Show mineral tl at shot it t gt atti see ne any abour minina 0 frida fri da of at our one office and beceiro arni bom A any y details il elint of J he prop peels and labors wit Rs invite alt all who KAO haro rany mineral anfor milton 9 per ui be v d fall call EHST ST hetts C I 1 larum AN our arCu 1 1 01 origin april as L al camp lias has been ican visited by within tile many my men pat week and I 1 I 1 should judge from til I 1 CM can learn lias has given general sat at faction in fact there w if an im jimia proy in the tone ton of lif fairs here conj ani as aa soon as aa milli are re in operation will ie e so lirely live ly as ai tho the wicked flea bee tile tie of cinnabar cinn abir in camp riold abich is ia just juat over the ibe hills afoul ui no liaa has cluied many pros proa to turn their to sc ng for that Im cill lul but as al yet no lias has been found oue one valuable va lualle ore in ibis district I 1 giai its been entirely overlooked and that ii n col cobalt alt the oisa or of this metal or earthy cobalt anil and cobalt bloom or alse vate tf of cobalt m well BS tile illi m caks tit and ad mixtures with nickel exist in ia llila 11 is ct at least let idt buell ill ia ny my opinion the mineral crl we atilt of dreamed ot or dy the ivoal SiD guine lut but the ibis day is ia just dammin mg upon the lords appointed time to der c lop it and II 11 I I mot most singular about it 11 id list lint ilia soc ao called lords appointed who are arc building up this ibia new kill ung dom and who claim to a bo be tile 3 in n s aired revelator rev clator of the abe lords will jn did not find out about these mines until after the heathen prospector theas one of ibo attributes of deity ia 6 omniscience and west most people believe that lie knew of if alieve mines a long time ago end there is here the funny pirt of it comes it ID that ile he never told uia ilia ri fa alful eAt lood hood in utah anything about tach the de defender renders if if the I 1 old ld move do claim that B Y 1 once baij lie could stand in ill liia his door and see mines or of goia enough tt to pave pare the streets of lie ilia new jerusalem and of courte coulie the lie whole move more echo this and there is vi beta be whole outfit make a lad blunder if B Y had said 9 SIM I 1 11 L ER it to wake niala a cobble stone wall such ili ai surrounds his big garden patch around the entire city of ilia future zion ile he would ho been entitled to respect its as a profit crofit but the little gold in sight t aiom om lis hia door all of Bing liam canyon included wont give him much credit for or inspiration for tho the loril lord never iop pires men to male make such mistakes mh tAlea I 1 alio llio lie horn silver from the iho shamrock mine in which IV S godbe is ia inter ested inspires all handi afresh to look for that lind kind of ore A good job il ii open hero here to some enterprising man show who will arrangements to supply the different camps calipa on the hills bills with water ibis 1 I hia dry weather makem the miners suffer rot for water and water they must have hate what little they alicy get in 1 C or of rich chloride mines lines on NO lion hill are arc still tho the aily reports and this ilia brings up again the lie necessity of a street railroad laili rail oad load front ophir to the top or the hill on this I 1 to refer to ilia success of euch buell raila so up the e sides across tho the A river river opposite avitts burg pa tho the ono one railway first con increased the he price of lands landa on top op of 0 the lie hills an hundred fold bud and the drogt on the enterprise was such that a score or of such inclined railways soon full followed owed lot let one of these elevation railways once lo he constructed ted at ophir and capit capitalists allias will s soon oon bee that they could male inake more money building sich railways then than by in ia mines suits about mines are arc becoming quite common the shield t to velocipede and tiger vs s are now mail ors ot of ic legal al history and now comes on HI uc diug g ra mormon belle and Mulli soc ts it dudley fur for interests geresti in llie lite sunny side U 13 Y s funny story etory at conference about blackstone milling milking the cow repeats itself SPICES SPICER |