Show NATIONAL WEEK keen interest on theeart the part of the public in the projected plans for a national thrift t week beginning january 17 has been evidenced in many ways waya already the sav ings division of thed the treasury department announced today the purpose odthe of the week will be the endeavor to start the country off in the new year witha with a sound financial program for every Jn individual and household two ends are sought first that the condition of the individual be improved and second that the financial and industrial strength of bf tho the nation be bd increased bythe great sums of capital which will accrue through the practice ot of 13 teady saving tand and safe investment ioni tho the part r of citizens the importance to the country of thes practice of thrift and saving by the ual is not readily appreciable said william M mather ather lewis director of the savings di i vision until its results in the aggregate are t summed up while the country was buying t twenty billion dollars worth of liberty bonds it also put away more than a billion dollars in war savings stamps and savings bank deposits in this country also have increased some eight billion dollars during the years the world has been at war the absorption of the liberty loans was due somewhat to extension of our national credit but purchases of savings stamps and in increases creases in bank deposits were almost wholly Aue wise vise preference of the individual for increasing his own and the count rys capital account instead of using his funds in unnecessary spending it is bobring to bring to the extension exten sioni odthe country that it ft can without sacrificing its pleasures or curtailing its comforts addi several billion dollars more to its capital account t next year that plans f fora or a national Thrift Week early in the year have been promulgated steady additions to the nations capital are necessary if we are to td take advantage of thel trade and industrial opportunities that will keep up apat at our present full tide of prosperity we must refrain fro from m un t i necessary and extravagant spending af if we are to bring prices down having saved money it is essential that the individual lu invest safely to this end we urge con linued investment in government securities on which steady and good interest returns are assured with full return of principal savings stamps and treasury harln gs C certificates certificate s will be available again at banks and post offices and liberty bonds may be purchased at or through any rankings bankin ban kings gt institution i the program for national thrift week as at present tentatively planned is ascol lows national thrift day saturday january 17 1920 to enlist the nation in a cam laign to save first and spend afterwards 17 1 7 in other words to stick resolutely to the program of making th the e present urethe ins future by the regular saving band investment of some part of every pay envelo envelope lid to fi f i 1 nance future opportunities or needs boin vest savings safely preferably anlo s s proof government securities to curb the profiteer 1 by demanding a dollars dortht korthof wor of goods fo r every dollar spent thrift sunday sunday january 18 ser mons in all american pulpits on the relation of economic life to religious well being and the need of sharing with others national life in insurance aurance day monday january 19 r to emphasize the importance of protecting ones ansur i ance own uary 20 to show why desirable and how possible to own owna a home make a will day wednesday january 21 to urge men to make wills and in so doing impress upon them the necessity of making provision for the future thrift in industry day thursday january 22 to emphasize the need for factory thrift and the economic value of co opera tion between capital and labor family budget day friday january 23 to show the importance of using the budget plan in family finance pay your B ills day saturday january 24 to emphasize the moral bb obligation to pay debts formal pledges to operation cooperation co in fur national thrift week thus far includes the voluntary offer of a large firm to give a share of 0 its advertising space and resolutions by three of the largest banking groups of the country the ameri t can bankers 1 association the investment bankers association and the american ini in i statute of banking the latter at its recent convention in new orleans adapted the following resolution intelligent and systematic practice of thrift develops a higher type of individual and increases the economic strength of the nation we therefore i pledge ourselves to continue in operation cooperation co with the several bureaus and departments of the government and also such other organizations or agencies as are engaged in promoting public and private thrift we especially pledge ourselves ours elves to support and an dwork work 1 tor or the success of the thrift t plans being made madeford ma defor for the week beginning january 7 1920 by the war loan bation of the Trea treasury department |