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Show 12 C i tl IT - . The Sail Like Tribune, Monday, Acgnst 2, l?Tt 91 I Sports 91 foreign Core Tmls for 93 Tracks for Safa Sola far 93-Tr- ocks ! tJ-Tri- QUALITY SELECTION INTERNATIONAL 914 Metallic Paint $4,495 $5,995 $4,695 $3,895 $3,995 $1,295 911 A 912 Silver 911 Cpe., Yellow Coupe 3-4- -5 -- PorscheAudi 1045 S. State St. A beautiful veMow color with b ark trans , AM FM interior teat ef covered raoio, steering whel. running (1qms, and matching cover tor tne nose. Com end today. $4,895 STRONG'S 679 S. Wain 353-586- 7 COMPACT CAR OWNERS NOW tye have on display our first shipment of travel trailers that a Volkswagen or equivalent will handle The exciting new a'! fiber jiass camp afar, exclusive Salt aka healer Stae If DUNE Kits from P.s., p b., dual tank, 'a Convert 3 top. 4pd USED CARS AUTO LEASING TRUCKS CAMPnRS L. B. (Sandy) SANDWiCK '67 FORD '66 CHEV. '69 30 Brand New SERVICE Bountiful' BUGGIES Camper '67 invited inquiries 328 9887. '67 VOLVO sedan, very sherel $1,295 VOLKSWAGEN INTERMOUNTAIN 37 1) S. State 262-640- 1 GEORGE GLENDE 371 i S. State 262-640- 1 1970 MERCEDES DIESLu sell lest then 2,000 miles, r tor '67 .21 4,100. SAVE $600 Sweden's finest, very yery cletn. REDUCED TO Sun. or Mon. between 4 pm. and Midnight. Call '68 SAAB '69 Ranger '69 Custom '68 GMC34 '67 Ford '67 Ford Cust. '70 Intern. $1,295 VOLKSWAGEN INTERMOUNTAIN 3711 S. State 262-640- ) TOYOTA MUST ScLLlI Trans, over aaatT v Chevetle 396, bucket eeati. Weu rhO. posifrecnon, mag wheels, wioa ovals. $1,595 3,8U0 mi.,JU000. VOLKSWAGEN INTERMOUNTAIN PORSCHE, Soortomatic AM-F262-640- 1 15-3711 S. State mao. wheats, com tort group, new tire, i0 mi Rhone Richard at daw ? yes. '66 SUNBEAM TIGER baby blue, Hard to find in excellent condition. 3 3300 mi , rr- immaculate, good tires tops. Koni shocks, iraq wheels, 4,fc M7?4e7rf!IC278V Michelins never raced or wracked. Looks and runs great. Reduced for unroot AM-FWill sale. ouick trade. Private radio, pood tires, top cond, 32 mile or 338761. owner, Corona hardfoo Automatic. vary clean! coupe E1 '66 SI MCA So- - SI 58 CORVETTE an convertible, , auto, trans., pwr. steer., pwr. Wl"aOW' AM'FM rid!o485-2685. $495 VOLKSWAGEN INTERMOUNTAIN 3711 S. State 262-640- 1 MgU EXTRA sharp '70 DATSUN Volkswagen, iriigs, radial tires, rL.T1'?' " tnooels, with walnirf Interior, ate. Flared pipes, ovorhead. Save at !??2T9 optional. A steel et CLINE'S. 5640 S. State. SI.740. alter 3:30 p.m. wkdys. '68 CAMARO 327 tlno.. 1970 PlYmCHJTH Sjoer B.rd. , 18 mpp St JOB or 60, best offer. Mc.k Atf&x u'- - PL P b.. bucket seats, 10,000 mi., Immacualta, no 2 toos7 Tonneai7, oH'r refused around t?a.n4.Pl tours, ski rack AO. mil Berstrom. and luodaga rack, makt otter. DUNE BUGGY '70 LOTUS Sharpest In town, all new ready to S at CLINE S54C S. State. . WILL TRADE tetion won. Immacu-Hlns'o- e 70 CORVETTE Daytona, soft and out, S80S or otter. too and hdtp., air cond.,yellow, alec windows, auto, trans., 350 eno. a.soo CORVETTE Sting Rav, fastuack. Cali gave eves. cond., make offer. 278 0503, See at 3510 So. 57oo West. 2094)188. '70 SAAB'S In Army, new t'rens. VW' aoino 0Hd safest smell car with the ? '.5 motor, most built-i- n enaineerlno. aowheels, front end damaged. CLINE'S, 3540 S. State. '64 VW Camper with tent, A. teo sell sharp VW sedan. BJUST carrier, w,tti ledger, flood confl.. 8LJ75. avail, ohapprgved rredlt hnonejnj. et 3817 So.' Sr.to Sr iili 81,100. MUST sell '70 Volkswagen, colbelt blweoood condition. 85. Connor St. '48 RED Ooai Kadett sperts coooe. radio, black vlnvi int., 3 new tires. iWT STINGRAY Fastback. AM-Fft0W 81,150. ,irtS 2780 21 4 radio, air cond., auto, trans , pwr. steer, brakes. Very clean. 68 MUSTANG convertible, 289 tadiOe heater, auto.. power steering, IW. SUNBEAM Tioer, offer. dual pipes, wide whitewall. SI 895. Cell weekday after 4 o make m See at 1218 N. 400 West, Bountiful. weekends Ogden. DUNE bupav, almost finished. $400. .7 TR4 A. excel, cond., low or bast otter. 5405 S. Riltv service record, 81 Jot firm. Ln. or J67-8369 SAAB. 1 owner, still under new '6 ROADRUNNER, almost new. ca warranty, any raas. offer. Pvmts. S5 mo. Gayian, AM 4x4 sa 67 MG B Michcun USED '1 Excel. c 4 wire wheel. tires, many xtra. 81495. AUSTIN Mealy, pood body. 2 fops, eng. naeos work. Make offer, 59 $969' CAMARO .. bounds tires, vinyl loo. MUST SELL 350 tooth 82,350. '.9 64 VOLVO 1800 81,700. Wkdays txcl. S., p.m- - otter, 2 9136. hurst OPEL wagon, '64. trans. trouble, 4 new new tires, bast offer. 1232 McCleJ ett. 5. land. R.llve. 1969 VW. Excellent condition Gome '66 FORD 700x1 '63 DODGE with Tirei, En- l Service Engine, Body, 700x1 Trans. $595 with Servlet Body, 790x17 Trans. Tires, V- - Eno In, MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM 2800 S. 2ND WEST 486-750- '68 FORD JEEPS oft. Lindner Wood, Inc. OWNER t. '67 CHEV. , WILSON CHEV. tra, wtr M - 50. '3 '4 acrift 34 joer t i7 efti4gm. trt t5, in j'er te f t r ce j cEu j r )t bJ 21 $5,500 Tranv. Engine, Equip. Lon 44 70 CHEVROLET la Trn. Dont make the JEEPS 7 69 '43 '64 470 PM. 9--7 MAGNA LST, Transmission, 4X4 pickup 199 Pprd pickup 19 Ford stake body m? Ford i6? Ford Feirtane Rancharg 19a4 Ford Bronco pickup 3432443 Jack Brtnohurtf, 4th 5o. Majn Petty Motor '44 FORD cabover diesel tractor, 22 Cummins ene. road renoer trans., smoie exte tfer, excel, cond. $5 900 of men Must sell immed. 4029 S. 7th East. 63 FORD TANDEM DUMP l. NEW ' Hitch Radio COACH ifSTItJ. ' ' - ( '3M-IC- NEIGHBORill loom look, 0 Eh 8120 W. 3500 South. Open 9 J 22' WINEBEGQ ; CondH CLEAN AS A PIN. A tioning. Generator Powar Piaht. SPECIAL 68, $8,495 PLEASURE 34y LAND . State 5. CAMPERS AND AT 5141 EE SOUTH STATE J .P.'s INC. Term Open till 10 p m. South Mam, Bountiful 1 CHOOSE FROM only DRIVE Jl.ooe . mil,, 2959253, 194 FORD pickup, TjnocTbodv. new brakes, shock, kmoptrw, jtaoo Eaet So. 315e So. truck special-.- ,. 89 FORD Ranoer Rancho fclrav lUg-f- t camoer. teH- SaCrUic contained. Cost $700. cond.$4,575, Beth 197 RANCHO EiRay l5 ft. cemoe' heater, douoie sink oven Sieeo vton Fo-- d otektrik AeUom cab. after 5. aflclorp. $2,79$ '67 DODGE . with '49 Viste 21 n. camoer, both very clean. , '69 JET camoer, I' aho-imodel stove, ire box, sink, etec. nd pane lights, $450 266 3606. 1 ui FOR SALE 14' camoer, cond, $750. New aide. b(taW Cad i3i w J "W'i FT. CAMPER. Ea .t , p " kader, stefeo, trace for imal er unit. F r n hnt at, Af Af -r 1 k 0e. i rsj r irtf 255 5914 pood V ar front D'tcoverer, 50 CHEV., PICKUP, cteen, mtr NEW ve-t- t, oven, aoeciai prcae o'hauied, excel cor. stxtrterized. 262 2631 $330 or trade for car, chast built camoer. ipmou 1951 DODGE pickup good cond touip., gas retrio. CoH new baHery. 485 9717. 48 Hi p m. or ail d ay $ at.. Sue FORD ;vtn Vste Liner twW end 1 centelr. '67 FORD, Can fcMS-Sita- . be Sunil 27'477i. 2419 But f. So.). 52 FORD custom ceh rad., ternyt Circle tor. e 19o8 I CABOVER camoer. 44 9 57, h"., oood cc'd., hft lack. 7u46 S. Banbury ur. 2 1914 CHEV. i pickup. A SPd 9678. . $2u0. Can 1967 GMC p,b , 4H$pd , and '69 FORD Ranprr, 44, tires, non-o- i Dover stuva sink, 51 ramper many extras, oter, 264 15. kebpx. T QBi'9. '42 CHEV. pirkup ta ton, top conj 68 C AMPfR '""Tacks ANGELUS insice end cut, 21-0t47- intercoms, tenet. $i.2uU, lM' T 1963 FOCD VJ, long wide bed. red. Mr., recently over, housed. Must tell, maxe otter, '48 STUDEBAKER with rack. South Mam USED . cabcyer camper, Iceboa. butane bottie $795. 2 short bed cabover 4395 each. campars hO 162? 581 campers Jacks. TERRY'S TRAILER SALES 5735 South state So? ty)4 CHEV. camper van, 292, . steens auto, trans.. pood cond., must sell. Sl.M or best oter. Money talks. For info. PICKUPS to soil your budget WILSON CHEV. SO. STATE 262-341- 1 Scout 194? M noi A1 Farkdale campers purrhaaed fl heater August will include end '49s to 70s 5650 292-045- 1 TO I $29.95 PONT. n r NEW MINI MOTOR HOMES TRUCKS ROY PRICE CHEV. and 95 WEST VALLEY FORD' trirti, 11,000 ml. V-- 4 set at Wyytew Vi Have. Pevo. M JEER. dr, roll bars, front verdrry DIESEL engine tar Mia. 335 Cum-- r Wth wintfi. Warn hub. Hoiiy Auto n. $2j0. Co , American Fork, 75371 '45 Chev. 4vl., '57 iata mofiel. FORD wta Custom cab. 266 2474, pkkuo uiiitv bed, asod , new tires, $450. JEEP Chev., lixa new cortd. 7g4Eatt 4350 South, 277 15te. Extras, rte 36. 1941 rad. FOPD CHEV. 1957 tacvl., H4.i $375 er hm. Ral sharp, can ta over gay- test eter, rs2-irment or test cter, 25BC9. 65 FOP D VI 4 sod. tracu 41 CHEV , new pamt, , TRUCKS. 2600 MAIN overload springs. 29 0 ) 7 Rant mo h E m;er $x0.JA49C5 -- tan 4 meed, $1,C95. wnd- - S4 HF V, lr95. Metal ab. u pen'dMmp, stove and heafttr. JEFP, 299 54 4 466 dr gycei. cyd , 4f 4,lr7, whel She'd 26 rg R v r p4csu9 l9te GMC ton pickup ALUMINUM are'l fteiQi 101 Int l. Sr'nu$, cd, hubs 643'? 9F teT D m tan new eno.ne 4'trurk4 axriint an? Arwnod Ewd good rubhey, 25 1749 i 5 Ti 9 er-Fr ys '67 FCRD re- 101 8 T L, crew cab P.ckup, 1250 0, A'T'tT Stef Vn rt4 'Ul 5 O" V 16 LrjO 2ti Xii JV9 ?r--4 5 iCor o4r. Cal Crll benches, 25. 1S ft, by 18 ft. 65 CatuH pick up pood cond. Call FlAT bed, crew cab FCRD CAB KFT CA' fiaoe $40. tACEL CUND MTRAS. jvfPWA TWO F ROLL-A-LON- G 3 70 nta ere : 4uta Ford F250 Ranger plus other extras with '49 J0'A California cab-ovtcamper, just new $3,745. . , '68 Layton 262-26- 1 10 rdo 3h Jee top $2,388 Sale Price $3,017 '5 steer LARSON FORD Window Price $3,543.45 rot, V C 5t S. HI As Low M n-- BY owner, vary cteen, '61 dual drive rear tndt, 534 tne. GVCORiG. 4 Suburban, post . traction, rad., htr.. wired for trailer VTON custom Chevy. 327 with btake controls, and frame 7250 241 S. eno , .rd. with covered hone $650. East. h.tch, Ceoer tnke otter, cell 41 FORD Ranoer trvck Valley, (tier 5 p.m. excel, cond. special Mint powered 4 FORD ton, L W B., VJ, buto., d sc brakes, auto. Firestone 9 JCx)5 5 tires. 27,000 miles. Clean--, Il.lto. TARA TRUCKS. 4547 So. wide-ovest in the valley. $2,500. State. n CLEAN Ford, Aod. redb. 'TO TOYOTA LANDCRUISER, hard3370 top, must dxcenenrt condition. heater, sacrifice, mandatory to Los AftOS, ail this week Warn hubs, 41 CHEV. vton LW. bed 4cvL and mud tires, no reasonable eter or retased, Ed, , met $695 . W-1967 chev. n $ort '48 FORD drive, custom cab, rad'O, cargo iiont, hubs, 2 narrow pad. $1,195, 43 E extra oa. tanks. 2 new fires, 340 '44 CODGE K. excel. V , Dean or $2,500. condjjWill trade. cmpr ft N. Main 750x16x8 Tires Caps And MANY OTHER ACCESSORIES. - 347 GMC Hub 34tx LAND $2,000 3rd West. S.L.C. Ut. OWEN WRIGHT C Pi PLEASURE LAND $2595 35 , - SAVE 1968 MACKS 355-419- - Of Fickup, Automatic Trans., BOB'S AUTOMATIC Power Rado, Heater, Steering, TRANMlSSiON White Sidewall Tlret SUPER CUSoohfd Avoid costly repairs and TOM C Aft vacations. Trans, cooler instalieo. Only v 570 A- West, Bountiful Beautiful MhTon Front and Peer Shock Absorber, Front Stabilizer Equipment Heavy Duty Rear Sorinos Chrome 3651 This '69 CHEVROLET t Sizes. lined Curtains Inc. 297-631- 1 Engine, and Choose From To Stereo Tope Deck Service Shop Open Daily Until 12 p.m. Midnight OLDS. , . Gas Capacity Holding Tank F773 pwr., ' . JET ' ' CAMPERS Trailer tires. duadruptex OPEN Adjustable Steering Antenna 'Bubble) shape, new overhaul. $13,000. 35 USED TRUCKS Used Truck Pric List on Request. $4,599 air loaded $ 2 59 LONGHORN TRUCK jeaoster, sharp IS Y agoneer u'9. snarg 81,999 Stock No. Till, Bronze Exterior with Wag cnaer, V-RUPP JEEP SALES Gold VmW interior. Equipped With Redwood DEALER SCOTSMAN. ROAD, PROWLER, 15' Travel and DREAMER, TV FREIGHTLINER enpine, duel dr. 11.14x5 tires. 66 MACK R719 71 ft LINE FIBERGLASS Exterior Styrofoam tn DOOfr FOR DRIVER'S suiation, YOUR ADDED SAFETY. Loaded With Extras: 413 Dodge Engir, F.S. P S. 2 Air Conditioner. engines, dual dr. 11,24x5 liras. 704 S. 1970 - TRUCK SPECIALS 26- - Weoonaar S. YOUR FULL RECREATIONAL R719 MACK pr I" 23' CABANA MOTOR HQME, LST C O E. 311 hp. 4 end 4 duel 10.00x22 8 $7,995 VACATION Mack Trucks, y 304J434 ?nd Wes STARTING AT 540 S. 500 1 MACK '68 T : ' 18' MOTOR HOME'- - LST CONVENTIONAL. 300 tip, 5 nd 4 duel drive, 10 00x22 tiros. CURLY SANDALL JIM SADLER CHEV. SPORT KING $14,400. '66 v : )i 70 . Kindly Used Trucks IV BILL KLEKAS SCOTSMAN Travel Trailer ' 15' Many Styles '68 of - Men love SPECIALS it. staka OPEN ROAD CAMPER $1,395 Trucks, Inc. TWO buying without checking our "DEAL" sea or call GUS PAULOS Lindner & Wood, Inc 717 S. 70 Mack WB. Special. $1,388 4919 S. State drive, PAULOS bear Cep. ' 262-543- , Engine. $2,695- 409 W. 4th South SPECIAL $2,693 ROY PRICE CHEV. 7 FREIGHTLINER NH250 Cummin.. 52 MD Bopie., New 77 1" Tilt Sleeper. At 15,500. $2,088 - GMC 4 International Harvester Co. CHEVROLET 292-045- 1 I' SHAW $7,450 Engine. D-2- Trans VPLUS PECK & 71 Open till 10 p m. 131 South Main, DODGE $1,988 H.D. LIMITED OFFER! FINAL CLOSE-OU- T LOWEST PRICES $3,139.20 win. THIS IS A Enpine. '62 KENWORTH 22 '67 6 $2,695 Trans. Tractor. end 4 Trent. Tractor EQUIPPED $395 '64 IH DCF 495 1970 RETAIL HAYES BUiCK STRONG'S '62 IH WAGON VJ Engine, Diesel - Fully $1,495 $1,995 Cab. Til! 405. . PLUS $1,188 '65 Ford TRUCKS IVTon FLEETSIDE BICKUP, Body Sida Moidino, Door Ede Guards, Stabilizer Bar Heavy Duty Springs Tran., Chroma Caps 4 50x15 lire Chrome Bump-tr- , gauaet. Stock Number 328-31- 31 TRUCKS NEEDED Any mok or modl WE PAY TOP DOLLAR SALT LAKE 1 MAIN MOTOR $2,295 t t V-- $695 '60 CHEV. CREDIT BASED ON SECURED OR FAIR CREDIT BRONCO If $595 with Service Body, Trent. gine, Body, '69 Trent-Custo- m. '60 IH ' camper. GMC $3,195 Aut. WAGON. autovat;c TRANS. drive, DIESEL STATION 4 Repo. Clean! '69 INTERNATIONAL with Vb Fool Servicp Tires. N super banana, long wide. '70 GMC $495 $745 NT DODGE $1,888 cyl., standard. Pickup. 66 GMC $1,275 70 $788 8 long IH 4x4. DCO SALE: wide, (tend. Irani. '67 GMC Utility Body. Mir Homti CAMPER SI. 088 VJ, $595 '66 GMC Mon. en. hue Used Trucks More Values stove sirk storm windowt 1045 S. Main hi -- Buys- Long wide '65 GMC . s a HUNTERS spec,.,, auto Irani, excel cond . seen ce M Si 2" 5 or best oner, xcl West Wooos CroS 22 2 a f-" 57 CHEV 5j tor. n fraoe. rer or best "Best Offer" '69 Dodge $995 wide Fo-- 2.888 '64 Chev. 52 Trbns. new GMC TRUCK CENTER .t 4 long bed, V J, Better hurry en s Ion UE lend 49L 1. 82 -- 4. 8' cabover: NAMPA CHIEF Raynel '65 Ford GMC '64 $995 484-875- 5 81.288 will finance. Cell to school must sell. 8)650. 1961 Ranav Stock 262 2937. Bryan Ave. $963 LOTUS Elite, stage. 3. RHD, 1963 CORVETTE Convertible new lust ovehau'ed. good cond. erxjine and trans. Vry '68 V-- 8 Pickup WILSON CHEV. $1,995 Host offer. This is a double drive f969 MG MWdget 1.000 mi. perfect unit with Warn sharp, 66 VW hubs, extra heater, STATE '66 V-- 8 Wagoneer $2,395 5650 SO. SOUAREBACK. showroom cond rear new whitewall seat, radio, 4C.C4SS. 8195. '69 MG midset, 82.206 or make of ter. 27? 761 1 Camo, '67 V-- 8 Wagoneer $2,395 tire. 322 2X53 or 67 C H eVelIe A STEAL AT RETIRED ARMY JEEP 6 Suoor Soort, '56 V-- 8 Utility CAR FOREIGN REPAIR $695 4spd trans. low mU oxcol. cond. hub Varvgood mtchanlcallv, 3068 Hghiand Drive, and MANY OTHERS ratal cb. $2 05. DUNE Buoov or trad for 69 VOLVO, excel, cond. sil to chpcsf from REDUCED TO $495 Low down and an finance 328 7853 VW 995 Vino good cond. 26-45MAXIMUM TRADE-ISt. VOLKSWAGEN INTERMOUNTAIN I9a0 PORSCHE, rapyiit eno me. cedi- AM-F363 ais. rado. 306 262-64069 BEAUT. Toyota Corona, 3711 S. State 1 BROS. auto, trans. fac air. 4283 GOLD metal flak Due Buoov Phillip Lan good cond., make 28 2439 1975 RANGER. XLT, 395 ooww 68 CORVETTE, mceM pn In town. FOREIGN CAR REPAIR 363-586- 7 eertno, power brakes deluxe two-ton- !? S. St1 679 S. Main Sao to bthtva any raas. offar. 1357$. Mam 5 radio and ail the extras. 262 5521. '65 SAAB, excel. cond WA drive chrome any Including bvmoer, '70 MG extra oas tank and utility camper. place. AM MACK COe Single Axle tracHi '67 VOLKS. PICKUP at '57 VW U4h Lergast aataction Only 4000 actual miles. Muxt aeil. tor, 136'' WB. NTC 335 Cumm.ns, rebuilt eng , run excel CLINE'S, 5540 S. Stitt. 262 5571. Will otter. Excellent condition! make trad and Mack 13 Sod. Trans, bower Strg. 8400 or belt offer. finance. 427, Air Cond. New M.ch hfceot. New 66 FASTBACK Corvette, $995 '59 VOLVO, runs, make offer. side exhaust, new tles excel, 61 Paint, Tilt Sleeper, 11,500. d WILLY'S OS. VOLKSWAGEN INTERMOUNTAIN cond., 82 500. CaH tow bar, winch, hubs, extra suspenVW '60 $425 new too, paint, 3711 S. State 262-640extra 3 tank oood sion, dirt gat '64 VW sunroof, radio, heater white trans. convert., clutch, braxe 2 & tires radio and heater. Call ah. 7 walls 1 owner, 44000 mites 8750. D m., 69 wxdavs 850 wxends FIAT SPYDER 8UOO, CaH anytime. 712 y 2nd West BOB S AUTOMATIC rrv after f p 81,095 or offer. 65 B V W, 1600, 196 W-- o DODGE TRANMlSSiON . n, kno 262 552V. t. Avoid costly repairs and scniied vacawde bad high gteef frm BY Wonttd 57 VW SUNROOF, 8200 01 tions. Trans, cooler installed. Only steDer, oood cond , priced immed 8550. off 16 Lucy Avt tale '83 CHEV. tVton, V A, , ltrat $29 95 JEEP 0-5- , 194, 2U, VOLKS, no enome, l75. 3634232 everdrive. c.b lionts, nor bumow, cb, '67 & OLDER MODEL 581 SOUTH MAIN Lehi. feet cond. thromhout. or . VW Must sell MOVING by IANK LtfJUIOATION tALB N --. ton August 5ft$.j66-42&- . Doom trucks, s 50, whil FOR Ford Vton pickup. 62 AUSTIN Meaty 8pnt, excel. Nscdd bowl Hlotwst orlct Mi (t hev test; M' parts . egg Exeat,tathaoa.3 S2 , extra tanks, heavy flrtt. For pickup South 8500. cond., Provo, Utah. 37t4&5. Eve. with '54 eng. W1 DOW ED W? PUEGOT. 4D4 with 66 motor, mu'5 tall immedutaiy,! 31 v-266 56. '55 Donoe gckup, $350 )9oQ Ford, 835. iono AMPHIBIOUS 262-341- 1 bad. METRO van daod cond naw DUCK 5650 S. STA1E good tend , 120 or best after. 170 G pood for camping hauling etc. 67. excel PORSCHE cond. new dHv. winch. Street. $75. 3tA.x932. fires many extras. so c a pric IsOO. WxS 4. Mon. TRUCKS NEEDED! TOYOTA Land Crvisar 89 GiAMOND-T- . new luatM96 372 3983. 69 SPITFIRE SU30. TRiUMPH ftnk000 c tr or model H0V humarTMaK Arty mk tor th ripnf ir r 53 MILITARY $1 Jtart Vnlaon Chav. new 22Jir8!Jl47SJJ95-7148- . 565 JEER, par. WE PAY TOP DOLLAR '68 DATSUN pckuo. excel, cond.. j '47 rabuit trans. and transfer casa 2a2 3411. CHEV. Pickup, $250 Rebuilt make offer. A M 2 5521. bucxaf sestx, nx bar, g.iv wms., 61 SCOlJT, dr., pwr. tac.l M95. 966 VW 44.000 miles, excel, cond. VI S39?. Bv owner. CHEV. diffarenttai WILSON hubs ipnf rim, good $v50 or otter. 162 31 U. '65 CHEV. . 8 rad tirev rad'o. hir rear t. Clean, 1962 FORD ivten pckup, 5650 SO. STATE cvi , good firm, other extra. $650. 64 ALFA Beider, caU, 3286701 ask htr., custom cao and bumparft iord $650. T7 97U E xctl. cond. will otd trade. for M.ke contioar wi 1945 CHEVY PiCkUR tacrL loatad. MUST BUY 69 custom CHEV. fica 5L550. Must ace ta eppraciaia. pwr, '57 NOMAD, 278-956- 7 266 T34. Atl makes or brake, pwr. steer. air, auto 309$ S. models. Your eouttv DR. CAB, 2nd or cash rear. East ROMEO GTV 1970 ALFA Suburban '6? Chev. twwiy '65 Ford Vi4on, evshm rnr 04X5 rond$vat UOOOmll 574.27)9, f to 5. $500. eng PATTERSON MOTOR SCOUT Intemattanai AwNtes cab rado haatar, nuos. 27-v;drhte rrjwrai cap, aoeva averse '70 OPEL GT wrrmy, ,uto. otbtr 528 South SITU '65 WILL e you buy '54 aluminum van, cont . V 7 5 or bat otter. 4 DODGE extras. S3, HO, V wm Cnev. 8. PK.XUP radio. 2 ton pwr oete. $5o or beat after. asod. WANTED 0dnr V Fod. Chv., ATTENTION HUNTESS, 19? Scout. 58 VOLKSWAGEN. 8208 Marcury tton weoon with 8 8aJ WO box. Can 4x4 wth ttati tlon, $2 4C4J Ovf rflri v. Tn car I'm tanking JoriMuST '40 wae One '68 CHEV, Custom cap-tn. , Sea a 4673 West 5500 So. Ktem. iow J VOLKS. ood condition, 854 etner ha ta paact condton muaaoa, ' axt'a. ict eute pofr action radio haetar 62 CHEV newt wr,te. Occuoent, kyg wda 42? 2 6 5C53 be vary Wrp, fnrt xa I. $5e8. e S L C. axial. Tr.mty 69 RENAuH', 25 000 m.a Ford . Can Rgndv Stack it 2i2 ?937. n C us tarn FORD ,196 cab 1.2-42 O' best Qgr. 486-8- 1. cord good Cu , ngped fer tr TrOtkl for Salt u Sa 7S0 Lest, 93 '41 PICK-UM GTD. FCR sie In good run-- camper CLASS! '64$CgUTL good cond , Clft 255 8C20 Bou-t.t- ol r na oroar mmm 65 FORD Vton V4 Ied JEEP Waeonee', fabulous cod. FORD A. FORD sod . new paint, asx.no 3'2 V4, '68 TO 250 MicnLm ires, tosmln. wne new pemt, HAS, pd, Ceil 414784. $1 300 owner, wii taka VIfOU cash dr. hjp. sharp 4375fh MlOPhj $605, '65 CHEV. oanef, 1958 VW FORD fry rk ctean. 1 owner, extra mi htr '4 CHEVROLET VMon, Custom, rad., . 363?tel. ien. 1962 MLLYS Cj5 iec. rrejc $,58.- pn otter. va'dr. roll 4 5Pd 3V), ps. p b , aute. '54 white bar top, hub, rad . txcei. Cond. 6i 7t6n TxOCK VI. dump truck, iitu new. 554 67 SPRITE pood cond, )64 Jnnn 5t laYton, pm perfect $1.40 or offer. 7 M 2 cond. 3.1$8. S. State 2 oJSwi. flLH-LaksiaeoeT 190 FORD TPVk, C- 5?" tor ASPEED' vHEV. CJ-BEST V ? 5 Lav-- , VW, 9 000 rnf , fgnroot Vte jEEd5. lot of axhas $1,9U Of vr payment, 'Cu good cond Cs tan Sa at 505 Eat 4h So. ,A55 Uta 3kg C.-- pavniys p4Ck to, eood cond new 5 2 gae tanxt. ' 19 CORvA.R c wo , a Eca c wA 1S7 chev. Pickup best after RUF '67 3i. $595. 2600 Mam ,'64 PANjER Or . 359 ?x. $.4nu. Ja.nt,462te'?u6. f t-- -, dun' Fcd, 9 7' bd tt-- 0 C '5 JEEP, til extree mhim ;'5 int 64 t WANTED I , c N.av Ssr , excel. cond t'Kf nek M -, later moc-e Wy. 255-5 U pno ? ? end t ys m e rt! cod r'l bed 2 8 , Or4fW4 6i 2 L.eO L Ivin wtn 49 INT L. an-- 1 '63 A6 wirh wmch, swauta trpeki matai 6l.6CK body BioE faxa Ford buooy CEV. bd Port, etaff trans, $S, Ci ax-- h 3 2 4 VI i t tant-ei- . ccod. 2?.- - U6. '57 on VAi and atfiar compact. W FCD 1 262-- i. condt far cuck iHCLV?S truce 4? '4? chev CSH tor 466-2engme. ton $15. 1 HA $i68. eoutprwd nxcai. cond. 2U-- 64. 6t(4. CARS local, cab, V-- t, with utility box. A real steel. Great Selection , Mrs. Csrdall. Porscha excel ideal for Dune angint. Buoav or VW. Bast interior, Opel cond ' rsa Camper $4,797 full drive International uto. Mats, consul, '64 Dodge crew 3,988 NEW Mixer trucks lanaem 7lyd. mixers. I., j . SELL J55 stove2Fga' 8' cabover tanx, smk, safety glass, tile 81,098' water fiocrs, curtains. I 135" $1,195 USED TRUCKS '59 FORD -- 2 HI-VAL- r. ,688 109 8890 487-107-1 '67 Dodge $1,295 Da nr G.T. hdtp., vinyl ronf, paint. $T 385 W. 1300 So. truck. Irani., p i, 135" w b., b, ir 8 bed wk cutpm cab radio really good A w V Ti, "THE TRUCK PEOPLE" '66 Dodge ton, Tons 135" Ford 153" W B. 2 spd., 8 25x30 tires, air brakes. '68 Ford 194" w b., C&C '64 Ford F600, 4t2- 202"w b. '64 Chev. 80 15' tiat dump 44-- ? '58 Chev. 14' stock bed, '59 IHC 18' refrigerated Van '58 Dodgt Boom trick with util. '68 Ford 163" W.B. full atr '63 194" W B. 834 full air. 34,000 ib tandem. '65 Chev. 153" W B. '65 Reo tandem full air 5x4. CENTER bucket . 2 Tons and Larger TRUCK & MOTOR HOME O HONDAS Ford Ford Ford HINCKLEYS Mobile Home , ') DAILY 0 266-443- 3 Guerdow Hub ftioSMl8- SKI-DO- 9-1- Open till 8 p.m. weekdays 2309 SOUTH STATE $2,788 5L.har,Jl cab. 5545 S. STATE Vton, 1 SCOUT V-- sneed, custom (One owner) '64 Ford Brand New SUNBEAM Alone SeTies V, oxcel. cond, 1,000 or best otter $MOT. C..I speed 4 V-- OPEN CAMPER I WB., bumper. 70 r '69 New oaiM. A cond Sed-- n P 4640 17" tires' '66 FORD N automatic trans., custom cab. FORD 881 f. 2f MENLOVE 81 79 82,9981 81, 198 07 t--a Oown 94Campen, & 8?, - - e MUST 88f8 Ford 84 8 Bronco Dckuo full top Jeep CJ5, Ford W-4x4, cab. DodQt '85 '62 '83 ' - jit. . . radw . 2'7-4'- a 2829!), 28 81 cab. ECONOVAN 8 cvl , '68 Sift Stake Red 9 51 8U0. 199 Ford Custom cao, Long wide, s'and. trans , mirrors, duel itgnts, oual hyorauiic Drake, No. 4171 Sl.OVt gadded dash- - meai floor. Sharp Ranger, auto V 8, 8 Cyt 1 speed FORD custom cab. Automatic trans. '69 FORD MANY, MANY GREAT BUYS JUST returned from Europe with a V.'ltti 8 cvl, Auto. VANS REFRIGERATED walk-i- n Chev. refnger-- , ated body walk-I- n '58 Chev. Y refrigerated body '59 IHC 180 18 van with reefer unit) '63 988 INSTANT CASH wolksw-ge- n INTERMOUNTAIN Ton '82 CHEV. FORD 460 VOLKSWAGENS Urgently Needed 4 Special new pain, 4 speed Icebox, stove, sink, water tank, butane. Buggy components. '66 u l, 6yl., 292, '68 CHEV. Open Road Camper i i RANGER soMd. A5k ofrtr CHEV. '69 127 VJ, 4 sewed, new tires -- TON '66 CHEV. FORD V. 2S4 ton;- 1 2 sed 4 - - n- UTILITY at tt S7 3a0 tn Tne-m- o w fnanct- - S . 70 GMC 4 Wheel Drives '65 66 '47 '68 68 $1,395 TRANS. (SOI) 123-- N t'o? S'98 8' bed utility bed Sl,v V bad $vv8 cvi. utifty oes V4 , a It Sws Sharp 81,M lC Chev, Ford, Ford, Ford, '68 Ford '60 Chev Tons autek 4 speed, split rime ASpeed Trent. en (1) Tram. for Porscne ij ALSO MANY USED VOLKSWAGEN1 PARTS. KARL'S EUROPEAN KAR Wmi 34-TO- i '56 Ford, '54 GMC '68 Ford '67 Ford '66 Chey. 6 w 5 Duo da '67 IHC, 63 67 63 '65 $1,795 (Tl Sn 50 440d, sh.ro V 8. 297-631- 1 PORSCHE Truckland 266-443- 3 o' , . e- 58 Sold Bennett Ford OF YOUR CHOICE OPEN UNTIL 10:00 CHEVROLET- - OLDSMOBUE 9 7 PM. Magna 1,341 CHEV. 8 19W CHEV. All Demos Must Be STATE DIAL-A-CA- R 327. PAULOS . MOTORS 10,901 HEADQUARTERS 78 Festaerk Coe., . 350 '70 Fallback 44 fir, pe, '6f Convert., 3 tops, , 390 '64 Convert, 2 top, 427, Asod. t7 Over 50 SANDWICK Ford Vfen custom C6S, L.A.8 New in Stock rod. V-- 8, 3, w DISCOUNTS Travelali Dual air cond. ., 22 ft. LARGEST jV '69 VOLKS. $235, BASCO GT Street Festbeek. Look like a n bod end kit, Torga iiosacul pine $es than a na Beane. end toft tops, hbtrglau body ONLY $1,995 pans for VAL ell occessories. 4 VOLKSWAGEN INTERMOUNTAIN yrs. ex per. in mfg. Street end 3711 S. 262-640- 1 State DEALER DISCOUNT CORVETTE 120 S 262-640- 1 Motor Home V65 $400 $500 $800 $1,200 WILSON CHEVROLET Self-cont- VOLKSWAGEN INTfcRMOUNTAiN 2711 S. OPEN ROAD International !j! St uL MV51 SALE $2,137 At '68 PORSCHE TON 5650 S. fi cts WRECKER HEAVY DUTY REAR SPRINGS & GAUGES IMMEDIATE DtT VERY. 2,488 Financing ACCEPTED V BANK FINANCING V WARRANTY AVAILABLE V UTAH'S ?$-Tr- DEMO 1970 CHEVROLET BRAND NEW Lw.B. 34, Heavy Spring year ALL TRADES 912Targa ?$ Trv'ks fsr Salt f$ Trscks fer Sal FACTORY BRAND NEW TCpe., 912 Cpe., AMh $! Sports & foreign Cars PORSCHE 1970 1969 1968 1967 1966 1956 (or Kki DT et jf oR T i: i r |