Show morrison merrill co salt lake city I 1 the principal building material supply house in the intermountain west mini 6 ta M HER framed timbers shaft sh aft guides in clear fir mining poles and fir and Lodge pole pine i wedges and lagging SHIPMENT DIRECT FROM PACIFIC COAST we also carry heavy stocks of standard sized tim ti M bers in our yards at salt lake city phone wasatch ROST mn q ON A 3 m m ACID RESISTING this metal is just the thing for leaching solutions manufactured BY PACIFIC FOUNDRY COMPANY i san francisco SALT LAKE AGENTS STIMPSON EQUIPMENT COMPANY I 1 Y M ag aar description OF EVERY for mines refineries powder plants etc when they break our up to the minute plant will replace them in snort short order T T T IX pacific gear tool works ork largest west of the 1035 folsom st S san francisco cal attention engineers send for one of our gear charts chart gill III oil I 1 oil RAIL RAIL RAIL T we are extremely fortunate under present shortage of all steel products in having a GOOD SUPPLY OF BOTH NEW AND RELAYING RAILS and are able to take care r of your requirements promptly and at prices we are sure you ou will find attractive our stock at present moment is as follows 12 pound new 30 tons 16 29 91 16 vy relaying 40 20 IF new 20 relaying 35 25 30 35 70 40 45 60 if in need of any rail we suggest yo you u get in touch with us immediately as our stock is being depleted very rapidly and we may later be unable to take care of your your requirements western machinery co Sixth Floor judge 6 salt lake city utah |