Show r WANT TO GET RID OF WASHINGTON ELK SEATTLE Wash May 28 State 2 State Game Gamo Warden L L. II Darwin has asked tho the United States government to take back tho the harm honn of Montana elk elle liberated rated in Snohomish count county t tho animals bas hav ing ing- become a n. nuisance because a of their depredations on farms The Tho federal authorities will ship the herd berel to Oregon if the tho beasts can call be corralled Another herd hera liberated in in Kin King county coun coun- ty h is is making trouble for the farmers It was was supposed tho the animals would browse in in the mountains but instead th they have come como down to the river bottoms The city eity of Seattle ScattIe is offering elk from the city parks free to members of tho the Order of of Elks who will agree to place them in Eastern zoological gar r. r dens |