buick LeSabre V - 8 engine, automatic trans., air conditioning. Hardtop coupe, V - 8 engine, automatic trans., power steering power steering Was $1495 Now $1295 Was $495 Now $350 470 West 100 North - Provo Scera Tennis Tournament Scheduled The Scera Tennis tournament will begin Saturday, August 1, and continue Saturday, August 8, according to Keith Trane, tournament tour-nament director. The tournament tourna-ment is open to any player in the area and counts toward C.U.T.A. ranking. RULES 1 - USLTA rules shall govern play. 2 - A participant will be allowed al-lowed to play in 3 events only. 3 - Each participant must pay a fee, and all balls will be furnished for all matches. 4 - No college letterman can take part in the B. singles or doubles. 5 - All matches, if possible will be played at the Orem High School Courts. 6 - Trophies will be awarded to the winners of each division in singles and doubles. 7 - There will be a forfeit rule of 20 minutes after starting start-ing time for each match. 8 - No entries will be necessary neces-sary for the following divisions: 10, 12, 14, 16, and 18. DIVISIONS The following divisions meet at the following times; Girls - 10 and under, Lincoln Jr. High, Aug. 1, 9 a.m. Boys - 10 and under, Orem High, Aug. 1, 9 a.m. Girls - 12 and under, Lincoln Jr., Aug. 1, 11 a.m. Boys - 12 and under, Orem High, Aug. 1, 11 a.m. Girls - 14 and under, Lincoln Jr., Aug. 1, 5 p.m. Boys - 14 and under, Orem High, Aug. 1, 5 p.m. Girls-16 and under, Lincoln Jr., Aug. 3, 9 a.m. Boys - 16 and under, Orem High, Aug. 3, 9 a.m. Girls - 18 and under, Lincoln Jr., Aug. 3, 5:30 p.m. Boys - 18 and under, Orem High, Aug. 3, 5:30 p.m. Entries for all adult divisions must be in by Friday July 3L Call Keith Trane to enter tournament tour-nament - 225-1023. Adult tournament tour-nament will start Tuesday, Aug. 4. The following divisions will be played: Mens A Singles and doubles -Tuesday, Aug. 4, 5:30 p.m. Mens B Singles and doubles -Wednesday, Aug. 5, 5:30 p.m. Ladies singles and doubles -Thursday, Aug. 6, 5:30 p.m. Parent and child doubles -Thursday, Aug. 7, 5:30 p.m. Mens 35 singles and doubles -Thursday, Aug. 7, 5:30 p.m. Entry Fees: All Junior singles-$.50 singles-$.50 - All adult singles -R00. All junior doubles -$.25 each-All each-All adult doubles - $.50 each. $1595 05 QJeed Cars To Choose From! - Doug Hancey, Glen Tipton, LeRoy Harris, Hal Pectol, Gary Robert, Bob McGee, Dale Whitlock Authorized Volkswagen dealer for all of Central Utah s i . ? 400 S. UNIVERSITY 374-1751 i 1 BUICKS MINI-BRUTES 5i 70 OPEL RALLYE Was $2637 70 OPEL GT Was $3631 NOW $2366 NOW $3325 Si 70 OPEL WAGON Was $2399 70 OPEL SPORT CPE. Was $2488 now $2250 select used cars NOW $2245l 8 W01 NOW 70 BUICK $3595 $3188 Skylark. V8, oolo Irons., power steering, power brakes, radio, vinyl root. Slock 2910. 70 CHEV $3595 S3 188 Custom Coupe. V8, auto-trans., power steering, radio. Stock 1743. 70 CHEV $3895 $3588 Custom Coupe. V8. auto-trans., power steering, radio, oir cond. Stock 2485. '69 CHEV $2695 $2288 Impolo 4 Dr. V8. auto-irons., power steering, radio '69 BUICK $4495 $3988 Riviera. Full power. '68 FORD $1795 $1388 Cortina. Standard trans. '68 VOLKS $1795 $1488 2 Or. Bug. '68 CHEVELLE . $2188 $1698 396 SS. 4 Sp trans., vinyl roof. Was NOW '68 CHEV $2495 $2188 9 Pan. Station Wagon. V8 auto-Cram,, power steering, radio. '68 PLYMOUTH $2195 $1788 4 Dr. Hdtp. V8, auto trans , power steering, air cond. radio. '67 PLYMOUTH . $1995 $1388 Fury II. V8, outo Irons., rodio '67 CHEV S1995 $1488 4 Or Hdtp. V8. auto trans,, power steering, radio. '66 CHEV $1595 $1188 Biscay" bcy std. trans. '66 CHEV $1695 $1388 Caprice V8. auto trans., power steering, radio, vinyl roof '66 AMBASSADOR $1595 $1088 Sedan. V8. auto-trons., air cond., power steering, '65 VOLKS Bus SI 495 $1088 ,'65 CHEV $1595 $1188 tmpalo 2 Dr. V8, auto-trans., power steering. P. E. ASHTON Co. 373-9500 PROVO, UTAH f 175 NORTH 100 WEST |