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Show t to to gf- to to - & $ ito p vto' 'iy ear f p y p IbJW3!-:- - Iyl m . ' SR The Salt Lake Tribune, Sunday, 2, IfTI ugut Old 21st Ward Chapel Hosts Last Session Todays wrrg&v i Sunday is the last day meetJ ings wiil be held in the stately 21st Ward Chapel, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-da- y Saints, on 1st Avenue and K Street The huildirg is partially torn down and will be replaced with a new chapel. The chapel had its beginning 93 years ago. On July 5, 1877, Darnel H. Wells, LDS i F i r a t Presidency . and John Taylor and Apostles Orson Pratt met with members of the Salt Lake LDS Stake and divided the 20th Ward into an eastern and western part The Westrn area remained as the 20th LDS Wa'd and the Eastern A $ i ,. ! I 1 A 7 rsi A ? , structure was selected and was near the center of the block. the records continued Area was orgnized as the new 21st. Members oU-- d gested. The 16. 1893. Since 1893, 11 men have been bishops of the 21st LDS Ward. The current bishop and his two counselors. George E. Mangar, Loira Eldredge and Jay Meseney, have presided since Jan. 16, 19o6. Or April 27, 1969. the 650 ward members unanuously voted to sustain r proposal that the entire building complex be torn down and with new buidings. The last meetings will be held Sunday in the partially demolished church. And as one member re Tie ground was broken by Bishop Andew H. Burt, followed by counselors and other male members present. They dug a trench 26 feet long before Jeavirg tne grounds." Accordirg ti the ward histo ry, on July IS, 1877, a mass meeurg of the 21st Ward members was held on the church block (now known as J and K Streets and 1st and 2nd Avenues) and vas attended by two or three hundred people. It was voted by thove present that the building to be erected should be 28 feet by 42 feet and should be built by donations as the Bishop (Andrew H. Burt) had sug- Sees 11 Bishops Bishop Bur presided over the ward until Aug. 25, 1883, when be was shot and killed while on duty as a police officer. He was succeeded by one W Uliam of his counselors, Land Nuttle Allen, who was actual site for the until his death on Nov. bi-h- . marked, All things some time, but our and memories are ea forever. Costing J374 000, the re,? chapel is expected to be cmi- - X pleted in September, 1971 It . the meantime, the ward mem-ber- s will bold their meetings 7 m the adjacent Longfellow LU ementary School twl 1st Ave mu.--?-?- fiie'' According to Charles S. ate -director, Utah , J. Historical Society, the LDS Ward Chapel is one tsf approximately 12 LDS wars-i- n the Beehive State whij . are included on the state reg. ister of historical sites. n. ' I J I C .J x t &, h'nTitiffinai" ,i Nunda.v will mark the last meeting in the Twenty first Ward Chapel of Church of J:sus Christ of Lat- y Saints, 1st Avenue, K Street I Oregon Holds Hear s Witnesses Utah Patient Plea for More Disciples the tune is so short bofoie (aids mflit of on government eriih that Jehovahs Witness es Jmust concentrate on bap timg more disciples, peisons at Ji he Men of Goodwill Dis-tnAssembly of Jphovahs V dnesses heard Saturday. Speaking bofoie more than 8 200 persons in the University of Utah Special Events Center, Way man S. Hartley, circuit supervisor for Utah Circuit 1, told his listeners the gieat, urgent need of today Is more than just giving the kingdom message to people in PROVO One of two iwtients who walked away from the Utah State Hospital Tuesday was apprehended in Portland. Ore., Saturday. Utah Bureau cf Criminal Identification officials notified Dr. Roger Kiger, physiUan-i- charge, that Charles Sullivan, 35, is being held in Portland. He will remain there until Monday. The other escapee is Carl Bennett, 42. Sunday, those attending will begin meetings at 9 am, hearing six speakers during the morning and afternoon sessions. Jehovahs Witnesses gathered from Colorado, Idaho, Wyoming and Utah to attend the convention, which ends its four-dasessions Sunday. literal, physical estahlish- - th Jt V n y k j.: ter-da- -- Jehovah For the Home... For the Family f if ;u. n IIFE INSURAf.CE OPPORTUNITY IN EUROPE I . I. ! general. We must give more emphasis to teaching those who are receptive to the Bible so they can actually become disciples of Christ, he said. Ray A. Reed, presiding minister from Casper, Wyo., told the assembly the. only real hope of man is Gods kingdom. Mr. Reed interpreted the United Nations as the fulfillment of Revelations 17.9-1(Holy Bible). We recognize the good the United Nations has done and the right motives in the hearts of the men who lead and advocate it. but those who see that organization as bringing peace and security to the earth are out of harmony with the Bible, he said. Eorningi cf $20,000 per yeor uncommon. are not ' w ll ! '"'jWv SAVE s302 SAVE s15 Would you like to work in the military market in Europe where million dollar producers are the rule rather than the exception? You can live in France Germany, Italy or the United Kingdom, Craftsman Commercial Electric Circular Saw 7-i- n. 1 have at least 1 year of life insurance experience (ordinary or combination) and would like more information when I arrive from Europe in a few days write Box 0 co This Newspaper, giving a brief resume including address and phone number. If you ,97 Regular $54.99 C-3- P. TT Omsk Durable Acrylic Latex House Paints Ur A 97 Regular $7.99 Motor develops at 6000 RP.M, no load speed. 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V, i. c .hi 30-Inc- fas'env a ful I4 f,i' r 24 or h Bar Stools 4 .V 1 n rt r 1 " I a a or at toupof hnef e nroctM w if me ie a op tea oi v ork kv a iremal doc r and b w vx tio Ike re. 4 nr (issm ia ba r sx a sv jet re vt or aed BEFORE AFTER Hair ts Ptcnser o Pv ce. Eowcstcett, Tnw new Cwo ye Meooca, Atset U m U ha a yMi a y ved oy he n tor nwny te as leea wr o eJ rs a a vers He n It tew o d fi n he ha nec d by hep u,'es-- hut whender-noui ell tf t"J Kl f5 than I rinvung cllj b) voj look o You have vx or rr-tiie auoec), g C ompsriwa-IMh- er f t. rm Med Har lee'eced Coreen Meedo Peep vott J apptaran has maje abf a ecnce t'f Uv E? e ei tt n are ex er ' e "ci feta an " s tf- anv a r i ie ect f t r rangH vR or r I AC EO O -- . h - e f t t4 v - - r- ,- r j utnger N r'ft t jjr maAea irrmec a'e ' N r lco. tetff t f u ao- -t wer r o e$ sooj a g r yremaure v F- r ent cm how ed as Y OJ w wd. fttx' e esn n axe aou look hair xoui ker Your new apartov tfu x I em eu totrat Ji xe aou twe eue6-oc- e axi a our tc ure and tt to fv iv'tt Access three ca o: f art i 1 r t) e tu net ant oi tr it Lxen nic e totwe Jokes! i x. u accept tit nir t r waj' loss a t ma ce xou' new head ' avu ct ke .iu,b-i,.l.- T inu, a Cur a 'How f'x ba a n an to w i faev g n . er oak . Rrv an ird t at F ns ba i ft exer -- t tun to ' tniX L Ca ba s m Haw v fe k now r ke p .p a u . x i a e a- - eVr n 'fir f Nrs I urikei ee r , ''A (Hu 4 v ii b r I er u , tba ti ( Mb r totirx auueiser. I I toark-- hir na ' e la. 1 Jfx e, 1 wiiat j heir eneb oy h 7 say he lco h e m I yet t they onl Clare, or eon er nt he ant to te you vny month r paf n xocl make an over- Hevrsef Clmtc cl The hmc is open horn vo tr fr eruswomedaooiU til 6 Monday thru h rt- a our ba dnesa as much as dav. haturdav 9 til 12 xoued Noneoft emwli aoeet Free Aaalxm feel v ur sow hair la vaa r focijn-,u- sJ a normal V trxtxou toraeaa noo rtment for an eh. tl n: t An trrepted Me! araffis of vour fvcoi fists ard rena ha r reolacemert needs. It 1 b wi pnt-.i- d UOom ulitur. Cat jo txtU Warn rnwryt - g ve ha r rej a emert ia an w rd r f anaot men ,n A "r ci l dav I a as n c'' a part c $ od a svae se 5 v f ed V xe e j 1a ,ke t . rg ou mss ir rtane whe h.na.c.p'look U. n,I,ad,la1.VW! rouf Your new v.tai Haui m j ytxi i ter u' e a TTeANf' i.r v tecepture a yeunear It V de el. Ha. t as beca tied t . Vletkod1 ' jfh & lit a t c " - , ojbi Tn unt erlea 1.1 ra' nm d wove ar-- r e our on tep, it e tle nw tv ng xoa can urs : tvyci. .ojv-C- i. 'cjr t ' For your bar of kitchen . . . Thick vinyl covered seats in rich xvlanut, black or avocado have a walnut-colore- d back. Chromed legs have glides. Come in today for your choice in 24, 30-isizes. floor-leveli- 16.99 30 in. .... Vu r 13.47 ' i (srr vo"'t et t ii tf t rri Ft"u t Cnal Hanging Firescreen or Handsome Woodbaskct 4 $22.95 i?sr4 YouR Were Catalog v CHOICE QrjS7 QJ J ?' 1 r , t. if- - ' .4, . " 'X Beautiful hanging firescreen or wood basket Designed to coordinate with any decorating scheme. 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