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Show Local Men Attend ROTC Summer Gamp Cadets Mark E, Hansen, sonof Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Hansen, 676 E. 1600 S.( and Dale G. Peterson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dale Peterson, 1928 S. 250 E., Orem, attended the Army Reserve Re-serve Officer Training Corps' advanced summer Camp at Ft. Lewis, Wash, from June 12 to July 23. The Orem cadets were two of approximately 17,000 young men expected to attend ROTC summer camps at various military installations in-stallations throughout the nation. While at camp, the cadets trained as small unit leaders and instructors in realistic exercises, exer-cises, and received command experience ex-perience and an opportunity to apply classroom knowledge in the field. Hansen is a graduate of Brig-ham Brig-ham Young University, and his wife, Trudy, lives inSanLorenzo, Calif. Peterson is a student at Brig-ham Brig-ham Young University. f Berg Mortuary i Services ) it n J ,1 A J 1 ROSCO REID CARTER, Orem, funeral services were held Monday at the Orem 7th Ward Chapel with Bishop Donald B. Jessee officiating. Interment in the Orem City Cemetery. LARRY DuWAYNE JOHNSON, Provo, funeral services were held Wednesday in the Berg Drawing Room Chapel of Provo. Interment in the Provo City Cemetery. Cem-etery. . BABY GIRL OLSON graveside services are pending and will be announced by the Berg Mortuary. RUBEN CRUZE ROMERO, Spanish Span-ish Fork, Requiem Mass was held Wednesday in the St. Francis ; Catholic Church. - A Wake was 'also held Tuesday evening. - Interment In-terment in the Payson City Cemetery. mm w-i V1' 1 ' MT- J PHILLIP . GREENLAND was awarded his Eagle RankinScout-ing RankinScout-ing at the Court of Honor held in the Orem 28th Ward Chapel, Sunday. His father, Vernon L. Greenland presented the award. Thirteen year-old Phillip will be in the 8th grade this fall at the Orem Junior High School. He is currently serving as first counselor in his Deacon's Quorum Quor-um and as Patrol leader inTroop 428. Phillip enjoys all types of sports and athletics and has several sev-eral hobbies. Aerial Fish Stocking Underway Aerial stocking of fish in high mountain lakes is now underway. Division of Fish and Game pilots pi-lots flying a specially equipped plane stock mountain lakes that are inaccessible to fish planting trucks. Most of the lakes are in the Uinta and Boulder mountain moun-tain areas. Over a half million fry and gingerling trout are scheduled for aerial planting this summer. Fish and Game pilots have already al-ready stocked several of the 107 lakes scheduled for stocking in 1970. Most of the fish stocked are cutthroat and brook trout. Fish stocked in high mountain moun-tain lakes by airplane usually take two to three years to reach catchable size, and such lakes are generally stocked on a cycle set for each water - normally every . two or three years.' r The fish now being stocked will provide fishing for anglers in future years. Hearing Set On Planned Dwelling Time Limits Developers of planned dwelling groups in the future will have two years in which to complete Improvements with their developments. de-velopments. That was the sentiments sen-timents of the Orem City Council Coun-cil Tuesday night which instructed instruct-ed City Attorney Frank Butter-field Butter-field to prepare an ordinance to that effect. A public hearing on the matter will be held by the Council Aug. 12. In other action, the Council approved the payment of $1,500 to Orem Boosters, Inc; to finance fi-nance the Orem Summer Festival. Festi-val. Two bids were opened from prospective contractors desiring to do street improvements for the city under the B & C program.' Geneva Rock Products Co. with a low bid of $21,736.15 received the contract. Thorn Rock Products was the high bidder with a bid of $22,572.70. The Council passed a motion to adopt the Municipal League health and life insurance program for city employees, subject to the approval of the employees. The Council also approved the purchase and installation of & bronze plaque to be installed at the front of the Orem City Center, Cen-ter, listing the officials responsible respon-sible for its construction. Utah Deaf To Be Counted In Nat'l Census Utah, along with all other states, is counting the number of deaf persons within its borders. The count is part of the National Census of the Deaf and will be the first such census in 40 years. Information gathered through the census will help identify what services are now available to the deaf population and what services ser-vices are needed. The study will affect all deaf persons in the country, not only those who receive re-ceive services. Under federal law census information in-formation is confidential Names will not be given to any individual indi-vidual or organization. Deaf persons, or friends and relatives of persons with hearing hear-ing problems, are urged to write or phone the Utah Office of Rehabilitation Re-habilitation Services, Division of Openings Now At Army Ammo School To the question How do you handle several tons of ammunition?, ammuni-tion?, the obvious answer if "Gengerly". And the Army has a school calling for those with deftness and a light touch. The US Army Missile and Munitions Mun-itions Center and School at Redstone Red-stone Arsenal inHuntsville.Ala., provides enlisted personnel with a knowledge of the receipt, storage, stor-age, shipment, issue, safety and security of ammunition, large rockets, guided missiles, ammunition am-munition components, military explosives and chemical ammunition. ammun-ition. Instruction is also given in the layout and operation of ammunition installations. School is for eleven weeks, following the mandatory eight weeks of basic training. Courses will range in scope from proper pro-per security of ammunition and other related material, detection, identification and decontamination decontamina-tion of chemical agents to destruction des-truction methods for conventional convention-al ammunition and characteristics characteris-tics and physiological effects of chemical agents. For further Information on this or any other of a number of Orem-Geneva Times Thursday, July 30, 1970 fields open to young men and women in today's modern Army, see Sgt. Eugene R. Moore at 1st W. 1st N., Provo, Utah. Aug. 3-6 Set As Cosmetology Clinic At BYU Instruction in new hair styling techniques, skin care, grooming, hair chemistry and the scientific approach to color and hair structure struc-ture will be among the offerings of the 11th annual Cosmetology Clinic, Aug. 3-6, co-sponsored by Brigham Young University and Mary Kawakami's College of Beauty. . Geared in its o 'wings to professional pro-fessional cosmetologists, the four-day curriculum will also offer insights into niform fashions fash-ions for beauticians, management of small businesses and photography. photog-raphy. The clinic will also feature fea-ture a skills contest. Mr. Frank Cairo, award-winning hair-stylist from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, will be educational educa-tional guest artist for the clinic. Additional information on this workshop is available from the BYU office of Special Courses and Conferences. Deaf Services, 1200 University Club Building, 136 East South Temple, Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 - phone: 328-5991. The deaf person's name and mailing address are necessary to allow for the delivery of a confidential questionaire. It is essential that all deaf persons be counted. Funds are made available based on population popula-tion figures and the amount of service needed. An accurate census will result in better services ser-vices for Utah's deaf population. Institutions Show Revenue In Food Service All institutions within the Utah System of Higher Education showed a revenue in food service ser-vice operations for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1969, according ac-cording to a fact-finding study on Food Service Operation released re-leased today by the office of the Commissioner. However, the report added, the percent of revenue rev-enue as a percent of sales dif fers from institution to institution. insti-tution. Variation ranges from a high of 16 to a low of less than 1. The larger institutions within the system seemed to be in line with the national average for food costs (40 - 44), labor costs (35), overhead costs (11) and net revenues (13), according accord-ing to S. Bertell Bunker, Associate As-sociate Commissioner for Business Busi-ness Affairs. Of the nine institutions within the system two (College of Eastern East-ern Utah and Weber State College) Col-lege) contract with an outside concessionaire for food services. "Institutional !, f o o d services are not conducted on campuses for profit," said Commissioner Durham. "Every effort is made to provide high quality food service ser-vice at the lowest possible cost to students, without direct loss." Sgsjija another I fAfJcANVENJENCE '' dfer j Fancy Fryers Ground Beef Frankfurters Pork Chops Sliced Bacon U.S.D.A. Inspected For Wholesomeness and U.S.D.A. Graded A S X Whole V) Grade A Fryer Breasts lb. 76" Grade A Drumsticks Lb. 56 Grade A Fryer Thighs . 56" Cornish Hens STaTo" ' w 86 Buy Any Size Package. You Need At This Low Price D..I CL. D.k Uad.dWi.h M.gt Chuck Roast Round Steaks VIWUIIU VIIUbllF Perfect To sarb.eu. Cut Choic. Full Cut l.S.D.A. Choice I Fr.ihly Ground lb49' 59 , 1.29 73" Safeway Brand Have Plenty On Hand For Cook Outs and Quick Meals Family Pack This Is Vi of Pork Loin 9 to 1 1 First & Center Cut Chops Chunk Bologna IfZLc. Link Sausage STL. X Tom Turkeys Stt. u, DIU Dr.nr) U.S.D.A. Choice Beef KID If OUST Sof.w, Trimm.d 59" 58' 49' 1.15 Canned Hams JEJ? Baron of Beef Lamb Rib Chops " 515.68 4 )0 Rolled Ik. I.J7 S.D.A. Choice lamb u. 1.19 Cudahy Wicklow Every Day at Safeway Discount Leg of Lamb 1.08 Sliced Bacon ItZii,, Sliced Bacon r.cu:V Fish Sticks c'","' Mail Jllbll Seafood Suog.ition Fish Cakes .rsV-r 89' 93" I -Ik. Mb. 0)0 Peg. 58' lb. l-oi. 38' 16 W. Cent Pro v0 77777 Ml I ill 1 SUITS and SPORT COATS 2 Price limited quantify SIDEWALK BAZAAR FRIDAY and SATURDAY (JULY 31 - AUGUST 1) , fjf 1.1 .1 i iff rv- .... JfOHN DIV ... JIC1 DDN'T AN IPS we welcome FOOD STAMP SHOPPERS Bathroom Assorted Colors Lady Fair Tissue ed Colors 78 10-Roll Pack Cottage Cheese Lucerne 34-at. All Varietiei Ctn. VCIUIIII dIUIUUS ah Vori All Varietiei Ctn. 66' 36' Hunt's Tomato Juice T.: 34' Z 47' 34' 23' pi,., jj Sandwich Spread Sandwich Spread "! Safeway Corn Flakes Safeway Corn Flakes fr.lh Slock NuMade 14-ei. ih Stock Jar 12-ai. Pkg. U-ei. Safeway Coffee lpr0M 1.59 Safeway Coffee Z'S"" ... 89' Edwards Coffee Id. 312.48 Airway Instant Coffee 83' Here's Proof of Safeway Discount Pricing! I Saved $3.34 On o piirchatt of $35.63 my grocriei coil $3.34 leu ol Safeway than ot another major food Stort. Mrs. Paul E. Clements Blackfoot, Idaho Facial Tissue Scotties Note the Price 400-ct. C Box mi I WMHWh I i i Shortening1 3188' French Fries 15' Velkay Shortening 3 1 79' Bel-air Blueberry Pies 49' Jell-0 1-2-3 .r. X 28' Shrimp Dinners STT Z 58' Minute Rice Ps:r X 48' Golden Corn r1""' 45" Noxzema Skin Cream Z 99' Golden Corn X: 16' Q Tips Cotton Swabs 79' Rhodes Bread fvr" 3 Lt. 67' Sweet's Taffy ZT X 46' Banquet Meat Pies 19' Sunshine Cookies EL X 36' Fried Chicken r7.:,.., Si 2.16 Crisco .Salad Oil Gollon Can With Coupon 2.37 ll III 'nJ'an' Wi,h Coupon , ?eP,ar. 5,.ol. ?p. if vs unnK Mix Pkg. r SAVE 25 SAVE 7 lff tfi) Sv I Good Only At Safeway 111 ll( Good Only At Safeway 111 III Eaplrei Saturday, Augult I, 1970 Jl III Epirei Saturday, Augult I, 1970 ill 111 Limit One Coupon Per Can Purchated ff 111 Limit One Coupon Per Family jlf Without Coupon 2.62 l Without Coupon 35c O COPTIIOHT 19M SAFEWAY STORES INCOIFOFAIfD Cucumbers 5) iKC California Cantaloupes Jumbos Super Flavor (Each 34c) J Top Quality Bananas Safeway Produce . . . Always Best! c ib. H 2 larje C(j Bunch J Urge C0 Bunch or Red Radishes Green Onions Russet Potatoes!?. 10 88' Red Cardinal Grapes lb. 34' Thompson Seedless Grapes lb 34' Green Beans lb 25' Yellow Onions m;LN' ' 4 44' Crisp Golden Carrots 2 b.k, 25' Freestone Peaches y tb 24' Juicy Oranges 5::c::; 8 98' Fancy Plums ..n . lb 28' SiinLkt UmniK c"li' . OH lack California Limes 9' 9' Grapefruit Juice 48 Seedless Raisins lZ 2 70' Dairy Glen Butter Cheese Spread Baby Goudas Cheese mh, " Lucerne Cheese z Canned Biscuits IZitl Canned Biscuits &tL-Canned &tL-Canned Biscuits X.' Grade AA Eggs . Cream O' Crop Mdium Sitf Grade A A Eggs! a 79' 79' lb. -.!. Pk,. et. Pk.. I-.!. Pk,. D.i. Fruit Drinks Jr.d 57' 45' 11 11' 10' 50' 45' Skylark Bread Paper Napkins Gelatin Desserts . Crushed Wheat Kitchen Charm Hell-Ooll.n Hell-Ooll.n lib lo.l CVO-cl. Pk, cV.1. Pk.. irional i Bar Ivory Soap s' Fab Detergent Dristan Mist Arrid Spray o Evry Dof Of Th Wt.k 25' 25' 10' 15' 8' 86' xtra Dry Doodorant ' Each Pk,. 15... 4 Q1 l.nle I.Uf t-M. C.n 87' Safeway Discount Stores In All Of These Towns: Salt Lake City, Granger, 'Magna, Sandy, 'Bountiful, Midvale, 'Tooele, Orem, Mt. Pleasant, Heber City, Roosevelt, Richfield, Price, Payson, Vernal, St. George, Spanish Fork, Cedar City, Provo, logan, Ogden, Tremonton, Brig-ham Brig-ham City, Layton, Roy, 'Murray. NEVADA - Ely, Elko. WYOMING WYO-MING Kemmerer, Evanston, Rock Springs. This Advertisement Effective Thru Next Sunday. 'These Stores Open Sunday John's Pizzas Frozen Cheese or Sausage CffflC Preserves & Jellies Empress Eleven Fruit Flavors -z29 Ellis Spaghetti & Meat Balls 15-oz. Can 32 c Start your savings account today with OREM STATE BANK 185 SOUTH STATE-OREM ' A t |