Show Z I 1 I 1 I 1 hiura 39 29 dhere are ties in the peace I 1 tice congress Con gresi un oil the iho subject of r contributions and requisitions since the armistice myro 29 A fresh conroy of german L a ud bourg by sea ca the Gover government has bag ordered the entire stoppage of the provisioning of paris by tho the seine paris 23 29 the cannom canti onide da hiu ceased all along the line the sout ife ern forts are dilapidated and it is 13 beloved believed go is will are I 1 soon bo be unten tible the communists will blow them up if they are re obliged to 0 abandon them paris 29 tho the northern railway his fill paid three hundred thousand find and ilia lyons railway franci franc demanded deDi by tile the commune other roads have also paid the western A decree of Clu suret divides tho the army into two corps ODD for external and the other for internal defence dombrowski Dombrow sli commands comin ands exter external and la cecilia internal dis de fences another decree urges the officers ficera of of the nationals to be I 1 lurnis cd ad with regular commissions irarra 20 oj 01 the occasion on 0 of I 1 aiu T elections tile on part parti a sana of the paris commune comm unc have isas issued sued a revolutionist address no tur lince bance yet jet washington glion 23 29 the president vi fl ill give a st elate lie dinner this evading to airthea all the foreign ministers and charge dah daff dira and their wives no other persons will be present except secretary and mrs 1 uli uh chicago 29 iton ilon sharon tin tu dale ex ci secretary of state of ill illinois a was murdered at a m 1 tod to today d ly while on the way from his re idenie to the railroad depot the place where the body was found gives evidence of a severe mere struggle great G reat C excitement exists in ia the city and the mayor beavor lias offered one thousand dollars dollari reward for the d discovery I 1 and arrest of the assassin new york 29 1110 a v ing tw I 1 ife heads he tag of the department of the pity city government to reduce their for the ensuing year ICU as the total available an amount I 1 all it which the tax levy permits to lc be raised is seven minions of dollars below the estimate washington 20 tho the fol following lowin 9 letter was written today loday to lo day by commie ajon bidner er pleasanton and lent bent to supervisor dutcher new york sir I 1 it there ii A a misunderstanding as lt the proper execution of the act 01 ol congress assessing incomes the will govern section eleven ot ol the act of congress of july hah 1870 only requires every person of lawful oge 0 0 whose gross income during the preceding year two thousand dollars to male still and render a return to the as of the in which iso bo resides persons wl vl oso comes are arc less thin that amount ire re riot not required to male returns nor der is ia there any authority of law fyr for assessors to call for suet such returns philadelphia 29 john taggart Tag sart of the sunday times was coni convicted isted 0 of f a libel on manager foxs coxs american variety theatre to day was sentenced hy y judge paxton to py ply a fine of a hundred dollars sod costly cort henry 0 ilia his sour BOU was sentenced to pay it a fine or twiny dollars dollari anil and costs before the sentence was pro flounced to agert submitted to the judge laucis hum from the prosecution rout cut to bis big family 1 as 03 in mitigation instigation of the libel complained complain cil or of which are said to be unfit for publication and the he judge mitigated sentence st louis louia 29 lawrence kabuss kan papers in their accounts of the ms ma enous cerious death of isaac M K ruth in ia hit bat city wednesday night say bay dr meddia tt las has paid lira ruth marked attention some timo time past which taken in ia connection with wilh tho the sudden death of the doctors Doc tort wire wife not 10 long a ago has J giten v or rise to suspicions F sa on I 1 that at h ho I 1 poisoned 0 in ruth in order that h be sai might Z t obtain b t in mrs ruth rath the D doctor tor is it under der arc arrest 8 t it is ia aidi abo 0 stated elated that mrs airs i ruth buti is ia or r ested on oil suspicion cion ofin owing something about the affair ur mrs cluth WM was formerly the ire or of se seymour bulale Voul Ou laic lale a a crim criminal sla clawy lawyer wy r of th conr this city ty and a created great cut scandal 1 by her bar conduct which in oLl aiDing g a di torce dorco froni from her bar N Y 29 A det despatch patch from paris thursday evening says ays that on wednesday night in a toc i i of ol 01 the battalion from barricade at if forty fortt communists were bur rounded by I 1 catalf cavalry 7 the communists itta retreated but four were captured and immediately shot one of the captured regained the lines linca in a dying tlc and was taken to me bic etre hospital the Vermil lists tool look the barricades in but 4 1 1 were ere NOl Ic labon n k at chateau a 11 cm purl iby y lias been b nil all day tin the bare abaid tied their guess anil an the furt 1 ort i is rc arcil Ima lilo losa iasi beavy the li Is betki cili r in n rue pa hi seres ih J beds heds IA rian rall ol at cl viliam alir is are arc forced to 10 fight aud ulio iilo dpra f dihe llie I 1 litwar t 1 i about fitly nest and babs hinging li inin about ilo ilia billoni oil Loni R jl station bt stati oi our I 1 rounded arid pressed into sers ice |