Show ADVISING ICS issue of our tile daily herttie Hert renews its ila attempts at f 1 i e is and figures this thia for is ia tu n a c for the herald for it is ia woefully defect deficient bent in ilia i milter ma ater of argurn argument ent our lias has to received a letter front from throe mechanics in fast east niia new yolk one carpenter and two bricklayers about the price of labor etc in ia VIA utah which which hall proven more thin than a match fur far the he mathematical brains of tile the editorial stair after willing through wit what a t the arrau supposes suppose to bo be the facts in tile the die cale and ana the mathematics mathematical involved a it arrives at the ilia conclusion that are there is ia no room for the poor cal three ia iti num number berand anil no prospects ecta that there ever brer will be poor fellow they will doubt reel bail bad when they get the answer we bodiee that as yet there are workmen enough to meet ill abc demand for the different branches of mechanical labor but we are sure that there hero is if room for three or even a half doz ilonen n outsiders the prospect be however w ever is that wilann wiehl Ina a month there will be a lalli kliu 1 lt trip to the modern ophir ophar with willi safety only a few jays days ago the ihn Li herald terald informed inform cil its readers that B s ort ork is to commence immediately on the extension of the utah cen central aral chith will of itself call for the labor hoor or of several thousand besides illia there are perhaps a dozen towns will be greatly enlarged and in some eases cases wholly built dario the summer bummer this thi again will re claire another the thou thousand or two again we hear of a great many wills milla and furnaces that are arc to be erected immediately for ill the purpose of working the ores that are being turned out of the mines every day by the thousands of tons the erection crac of these works will require a few hundreds more and altogether lucre will be room fur thousand mechanics not now employed how flow far the territory will be able to supply the demand re and wei we sire r not certainly aware but we are sure that a large number of outsiders can find employment in ant we lve will take the responsibility of chiding work for all that have applied to the 11 irald with the yens veils biown iu in to all nho ho have as aa yet after work orl we will say there is ia eui employ ploy ment meat at fair figures you choose to come we never promise fortunes 0 to o any one but wo we are not afraid to promise work to mechanics when we see sec ex improvements beginning every day that require additional workmen by the hie score As aa we in the tile llie arau always nets nels itself in I 1 its ils atit attempts tempts but its purpose ig if as bid bad as ai its logic and this is is so eo in to this particular instance iu stanco tho the cannot see bee silly any room fur for because 1 it I is wilfully blind these mechanics ir they about alonlo ome come to utah bouli bring so 90 many votes dioag with then alem and ai they would unquestionably voto vote against ilia churchs churche candidates canji dale it is of course politic to discourage their westward bound intentions intention the th a with all its ila obtuseness lis has discerned that prophets and divine rulers are more popular abroad than atheme at biome adiong the cliss class of men to which adiong the new york mechanics belong and while it may deceive t them he tn in that distant city cily it is not 0 o foolish as to suppose for a 1 that such a thin thine would bo be possible e if lacy sicre cre in salt lake |