Show irwy 6 E special to the it kemt I 1 new york 29 lato late which have been circulated though I 1 generally that changes were soon to tale talc place in the state and treasury departments by the reth ement ol of secretaries fish and boutwell are arc emphatically denied from washington wallington A strange beranga story elory colnes front new jersey that two daugh teri and a son inlaw in law of a respectable old gentleman in new bruns Brun brunswick snick ick named Whitt licad coup ired it is a alleged to put him h in out of tho the way about a year ago III they ley bribed lis lia vala to get him bima drunk runk and soak tho the of lis liia bell bed in oil and when lian lie to was in pot fot fire to the houte houie the plot filled failed tile intended victim escaping through throng lite window since that time I 1 various OXIL have been tried I 1 to 0 murder last lant against these alleged criminals crim inala the chicago tribune 1 I ri liine i washington special bag baa the he following A corta certain iii idaho judge who laa has just arrived here relates a case of tharp short af pf antico perpetrated in that hint territory which aa as a novelty goes fr fir ahead cf t anything that lias has conio come to light for a lon on time tuu A 1 certain lawyer of that locality taking utu umbrage brage at some fancied insult put on liim him by the court over billich bich this thi judge presided conceived the idea of writing a resi gnall a to tho lie president and forging tho the signa turo lure of 0 f ali this judicial officer this acid I 1 letter tte received ty bythe the ident and was couched ia such forcible oot not to bay insulting language as to lead the llie chi executive ive izi to nomina nominate tellis li n at once tho ali first that judge learned or llin proceeding was upon biou ali the arrival of the successor s lio proceeded to lo enter upon the duties tn a of 0 lis lii without regard regnard to llie ilia protest of tile judge iu in dign it ignant lie crint on here rid waa app apprised risea or the facts fc lil f as stated above lie he will await ilia return a of the tn in tco bee what fur 11 er will be taken in ill the iatter int ter U 11 he same dispatch taci we 1110 census bureau to day in compliance of if tile senate nt fit with ate ft solution the last lalit session furnished j complete tetuan of bf the last ten winch which will only be ba subject to a few slight changes in ill tile the townships the antal population til lie if 0 oi tile lie territories aind district of 1 I iota cotal 1 the census bureau to complete I 1 the a first volume of 0 reports cm E II 11 ll 11 i t 4 statistics atit or of population in three it I 1 li now dow too late laic to ma a preliminary cumy report a ai asai was wa originally origin allT alv 1 intended as more complete d ta v will lc be forthcoming lic be tore tl alicy ley ir required require il by congress tile the reports tile social and industrial statistics iro are io in such an 1 it aftan ft orations crat ittoli ions r nud alid amen amendment S that bat it is ia not expected that they will lc be ready rc idy for one acar LATEST dispatches new yort york 1 london farat oco brals sheridan and Fors ylli tIL and will wid ow and son of president debt lincoln I 1 are ara on stein bip russia which balled on oil fur now york london first t 1 SO 30 a ui baily nunila that thai copulan troops have au an that it is i probable they sill ill remain in france two years eara meeting ile cling of members nien iLera of alliance ll ianco 0 of r departments held a meeting in court ard of lourn speeches were made and nd revolutions adopted gilo versailles government quebec canada 30 S Steamer teamer I 1 font cut neuf was iraa burned in river between quebec and Co Cocon condino dinc to dayt day loss no insurance flag of rucee summoned issy to t capitulate capit ulata yesterday the garr garrison required require il time to deliberate recommence to day republican candidates elected at lille new cw york 1 i A depatch dated paris lj ladt qt evening yest yesterday erda Domb Dombrow rowel kl i warned tho the lists tint hostilities might commence comm coco hourly forty thouane thou thouA and were ready for fighting in ia champs do verdail lists routed communist at montin eaux and had driven them the archbishop of paris para is released provision Provi aion trains have all been stopped the prussians have received intimation blat it il is desirable that they should stay near dear parts for two years communists arousing petroleum bombs y ily a nIt 7 1 ia is stala that the sue sale of buil buildings dingi in aaris t been declared illegal |