Show c GLASSES CLASSES LASS ES NOMINATE OFFICERS AT U U. U OF U V. V I Candidates for class offices at atthe atthe atthe the University of Utah were nominated nominated nominated nomi nomi- at a n. special assembly Friday at 1220 p. p m. m in the Little theater of the Union building Nominees include David King senior class president Miss Doroth Dorothy Dorothy Doro Doro- th thy Paine vice president Miss Dorothy Dorothy Dorothy Dor Dor- othy Stockman secretary and Mike Masaoka treasurer Junior class president William Bowerbank vice president Mildred Kurtz Kurta secretary Miss Betty Moreton Moreton Moreton More- More ton treasurer Jack Alston and Kenneth Carlston Sophomore class president Herbert Herbert Herbert Her Her- bert Price and Alton Jenkins vice president Miss Helen Mathews and Miss Anne Anno De Dc Ogilvie secretary Miss iss Shirley Davis Miss Margaret Gulp Culp and Miss Kayo Kac Smith treasurer treasurer treasurer treas treas- Richard Glade Nominations by petition may be made until Wednesday until according to Larry second vice president nt in charge of elections Balloting will be held May 15 to select final officers |