Show TYPOGRAPHICAL UNION S I J. J William Wila Ru Russell Rufsell el and J. J E E. Jl penn Lake Typographical union of the Salt Sal Lk have hac been en chosen choen d delegates to t the inter national union convention con which meets In ha n Providence Pro R R. I. I in August H H. 1 C C. JV W S' S Smith and W W. H. H West are alternates I Officers wore elected as a follows I John K C. Skeen Sheen president J. J C. C Ir Crier Krier r 1 vice president I. I F. F B B. E Morris secretary secretary- at treasurer John Priestley sergeant ati clerk cleric H. H ILK reading arms H H. C. C W. W Smith reale cerk K IC Russell I F. F B. B Morris J. J 1 K i. Osborne K II H. C C. Rusel W. W Smith H. H Eugene Glenn Dan 1 U It J. J H. H M. M 1 and Ind W TV A. A It Fuller Fuler delegates to the Salt SaIL Lake Federation Federation Fed Fed- of Labor |