Show r 0 CAL coin correct I 1 letl d tally by ft first no ift ilba bank gou gold coin to n buying at 1 l at hof tho aubri trio cn club party arrived in on oar r city on sunday eye atilt la in the now DOW sod and palace cr car bearing the he rhendia ri endia president of the dob club the th dome dm of the th M tweed known among this boy boje ka the th boas the party left nw new york tuesday red were escorted ki far so albany by J a number dumber of the ali blossom club at al the city la in syracuse euf bar role flo bey were received in ia royal style is a boffilo a salute acute wit vr fired slid ibe 09 boys returned it with elo a of pops at once piff riffling piffling ling ag and DJ abiog at cleveland aad DI toledo thoy they wre to met by railway officials who enjoyed their ho has pit aslies at chicago they were hobalt bly entertained by Mio itrel as lafr dibons dions and parkers la illiard match sod give kit all hands a mg big supper lupper at t the ib hong la in oberlin fo they discoe crea red that the ibe great borten bad stag ot a quantity of oysters as a pr prea 03 ent which they luschel upon washing dev do a the luscious luse ioui bivalves with copious droughts or of bois of john joba chamberlains chimber auns tuns choicest wine of cane coarie or prince john joba and the go gaj dories were cheered to the cebo for their thoughtful attest attentions ions at gen GD sickles bupt supt of P C r P E R it mr bennett poll fan mau ciaci j sleeping sleep ing cr car co cc geo gen duncan so QI othe r cameon board and od were lunched to id mille along the road over the plaine 1 nine the ib tourists lQ riat wr wore to me ice q of antelope an I 1 1 other game at which they fired with olith somewhat lucle one 0 oe of the boys boya did brior down a meadow lark an B a telegraph pole near the train end over oter the remains of this splendid bird a gl deal of via wine was VM drunk hank smith one oath of the americus and blossom clas lubs men laen smuggled on board the tb T Te cd cV ft cask of delicate and old sherry berry which was w br brachel brochel ochel with many cheers for hank mr loneY was dissipated enough to 10 drink a lass the first he be bad tested in fire five j years eari ia an important import iol fad fact to lo show how tint chit the new york politicians are r not all AS is s popularly believed by up country people from ogden djoa to siu sill lake city aho party ald bi i some flomo of sax you dd fiu sol a 1 at othan hers in tn the lh car as guests anti them with their prot erblat yesterday WM was spent in bt city nia at three tareo the twee tweed with its ii oc 00 moved off for ogden all IL head in id good spirits uil and ready for the excite client and ao l of the atos tho the loonry anomy sierra into inlo the golden state tt following is a lat of the gentlemen caico of the parly borea IV brennan william U H Molo noy secretary george gaorge 1 n I mitchell treasurer el Kei keirsey roey peter peler Tra trainer loor frank mccabe alwa d L donnell donnolly thomas Molo ocy james S coulter Co oller dr jmes james lil andres john R platt matt scia roii thomis Do iobe sir mr scott was e the conductor who Ls has charge of the ear car assisted by four servant two tiro be longing lo 10 abo club altogether the tutu out was good sod bod the boys boji are having anil and will have bio a jolly une time they travel for pleasure and have bare to lo do la in a political lne line in id an noy shape or form so 84 they decline political tendered them lo in california MR lifs W it powell a very clever clor actor has a 6 benefit tonight to night which we hope will bo be a profitable ono one to lo him the hous ough tight to be filled and we doubt not it would be if it was not run as a sort of a worldly machine akl r needed ed here are r a good LOW hotel tod and ft a firt first class cl theater to bo be run on business and not nol church principles principle fc at the risk of help lug log along ft a concern that thal his ht no DO claims on the iho sympathy or goodwill good gool will of ft a single mail in ia the territory Tern lory outside cribs mr blue mom church we advise i lt nc our friends to kt at tied lead mr rowers benefit io in order to aid a promising kod and meritorious meril orious actor the military basil from camp douglas wll assist kl ILL the benefit by the lh kind per mission of bartoff I arTOff sod footnote lii x a n oth wo V u b the pro fest ional card of cf 8 sol at P mccurda and dd C U 11 morgan lawyers It who here entered upon the lb practice of low law in this city cily they are kr both men of ability and ad experience thoroughly posted to io dialog laws tig as well as in ia every other othar bia ticla of their ibell profession judge morgan maegan gan is i ft native of yew new york state slate but moved to illinois in 18 it lie ile has beo been fr BiDy houpou the bench judg a mccurdy Is too loo well known in ia lh tbt terri jory fory as as B jurial to 10 need deed ruy edy notice dolke from us the tb two judges are rc ft a strong tro tia learn ton P 0 asli white of akl iba be pub pith ila Is if very tery much in fa ob Us its mail fault mailer hitherto there hu been DO crowd and everyone could bi b strived wilburt delay but we w hekr hear complaints now and ad are kr likely to hear r more unless means are adopted whereby the people efto can be b more mor 1 served the matter could bo be remedied at once if there wit w another dooray Y the applicants could then lhea form in ia hoe and be b served in turn tara something shot bould 11 be bodao doce the best perhaps would be b to another door the of cf the cannot be overlook eJ in matter of this kial e calta prisoners from camp poa doti glas flu were er se eo a sunday cio roloff at t 10 a 6 in CD 22 miles ot of echo making their way ij la in tb the direction of that A do de ment or coveart wu was sent eal la Is pursuit sod the th ruca runaways ways wilt will no doubt be b captured AV we are glad to announce that mr W I 1 H shearman it much improved lie itar seems to have bakr passed lb the critical or turning point lo in the disease dij CAie and od ila bif encourage the tb lope bope of his speedy restore refton aioo to health belth tun TUB americus club excursion party after having seen all the lie lions or of the city inci including mr brigham young yoong on whom they called anti n who rauch to their apparent sur treat etl them courteous y left yesterday afternoon in beir ope pc cial cr car the william lit tweed for ogden sati rod california at mr a in toung elder cannon brother thomas thornie fitch and nl other prominent mormon dig eit aries who were geog to to met elder cider hooper tho the church delegate to congress and welcome him to t tiia big horn home were invited bioti nl to rid rado la Is the clubs tile car an and enjoy its as 68 tr far as ogilee A brass band accompanist mr youngs party sad discoursed fiat fia music as a the train moved from the station tile club proposes to go direct 0 a sin san francisco where it will remain about alree diecks heels g been la in salt sall lak c e city for n early twenty roar four houra hour the excursion party we iris atilt to 0 o get at the be root of lie ire poll cital and ad social oc rl problem cm found in this terri terr lory cry boil left of 0 fully acquainted with ill t lh he situation Bilat loa is ia all lie KB we W hope that akl the boys boy will have a pleasant plea at time in ia california li form koj and return to the F qt dolight delight 1 ii I tad and bene beneficed fied with their trip ip to jo the bo pacific slope W C E wallace will give git its exhibition of lilo his system of horse timing in the tubing tithing yard on thursday HI at 2 p in m I 1 an atol I 1 oa an at t 1 4 p pi IQ in forthe for alie 0 occasion the professor will experiment oa as some boin WILD houses brought is io wilh th the drive persons visiting ala these ions will be enabled to loara learn the of training ag by which they can caa pric tifft ice it hemsel veli admission each day ODO dollar remarked to a friend byor lay or two that the dailies wre were beginning to go 0 for him fedil others my may have haro more evidence eri deace ofton filet anon the few shot abbots as ati yet been bent from this quarter were mere feelers and to aa soon bs as we have got the lh exact range wo we dball regulate the bo charge and pen pea out accordingly the distance LiBl doce is probably less bit one ODO dicu I 1 sued yards while our rouge Is fillat illat of five ITO miles the finkl final result need oot dot be yet ducted BATEMAN ll furnace in bingham c cayon any ex is running regularly and turning u t sit tons of bullion daily their works kt at little cottonwood Collo nood will start today tle the last named works here bftts been tending still for some borne time past for the want or of ore which the scows and bud bad weather have prevented the miners minera from getting on a their dumps A GaN TUMAN who pay taxes and calls himself a ditch jumper would like to ask the cit city rare atell a question wes was the little pile sf r filth which was the means or of bringing mr Esin bergers name before the ibe public any oy more or of a Dui nuisance sance than the th frog pond is ia front of dr Tag taggarts garts tB WO give it hup up what say lay the city T SALT CITY 1871 elis EDS riesse inform the pub lie lic by what authority brigham louva grants divorces divorce kod and charges ton ten dollars for so doing by reference 0 a the laws lawa of utah I 1 find that act authority E give to the probate judges exclusively under what law or authority lal bority does jeter clinton charge two dollars bod and ft a balf for dock cling cases I 1 would not dot calf atten liga to lo these facts i but that the lb li mormon formon priesthood are ar con steady complaining and denouncing all but mormon official ax AS corrupt and tea rna cally and advise their popl people to hare nothing to io do with courts or lawyers no aa they ibey will thereby got rid nd of unnecessary ox pense when io in truth troth odd nod in fact it is simply imply dooe done to prevent the of the priesthood from bio being exposed by reference to the be same bitne laws law you yoa win will find fidi their arbitrators are allowed fire 61 dollars a day and its much more to ka parties nitty may contract to give gire them they at also 10 denounce the courts court here for un pardons ble bit assumptions of ef power when they themselves are charging fees fee and exercising power without authority loyb always considered most delicate would it not be well for the tb grand jury to look into falo lb is matter |