Show Sell Your Roadside Stand Stand Hotel Hotel Cabin or Land land Here Here Now I I j m MAIN ST. ST PHONE WAS I- I Published by The Th Telegram Publishing I Company 2 Al A. 1 L. L Fish re General af Manager LUMM O tiU k Dally with SUn Sunday a TrI Tribune jr per week Bally Dilly except e t Sunday per week 11 n B MAIL JaU aun-JaU Daily WIth Sunday Tribune In advance Utah Clan Idaho Nerada and nd Wyoming 1 85 1 year eJU 1000 Dall Daily except t In advance 1 month o I 1 year el Ii m th the United statu Dall Daily with SUnda Sunday Tribune 1 I month 12 dally daily except Sunday Sunda 1 3 month r Th Tb Tele Telegram 1 U a member of OX th th Associated Asso elaUd Pre Tha Th Fu Press Prea U Ii ex- ex c- c entitled to the tho us usa ua Mr for or cation of all new newa dispatches credited I Irid to ft im It or not otherwise e credited In to thU paper paar rid nd also aim the tha local news new Reynolds Inc OZee New york City Ere 15 lf Madison Ave Chicago caN No Michigan Are An Philadelphia tind Land Title Bui Building dug Detroit 8 General Motors Building San fian Franc Co 38 58 8 Sutter treet Lo 10 An An- elu elez W. W th Seattle attle Lloyd r Tilt Tha Telegram legum I Is I. a member 0 of the Audit Bureau of Circulation r Entered as second class matter at the post lICit office at Salt It Laic Laka City Utah under act of March dueh 8 Radio Programs FRIDAY MAY HAY 1 I P. P PM PY If NBC String NBC String Serenade The The Melody Parade PAnde and the Penn Penn- NBC Pred NBC Fred Waring l TOo TOo- NBC NBC The Champions featuring l pt f. f Richard Himber and his bia orchestra r with Stuart Allen AIea and tarr starring Lanny Ross Rou NBC Marlon NBC Marlon Oc el Taller ej with the orchestra or or- 4 chestra directed by Josef Koestner The The Opportunity Hour presenting pre pre pre- canting outstanding students indent of Utah music teachers and tonight featuring John Barker Buker and Jane Pembroke vocalists NBC NBC Amos n Andy 81 Robert Robert Robert Scott tenor with Louis Erwins Erwin's orchestra NBc NBC Jesse Crawford organist KD 00 ane and his bt violin with Jan and Virginia Rea Ru r C soloists Friendly Philosopher 9 15 The The NBC NBC The Court of ot Human Relations Relations Rela Rela- dramatization I 1000 R Trans Radio dlo News Varieties popular 1005 1005 Evening melodies 1020 W Waltz Jh Time 1030 NBC Hotel NBC Hotel Biltmore orchestra Trans Radio News New 11 1100 Trans Radio 11 1105 Palace NBC 0 NBC S NBC Palace ace Hotel Orchestra 1130 NBC Hotel NBC Hotel Mark Hopkins Hopkins- orches- orches tra 1200 All All Request Bequest program A. A M. M NI Fht SATURDAY MAT HAT 2 II Rocky 30 Rocky Mountain Rambler Ramblers with Uncle Jake T The OO The Musical Clock West em and Modern Songs Radio Trana Trans Radio News New HelO Melodic Interlude S 81 NBC 15 NBC Norsemen Quartet NBc Jerry NBC Jerry sun Sears and hi his hi arches arches- tra 9 NBC Concert NBC Concert Miniature 9 Radio TraIa Trans Radio New News 9 20 Interlude 9 The NBC NBC The Merry Clo orchestra orchestra orches orches- n tra directed by Norman O L. L 10 1000 Oo Trans Radio N News ws 10 1005 NBC Maurice NBC Maurice and his bis 1030 N The NBC NBC Mayfair h Tha Casino ro Lotus s orchestra Gardens Gardens' 3 orchestra Emerson GUI directing 1100 Carefree 1100 Carefree ardree Capers po popular Ulu orchestra and soloists Trans Radio News New 11 1125 Trana NBC 1130 NBC Carnegie Tech Symphony oi or or- chutra chiatra NBC 1200 1200 NBC Lets Let's Swing the Top Hatters Ratten Rat Hat m w ten orchestra ct U with Carlotta Dale P. P y 1215 Man 1215 Man on the Street 1230 NBC Week NBC Week End Revue varle variety program with the o orchestra directed direct dint ed ad fy by Harold a Levey Lavey e eo NBC NBC Virginia Stare State Stale Choral Festi Peati- val 1 NBC TUnC NBC Tunes 11 of the Timer Time orchestra orches orchel li kT tra directed by Jack Macida kl NBC Talk NBC Talk by Igor Isor I. I NBC Alpine im NBC Alpine Village orchestra lIlU m trans Radio I N News 33 Ama NBC NBC Alma Kitchell 3 NBC MS NBC Religion in the News New 4 NBC ConnIe NBC Connie Gates Gatti contralto his ht violin NBC Ricardo NBC and Kangaroo 3 Kangaroo Club Clu children s program NBC goO NBC St St. i. i Francis Hotel Rote orchestra 30 NBC National Peace PeCCI program Subject Should We Trade Abroad NBC Frank 00 NBC Frank Fay Pay Calling Paid advertisement a FRIDAY MAY 1 P If CBS CBS Hollywood d Hotel Hote Raymond Paige and his orchestra Jean lean Dick Frances Langford and Igor Garth Gorin soloists with Bette Davis Davs guest star Ur- Dance CBS CBS Dance A e with Andre Andr etz eta and his orchestra Kay Xay Thomp flomp- son aon Roy Heatherton and the Rhythm Singers CBS The CBS The March Harch of ot Time drama drama- of the tho news nw of qZ the day with ok Van na nar nar- 45 Little Theater of Music Don CBS CBS Don Redmond and his bI orchestra orchestra or or- chestra CBS Renfrew CBS Renfrew of the be Mounted thrilling stories le of the north wood CBs CBS fp Paris Night l h Lire Life starring li ArmIdA Mexican and Paul Le La International News New II 9 Oo Tarzan CBS CBS Cummins and his bis or theatre chestra Don CBs CBS Don Bettor Bestor and his orches arches tra 1000 CB Alida CBS Allda Sturman songs song with organ 1015 1015 International News 1030 1030 Wrestling Matches from Me- Me Cullough's CUllOUgh Arena Aren with Tomm Tommy Axelson sports commentator 1100 1100 Merle Carlson and his or or- 1130 Sterling 1130 Sterling Young and his orchestra orchestra Midnight 12 1200 Dick Dick Jurgens urgen and sod his or or- chestra 1230 Eddie Eddle Eddie Oliver and tit his or or- chestra 1 GOOd Oo Good NI Night ht SATURDAY MAY MAT 2 z A. A If Sunrise Serenade 7 press CBS CBS Pres Radio News Miniature Miniature Musicale Early Morning Melodies t 7 International 45 International News e Breakfast Melodies Shopping News New I penn Pena CBS Perm Military College Glee club dub I Musical CBS CBS Musical Reverie Reveries Ken Woods Woods' II orchestra h et Stuart urt Churchill cro soloist and readings n by 0 Onto Orsen Wells I. I George CBS CBS George Hall 11 and his hili orches orches- tra 1000 The The Magic Hade Hour Conrad Thi- Thi bault Don Voorhees and sod his hi or or- chestra chetra Kay KIY Thompson and the 10 18 1015 Shopping lg E Eit Shopping Bulletins it ln lJ 1030 1030 Home with Miss MUi Iu Nancy Finch 1045 Buffalo CBS CBS Buffalo Presents 1100 CBS Al CBS Al Roth and his n t tha ad 1113 Serve 1115 Serve and Save with Ida G. G Abbott 1130 The cBs CBS The Three Stars 1145 clydl CB CBS Barrie baritone 1200 International News Newl 1215 1215 Down CBS Down by Hermans Heman 1230 Tour CBS CBS Tours In Tone 1 Oo Musical Matinee Isis CBS CBS Isle of ot Dreams Dream from Portland Port Port- land Popular Popular Concert Motor CBS CBS Motor City Melodies Ii IW Frederic CBS CBS Frederic William Wile le The rIle Political Situation la in Washington TO Today CBS The CBS The Kentucky Derby from Churchill Downs with Thomas Bryan George turf commentator CBS Bruna CBS Bruna Castagna contralto with concert orchestra BOY Boy Scouts Scout Program Prop 4 Herbert CBS CBS Herbert Foote organist with soloist 5 00 Merchants Merchants' Radio Column 00 Mr A A. W. W Morrison speaker Paid advertisement MARION MAR ION TALLEY y LOOK AND FEEL 10 YEARS YO YOUNGER FOLLOW THE HOLLYWOOD HABIT EAT SEN f EXERCISE 41 I REGULARLY SERVE RY f IN PLACE OF AT Crisp delicious Ry wafers are 3 simply limply whole rye salt sale and water That's why they're l safe e wholesome filling but lul not J alIening Slim radl- radl p t Marion Talley SiS Si'S 10 day dayI I weigh only pounds pounds- t thanks to toRy toRy-Krisp and the Holt Hol- Hol t I lywood Habit Habits Instead of feeling feeling feel feel- ing jog older ibm than I did in 1926 1926 I 1 t actually u feel reel 10 years younger MARION TALLEY r SINGS TONIGHT i P. P PM P.M. M. M t i. i t- t MONUMENTS MARKERS f sped l grave markets markers 10 l i full ln line of flower noer PO pots l urns urn an and ana bi bird hath baths W. W C Morris I ito So E F. FLORISTS C tiu Funeral flowers a a. specialty East Oth South Hy My Floral Tributes by Brown arranged by competent floral artists that really know how is III your guarantee guar gust antee antel when you buy from either of the BROWN FLORAL COMPANY'S TWO STORES STORE Greenhouses South and Jordan river r or E. E 2nd South W WASATCH SJ T W 1040 CALL AN EXPERT ABSTRACTS PATENTS ABSTRACTS PATENTS GOO GOOD got get good loans loana n Expert till man Thai Thos ot kcf Homer l Stats State ta W. W A TUO THOMAS A U U. U H. H Keg Reg Trade marks Drawings Benson ANYTHING REPAIRED gr E EE us UI for special rope ana cable splicing Leo Lee and Marcotte Hy Ny J. 1101 So East Beat A Maytag Mayta weaner parts Paris We W. repair repair re re- re pair r any make of washer Meier's Ma May r tag Shop So Stats State t Was Waa 3 ROYAL Furniture Co E. E 2nd So Was WaL 1391 1591 l. l refine and repairing AIR IR CONDITIONING REFRIGERATION BAX R ICE MACHINE CO me Automatic refrigerating air ir condi tion machinery S. S State W. W G. G C. C Campbell and nd Associates Consulting Air C Conditioning En Engineers PRIVATE RESIDENCES OFFICES CES AND D p PUBLIC BUILDINGS 6 fD G 10 NESS AIR CONDITIONING Practical ac economical equipment q for ft ret retail stores restaurants offices hotels hotelL ho ho- telL tel private homes bome individual rooms room THE rIlE FINEST IN m ELECTRIC REFRIGERATION FLINT DISTRIBUTING CO East 3rd South Was Wu RUDY UDY FURNACE AG AGENCY NCY AND AliD Alit AlK CONDITIONING Johnson Sheet Shut Metal and Heating Co B. B State W W. 1189 Monday thru Friday NBC CLUE BLUE NETWORK I Tune in KLO LO p. p m. m MST SAME TIME SAME NIGHT But a j i Spot on I I STATION f KOhL P. P M 7 Mountain Standard Time I RICHARD HIMBER and his LANNY GUEST STAR J I CALL AN EXPERT ASSA ASSAYERS UNION Away Assay Of Office flee Ii Inc I 1 V. V 0 O. O Box 15 1528 8 4 So West Temple Was Wu 1199 D. D AWNINGS SMITh MITH a ADAMS mfg awnings a camp equi equip lowest prices price awnings complete up 2 Edison Edlon W. W HiM A. A A. A A. A TENT It AWNING Awnings Awning ZOo mid and up Ui umbrella tents and camp equipment 2 3 Bo go State StILle Was Wan 1323 BRICK PLASTER CEMENT CEMENT PLASTER WORK u Drack SU ln Co penetrating brick stain used 41 Ness Nelli Was Wu or Hy M. BLACKSMITH WELDING BOILERS WELDI ITH-WELDI WELDING N BOILERS G-BOILERS BOILERS WE clean boilers furnaces reas rus Was Wall M. CANVAS GOODS WESTERN TENT a AWNING CO Gust Guar can goods 45 S S. S W. W T T. W W. 2270 2276 CONTRACTORS Day CONTRACTORS Day or Job JENSEN SONS bufi building Carpenter and concrete East Hyland work gen Sen g O. O NT R W WORK 0 R it K REMODELING CONTRACTING HYLAND 2146 G. G FLOOR FINISHING ELE ELECTRIC e for rent also 10 polisher I r ar Jn 60 So State tl Was 15 LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED SHARPENING Ideal r Rep g Shop repairing 1936 1980 rJ 9 s. factory 11 it E. E L Luif eqUi equip LA LAWN W MOWERS MOVERS sharpened SUe at t your house u e repairing reasonable jig Hy W. W LA LAWN WN WN mo mowers went sharpened n d and repaired Chas A. A Fowler Fowier k key safe and lock works to 20 yrs yes at l 62 W. W y a ai W. W i MOVING AND STORAGE COAST to coast moving at reduced ed rates rales I covered er by Ins No o crating packing n I r gir f nee Fireproof st Storage Mollerup log ing Storage Co 3 S. W. W T. T Q W. W 1562 in tho the west vest Dy oy O Motor I Van Bonded service Cargo Carbo Insurance Expert china packer Guaranteed de dc Reasonable rates ratu Delivery Deliver when by Redman d promised IV Van Owned Storage and Co o operated W. W r I W YE WE SPECIALIZE SPI IN MOVING SALT HALT LAKE TRANSFER CO WAS WAR 2338 Hadley T Transfer Storage Storo Co 40 EAST BROADWAY WAS WAIl 1176 TRANS EK CO CU Was Wo We move furniture pianos planos etc ete PAINTING CLEANING PAPERING PAPERING CLEANING HOUSECLEANING CO Responsibility and service Was Ws 42 6 FOR rel reliable labia a rp gers call sJ SUNSET p PAINT WALLPAPER R CO 40 E. E 1st lit South South Was Wal P PAPERHANGING AP palatine painting wall cleaning prices m reasonable e br free i est cit I Was Waa 1164 i PAIN PAINTING papering remodeling modeling wont ork guar Rca p Call Calf f Fred Was R. B. f PAINTING p papering cleaning brick c stainIng stain stain- tog Ing wIt wk guar n Mr rc Lyman Hy My R. 2002 o I IDEAL e gen housecleanIng 1 tf Si rugs cl ci 1 H. H M. EXPERT EIGERT wallpaper p cleaning prices reason reason- oo FX able lI t fly Hy W Wag or fly Hy W. l W REPAIRING arches built buit S 2 up up remodeling n cleaning Soc OO up up J. PAPERING painting cleaning first tnt class clau I v wk k k gust guar Jar teas reas rea Wilkinson W. W R. B. P PAINTING papering r CI cleaning etc ra teas reas rates d guar ref fi fly Hy 1 W. 7 W. W PAINTING pl papering pl plastering remodel remodel- Ing Est Eat Elt given L L. L 1 E. E Clark R. PAPERING rca reas rUI wash waa samp amp gust Paint Palt long Ions exp exp Jacobs Hy Hr 2 W. 2550 ow CALL Hy liy K U R for expert workman very vry reasonable Mr r. r Pearson Et EXPERT paperhanging cleaning el P painting 3 W o Was W P GINO painting wall cleaning prices reasonable free e est eat Was arI 1164 PAINTING paper cleaning nn A. 1 work rk Low p prices J H Hy M. 1115 PRINTERS PRINTERS BOOKBINDING BOOKBINDING c OO class clUS corn com c b work work Edison Ellon iut I sL 1 W. W 1801 ISOL volt KOR private and ami public library binding public yn F. F G. G Dust Co C 21 Edison Eon SU at t W. W 1670 RADIO TECHNICIANS RADIO TECHNICIANS' TECHNICIANS ASSOCIATION OF UTAH Members e of the a association rl n equipped 1 r rt WI with Instruments e of high precision type stand r ready t to give you dependable depend dependable able service 7 High standards t of workmanship workmanship work work- manship t and arid the use UJ of first quality replacement parts are guaranteed RADIO SERVICE AND AD REPAIR SHOP RIO The finest equipped shop hop In the state Auto In drive or service to your our home uto 60 E. E So Was Wall 1534 ROME HOME Service Co completely equipped to toa tok tol too service l all makes k of radios 0 Uon o guar a E. E 8 3rd So Waa LEE LUD RADIO A a REFRIGERATOR LE RDO SERVICE Bryan ave ave Hy My J J. J CARLOS CROFT CROF WAS WAS 2231 Automotive CLOS Radio specialist 41 Main Mala Ja JAMES B B. CO 57 7 AMES RICHARDS KYSOR ST. ST WAS 2552 2552 H. H A A- PARK AUTOMOBILE RADIO RDO B SPECIALIST COVEY COVET OAR GAB GAR W. W C. C LEE WRIGHT MAGNA UTAH PHONE GAB CAR GA J. J. J WHOLESALE PARTS SUPPLY CO MEMBERS lERS OF UTAH UTA RADIO FELT RADIO COMPANY Wholesale Distributors Standard replacement parts part R. R R C. C C X A. A Hickok Triplett S Sup Supreme U p z rem e m e Clough Clough- Hickok Brengle test teat tet equip Free Feo Catalog catalog catalog Fast Fat l Service S. S Main Ua Was Vas W. W L L. COWlS COUTTS COUTS INC 01 SOUTH STATE STAT WAS WAh 2290 RADIO PARTS PART AND SUPPLIES RDO WHOLESALE EXCLUSIVELY MOTOROLA DISTRIBUTORS SPECIALIZED CAR RADIO RADI SERVICE BAILEY INC WEST BROADWAY WAS WAS 2811 WHOLESALE RADIO RADI SUPPLY SO 50 MAIN dAI STREET Write for tor our new spring catalogue SERVICE TECHNICIAN DEMAND TILE THE H BEST DEST GENUINE R R. R C. C A. A A Parts Parti and test equipment IP by the worlds world's ar largest lt ra radio organization Wholesale re Radio a Dept WHOLESALE EXCLUSIVELY Z 5 Z C. C If L A AVE V RUG CLEANING fRANK MARTIN CC CO expert rug nig r. r upholstered furniture cleaning oriental ru THE rug specialists 1630 So So State Hy fly ROMNEY Rug Cleaning Co C It costs cOils no more mort for tor the best bet 1015 So E. E Hy HOME RUG CLEAN CLEANERS nS We restore the orl original color Was Wa C CLEANERS Finest rug rc cleanIng clean clen I log Ing la In tl city ellY Wilton Oriental or work at nt home If I desired fly Hy 60 SALT HALT Car Carpet t Cleaning E Expert work LA r reaL reaL- rL prices prices 30 So S. S E. E Hy My H. H 2019 WINDOW SHADES SHADES DRAPES SHADES DRAPES WINDOW W Lowes prices free fre samples and quotations allowances made on old roust rollers shades shade reversed So Sn So State W. W Was Wai V VENETIAN bUnds blinds lineal finest varieties In |