Show bureau of mines M nes carfif certificates i ica tes the following residents of mining communities nit les of the west have received bureau of mines certificates for mine rescue training ARIZONA christmas H douglass E R hart A J lynch R H ormsbee C al saule W B copper hill earnest beaucham aiji E L conway M E donnelly C A newman globe 11 S blackman samuel boreland william bawling john erickson S J ford william james harris john harry william R kennedy thomas J kent stephan kopach gus lind thomas martin E E martinson daniel mayne alayne joseph mitchell george nichols P F P owen claude phipps C W palmer J B stratton emmitt emmit stuart john tamblyn S L ware R H white whyte geor george ge H williams inspiration E W connolly W P ellis M A forde hector haight M hege lee johnson J L montague E G ne dumeyer james owens samuel Parl sch harr harry y schroder A A walty W G weber miami W J avery R J beard W E beckham R burt C G cantwell henry B davis james farrell W C fisher J J hand C C havard A hawtrey D F ison A P lascher richard mannell Manne II george moody R S osborne john phare mato ragus J A ritchie J H robertson J W R E zager metcalf harry bingham morenci peter dallas richard cuthbertson H P hi hill 11 john miola joe riva walter stone L G trueheart phoenix A L blackburn fred C green jr john A mckinnon hugo marck G cecil rowe R ir sheridan R B van buskirk carlos williams P F L wingfield wingfield ray issac Coc anovich john cronin N S good jr william goudie luke adolph olson J A reed eli dwelli walter walker kirk willis ajo frederick ekman W A murray masias rosindo J H scott silverbell modesto cadena 0 P caley refugio coslo cosio leau munoz charles H rapp jesus rios A swan manuel ybarra tucson H R berman H J case P G dixon T G duff L W dupuy edward elliott ellott eliott T J finnerty W F gipson W J hallmark G D hardway T R hernden T B hinton R W jones L E lafferty L leppla C W mallack Mall allick lck J A mellen E 0 nelms C 0 keefe C L oren E M rafford F P H reagan A R seaman M C shen ray sutherland A E truscott max sk uhler F S Wart nun earl wood W B wood J A woolf J L E W zeigler jerome john granko victor L marrujo dan millar J H mitchell george john starch C R stuck paul vanich louis ve otti D C warner mayor mayer joe lotez lopez antone J M J schwartz john Uz elack california sutter creek N W hyler E C knowles jackson T millins sutter creek james copperopolis benjamin J box costeria Fo steria ralph D copley frank C gregory george P F kirby joseph E martin mike miller douglas rogerson selma percy S crocker eureka malvin sanders lang morris L cays allen alien W dewitt mark hefferan william M mcevily john mclaughlin joe martinez giovanni Minn osso N E ross frank scott A R toney mariposa thos N bains jr grass valley J W ball olin baker J 13 bennetts F J carter clifton gates cates H L cordell david A daniels C A danielson ellot eliot H downing thomas thomas evely lamar fleming chas R henwood J T hobba joseph holman stewart hosking thomas R james henry johns irving E king roy rov H marks adam B martin simon mitchell U C osborn A W parsons reuben Ren tree R W rodda ray E B smith edw B smythe J J stafford harry IV thomas F freeman B twitchell alfred H white roscoe williams nevada CRY city alfred J berry san francisco george condon james payton palo alto herbert stanley stanford university T aubrey A curtis curti harold dievendorff frederick R forbes E W pehrson rowland Rov land T J wood paul it yewell keswick ernest 0 blades ernest curti frank august kennett bertram bertrain I 1 cropsey stanford leland J 0 Pillo gri isson P F ralls rails mammoth C I H 1 boek W G collins K X C dell W dorrity harry hunt edward D lynton R K mcmillan T W mason N R J P G garland peyton C W plumb L J plumb robert J peter Sel estren charles smith geo waite shawmut nut milt cabrillo henry geurge pearl C hall J E Lecht enfeld sidney rich wm win A sinclair james D wilkie COLORADO lafayette charles duncan thomas kary claude miller wm win john morgan ladis novak noble raymond nate simonson philip arthur walton bowie wallace D bowle bowie frank coffey harry edler vernon puller fuller john gordon william T denver J E mcinteer colorado springs dick bold A J caldwell tony chiaro frank costa lee dytri george evans eli B kenner daniel lee duncan james J piper fred W price W M price grover C shidler pikeview Pike view wesley M hendricks H 0 knapp edward mccargish McCar gisk michael odonnell beof South cette jos otto chandler john baker joe delduco jack heberlein eberlein dan marinelli M E somerville crested butte james arnott john H arnott joseph arnott joseph byank james hoy J T kane joseph kochevar tony kochevar prank frank kuretich martin kuretich william manley william E nash C P F negro john L joseph paste frank tony edmund sorrell somerset frank deaver beaver arthur boultbee edward E cox matthew glaviano Glav lano alexander harrison charles Krant john E mack ralph H henry richards ira C sanborn C J walker john H walker delcarbon delcarson Del carbon john courtnee joseph kellar folten J N murray picton thomas davis ivor gravelle patrick ravenwood eugene dallo betta D E davis allen alien G lincoln archie topping robert topping joseph watson jr ji strong gilbert ballantyne C P doughty even hanman C J henderson stuart hines victor boffoli Lof foli leo mccormick frank vogler tioga alexander alexander john dich bich anan william proffitt F M shupe walsenburg william campbell thomas carruthers george L edwards charles hutton john A mcginn alex osseck george thompson arvada charley axon wm win laurie finley mccallum golden T H andrews harry E bott M M butler albert K chan Y C chas G M Cli cherry erry L C chiang E J dickinson george goldfain Goldfa ln kive lun haush mearl G heltzman heitzman max T hofius robert higgins wm win F jones david R locke alfred C levis A L miller harold E mann william J murphy sidney A norman E maxwell walter T oreilly W P putman E W robinson harry A robinson lindley M donald D biddis sidney smith small F C sealey robert A thurstin lee K X worth W H williams P C yuan durango dearns mccloskey aguilar joseph bickerton william cafarelli Cafa lester cox james natole joseph piano r rank prank sandon joseph sipper talat mat Si store berwind thos davies chas dolan albert E smith dewey wakefield bowen emilio bacall peter henretty john mason jesse pearl emilio ortiz ben rivis Alfon alfonser sor trujillo delagua john B bell alex brooks william cowsill ernest curran ernest hallas lee jarrell joseph L lowery chas E young gray creek david jolly robert jolly michael russo model russo george white hastings lon davies A M lawrence jas L lowery A F reed lee swafford david williams clyde winner chas zen onla trinidad J M Tweed dal cameo james anderson wm win anderson arthur chas brown walter breen thos hudson peter george W mcnell mcneil nick H V rice james C thomas W C thomas palisades robert brown evan davis jr floyd heanley david lloyd jr john nish W D stokes mount harris clarence C crosby roy 0 y corrillo dennis courtier harris courtier C camillo amillo domencio nick gooras s T thomas homas P greenhalgh earl haddon prank frank haddon willis haddon robert halbert william halbert 0 grier harrlson harrison claburn mccallum anton Wed steve radish albert ronall frederick seal charles medmer oak creek john alexander joseph bender alexander burt W M burt charles bisch leslie bisch raymond bisch james cook edward coply F G dunn L H friend P S galloway james haggerty john A harvey george koler john koler owen ballom louis miller charles stork pallas nick Cha chakales Chak aias kalas W E little henry maki firestone chas E salisbury frederick joe donato bonato john elder david W jones john mcnell mcneil steve marco V Z storrs |