Show vcr va lt all imperial aishor Vi GRAND i OP OF ars ISIA IA TO DE BE OT 01 it NATIONAL OVET lor 1 or soma billits past the 1 ekshian Embar isy together with willi the members of alitt different foreign legation at have bare been aware of if the fact that ilat in accordance with wilb nut not only an earnest car nest desire but an express con com manil mana or ilia emperor or of rassie kosan the lh youthful grand dulo dale alexis male make an extended tour or the united states between which country anil and russia the ali entente CO codeal dial liin has over ever been the most perfect t until within a few days daya ago however nothing nol liing definite was known in ia regard to the 10 lo general pro gramme of the ion led visitors tora except that the would arrive in new york vi ibar late in tile the spring or early in I 1 llie I 1 a summer A notification KoTin cATioN FROM by I 1 an about a week ago mr Cata cazy tile the sahn ss hn emba ambassador budor was wai informally no notified tilled from st petersburg burg that ills his imperial highness I 1 the orand duke iuka alexis proposed bailin eail ft bioni out cronstedt Cron stadt about the middle or of may alay in an n imperial yacht acco accompanied in danied by ao an scort escort of four or lire ere vessels of ofsha the Ru kosaian navy and that he iou probably reach new york early in too the month of june JUDO this information yas was unofficially communicated to the staid department at washington anil and extensive arrangements are already being pel beefed reefed to extend to the imperial guest of ilia alio great republic a reception worthy of if the united S slates taic a or of America and of the friendly power atoe 27 ge illustrious it 1 p M ty legation leg 2 t 10 B faro aro busily engaged preparing og a of f festivities which in in conjunction will those in courso course of preparation ion by the united states together with willi the hos has hint will doubtless ss be freely offered b by I 1 new cw york and tile the larger c cities itice throughout the union vi ill com combine line to furm form a succession or of grand ovall ov alious TU S that will probably eurea in point of oceil tell magnificence anything of the und kind this country ties has ever eter vit it no bcd TRE agn gnisa N D DUKES irked the imperial retinue will lie be a very large led and brilliant one comprising among its members same of the th must most names in the russian empire immediately da italy attached to tile person or of ilia his imperial alig lines line gs it is expected will be a the count tol F toi the ilc 1 rood its crial nl minister of public instruction rear hear admiral krabbe Kr ablia late imperial minister or qa rine rine bemid a dumber another of young allus sian rian noblemen who use as far as the rif d rules role of russian blui a iau court etiquette will permit associates of the imperial sailor OP OF TIIE THE N tile grand dale alexis is tile the thud sort lion of the reigning czarov czar of kaa sia bia Al alexander ll 11 lie he mas flaa lorn born on the ilia oil 21 or of january Ja 1850 and ii consequently as eittle over twenty years of a age ea lie ia is said to be 10 I 1 handsome in fact he be iq ii con id d Iry like liis his grandfather tile late czar cur Nie nicholas bolas who in liis his day was not only the grandest looking sovereign but was wait called the handsomest man iu in europe prince alexis has licea been carefully educated at al the imperial palace at st re Pe and is spoken of by ills his total 3 as aa an apt atit scholar Bc holar he is 11 albo alao represented as aa e a bright intelligent young mun thoroughly ialy devoted to till ilia pro as an officer in the russian 1 navy I 1 in which it is 13 said bald lia his own abilities tion aten were ho he not of the mood imperial would hc have secured him ex ci acted alted ranks daiil notwithstanding his is ex freme irema youth I 1 erting A Y 1101 BOUSD ND TOE laimi the imperial party parly will proceed fr iron am yew new I 1 ork to washing toor where as above stated they will be the special zue guests 8 is of the united Sti tess after a rapid tour through the eastek n middle and vestern Vf stern states elates and a journey journal tien across dsa thi continent to san Franci scot it is at al the hus bus sign legation that tho the tou tourist risti will cross the pacific cud aud traversing the immense on the tb eon ofalla and europe reach st 1 some ome time dime in ia october next neit AY Y working or of ores nt at file auburn anburn mill TIT HT OTTOKAR IS F celcih ilia riff raa april pelt 1 7 lie he u or of alx tolar or ores al aa ell all it 1 roni coni I 1 18 aril a 14 ats aa ai aliu botn ii Kec urcil t to t alic mill ties dear kano Nc not only a goil balne but alaio A 0 the tel of merited con fit lenco or of customers and it night might ay I 1 iy il 7 r abi r of 0 the 11 or of or n diall I 1 I 1 i ilia hie property properly of the ilia nevada ind find and mining ild ining company with wit head bead quarters at london england tin tile present resent and superintendent is ia P V 1 O biton eia under whose skill rul ful direction the good name and efficiency of the establishment fiill 1 I I 1 be still more promoted A favorable ravon blo locality loca lily admitted admit ltd the erection of suitable still practical I 1 ie e deletion corli there is a very di ca matious ore and sampling house a 30 20 arap giamp lattery battery twelve Var Varn cys pans IT settlers and in if an adjoining joining nd de part apartment ment a boiler and retorting furnaces all parts parta are so arranged one share ilia other as to avoid the ilia handlin handling of oie ass on a the lie left side of tile the battery there is a Stelie feldt rotating roasting furnace with a a feeding apparatus talin taking the he ore direct from the batteries the floor or of the furnace is on the lie sime let libel el with the tha pans the motive powers power taken fro from the truckee river is abundant bummer surin end winter an over shot wheel of 14 34 foot diameter and 22 foot face THE orr oar A very important question ic a quiring great care in in a custom mill is a the sampling in order to obtain a true result 0 of the iho risty asay the small quantity of od ore talon fur for lus ibis mst most contain the same amount of precious metals proportionally aa 19 tile hie whole mass aasa from which it was talon latu for this reason tho the sampling requires great precision cleanliness and order A correct proceeding is troublesome anil and experts expensive ive bu but t indispensable in order to satisfy the c custo Us to to nipra e cp and the mill management AT 0 Q ae I 1 L in ai ly bierce nt t jr eat genera e 7 I 1 very disagreeable conise que nees the first requirement for the purpose of sampling is ii the reduction of the as mass ass to lo uniform small size it IL is not necessary to leila the whole w hole mass red reduced aced to a fine pulp must be avoided for several reasons reason it is art an aryon cryon erroneous calls supposition that sampling before the battery during the crushing ils ii the most proper way I 1 it t is ia incorrect forrect for these reasons ast 1st the sampling must malt bo be to the workmen as it requires from G to IS hour 9 or more according to tile the amount of 0 ore re before the whole lut lot is is cr crashed up I 1 ad the ore is mixed will the u percentage a of salt befurt eniel sli ing in order to live have it routed roasted itt in tile the furnace in making tic thi assay asay CUB salt must be talen taken into account sot act after tho the amoun amount t of its in water has hag been ascertained the same op plies also IBO to other oilier chemicals che micala or it ii gre dienes mixed w with hilll the alie or ore eon on account of base although this rectification fi baws no special difficult difficulty ys it is ia BODa nevertheless a source of mistakes ad if ibba are taken at regular a tore tare and nullity ill silly of if ore is which seldom exists in reality till la in cue case there is gold silver or chloride in the ore are a good deal of 01 it will remain in the battery cousin causing i a poorer sample besides this tho the owner of the ore in i bound to wait for the returns till all his ore is ie crushed and pulverized whilo while only a few hours are required renu re aire ired a to finish the sampling in a th different and more reliable way at the auburn mill tile sampling is ia performed in the tha same way as 23 10 in swansea and aad And andreasberg Andre asberg carlz II artz with rich ores the ore is broken first to the he size of a walnut and aspre d out uniformly on a clean platform in in a flat quare pile then four canals aro are ma made juare be crossing each other r from rom the ore obtained from these canals a smaller mailer flat bat layer is formed similar to the former the canals must be mada down to the door DOC its and nothing left therein rich hach canall canal stun stuff is ia then 8 spread pread on the floor covered uniformly with willi the oro ore of the next canal and so on until all four are arc finished aro arom in this a third lioan is formed by canal cutting u eting and the process is COF in in this way until the pile i Is is reduced in in is weight to about 1 ON pounds this a crushed finer doer to ot a spread again flat and irom n 40 to 50 pounds taken as bells before ro and ground to a fine pow powder der itis it is then del to the tb assac auay office provided with the proper labell label this thi quantity by a similar operation ins la the tny assay office is n reduced to about one round pound til attl i la in order to ascertain the couture I 1 1 in alie a ore a certain quantity of llo sample nil 1 I in ia dried in it a porcelain dish above bor an it alcohol aleo liol lamp on it a rani I 1 lath ILL at 1 temperature not ierg boiling heat until a coll gs plate dept abaro th T duel lint ap t poor cr coated wit h precipitated affo weighing ingis taken to ken at share inter vil in mint inn 4 t agree the required tons tem per altire ii chivily observed and rega lej if the sample is 11 continually stirred sli with tile cio quicksilver end of a thermometer the ilia temper temperature indicated help g carefully observed ill thea ault fact vrr dorir m abb to the ask is i of tue same lame one pound rf IS the sample fur for the of assaying 13 dried in an iron pan above a slight charcoal fire cre the lio temperature being regulated in lie same fame wy way by the llie use of 0 f the tiles dometer tin the dry simple sample is ihen hen divided into two equa annal ennal 1 parts part oneff which it is gi an to the owner of the alie or oretho abe other kept kep in the ill is office after afier the assay sample ling has been taken from each sample two are re made the result of which must correspond exactly other nelliep wise n 1 I third or controlling cont roling assay is made from res ores containing less afis than per ton half an ounce is ia taken akens from richer ore only one fourth of J an ounce in order to avoid a lar larger a r loss or of silver io in cursella tiOn in case the shipper of tile the ore should get a higher glicr lii yield or of hii hie duplicate cato sample if i assayed elsewhere ilia reserve sampie is then tent sent to one of the prominent asay as ay offices of san francisco to decide thill the question should shurld there be a difference in favor of the shipper it would boutil bo be remit remitted e 1 I to him such reclaims however are very seldom have occurred only twice and in I 1 D cac each la paso case the mill am assay y was correct As soon all the value of tile lie shipment in ascertained the lie due amount for tho the ore is paid up to tie the owners owner the uie of the roasting furnace free from royalty the excel lent water power and other ady advantages into enable the establishment t offer the highest prices for ores of every description tile alio price tariff is published aled in ill alost of tile the newspapers airs tho the shipper chipper is always in invited L to a be ilal IL al I 1 ik 1 az pa f r mail c d in use fr furnace ce the bafit and simplest amongst all furnaces known the description of this thia furn ico ica lias his been given in in the press ar ard d other scientific journ journals als A detail detailed el description of the furnace and the file pro proceedings coe di ings in in roasting will be found a also a in kurtela book on the boating Koa ting of gold and silver ores it is the most important ad advance rance that our oar young of silver ores can show the influence of ill the a furnace on mines of low p mile ores will soon noon bo be app apparent arent the manipulation is simplified the result improved ex expenses reduced nu from 25 to 30 tons of ore and more can be roasted in 24 hours esith one single furnace by the aid of six workmen without skill ek ill or ex perien a set to 0 I 1 the jie heat best advantage replacing cp lacing 15 corn con mon man furnaces employ ing abo about ut CIO 90 men who must under roasting roa stinK the boastin ro roasting roas astin tins itself in ia tile is entirely independent of the workmen worl men whose principal cipal 21 business is ia to keep up it a steady fire attend to the fiel feeding iding machinery and draw the roasted ore out of the far loot OP OF the expenses are not over favor four dollars per ton of ore if alven octen to ninety five and a 0 I 1 half per cent 0 of r tile lie silver is i 8 transformed into a chloride according ii the character 0 of o f the ore I 1 laving the easily dep tt I 1 stent in il charge I 1 itaco five had bad opportunity to inform myself of the result of roasting ting I 1 of different kinds of ora 4 cupriferous silver ores orea give it a better teen 11 it in roasting than as is ie the case alad with the rever berm tory furnaces furnace aj hut but while ores containing lead are or even impose i lie to bo be a furnace the feldt chloria izes eighty seven per cent of tho the silver if there is twenty per r cent or of lead in the ore ora Ts Is less lead laid pro sent the chlorination comes up to ninety one and a half per cent I 1 have had bad no occasion occasion to observe bow ore would behave containing more lend lead than twenty por pir cent la 13 the amount of an lend lead too high it happens that a partial partia I 1 clotting of the mao malls occurs w hile accumulating at the bottom coltom of the furnace which however can lie bo A avoided cabile by adding to the ore some charcoal daring the cI crushing shing the charcoal acts eu only mechanically preventing ilia immediato immo imm diato adistO contact of ore particles parl iclet no lead is reduced thereby tho the chlorination chlorin ilion or of the silver I 1 found to be per ceol froni from very base ore holding a high amount of lead tho the highest with oil P ores WM ninety five and a 0 half per cent the average of all asias assays of this und kind showed ninety on oni a and a half per cent I 1 the greate t pirt or of tile chlorita tion lion in the during fredi full fail or oro ore through tile the glowing chlorine at the finishing occurs hiie ahlie lie stuff in lying ot at the bottom of orthe the furnace forna cc According to this nil an arrangement fur for permanent draw raw ing in or of f lio lie roasted roat cil ore would grow injurious vor ilor the sam ftazie a team or at al the A uburn auburn mill iscer abc e feeding feed bog is stopped et daring tile llie discharge a go at tile mo me bloat the ore re the bottom it shows from 19 to 27 per cent chot less lck chloride or of silver than ir if allowed to ill 1 of coper ouli ores ore I 1 found that aliat if the ho ore a sayed 12 per cent in copper capper 22 per cent of it il volatilized into the condensing chambers I 1 10 0 per cent remained manel re in ace he ore no as a clil c orUo anil nil and ili the a balance turns turned a into an oxide of ores lead I 1 found from 20 to GO CO per cent less had in the ore arter roasting for this rea re eon bon the tha bullion from base |