Show MARCH LIQUOR SALE drank worth of liquor in March the sale of which added to sales ot of purchase pe permits l land and alcohol gave the state liquor control commission a gros profit of and a net ot of for the month The figures were contained Inthe commissions commission's monthly report lub aub mUted to Governor Henry H. H Blood Friday by H Hugh gh B. B Brown ch chair chair- man I IThe The The In liquor or sold cost the commission Permit Pet Per mit sales totaled 1750 Sales and wages cost Enforcement cost The commission reported It had hadon on hand at the close of March stocks valued at a reduction Uon tion of more more than from that on hand the first of the year From the first first- ot of the year to the end or of March the commission reported re re-i ported lIabilities were to The commission finIshed Ui the the- month owIng no money to s in beer lI license fees ha having hang ng paid these oblIgations I Cash in banks totaled March 31 Loss from breakage in hi hithe inthe the month was Rental costi were wera 1605 1005 Liquor sales Increased over February |