Show OREGON michigan people are interested in the development of the old hansen placer near holland test holes have been sunk throughout the property and it is the intention of the new owners to install a dredge and hydroelectric hydro electric power plant for its operation the mccourt placer property located near holland has been taken over by G IL I L wilde of vancouver and W R burner of holland and the owners are making preparations for an active development campaign of the rich gravel A large engine pumps and hoist have been installed sufficient to take care of the high water that has heretofore interfered with the successful working of the ground the united gold mining company operating on the independence mine seventeen miles southeast of sumpter has cut the ore body on the deep tunnel level and drifted upon it in both directions from the crosscut for a total of several hundred feet according to arthur B lee president spokane the mill is being operated on three shifts and receiving fifty tons of ore daily which will be the rate until the development of the mine is extended the peerless dredging company owning and leasing placer mining ground in the burnt river section near baker is arranging for the installation of a gold dredging boat soon after the first of the year for the purpose of dredging the gravel in the bed of burnt river the dredge will have a daily capacity of cubic yards of material which it is stated will yield a minimum return of 1 to the cubic yard the main office of the company is located at continental tin building salt lake city the officers and directors are A W stowel stowe president 0 R dibblee vice president T S atkins secretary 0 B kelly treasurer and R B thurman |