Show cape cw pe dr br amy lie afternoons dispatches new york SO tho employees of mckeys mckays aroa iro and ioco locomotive motie works in jersey city are rc out ou on a strike to recover back wages many having received nothing since january and they threaten if not paid by the ath of may ofay to attach the property of the concern 30 A deci alon is expected to bo be made by the supreme court tomorrow sustaining eui laining the val mity of gold contracts for delivery or of gold bullion or specified we weights ata in gold in coin money and not to contracts callice merely for the payment of certain numbers of dollars during the month of may blay the treasury will purchase ten millions of bonds and sell cell eig eight i nt millions of gold par i ir 29 in the commune yesterday grousset Or in reply to an interpellation said eaid there was something offensive in faking europe to recognize tho the belligerency of paris it was puerile to li ael for what they hod had cresdy the commune waged war irre proa chauy ably no explosive bullets were used bire bi re liae vi as no bombarding places 6 with women and children these violations T iri lation of the macii u 5 ages of civilized warfare he charged upon tile lie army of versailles in the cartri tige boxes bores of prisoners pr boners taken by tire national troops balleta had been found and rid wanton sli ellin of the meat cro croden wiled carh aarts of the city lad had been glins ging on olt for weeks the standing with the in regard to tile tho operation iteration of las haa been adjusted tho the commune now proposes prop osei to 10 ato the property of tho northern Vort born R it unless i il 1 resumes luon bog passenger pat slid and proy provision ision trains into parit the me ifa bonic borlo chion hairs mile in length abrou b the i to day and planted plante a their on the ramparts under aar a aleavy fire all in lodges orthe oriler order in parts ima were represented sev cral masons were wounded while hili on the walls walla the tu to the alio of twelve thousand have hate occupied arn fen cilliers illiers Tilli crt the nationals natio Dala are making makio preparations to ta abandon the iho souther forts forte rumors of ic verses to the bit n dionila iu ill other quarters are current hive been en placed at orleans and Van Von girard the inhabitants of Moat rouge van girar girard i d and on d are moving brou frou their dwellings port fort iy apy h is note not c been abandoned versailles illen 20 29 abe assembly las has d declared c c 1 red urgent tho be passage so 9 0 1 of f a bill visiting viii ting wit with uran sacra never penalties 1 ice all 11 alle illegal ga set aci zarea ida of property properly in in aaril I 1 bree delag a tea irom from ill alio llio masonic 1 s 0 le ria fraternity eternity in in altaris paria came into the 1 lines ace opposite maillot gates alicy 1 I hey were received ily by coin commending roo iding til liers ices and conducted to this place washington was hintor 30 tile I 1 mexican 1111 minister lister fiill ill leave this country for mexico on tile ath of may to assume the office of minister a of foreign affairs it is expected that conle ro will resume his hia duties here ai 36 minister of 0 that republic new faw york 30 duri during g his sermon this his mor morning at the plymouth plymouth church henry I 1 ry etling ward d B eccher indignantly tin ly silca alie he t theory of lie resurrect resurrection ton c f the bodyl versailles 30 10 tho the pirk castle and cemetery of isy issy were carried list last night t by the government forces orcas eight cannon a quantity of tion cion and one hundred prisoners prisoner fell ell into their lands bands T alio advance is ie now within irit ln two hundred metres of fortley Fortl sy whose capture ii rno momentarily mentar expected president ident thiers granted I 1 ITS an interview to delegates from the millions masons or of paris pan s who arrived hero here last night lie ile told them that the gov er eminent one n t desired to 0 o see an end of the civil war but the assembly could not copit capitulate ulato in the presence or of an n armed insurrection lit ile referred them to the commune for tile restoration of order within the city of which it had bad usurped the control versaille evening arcs thiers in in a public circular gives a dio dispatch patch from general cissey announcing the of a call coup p se de main on bonnay bonnas farm near chattilion Chatt Chat llon tilon in which thirty two insurgents were killed and wounded and seventy fite fire of the ibe latter made prisoners the same circular contains a i dispatch front from general foron faron confirming a previous t of a brilliant Irilli ant success of the loyalists in front of it I 1 issy my the continues one hundred and fifty prisoners and ana ten plech or of captured artillery hate been brought to versailles paris sunday there was a sharp engagement saturday night at les molineaux Molin J aux in which tile Versa versaille illi s is were ere repulsed with the loss of 29 men made prisoners but in the meanwhile a column or of tile enemy advanced on the clanard railway station and occupied houses housea yards from froin the entrenchments or of iss issy the fort was a wreck ca casements broken in embrasures embra demolished 30 1 0 of its goguts CO guns dismounted and the ammunition for exhausted the garrison became panic pinie stricken iho aha gi gunnen antleS anti spiked hair balf their remaining and this morning before daylight the entire garrison abandoned the 1 port orl its commandant gen has arrived in the city general Clu seret who went to the front at first news of the defection of the troops return returned edat at noon today to day having failed to stop skip the panic ile he has hai tent sent oat fresh troops among them the aven av engers gera of hofpar Paris u to reoccupy the and a desperate desp crata fight ill ia row cow in progress in that quarter the nationals saturday having pursued some chas eurs almost into st SL denis the prussians threatened to fire upon the latter if abc they v attempted to enter the town the made a detour and rid escaped it is reported that the archbishop or of paris has been released the engineers are ar at work on the Bou southern thorn portion odthe of the enci ente the northern R K R co hiu has paid 30 thousand francs franca to the commune london 30 the s syo says yo the con conid ider cr that the a pebbly now sitting bitting at t Verai versailles dues does not represent the will of the na tion and are of opinion ion that when tile lie internal strife is in ended it will be ely to consult the iha people anew on the qu question es tion of government they the express their intention of abiding by bj the result berlin 29 spencers gazette announces that tho the french contribution to all support the government troop has been paid up to the instant london 30 the observer amea bales that bat gladstine Glad atine has determined to op PO poo a the burlier fur furt lier alteration of the b 1 adget 1 lisbon 30 the U S steamer frigate 1 rau klin flagship flig ship of the fu eu to robein p ein fleet has arrived in the fogus paris parin 30 the ip installment of five eve hundred million francs has not been I paid aid the money hi has been offered I 1 payable bable by government in 1886 with interest at C G per cent but the offer oder has not been accepted thiers toys ays when parts paris fills lie he can get better twins terms hartford conn 30 tle tho usual orders for a parade on election day were recently issued by go governor 1 e rear eng lish to two companies compi Diet of 1 the e governors hrib and fling guards guard a and other othe military but it being parent will not lie bl able to determine on off the first fine dy day of 1011 who is ii actual governor elect the lh orders have hate been recalled and there will bo be no DO parade sani 1 l 11 collins president of tho the dollins collins company com piny founder of Colli collias cs ville and widely known throughout the country as aa a manufacturer of edge toon toola died this evening aged I 1 j milwaukee 30 20 lewus lewis ulrich was stally poisoned this ibis morning ilia reputed wife and oil a wan named ei er we wen to arrested arr caled AS the ibo guilty parties |