Show DRUNK DRIVER DRIVER- i f 1 GETS JAIL TERM I 1 l W. W wn R R Cox Cor 25 23 East Eat Burton avenue Friday Friday was wag sentenced ed to pay pap pay a a. fine tine or or spend 60 days tho n r city jail when he- he was Nos con con- tiered 1 In n p police olice court of of drunken driving I 7 dont don't know V why you t fellows dont don't ieL learn n that two gl glasses of beer or or four lour glasses of beer dont don't mix with an automobile Judge A A. H. H Ellett told Cox Cox chose the jail sentence and WM was was given a array stay of of execution of execution until Saturday He was Bas arrested April 23 at Ninth South and State streets after an sn n automobile driven by by him collided with tho rho rear of another machine The defendant r refused to an allow ow tho co court urt to appoint an attorney saying I r think you'll believe belle my side aide of ot it lt Im Tm telling the rho truth Cox testified that Special Officer Art Smertz who made the arrest struck him on the tho jaw knocking him down and dazing him biro after tho tho n accident which was a minor one commitments to to city jail were o C red issued for four toUl convicted an sentenced reckless drivers who hat haZi been allowed stays of ot execution tio tion in order to to- to pay their finesT fines ine ineT T OSO ordered committed and their sentences were Floyd Jacob lien sen v sentenced March 31 t to pay 35 0 oV 0 J server serve ten days Glenn Anderso Anderson An An- derson derso 30 East Eighth South street sentenced April 10 SO to pa pay 75 or 20 days Carl Crowther 31 31 1202 West Vest Sixth South street sentenced d April 23 to pay 50 or serve erve 15 15 days das and Reed l liner ner 27 First First avenue 8 sentenced April 3 to pay 2 2 or Dr or serve three days William iThompson ompson 39 West iest South Te Tc s e street was sentenced to pay a 1 1 lV i fIne Ine or spend four days in jail tl he hs appeared for fot se set sentence sentence sen sen- t tence nce Ellett Ho He plead plead- d- d ill 1 to reckless driving Merline B B. B Holmstead B. Holmstead 23 American Ameri Amen c can J Fork For fk f 3 3 and Sam n 40 f forfeited rf 5 5 w when en the they failed to appe appear r on an charges of ot Ign ig ignoring Ig- Ig n noting noring ring ring- stop rig sig rs I F Do Forest Fores Forest 33 33 West Vest Broadway Broad- Broad way ay was fined 10 tined fined 10 for or driving a truck with fault brakes and 5 f for r Ignoring a red t traffic taCtic light when be he- plead pleaded d guilty gUmy to both charges |