Show I Utah Briefs I Runaway In m Ogden Special lal to to The Tee Telegram ram May a. a 28 C. C C. C C C. Phillip Phillips of Parke Parkersburg burC W w w. Va n was as knocked down own Wednesday by a a. runaway horse and buggy belonging to J J. J P. P ONeill O'Neill at Wall avenue venue and street et The tranger stranger was WIll rot not badly injured The hor horse hOrle e ato toppel el when Jt lt ran into a a. street car 8 a moment moment later Ide Pioneer Resident Dies Special to The Telegram OGDEN May aS 28 Mrs Mrs Phoebe Phoeb Jane Bingham 76 16 years ears of ot age widow of Or Ed Edwin in Bingham m. m and a 8 resident of ot O Ogden Orden den since 1848 died here Wednesday She arrived In n Ogden with the company of ot Antasa Amasa Lyman among the early pioneers She was M a native of MJ Missouri ouri Funeral services services services ser ser- ser ser- vices will wUl be held at 2 o'clock Saturday afternoon in the First ward meeting house Korean Is Acquitted Special tal to Tho Telegram BRIGHAM BRIGHA CITY May fay 25 M. M M. M K Lee the he Korean Korun char charged ed with murdering D D. K Loo x o a fellow countryman at Garland on February 28 was nas U acquitted d by the tie jur Jury after fter a six sit day days days' trial i Homecoming at Salem Special to The The- Telegram SALE SALEM rl May 23 28 Former Former residents of oC Salem gathe gathered d here Wednesday for the annual May da day celebration Music red red- baseball and braiding the Maypole Maypole May May- pole were re features of ot the entertainment Elks Dedicate Lodge Special to The Telegram BOISE Ida May 28 Members Members of Boise lodge No B. B Bp P. P O. O Elks Elk have dedIcated Indicated their handsome new building hero here lere Bishop Berg to Visit Norway I c Special to The Telegram PROVO PRO ray May 2 21 Bishop 0 O. O Jf X Berg of ot Provo departed depart d today for a a. v visit in his native land and Norway He will visit also alson In n other parts of or Europe before returning to th the United States I Provo Marriages Special to The Telegram PROVO May a 28 David David L L. Marquardson Marquard- Marquard son on and Minnie A. A Shoemaker both of I e. Key Ner Ne were ere married hero horo by py Dep I County Clerk Chipman A marriage e eUcer license lle was Issued to Louing Duke and Mabel Mab l Lambson Lambo both of or Provo PrO and one oneto oneto oneto to- to to Er Ernest T. T T. T Rainbow and Caroline C C. both o of Provo Pro Graduation at M Manti anti Special to The Telegram MANTI rA TJ May 28 Three Three hundred eighth grade pupils will Win be graduated here Fri day De Dead d Body Discovered Special to Tho The Te Telegram gram PROVO May ay 28 A A few bones and shreds of clothing found in a creek two miles s north of ot Col Colton ton and almost covered cover with mud were burled nest near the place where the they were wera found b by Undertaker Berg and Sheriff East The man had been dead about eighteen months or two years and was as probably a B laborer 86 66 Graduated at Tooele Special to T The Tho Telegram I GRANTSVILLE May Mav At Al At the commencement commencement commencement com- com exercises es of the Tooele county schools held In n the opera house e Wednesday six eighty graduates o othe of at atthe the county received their diplomas Lehi Enters Contest Sp Special Il to The Telegram LEHI 10 May 28 Lehl Lehi Lehl will m enter th the clean town contest content A committee o or of twenty one one twenty delegates has been called to meet by y tho the maj mayor maor or and thoroughly thorouGh or or- Filer Considers Improvements Special to Tho The Telegram FILER Ida May 28 Changing Changing of the street lighting system and construction of more sidewalks is being considered bj by the Filer FlIer city council Logan to Spend Special to The Tha Telegram LOGAN Ut Utah 1 May IR Concrete 2 Concrete sidewalk sidewalk sidewalk side side- walk estimated at 1 la Is to be constructed constructed constructed con con- by the elt city of at Utah New Theatre at Kanab Special to The Te Telegram KANAB Utah May fa 28 A. 28 A new theatre thea thew ire tre building costing will be built buill hero by tho the Star theatre Plans Accepted I Special to Tho Telegram MURRAY Utah May 28 Plans Plans for tor the proposed Carnegie library building to be I erected here as aa submitted b by Architect N. N II I Edw of Salt Lake Lako City have ha been bean accepted Bids will bo be called for soon oon Salt Lake County Remapped Topography of ot farms in Salt It Lake uk county county coun coup ty tyis is ls being mapped In topographical as assessment as as- maps mapa by William A A. Leatham count county assessor to enable him to equalize assessments assessment on real estate particularly farm property They will also abo cover coyer a large part of tho the rc residential property outsIde outside outside out out- side a of tho the city The maps 3 as as Mr Leatham Leath- Leath am points out will enable him to tell more accurately tho the nature of th the tho land to he Se af assessed ed such luch as the qualities of ot the ground and the tho extent to which it Is available a avail I able abl for tor cultivation n. n I II I Web Weber r Democrats I Meet Special to The Telegram OGDEN May 25 Weber Weber county D Democrats Democrats Demo Demo- mo- mo will meet In the county courthouse Saturday afternoon June 6 to name three forty-three delegates to the state sUte Democratic Democratic Demo Demo- cratic convention according to announcement announcement announce announce- ment of S S. S S. S Smith county chairman Mrs Lillian Snowden Dies Sp Special to The Telegram OGDEN May 28 Mr lr Lillian LIlILan Snowden Snowden Snow Snow- den daughter o of J. J A. A Smith president of the Smithsonian business college died diedt at t her fathers father's home I In College court cour Wednesday She was s forced to o gl up her teaching about six pIx weeks ago owing 0 to ill 1 health 1 but ut recovered reco only to suffer suffer surfer suf sur- fer a fatal rel relapse repee Is Recaptured OGDEN May Iny 28 Arthur Arthur Duffin the these se seventeen old jear ye d o box 00 who confessed to even seven robberies escaped Cape ed from Jail Wednesday only to be re recaptured at 80 30 o'clock this morning momIn by an officer n nt at t BrIgham City who ho took him off ort the O. O S S. L. L L L. train there |