Show THE AMERICUS CLUB CLIB out our distinguished visitors front new york members or ilia celebrated americas club male made but a brief tarry in the llie city of the saints they saw aw everything worth except the A bics tics office aud and they made that loss up by going to the hot sulphur spring which they found orthodox enough and nd touch more amusing they also called on tit air Brig liam yo young aag who them io in courtly style and evidently made a very favorable impression Impresa ion upon them since they a assured us that he suggested in his bis very form and bearing ilia person or of does boss tweed cil the ilia president of the americus americua club thi the roia idoga knows how to handle nien men and so BO does mr young as the americus americua boys probably discovered the club was honored ani leaders ders of the church as far at ar ogden the hospitalities of the azicri cus club are of a princely character and we doubt not its in guests lad had a very enjoyable trip to the pacific railroad with wilb tile the splendid eplen did wine and the be excellent cigars brought from tile blossom club bouc hou 0 in ID now york we are arc sorry that our visitors could vot not find fina time to visit the silver mines of the territory they would tara hare found something more wonderful than the ho mines of new york city they ought to have invested in a few feet and ana become in a measure interested in the iha marrial ma mat trial rul aud and political prosperity of this section of the continent we regret not bot to have seen in the company the boss who was detained by political duties in new york and mayor alls smiling face was tho missed some soma of these days wo we shelf have them here as guests as 03 it u is the he last thing in the political line li oe now a days to visit v nit the saint and the pacific coast we hope tile americus club chill delegation will find their journey journ eyb throughout the country thoroughly enjoyable and will return east with an aa enlightened opinion odthe of the far west |