Show WHAT 10 DID FOR iFOR s THIS WOMAN The Price She Paid for Lydia i 5 Vegetable Com Com- t L pound Which Brought f Good Health I t I it Danville Va I I have only spent ten dollars on your medicine and I feel 80 so much better than I Idid I r H did when the doctor to rJ mf was s treating ec i me I Iy y j ii dont don't su suffer any r i t Ii r I f w oj wr d bearing down pains r lL 3 a at t n all II now and d I 1 s sleep 1 cep rg 5 H i f. f well I cannot say l q Hm enough for Lydia E. E 0 ii Pinkham's Vegetable C r iJ j I 1 ble Compound and ands s o 0 0 J Liver Li Pills as they have done BO eo much forme for me I am enjoying enjoying enjoy enjoy- ing leg good health now and owe it all to your remedies I take pleasure in telling telling tell tell- ing my friends end and neighbors about MATTIE HALEY Col- Col Coln n Street Danville Va No woman suffering from any form of female troubles should lose loso hope unI until un un- I f til til she has hIlS given Lydia E. E Pinkham's Vegetable Compound a 3 fair trial I I t This famous remedy the medicinal ingredients of which are derived I from from native roots and herbs has hns for forty years ears proved to be a most 11 1 ble tonic and invigorator of the fe feI female female fe- fe I male organism Women ever everywhere b bear r willing testimony to the wonderful r virtue of Lydia E. E Pinkham's Vegetable ble le Compound f If JI you have the slightest doubt i that JJ Lydia E. E Pinkham's will Compound will help yon i f to Lydia confidential Lynn Mass 1 for ad- ad Your Tour letter will vill be opened 1 read d and ancl answered by n a woman and rand held in strict confidence 1 WE MOVED IVD I TO SAVE RENT L 1 i I f fI r I 1 f I I Upstairs over the I 1 American Theatre Come ome up one flight Save Sav a Dollar on your n next pair Smith Robinson Shoe he Co a t S to 4 J t DEtO flOON i iP 1859 5 Charge P Purchases ure h ases tomorrow en entered t ere d on J June une A Account t paya payable hI e Jul July y 1 1st s. s t Established 18 1859 59 Open Till 9 p. p m. m Tomorrow Closed Tomorrow Saturday U With y holiday y needs in view we ve have planned special offerings offerings for tomorrow tomorrow to- to to tomorrow GOOD GOODS morrow and offer unusual values that will ill enable us to do two days' days business y in GOOD GOODS one tomorrow These and many I items await yo your tr Selection election J e 1 ec t. t lO C Come ear early 1 3 A II McKelvey JJ C K e 1 vey ey S Se Security e curl J V Voucher oue h er with i in n the day For the convenience of 0 our customers this tIns store will vill 1111 be he open oJen till McKelvey Security Voucher Books every overy lOc purchase They Thoy are 9 P p. p in tomorrow arc redeemable for in merchandise mer v valuable x s chandise chandis at t our store tot Charming Charming Silk i Dresses Wash Dresses for Summer CRASH SKIRTS FOR 30 OO and Taffeta Crepe Meteor Meteor and Crepe de phenE Dresses 0 OUTING UTIN G Dimity Organdie and Challie Dresses Pretty styles for summer sum sum- silks color lanY l I and solid C every Wash Skirts made 0 of f excellent 11 en t qua quality duality t l' l linen 1 only of kind and of mod mod- mer wear Figured striped ruffles of f self goods also lace Inca one a copies foreign strIped crash ix iri f tan and white white- strictly pi plain tailored els eIs V Very er desirable models to suit every very in inn and insertion is IS used ed as trimming Pink blue ecru lavender with long tunic effects eff large pearl buttons n- n no o Q and lack blank and white rr down dOWD front b button G rn Special at 18 O 95 Special Petra at 0 tp I special at Q V McKelVey McKelvey Vouchers are valuable 2nd floor S Ss S. S McKelvey Vouchers with every We purchase C 2nd nd rid floor Ask for McKelve McKelvey X Security Vouchers 2nd nd floor s Look 00 Your Best a at Saltair Sale of Hair Ornaments Lovely Walkers present an unparalleled fi collection of chic styles in mens men's Imported Import d and women's moderately priced BATHING G SUITS of surf cloth ParasOls t mohair and taffeta all fitted 1 4 with greatest care Now Non styles ha have o o More than I half of H High h grade ad e no novelties V Ire Representing some MIC of l been arTl arriving b by y express in In the past part Ig gr e I s few e days Today complete collections collet this lot lob were made the choicest choice t creations o or of ready for Decoration Day out some some lD intended tc n d e d t to tobe 0 f foreign d' d designers eSl D' D Din Dis Displayed in iris ing be sold to sell at t Ii 3 00 and andover played playe in m a se selection ec Jon ti as high as as Bathing Acce Accessories Accessories' over on sale at which represents tho the 1000 at each- each 0 advanced each each most fashions N flowers Becoming n rubber bb caps belts pretty I suit shoes bags rubber etc for summer Also Aso women's ti union suits snits s tights and J Our now new arrivals add a distinctive d do o finish to to your our I Some with sto stockings kin attached 1 0 0 1 0 0 summer costume as well as os' furnishing prot protection from nom Main floor e m the sun and wind All An mod moderately priced cd Main am floor joor Ask for far McKelvey Security Vouchers McKelvey Vouchers are valuable A MANUFACTURERS MANUFACTURER'S t S COMPLETE SAM SAMPLE m LINE r I rAll Hosiery Specials Tomorrow All the latest no novelties Many y copied f from OI Paris Parisian n designs sign Glove eve Special Tomorrow To orrow such uch th the as new Casque Fernch Fer ch Twist and Chignon Ch gnon WOMEN'S FINE SILK BILK BOOT HOSE Reinforced HOSE stu studded with pure white and colored stones over in some WALKERS SPECIAL SPECIAL Pure Pure silk gloves 16 but soles cures and the tho wearing guaranteed quality Deep Colors lisle lisIe garter artor black top tan which or white in in insures ink pieces and inlaid with gold and silver only t ton l Y fen Ien length all th s sizes sizes double at p per pcr tipped er Pa pair ir irA fi fin fingers in i J. J white whito J 1 PJ- PJ 00 A Oc value at at at- These are made of the best grade imitation shell in in shell cw s SPECIAL Silk gloves glove lo e clasp 2 Th Three re ree e P. P Pairs aIrS f for or 1 00 amber bow and gray a colors and include the latest length tips ups all white sizes mes and p per pcr black pair air double fin finger fingertips cr C butterfly crescent and French loo loop patterns p KAYSER GLOVES will be found here hero in complete completo assortments as ask WOMEN'S FINE SILK LISLE STOCKINGS Double Dou Double b Ie THIS SALE STARTS AT 10 O'CLOCK silk ion long or short lengths also t the c cha cha- g garter arter to top op p and re reinforced soles bl black ck or white regular First come first served Hard Hardly an two pieces alike moisette gloves gloves go arc sold at stipulated or A A. value at special special- customer and no sale made to employees any of the house before Limit 12 i E 2 two oel to ck a fated manufacturers prices Our assortment complete T Two wo P. P Pairs aIrs f for or 55 C Yam Main aisle Main floor McKelvey McKelve y Vo Voucher uc I ie r Books are redeemable for In at Walkers Walker McKelvey Vouchers Voucher with every purchase CHILDREN'S CHILDRENS LISLE HOSE Tan HOSE Tan sky or pink silk li lo broken sizes and value I Q While they last pair it 1 McKelvey Vouchers are valuable I i M Main i floor Oh Y You'll Want to Share in This Visible V isi b Ie F Footwear 00 r rO N New Bleached Panamas Outing O U t- t Specials peCla I s sIf If you are planning a a. holiday trip dont don't for forgot ot the little articles necessary to comfort and convenience tf such ass I 5 Peroxide Cream for tor removing tan and sunburn urn A Toilet to carry toilet necessities and up Vault Vanity Cases containing rou rouge rougo o or powder powder pu puff and mirror wash I Wash Cloth and Rubberized Case f Talcum Powder Jergens' Jergens size cans J Outing Packages es eson containing on al m g 6 each of tho the follow follow- following follow follow- 9 r a In this day daj of visible isible footwear you OU cannot be bo too particular par park ing Waxed Lazo drinking cups waxed lunch wrappers wrap is z 1 titular about yours yours- ours pe pers r rs tissue napkins absorbent p paper er towels 2 Paper Cups ps p's in paraffin package ell et 12 for or Paper Dish Rags Bags package o of six c Dont Don't t compare these with the coarse unbleached Panamas J Just US t R Received d b by y E Express Paper Plates s all all air sizes dozen ozen that youve you've been in the habit of Paper Napkins plain plan white crepe per in seeing at near this price rice For W Women Thermos Bottles BoUlos pints quarts 50 These are a fine grade Japanese Panama in four of the most omen Main floor pOP popular uIa r shapes spes ha Inc including I u d. d l g mus mushroom hr oom a and d b bonnet onne t e. e effects if ec ts A sterling sterlin patent colt vamp amp cloth back quarter You You'll 11 note the Colonial sight Ii light ht flexible ible welt elt solo new leather cubanola cuban cuban- p pure use white finish It Its It's s in In demand right has bas SPECIAL SALE OF HAIR GOODS now ola heel that a very cJ close se fitting throat and free re therefore this feature price of for such splendid quality ball space a number 10 in appearance flA switches t C h es 49 hoc 60 c washable was h a bl 0 35 P Panama anama h hats a t s will w ill be b t d that wo we shall sell for pO 2 e appreciated e C Cr at hair rolls roUs r trans transfer transfer- at for for- C hair tonic tome Parisi y to C OTHERS EXTRA FINE AT AND ESPECIALLY MARY OUR JAMES JANES DESIGNED OUR NEW COMMON LINE IS SEN SENSE BUILT E LASTS o ON NEW SAILORS SAILORS Just from New York b by express Black and black blaek and THAT TAT GIVE PERFECT FOOT FREEDOM CANDY SPECIALS A L S white TWO RUNS OF PRICES SPANISH PEANUT BRITTLE BRITTLE Made Mado of genuine HATS FOR TOE LITTLE TOTS-A TOTS great variety o er every one ono as cute cote as can be Sizes Si a z to 11 11 2 Sizes 8 82 2 t to 0 11 1250 Spanish peanuts a most d delicious licious candy that usually HATS DrI REDUCED All D U CED- CED CEDI All Al I spring nul millinery I. I now r reduced half to-half and less Jess Sizes ll lH 2 to I 2 2250 Sizes 1114 to tr 2 2 sells at lb Ib Special Friday only 90 3rd floor Sizes 2 21 2 a to 6 Sizes z to 7 7 per pound UL Turn Soles Welt Soles Sole A Ask Aak k for McKelvey Security Vouchers Voucher Main floor McKelvey Voucher Books are redeemable for In at Walkers McKelvey Vouchers Vou herl with every purchase Annex Anno Childrens Children's White Girls' Girls I White Voile Dresses Dresses Stylish Boys' Boys Suits Jersey Silk New Camisoles Camisole Sanity Sanitary Skirt i Two TIto to 6 years made of fine Front Font of ot waist daintily em em- m Wool Suits with two P pairs airs Petticoats Made Mado of f fine white net Protector whito whit lawn or round broidered d pleated skirt skirt- awn square ti of trousers Norfolk style In all an colors to threaded with colored rib rib- sleeves sleet lon for graduation or Memorial match your for rout white while li nc neck k 8 short ort es long D your or light ht waist WRIst skirt finished with fine find o Day exercises c ages es 3 S to H 14 Special price suit made made mad with narrow bop bons Special dresses ses t to protect your Jour skirt embroidery yr f fresh yeah years e S' S Special I 10 tomorrow 3 95 J le ruff ruffle I 2 fl 29 n 98 price c from from soiling and 9 3 48 0 Special price O an and d c clean I ea n OC c price pO p values tomorrow C 2nd nd floor 2nd nd C floor 2nd Oud floor 2nd n floor 2nd Ond floor rid 2nd o n d floor n LEADING STORES IN EVERY LINE GIVE SECURITY VOU VOUCHERS HERS B K i Hi A List That Will Make Things Lively in the Economy Remarkable Values in Women's Suits Women's Dresses On Sale NO t PHONE Until J ORDERS 1 pm rm N New Washable v e Mens Men's e Union n Suits S Medium u weight eight I short Dresses Dresse resse 1 0 90 1 1090 0 90 sleeves perfect and ankle length all nil size Biros jo Women's Silk Hose 1 48 2 98 5 98 Special pair slight mill Imperfections P s s All 1111 tI the t materials t. t 1 Dresses matel materials wIs of Cl Crep epo de Chine Clune MesSaline res ahne black white and ami colors silk J new rua such h S C nc SUC as Serges Crepes an and d throughout double gart garter r tops top dou dou- double Taffetas and Silk Poplins Th The e prettiest imag n ble bie heel JC le sole and 98 an Gabardines colors including and black 33 3 8 navy 11 a Vj enable silk dresses you ou have ever c ev fi r been offered toe toc 4 C coats lined hued with all silk peau de chine draped at this tills price All sizes Note f again um the tilt tremendous trek tre Women Women's s Silk Blouses Black white whit e and slid flowered silks tiered and slid L At each h erica J you 0 u will find models mod mod- men d. d price style all sizes Ize fl O Cf els el you would exp expect ct to see skirts at 1090 sacrifice ce 1090 new models tp 2 25 priced much hi higher her Made Mado from Childrens Children's s Union Suits fino fine ti tissue fabric chambray Poro and nd Balbriggan well ell fin finished tin tin- all sizes sires madras embroidery gin gingham ham lawn oile voile and Lon Long Silk Gloves Dressy Boys' Boys New v Silk White Tub for bo boss garments s and girls e P Petticoats tt t Women's omen s Union Suits UI S Suits e S Sk Skirts n omens Women's omens j Jersey ribbed l t cotton union Every ery r dress dres s is 15 a a. new ne w model m d l button 16 length silk Black mck lack white pinK blue suits cults low lo nock n ck and lac lace trimmed embroideries with neat Val al and lace dainty and nd gloves with double Two navy nav blue pairs an and d trousers fancy tan and most all all the theother he Plain model of oil nil trimmed sizes Ize knee r. r C tipped fingers white chito twe tweed d mixtures mixtures- all aU other shades in including ludin exec excellent 11 qua quality r It white ht I e p pleated Fated nets eer every style style- errs crisp p Coats for for Women and chan all aU ail silk new and attract attractive e and de ire Il decidedly black tan tax and g gray sizes They The sure surely will repp seep trimmed with p pearl pear earl splendid A allies values ht at the Special value at pair pair pair- a appeal cal on s sight bt to every stitched mescaline me ahue throughout seams scams double cut buttons all aU lengths tbs and curl Children Child ren u up to date dato mother mother- other other- waist Odds and ends lust gat 20 In measures measures- above e ricer s s- s ff p prices full frill across laps hips hips- 2 50 all all a cleanup cala y v t Surprise Watch windows Sale for Friday 6 9 C 2 5 0 9 L 1 e 2 5 empire with Serpentine sateen i Long Land band and of Crepe shirred crepes crepe cr pel backs Ki in inn In all nil trimmed a colors C CY Y |