Show engineers and fillmen fred fred searls jr geologist and mining engineer of san francisco was in wallace idaho during the early part of the month ernest gayford of salt lake of the general engineering company has returned home from a months trip to the northwest carl tombo well known philadelphia engineer who is inspecting gold mining properties in el dorado county california was a recent visitor to san francisco harold A linke engineer and geologist of salt lake city has recently returned from an examination of sulphur deposits in beaver and washington counties utah charles F sturtevant mining engineer of salt lake city was a recent visitor at the amazon dixie mine at sildia montana proceeding from there to wallace idaho carl 0 lindberg mining engineer of los angeles and new york was a recent visitor to wallace idaho presumably in search for zinc properties ties for an english syndicate frederick burbidge manager of the federal mining smelting smelling Sm elting company of wallace idaho has ione gone to oklahoma to visit the lead and zinc holdings of the company in that state H A stewart prominent mining engineer of denver has returned to the colorado capitol after spending seven years in korea as superintendent of the chik san gold mining company ltd H T plumb engineer of the general electric company recently gave a most interesting te talk to the mens club of st pauls church salt lake city on the submarine detector and why germany quit george H short salt lake mining engineer and geologist and the local representative of the grasselli chemical company recently made an examination of the properties of the ophir silver mines company at ophir utah sam S arentz of simpson nevada well known in engineering circles in the west and who was a resident of salt lake for a number of years was in the city recently on his way home from a scouting expedition in arizona and new mexico I 1 horace K thurber formerly of salt lake but who is now living in denver was in salt lake recently on business for his company the radium company of colorado mr thurber states that the company is making a gram of radium monthly having a value of per gram 0 F brinton superintendent of the jib mining company was a recent visitor to the gold hill property of the western utah copper company mr brinton expects shortly to sever his connection with the latter named company to devote all of his time to the montana properties of the jib company J benjamin parker chemist and metallurgist of salt lake city has accepted a position as flotation engineer with the consolidated soli dated interstate callahan mining company of wallace idaho where he is engaged in the working out of a process for the selective flotation of lead and zinc sulphide ore J C of salt lake of the mines efficiency company has returned home from an extended trip into some of the oil fields of oklahoma texas and wyoming mr states that wonderful activity is noticeable in the sections he visited and that at beggs especially some splendid wells are being brought in one of which is producing from 1500 to 2900 barrels daily the oil being worth per barrel |