Show LEGAL 3 henre enors 8 6 iab LA moriei I 1 BUT I 1 xi core cm tile LIAO I 1 ril 11 ae 1 1 I i f nolle 1 s in h 0 K itar nf iu T or T uth ts the h oraw hy na n d in f at olier 1 I 1 ati 0 o I 1 nl claim 1 d fijn a 11 cluan 11 1 four 1 bundri bu h d x r 4 4 fial in laoko lr hir 1 1 feet 1 an fn idah an the th T 0 1 I hll hl l I 1 1 lel aln sea r bli ap mg 1 I of I 1 ewh Z in pi tc ahl 1 li elial annd id az iid F 1 ill I 1 CI cid r 1 d 1 bic inma 0 a one fainn re ft lea ieli lbs in i th b tc b i r uk k fareh I 1 nj a ernt tt tirar cirar tir ar inar ally 4 J X arll J T follow 1111 ma 0 9 o 11 th I 1 he vory abaft of mid 1 iod se benir I 1 4 11 SM ih r 1 if 1 two hl alil Il rt from 1 limu ion at st if luan at so no aea 3 an the soothe 1 le of I 1 tm L K dl tiding little coill 11 canoni roil si Nort hilry fre dl 1 r ban I 1 tn linn ard ft ne et and an a 8 two la apet 1 M 4 I 1 ba ith blud sol wola I 1 rol for as kd an d Billt log p pm b sr A a area rn of three ahr ad U fryy 11 a I 1 uy IT 1011 MIT lly hu ha 01 d 1 16 ill bad and oil I 1 d da donals nolle url baillif pia kod ad inerny the th ald fit lode 1 r 1 to ili b 11 1 1 new and DI mem afi ofala i ial mid mining and nd having bala in laimi load bor ad roli be it an ble IW ihbe a 0 01 toeko TOe oo flot floter and od at t it r actu fuel poor babl I kamoo KM moo 1 tr armeil r mid prop will aou apply for or u y kod plat bt of tj VI and for tb be ur an d t t of it id A AD aft g 7 1 ag ab t a of f wy may to ditchy and mani ovara t tb b p buil landi 1 I oa 04 f ir nth io joly 26 2 loss ad L ki ell by ac A 9 of 1 LOB to rafn 1 4 july 9 1 lh i h tire am nay 7 bad lui rod d mat till 01 ily day of sell se 1 11 w WM I 1 fujii s aitt i c L ft 31 Is I 1 certify that ilia 41 alf tire ve M I 1 ihlia so dt a T T olea 4 la the ch 14 1 4 effir forth the T of 1 luh aa irani rom cf 9 the th mid lode bcd together with lib notice or of intents 0 1 lo 10 up ip ply for ft arty and plot plat thereof from ill liniere lin irre u area toa thief tio the 0 allm r h 4 st u yer v la ut of cimitri 11 ad g lh of irr 1 w dlab and nj carill aunt yub r h pohla J I 1 bo 1 and for jtb r burp pu r rp axy july jad aind 4 M it oie ly ct dl 0 con if 1 for deuly baly IT ith ire 1970 I 1 abby d dt direct t abild aib aia DO alc tlc tw the th sells salt lat to TIC a 0 of W ao 00 R P lahui corred STA arites TES LAND LAD SILT LAKE cirr carr drill february 2 1 notice is u hereby given flint us i juliaa iau bulus in cojohn mo Jobo lt rollins rolling and od john pl II moore ill do claim thrpo three thousand feet ii fi length by ono oni him dred feet in width on 03 the ibe rollins lode being a birer veto of rock in ia place and ail the tha land 1 g 0 it rod and premises appertaining to paid mid mine all il abed in ia the pioneer mikoloj ditri dietrict ct county 0 of f beaver and od territory of mals the tt location loc ilion lad and extent client thereof being more fully described as m follow sto to wit being fifteen hundred bu pit running earth ta asterley and fifteen hundred feal easterly from tho the center os 01 ati the e dia discovery covery climit in sold lodoly one hundred fee n onlah edth the dis silvery haft abaft is lacatel about fifteen hundred feet feel north easterly from a cabin situated laser a large spring A drain leading from the baring p ag crosses croc the lode lade immediately north of ere w h bere i a road crogg esiL leading to lo llie ills discovery diac oTery abaft boft about powell hundred and fifty feet fed from the south boundary boun diry A branch of be draia or 0 sacs tho the led lode a a few feet south of discovery dia covery she abaft ft the lodo lodo crosses the summit of a k high ridge about three hundred and eighty agte fert feet crib westerly arflin jh h A 75 7 1 r yit e eadd lodo coir and according to the r oc al customs custom and rules of caners ia a sold bald mining district anti having expended in actual labor and improvements thereon tb ereon an san oual not aoi less chao ofa and al having at al this time actual peaceable poll poa session or of said laid mix ling property properly wo we will apply for a survey and plat of said premi Beer sod and maleat for the same ome under the iho act ct entitled an set ct granting gri oling tho the right of way ray 10 lo ditch ditcu and nd eimil canal owners ownen ov orr r the llie public ion lault Is and ad for other purposes approved july julif 26 1866 mid and as amended oni ended by act of or t prove LIttly fth 1870 witness our bands so and a seals aali this second day of 0 february 1871 julien baugman Baug mao per john joba lil booro onro big attorney in fact SIAI john if 11 rollins per jolio john hn his attorney in feet fact C IZAI IA I 1 I 1 jobs ill moore L assi I 1 FRANCIA A NI ottiss I 1 P 11 1 I certify that bat the ibo above aboto notice wa 48 this day filed clod I 1 la the U S laud land obit obi t for the ibe territory of flab and is diagram of the iho said laid lode to lo gether with notice of intention so lo apply for a urty survey and od plat thereof from iho he breor burve ur eor Or general genera an and it a patent trot froia the he gov GOT meat of the aja united cited states staten as provided io in an aa act of congress entitled an aa aoi act granting I 1 the right of way to ditch and canal cabal owner ov oter er the public lands and for other oilier purposes nr pone approved july joly stith and as aa amended by acl of congram approved july oth 1870 1 I hereby direct laid gold notice be printed in ilia ali stil SALT li tince a newspaper nearest tile of the claim s ago 00 it ti lAXWELL beg ibler |