Show ANOTHER L W W OUTRAGE at t centralia washington on the alth armistice day while returned her heroes oes of the war were patriotically parading honoring and celebrating the day when hostilities ceased they were fired upon by I 1 W W fiends and before the ending of the riot which followed four soldier boys we were re killed and others wounded not even the blowing up by german submarine of the lusitania and the wanton destruction of hundreds of noncombatant combatant non citizens citizen of the united states has so stirred the loyal people of this aliis country as has this almost unbelievable outrage and the whole country has risen in the demand that the I 1 W W organization be uprooted exterminated and obliterated until not a single member remains to become a menace to the government of the united states and to our people if this rotten dastardly element is allowed to grow and thrive in this country if the american people stand in danger of becoming slaves to the brute instincts of alien and disloyal people in our midst well may civilization disappear and mankind revert to savagery any man who is hostile to our laws and institutions is an outlaw the very fact that he is a member of the I 1 W W the Dol the radical socialists makes him an enemy to our government and he should be treated as such and no gentle hand should be stretched out to check his career he should be deported if possible or the gallows or the firing squad should end his miserable iniquitous career his places of gathering should be constantly raided or he should be stripped of all power to do further harm and he should be made to realize that while this country is a country of freedom that this does not mean license to kill and murder to defy and attempt to destroy society and our forms of government the whole country is now in the grip of a fuel famine primarily brought about by the radical element of the laboring classes composed principally of I 1 W Ws and the dangerous foreign element which our generous immigration laws have permitted to get a foothold in this country the people may suffer and freeze but this makes no difference to the anarchist who is bulldozing t industry and defying the law the lives of a nation may be endangered while this german bred spawn openly defy our institutions and carry on its warfare of assassination and countrywide country wide demoralization it is to be hoped that we have some red blooded government and state officials who will be spurred on to such action that within a very short time the whole country will be cleansed of the villainous I 1 W W ana other bastard and poisonous organizations of the same brand |