Show washington J E leonard manager of the atterby chatterly Ch mining company of dayton which holds the lucille dreyfus mine near danville ferry county says a carload of ore is to be shipped at once to the smelter at trail the spokane inland mining company holding the ivanhoe group near nighthawk wash expects to resume operations january 1 the property is composed of awen ty nine claims and has an area of more than acres it is traversed by several veins the old dominion mine east of colville famous in the annals of the northwest as a silver producer will be reopened within sixty days according to word from colville it has been closed most of the time for twenty years W H linney mining engineer of spokane will be in charge the copper blossom group of eighty acres six miles east cast of valley stevena Steve nj county has been acquired by evan morgan for himself and associates under a bond from H A van buskirk of hope idaho mr morgan was mine manager of the loon lake copper company in the period of dividend payments the property lies on the chewelah loon lake copper belt and between the united silver copper and the look lake mines which are several miles apart |