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Show IV Silt 6C 40 Home Lake far Sal Tribal, 0 Sunday, Aagnsl 1, 1579 for Sat Home 49 Home for Sat UO for Home Sal C PEN rvSi 3-- 6 TO? HOILADAY LOCATION VA OWNED HOMES - w. i.i k'edecorated tceient Cord.r.on Terrris up to 30 years, no cics ng costs h a uw .i a e w"... r five ear, c a rX WIM ft df 3 feQ .Of Pa die ; j dob zo . , 4.S $..$ Y. UNG la- - i Amet Cdf -- C ioC Qafatyt ut cui oe .ai. 6, sj i. 4 i$. . w scr.ruu-n- vfc- -r .- 8- ftP Cr nfl : 'jKJ .w,-- . VeC t' ilSliSE .oSSi Cd-- G 3 Ce LJ.LT t tpjrm s lo fir HOUSE P.M. M cipcle Pk'M ! 5hE8AnJ?' ll av,6 i ; r- 'org ,J Tut 6f ST ' frr y room 3. Lo.AmWT ?!, t ShT $ 1 ORECCn 5c locatton, pot1 U2. a d b JzJ Sn&u a rey-f- t K'CE plus features of SiOOOuo jh 3 So veu warn Quality and onde of 3? Owwersr p tai oe rr Gcians owner, eng , B w fh etrl 3 iq contemoorary, wifn fever. Jra 25 UNITS tnafQ uess BfcST e fa or ca 50C S 9 a for Set d tf arHlS Ow:t LASSEN 3d: ju. 4 fy i.rtT M4r imorcer r?s p- 2 See at 27., . 2'S 32M, $4 Sl: S'c!1" Sc 5 LiV AR uAR'-- AH jOnES .n,4 c 9r Cn. 45-R- Cjfof eal '" -- 7 s Lj?,I'2;-rChASE LaneT Center ,T u"v imp.' owea. v? t'S mi 2u4$ra 0fs, PD 29f Easr .,6-n,- m RESiDENYiAi. Ho5 1 n.P' near A o ne, cot or Yktr,ACE fcsas ciplex oafiun we er, horse cANr A'l .mprcvemerts 42 Property far Trod Ef?N two f ft eartpr tuT M-Ufan T&s-- ocn t As 00 Of'Ck vears Dw iftni, P4 cams, 21 vy, ttirmirnj pool On tcngaraoe. unf-t ws':ne H g .fi rtavy tcy'carpers. sf trace ano near ore ng Oreoes, hum d f.r, professionally 1or ' ianoscaoed spr,n ys ana pat tree, veranda newny pa."tj. J2V ? 3Trt Trrrfi fir By Mrmj k at-.- . let 44 for Sate 44-l- oft 'ScCUDeDr AND CLiPLfiX r a oats ctn Pi iti. may THi loan. vAKuy AoSUVc -- 5 PS ; (1 Income Property iGraisea oar $1,30 oer pntt I9ef Z Eh' year Tef- up w r v. v at,do ...a, c7'' h''r . Hiii rwLf!?lHLJlJ! '8mL,tf, dt & MO 5QQ -- 1 Dr.i. .f r - 2' -- Lf Income Hrsperfy OWNER. MT. OLYMPUS FA.V.iUES BENOAvtse , ll for Sat )48 Home w t Wanted '0 467-- RETSE4T a Sco ' ? N . rva er.o,- - THE CAPSTONE a,. a - t4 8 6, 10'S 5 C0C 5t0 fe.h- - J4Y WANTED StD rm trma tofu rL S 550 PER ACRE! GRAN TE 2 Sks fU, DU'! ms vr r tl'fticca-it0 IhoVc, 3 bedroom mar f.ctor, full Ejceieft downtowvi toca'-o- proinq, n orfs n .h'5 chcv ' on aifrcs" i Pnvd't 4 bams, w ,n small one-- , n' '4,:e1 Mr5, bament 12 oua per unt Very ooo t. r.a ir tro of rea vrd Vacant and beflrcom home m fear tor parers a rn icw m ret mae. Attractive goed duv. ii ' rea ?o n i.e tn 4.469 Cali Btfr tor YOU LOOKING lU A.M FCR A GfAT $ F i or hoooy, on 6.4 acre facmg m. 7 story wm pooi ana fine aot t 4: AHu. VA 27 5349. .yt 2n It LOCATGNJ JwSt to Otympu. tryif trees crapes, roses.' Ar fe tc-- to cea reduced I SS 'f'$t$SS'4$''''U$fe$$$$ HORSE lovers Sit 00 Air cor a Noned Dick sot it "feat bus. sr'dPD.nq, schools Ante S2uNiT mOTEl C3VPLEX pas a"0 wa'er ABOVE WASATCH Cdii-03vQ0 level home w.rn at acned 2 car ca,r w.m access on 3 Downtown toat-orut,,,Ti e On.y SS 7x1 -- Power, Tne test r T ft cm be at Diocer'y itne. trr.cat on wa,pr srreefs. New detune resauranf and We'cwrt to fM sjst ciat" SHARP' SHAfcP1 Contemp, iOvev 3 pnrt 3 pdrms. - 2 Dafho Close 0 tet. e ! DAN, iiymg. i?df ibytui, A ihoopino iii, i Cell iaun-- 1 rnoois Great ooon toe corro-e'L? heated tounge 4 trd'rn 3 bStfH, or 3 Odt'CA. Cak FK-$M5 r.cii days of the pub-'received S00 TODG Can ssumphon. cry. RaP'oiy expending Norm tcanoj cppeor tus ptov yard, finisKea farn-- f bryh - Of MARIAN referral trachise $5S0 down B) I 2 ftreodceA v fm Ciosma costs and C'ty. Ntiona Alt trs plus once of the n j1 c r 'evised l,Et i g U you y creamed Owner will finance over 20 vars at "9 m GRANITE ORCHARD t good credit will buv this Genov So FUN mig assumption. CH Choi mest a tractive, acres or more I 0"1 7 j -- $22 950 Cottonwood Choice Ma1! panorariic part c? tha vai'ey F"Ul B. LAR5EN R'a.TCPS CALI ANY REAL ESTATE BROKER 'dS EvA 3 mwnhoust unit LiV Ccmpteie v Call j a ea repainted ,.e bdrrr. , EAST MIDVALE BEAUTY extra soactws with V- n mird. fO. BOX 8446 ? Minimum 85 Led i ba'n, Of Property Martagen.erf m frpic C shaped I; mg room E3IS5 JDAHO 2 yr p d i.ghf br.cfc ccntevn-pu.'r- y dining room. Kitchen eatms area Sarp, of its mnd TERYS home certified cr first Thu ts preect Vete.-'K.C a Detect mrojohcpjf. aeauv easy 55 REDONDO AVe Admiiiijtiatioii wth buWt-nUt.I.ry room, covered homes Va ev m the Sait L 0t on Sa e Street, 50x110 tul rock tirspiece. Lrfl. k ng siied NEED TAX WRITE-OFF- ? carport, Call tiy for certification T.t e Loveiy secluded BY owner 3 borms , mam floor, fin, are constructed m "dusters, y Bjbjness ccntfact. trey 1C5 Sot-i- n Carry State nidstr barm., plus three more patO, rm (tv on , bsmt., or rm., Ave Contract located Check th's assume dining viOmg SDeC.wUkr leswt par areas rd fenced. Close to yard. Lrtnrrdred Good toe above Hiohland, nues Owner will carry contract. 19 participation. or, pldC for owner. Sait Lake City, Utah rnuren schools And sTKOoing end 5 TOCO CaJL. JACKIE calf Dana For details Hin, $25,500. j mm. Low interest from irevav 5 or Louise Barbara IN Phone 524-593- 2 BEST BUY FOR $8,500 nvq, can be assumed or setter may , MOTEL Ctolv ftC.W cens. contract 11 hT in very good cood,1,, units near Cryic Center. 7 kitch- - LIVE WHERE THE FUN IS mt darwin (55 2HS Neclyfl or Gus t7R3591 , 016 Owner will sell on contract ifiilLTA'NS Di.nttd, new. ewiy ctrpets, OOUG 50,T,e doubles. Freeway access. Split level entry anm.ances, oood So Sa't Laxelor-"kl m waktna diiiance of the Stale fns ii consider contract to. with vew from livnq room A dm-n- a 2i 75 7,953 Capttof, Richards St. tor Owner McAFFEE room 41 Franxil FREEDOM FROM CARE Wit u.tv. Call Norma spacious kitchen appoint barm. C.m Charm, Vail ALICE or Jay1 cofwom$rtum liyinQ. mere no V'Srd P to 979 513 REAi TOP ?f7?i3 no maintenance. or jACKIE work 2793. air cond , dose to schools, churches SHANGRl LANE C-4HOMES and shopping center, a urn, C '2. SECURITY GUARD It vou want ju it $9tu &q j Zoi.ed tor roof, fenced vd., property in exce1 ON A QUIET SECLUDED STREET i to lock tne flour wtd leave, lust cond MOI,a' H.oh'and Park 1 area Realtors tw,emsl ARE HARD TO FIND Don't m.'ss i home will o( S. irve off a Your 3fc33 So 244A Fast Go ?o out on this 3 tjrm. ra.rtbier. Large BEAUTIFUL Gmer b, Mcjrltv 6rvic. !!..$ APARTMENT 350 So '.'3rd Last, follow arrows) living room a tmiv. s.ze kirchen.j Drive, umoue PRIME LOTS home, irq Relax in this Jcvev yard Spnnk-- ! hv din, rmts., firepiace, sprinkler, Choice east s.de Esch tmt FOR GROWING FAMILY full, 3. SPACIOUS ROOMS aiway afhiated. have two beajt-fuli5Bucaet onced. Calh naraoe, $17,950, terms. neeo lirg return some system excellent eoO feet oj Excelqure provide m the Sa idv aea vour chance (o have a home' Th.s very well planned home offers MILLIE iqe or LARRYiHOLT worx A9h70 Les than $30 000 REALTY, area. Daseritii storage plus pt your own Muve m wtfi Lo. lent ne ghborhood and surroundinas 5 or J beo rooms. 2 u 3 BY OWNER rL:m,i!,!! Hormsl e6inlnqaetVin0 O'.ccunt S 5 Mir . HI, BiiU nnoroved xcel investment Din Down on kHA Jernw. Tnrye t$(j ct9s 35,1153 Choose Only $4 500 each. Fully such mciude Each LIKE 7166 umt baths e ft SWEET NET properly. Zoned busmen, ko front, ed. mre vrd Ma-ruuni, carpe wanted r a tireotact, tvvo TPat 0Turner Walk-o39 024 I 4,au3 Must lo Step Pv Pr-)v Mnen.d amusement rocm NEAT' Is tbis unioue Contemoorarv Near U of U. Prarticailv self menCa'I David 3221874 y shes$na, Mirim 4A5II4, Ray afe4WC with Freei.sct The larae t?t it wed Bg return on .n.eetmen, EE R Y HOVE LISTED' thmbbed, frnced, sprirtklm ysem. Young building. Good construction ' - n2t We need homes to sell. , E. ATXIN AVE, Owner wll Ceil Dan 2950104 attarheb garao $8iOuO. Jay we wrii worx j buyers, o no financing necon (7815 South) Thi is a 'DoM tarry contract, 14. ADULT LIVING. Sdent, QUIET Fw fast action Co" Your oer mv take fh-Htuye ' ta real footer), must see m essary. 52!-437van construct icb nq instated w 322 272d home. Call or tovfiy .u So many extra features that vuu most see to appreciate For 467 4110. REALTY - W early showing call 5. TOTAL ELECTRIC LUXURY. In tkey. 26 340. COUNTRY CLUB liv-- j AREA A MILLION to IN for 2 ONE FHA aaoition WTI00 low FOR CASH ZONED Gl light IN CASH, HORSES! uorjnaent mortaaoe. 4i in S. CIRCLE choice 7308 DOIPHIN days for eou.v S. l muifiDte i nit Murray, Granger. Humeny, and r Hoiladav location Aoorox. 3 acres bdrms., firo-- ' fiameas Hotiaoay location baths. St lx. OPEN 3 TO 7 PM. BUY LIKE RENT v " (2620 Fast) Put thl on your "must 22H for or conci)tKn-- i zunmq and excellent air eiectnt or 3646J3 anoded wilh charnvna oider naatt'xj Texas St. heavily Fo. $71,950 Health of forces onl, you bunsale th's lovely see" list A doll house Freshlv get a real nce home. 4 bdims, large livina room WE still haut a few 235 homes For mg. each unit chert an DR. nursery or nursing home. waik-ibase6 blorKi CASH FOR HOMES dur'ex legated galow only pamted insidt and out. 3 bdrrm., 3 ment apt. of 2 bedroom that rent ETHEL l LIV appuanc-G.E. kitchen Call front with frpic. Breecewav connects to a appf. to s- - call American Realty from tne Temoe Each sioe has with famous FAST APPRAISAL. bAths. View of tha valley. Call tor $90 Come and tea this unique bedroom The home is a red snop or would make geat fmlv per m laroc living room, kitchen, e$. Reairc eew-- 787 Corp, Fj H. Bt.Cx 2 bath hurna on one acre it Larrw 96 7478. brick colonial Livmq room is a red room. Excellent opportunity for pri- SFVERAL !sw bath and full fcmt , with separate for homes QUICK cash for equityT cvnn priced or OR A roud tn Holiaoav Baautifui et4 DUPLEXES BLEND OF RURAL BEAUTY vacy HORSES CAPRI DRIVE subdividing Asking S. feet 2 bedrooms, all very clean. 5590 furnaces and landutilities Sharp aaent. sale. for fine tor country livine. room For appt. cad ANN 3225455 Of 94x177 feet ciose n Entrnre from 2 JenKim, WITH URBAN CONVENIENCE West) Good lamlly home. 3 Double garage. Well shrubbed lot. MILLIE scaping with sprinkling system, all horses, tots of trees and still he y $2 900 TAKES Roe Pa-owner. sirets. C lean IIMie cottage inciud- - we BUY AND TRADE HOMEsTT Eartiie roof. No financing. Term tor $13,250. Top Investment plus x?0 tv. rm. Open to c.ost to Cotfonword Walt and o large hdrrns or 3221277. It located in suburban Sait eo $11,500. Call LiV J Realty 2r2 3311, 485 2262 Capstone This onession won't industrial All Dan Call Call Priced to'aell atf otier. potential. H Rill Dorit ir hoc hustle-bustiLake from the ,on3Call VaHev, away T Jal I 0 BUY 1476 homes or income crooeiv Mackintosh, 27 j Ruy and huobjo of the city, yet ome REALTY that need repairs CONSTRUCTION Property E. OAKLAND DRIVE 345 is 15 minutes trorn downtown. RFDUPFn EQUITY OFFICE 4867461 ,0 56,950 '2480 South) ,d.dl .tarter home LARGE FAMILY 46 Industrial Preperty 34C1 South 5 by 134 feet. Tne norne Phone or ' REALTOR RESEARCH DESIGN BUILDER for ret. red rouuie Low eouty can GORGEOUS 1645 East, Salt Lake City, Utah. ff vour family ha outgrown your assume. $117 monthly pymts. Call' hai 6 rooms, gas neat. A Mint fob HOLLADAY Commercial Investment DUPLE, income $3S0 and some Meaning and you'll have home and a family home is your Ai LITTLE ACRE I, DUPLEXES a real deal. Location off 5ih ca5t pei itonth. Price $J4,S0u. 2 beu- need, we have It and fn Skyline front-ao- e is actually 2U acres. some with finished it 7lh So Call 46 7914 or 467 3416 REALTOR rJ2K c I'S9' air conouioned, High Area, 6 bedroom with room LaJ? on paved road, with oas and for more 4 baths, ail fhn tiyiil ml LIGHT Will toad elefenced. Irrigation -stoves, refrigerators, baths" air "condmorled rTnedJ on drapes, water. Highland lot near Atome indud.nq frig., iO foot living room OPEN HOUSE r gant carpeting. Carports witn large sprkig. system. Also a nice home on iaroer acreaoe. Phont Club, in area of lovely new Or repair service on this cHotv-with Country duplex and a huge tamHv roonrx Fnc 487 f 666 Call Larsen sheos. Dan homes. Call. 3324 5o. State for a home in fha rear. For appt. to LARsfcN "M-lCAR this storage ground with a small ham Mailm 962 3316 Max Realtor 320 E. 39QQ So. Gr.B THE3 bdrm. KEYS.1027SeeDougdetaus. Liv. see call M. Davis, Paul "ivlor. and declatmable garage I13lei n home, Deana charminq Sat. and las Si. (s. on 1250 E ). ground, lays well, m good location Maxwell, Trimble, WEST JORDAN brick home on near-l39ih Lo. and West Tempip Byy Sunday. Reduced to $33,500. Lfl. tiv. DO IT YOURSELF Cathy, 2 acres. Will tai't 2 acres in Rivrm. and dm. rm., new kitch. wih attractive terms, total price SiWj PLUS 2 p.m till 6 CASH TALKS cn hts old brick unit erton m will or Or pm. trade. Jordan electronic ranoe Buy on contract. Call Matson, or Wj-broke- , E. apartment house, 1 to 3 bedrooms. consider larger fioma in same area. Mr. Wright, 2102 SENOMA DR. older home located tn f acre with Close in on avenues. Income $500 LARSEN Dan Hunter, South r.t 35th So. 2 bedroom 10 (2100 East 8330 So.) ROOMS! to month. Larsen per Open Offers, SOUTH) (3430 I on a (light home. Thi acreage Almost acre 363 E. 33rd South Realtors Hess 8 bdrmt., QUITE A SETUP th?.arSt,iFi'Jlna' dr,v SPACIOUS-CHEERF- UL!cre Hope, which would be Weal for sub-- ' W Invite your inspection on ftiii ouTm 5 acras wm homt. sarvice ttarion Ouiet canyon near Summit Park. A near 0lmpl!s H'shTAX SHELTER $S$$S$$$$$$$$$$$S$$$$$$$SS $$$$$$$$$$ m erea ot louJiv homes dividing. It i a steal at $36,000. .950 Terms or fM hlde.a.way. choice home a in Instanttv charming Ah.'ll neighRov 4674360, Max iDoealmq. ador, Hiah School district, 3 bdrms., 1'2 fradt for SLC. urooertv. MOTEL CLEAR huge kitchen with all extras. Seehifl Let us build borhood. You must tee inside to baths on main Bill 1 drlx.. AC. luscious carwitn 2 you a HOmeS tlor, pets throuohout, fu bsmt, weiring bedrooms each unit with all tha . OWNER FINANCE 6 family rm. with BOUNTIFUL appreciate. 177 East Is) Sooth buitt-m- s for the handy man. Owner will sell R.aito-- , that should rent for $540 20 BEFORE. fireplace on the main floor, 3 on contract. FHA or Gt, call Georper month. Call for details, Larsen NEVER OFFERED 2 48 LOGAN AVENUE 4 00 to 6 00 brick INDUSTRIAL BLDG wail astab. units, Hess 0 ca area with 3 view in South bdrmt., 3 baths, new carpeting gina, 2779194 or Jerry home, hot water heat, 40 WOODED acres In Dimpl Dali, 2172 BANBURY RD. Bountiful, 3 bedrooms, brick, mre BOOM BOOM over 27,000 sg. ft. Property uptown,! 100h S. 30th East at $3,000. AND WAREHOUSE throuqhout, Incl kitchen ir cond. wet bar in rumpus room, carpeted OGDEN CANYON center, thriving & Gala, Grtenrlvar, Utah rlty (7390 So. 2900 East) 210,000 sg. ft. tots In Forest Hills. Logan. Aporox. 10,000 sq ft. H' overhead enthused. You'll be,l"lM,PriMda1 Plus bdrm in full bmt., dbl, Lhve at first draped. Thi home is immacu-atb?l. 6 pet. out of income. 3700 South, 19th East. $5,000 tarn. down, pay center where Brand 3 iocation, will S'hil new, doors for A must see In heavy duty 3 phase wmr-qcabin or investment, Insioe and out, at acres Bntfl. Mr. Smith Associate Ingalls, (Ph. 2320 acre parcels In Utah County bains, home in excel. $36,950 function with U.S. 50 & 6. Buy now Max gnroqe. room for that camper bdrms, heaters, approx, s, acrcs $??,5dO. o. East area, Brighton High School UTAH MORT7 miles east of Huntsville, Hiway Overhead IVE! Broker, west of Utah Lake. $10,000 each. and grow with the Tourist Boom. on railroad, BUI 4866541. close to city & freeRay boot and GAGE REALTORS, 15 South Mam, LeR Burton, Realtor District, country size kitchen with AN ARTISTIC HOME is potio. lasy terms cred constant Jay 39, Evergreen Park, $1,450 to way. Only 38,500. Utah Logan, mam floor buntns, By carAppointment, comD'etelv tow on lov. This roomy GREAT interest, priced at peted tor warmth and OPPORTUNITY executive $$$$.$J$$S$$$$$$$S$SSS$$$$$$$$S3S$$$$ terms. convenience. home will please YOU, and serve Service WILL trade my equity of $32,000 Ini owner enxio-s- . MURRAY M-$28,750 $21,350, LOT Station, Bar, restaurant A Call Bill all YOUR NEEDS. S L C., for eauitv m guest DON K. JOHNSON REA .T $39,50C in Bntfl. or Dan Mr. Loren Ferre. 271 7417 Dance Hail, plus 2 Homes and garanch. Write M. J. Wriaht, 140 E.( Mr. Smith. 29 5A93. Approx. 4 acres eioje to 45ih 5 100 on 571 7 A 484 ?53 e. 2it So. acres. rage great place 8426 S. Top of the World Dr. Wiil sell or buitd and lent Ralty or phone South Temple lamp. LOCK THE DOOR for overnight park or Trailer pirk. Doxey-Layto- n This is the oo- - S.L C., Utah 14132. -- -r 18400 So. 3800 East) Many opportunities for only $49,000 Beaut. Holliday loc. te on 9th (CORNER Apt. House nd Owner OPEN EVERY EVENING 8 to 8 AGAINST HIGH RENT. Cal) portunity you have been waiting POCATELLO, IDAHO Owner WM,i South across for 25 years Is 75 years Liberty Park and over, 25 5th East JIF At TOR we'll to unlock the door this 322 3451 delightfor. m. old till motel for smaller unt 30 000 sq. ft. trade sold. Live moh and tove !t! ful p Carpets, wants io retire, will conand , young Call Re.lton on ss.ri, Mr. Ramona. $19,950. cotlaqe This home t superb for the vouna Ideal contract, $30,000. in Utah. No. 1274 Turnars, 145 S. sider ail offers and trades. Fred Drapes, W'iaht, 2 Llovd Wilde Arthur Cali Mrs. Selover, executive, 4 bedrms., CONTRACTOR'S- baths, Jay eve. decorated home, formal 180' frontage on 48th South. Near MILLER & VIELE dming rm , arot mam floor family LjLLD MINE . ' FOR sale or trade, beautiful mt. FREE AAV and Zoned M-Priced DELUXE MEDITERRANEAN Now Under Construe Mon rm. plus finished lower level with Realtors lots, Alpine, Wyo., 35 mi. southwest 2 0P-00 P M. Afic bid. with, 4800 sa ft aov ' rumpus room, Let us build for you one of our compieielv carpeted OR E. B. WICKS COMPA - for occupancy. Jackson Hole, Wyo., bv PaS'Sde 1165 E Ranqe poad (4H0 So 1 Some a remooeiliw and draoed, air cond. Th Luma maintenance beautiful, 2-- 5 Lake Need home, car or contract. NY, practically Motel units will make beautiful (,. Cuy suburbia (Hoiiaday dean airt has many extras, owner wou'd like Entries All tree kitchSplit eectric apartments. fice complex. A real opportunity for Kitchen, kthhen eating, dining room offer. . Call 2 65xl53-ftCHOICE E. lot or Elsit, ens, Air conditioners, of 2315 3 HOUSES ON 1 LOT carpeting, contractor, and outdoor patio. or ars,i OWNER will trade clear Income handyman, 1880 LAIRD AVE. Hj- 2 ond 3 bedrooms Bobette, laundry room with coin opoerated Nice west side location with 27xt? living room. North wall feaFor prop. In Long Beach for SL proo. 6475 South, close to new Belt who recognizes excel opportunity. Choice, Unv. loc. In excel, cond , 3 machines. Carports, blacktooomg, ture panel wail wth wtvta maib't LONG, LOW BRICK Ai Johnson. lent rental Two All fully carpeted Rltr. history. Routt, bdrms., 2 baths, din. rm., beau, landscaping, $4,500 or moke offer, sprinkling system, fireoiace Gold caroet. or Not!5 units. Live In one and let others Charming rambler In So East area, larqe kit larrtly even furnished tenants. rm. W0 rm. $25, for plus shade Trot MYRNA, i, expertly landscaped, tie payments. $15,000 with 4? fAn(tfiminiiim eleganfy draped Spacious kitchens carped and, beamed down may handle. Call Johnson, make expansion sprlnk. sys., enced seetwred yard. MpiS. small down and low 1nterest rale. throughout, coy flrepl cluded yard, covered oatio. HOLMES REALTY 4 bedroom or Gil plus main floor den end ceiling m grand piano sized living Jerry Carpets 3 bathroom. OPEN 3 TO 6 CONSTRUCTION REALTY rm,, formal dmino rm., profession467 9235. W. ADRIAN WRIGHT, INC. "REALTORS' Full basement 40 pd. finished with ally landscaped and sorinklmq sys486-746- 1 141 W. 5th So. Realtors room to expand DUPLEX BY CAPITOL tem. this home is one of a kind 3303 CHAUNDRA (4600 S.) To see bookshelves inside call Mifzi Storage and or Beaut, white brick, tike new, immed galore. Just fisted. Beautiful view overlook-m- o Double garage 2 TO 6 P.M. E Jerry DUPLEX AVENUES. Excellent business opoor-unitCity. Well built 3 bdrms., dming possession, good assumable loan, 4 contemporary. Sheip corner key lot. Zoned R t rm., family rm., garaae. Excel, A AND B bdrm.s., 3 baths, dm. rm., family LOCATED NEAR SOUTH HIGH VILLA HOiLADAY Anor. 1 800' finished on mam floor rm., buy, Choice lanced, only $24,000. site. Sketrh covered Strict ept. sprink. sys., multiple modem y firebrick. To retired REALTORS and 500' down. SO.) available for 10 units. Nice tradi- Lease with (2260 4800 patio. BRENT E. HENINGER peoole, no seps to climn. 2 ber-mfor the dicnlnn $35,000. A hon-We hava buildings for option ro buy. Beautiful Jean Lois, lease in ideal each side. Live In comfort with ad- tional home on lot. Rents for 200 2 baths with mte club EARLY REALTY Term 19,750. location, with railroad sour, 451, ditional Income you mieht need. mo. Total price rumpus room. Swimming pool for 5o- location. Excellent retail ard Cell KERMIT errenoed. GIBBS. f summer tun. Air Cond. Lux. living Dtr Vear- WOODED ACRES 5 distribution center. 4 acres. Heartland Only $24 500 tor early call Tom REALTOR NO FREE Roy Max DINNERS. NO FREE 1 4400 West & 3200 South Realtor TRIPS JUST A BARGAIN PRICE. High on North Ben;h! Large oakLoc . brush lot, completely fenced and close to the Wasatch State ' 467-705- 5 278-040- 1 ExcellenT Par Golf Course. Cu. inary water Outside entrance to 2 fw?hdernem2 lenascaged. ,tJL?'.bdr!: REMODELED! and power s,all. Only $795 "Realtors" Phone wtJ0S j, bedrm$( 3 b(jIh an acre. doub9 s unl,s m J bldgs., separate heatirg storaoe?ockerse,Can P.M. 4 fireplace. An exclusive mansion of I rm Amusement rm. 487-166- 6 If;, at White Salts office. 1253 E. 21 st So. Realty plus CREEK $TiWiSSw.CfnvS SaVCLS Mr eSmith295-5493CntraI blk. no. of Homestead entrance. 368-gar. An large dming rm. or den uo and badrms., 2 full baths. ITH AVE. much 1 money, of see ac. should fOR SALE OR LEASE you aton built these dark rm. excitino or shoo and wet bar OUT OF rambler, First offering, on thi txtrerrwfy MILLER & VIELE ood corner location. 1)52 West 4ttt INTERLAKEN ESTATES oct. down and! properties. Only will Owner talk terms. beautifully wooc.cd mi 6. This home down. tractive atone trimmed contempo"HOUSE BEAUTIFUL" $o., for arocerv and meal Le in suitaple Priced caro s Call Is tor 2 40's. low formal 4 "ho , tik KH baths, bedrmt Realtors Relaxed Jane, Its rary. l;,.,he,J.n!me finest. Complete llvinq at store or associated business Chaoman This condominium d.fi Mr. fit 2I!!; Neva' 278 5241 ' or K,thv. LIKE ANsur. of mvstwv? A tmalh bs d.n. rm., caroeled fam. rm., beaut, price! Mr. Bonn, utilities within description, walking distance wood-- d Mr, Chaoman! it Is w exauisite, a lot grocery business far Csn ted-- y tor View?1 tream. thaomn, i with orivacv? done in whit. from new IN CLOSE pv:. yd., with trees and Wasatch Park 1st golf 30 vr. Brick buildina 40 x 7 or V.rn Chaoman,1 View View Oniqu. datign bv Imaql-- ! 7 an aopt o6,900. course. Follow l.iterlaken signs at n., 816.500, lov.lv 8240 per mo. S?aoJ,0.ab.echU'ToL,rsaTn'. units. new comoietety nahve redecorateo, architect? Se. this Midway turnoff. Low dn. payment. TREES AND WOODS floor and oamt, for furth- - in'nr tb Twmcwn 0 droo.r,, larqe (ivmo room, w.th d' un v MILLCREEK L'.'SJTiSIIi Call: days eves., VP,-cotoMr. Ronneburq, executive lieme, SDaclous livconversation Dit area dining JUST LISTED 5 CHOICE units In worth dth oirii1 mJt W arMa You , ,ov fh view from th oJfl Of at br , Lovely Just Ilsietf, charming room . n deliahtful rm MANY of rm. in ard family SALTY SURPRISES.! sarden room, priced . ing S.L.'s finest east side areas. due to health NEAR HUNTSVILLE the 30s, nr. 40th So.. 20th East, beautifully 2 acts, have 3 bedrms. with Love'y Cili Only 37,500. All kitchen, comfortable bdrms. brick delightful WAREHOUSE SWALLOW Choic. REALTY 5c FT. mountain .crMge, priv. hunt- fam. plenty of closet and storage snace. cecorafed, carpeiad. 3 baths, BY BUILDE- R- 278-518- 8 baths, fireplace, mceiv landscaped 7winmanv' extras! WffW ind&cod . yard, rm., heated oar., thermo-pan- e The vard Is beautifully Approximately 2,400 sc. ft. for 8)7 comD'etelv 5patio, fenced, must see extras so many you dows, per month. Close In on West 17th master bedrrn. Shown bv am t. Priced in tow 20 s. Fur further info NEW MEDICAL BUILDING South. Up to 1,200 tt. of office sr- Chaoman Realty, or to see cad Dee, cn'y Canj appreciate. $49,900. available In same building for 8 tc. non, or Larry, FOR SALE 1240 E. 21st So. dI1.'L5a.il0 BRICK TRI-PLE- X Max Ingalls & Assoc., He MEEKS 2974 East St. Mary's Cir. EARLY AMERICAN HolY OR E. B. W ICkS COMPA: N Hospital, beautiful THREE FOUNTAINS rms Choke rental location, For the executive Bill Rogers 10 desian, statement sent on request, Realty.. rms., 5 NY, Realtor, oymer apt. really deluxe. $24 50, Investment. OPEN 3 TO 6 P.M terrific 2'a bedrms., condominium, 2iy baths, carpeted, ACRES, zoned M-- l aporox 550' COOMBS finished rec. room, fireplace, bath, REALTORS carCARhUN REALTY 363-627- 1 draped, air cond., heated swimming DUPLEX. 'Vlv by 1350 Park St Immediate possession adiacenf to mam railroad spur. pets, drapes. Spacious room. Carpool. The finest in Oakhili. $50,000 Live in (7de end" renT $39 500 Formal dming rm. 4 berms., OFFICE DUlLLtllNL? Aporox, 650' of frontsqe of paved port for 3 car. Assume low interest bracket. 484 9637, unit. New roof, lame fenced back 3 baths, over 3,000 so. ft. brick ve street. 4 blocks from major on Realtor vard, double geraae. extra 'sroe Near Sugar Hosra, 3,740 so. fee., rate. CaH Ronald Morgan or R. D. and off air cond and extoa Ml S. Uth E. hear, refng ramo to 5 mm from 364 7653 living room, fu, uatns on owner's! ample parking, very easy terms, Ranch 262 46J7, Richard Prows Inc. oct. down 5926 Lupine -downtown. Priced at least galore side A1 PRIVATE garden 818 000. Priced Cd! Mondav. Call a under Rubvi REALTOR patio, Dr., market for 77MJ8. ail cash. Dav DAILY OPEN 28TH EAST baths 2 bdrms. carpets, drapes. Has Wahrfhattia,. or E. 8. N. H. Han.en, Inc. Realtor S74 E. 2nd South time, Realtor ) t tve., C DON P N A WICK end CUSTOM M DESIGNS of view 0 tha vallew Y. itolctly off garden room, tn th Realtor. xouh part of the county fOUR-PLEJ63-5861,500 sq. tt BY OWNER-VACA- NT auAlity. These homes are soanous $23,900. Vacant, ready beaut ramber, 3 bdrms. plus fami52 ACRES ZONEO M-- 2 eiwt Onto! have Soytneavt everyth nql ly im., plus handsome Just listed. Only 819,500. Terms. Well to move into. Air conditioned kitchen sollt-lev.- l Must sell, 1 t. BARGAIN ppr acre. Good speculative offeriM. with BARGAIN locations w?fh terrific views, pres6? pet. loan. In city. rented 2 bedroom units. Opportunity dining area. Fantastic view of the bath, loveiv kitchen with buii'-ms- , Ca I Mr Saar I. or E, 'B. tige, convenience mtr INC THOMPSON, for with king sue lot. Fully flininq WILK, reliable C W buyer, liv. rm. with firtclac BARGAIN J K S COMPANY, Realtor, 3495 SO. Honevcut Rd. (183$ El 64 OLYMPUS W4Y Realtor fenced, plenty of rm for camper SALT finrshM U,'iM am. on wilt consell REALTY rm, Smatl office UTAH must SUMMER PLACE MIDVALE or boats, etc. Only $19,950 $850 dn, tract witn small down 823 be sold. J,4,0!00 950. Open Will snow 20 building 5326 So. Hiiisden (2935 E ' Beaut. Summit Park, exceptional lot NEAR WESTMINSTER Across rut from Mtovato 3rd end r we will take vour trailer in Sun. 11 percent net on money .m.-No tosnts east side WaT-$)6M0 4 invested. $1X500 cash will handle. ATTENTION Innestors, doctors, bus! Immaculate ab,ns homes. $4,250. 120,000 sq. h. offices, storage, a trade tail Marge, 57 i 3343 or Ned, Pleas. 3022 East o.m. yr..fxw,ns,v with laroe liv- Will 7180 So. J7B 0022. nessmen; ideal oe location West for ifflces 2 make $,9uQ oood torms rage T'y bath, k,tch PFDOM$. room, ing storaqe, or personal laundry 2710 E 471 J $0. now to BUY available apartment on contract, nic older brick r Wih afMt hd nmfne 21 acre corner, close in 4P0RT 1 Ideal settinq tor only TO 2 ACRES settle estate. Suoar Mouse area on facilities. $34, 900 home t semen) garage wih 815 950. Dial alley. Ooden. Trade pff bAVE pato : uth East. For detail Information Kniont 9644 So. Choke Cherry (3850 El HOLLYWOOD Robt. on tonrt.r8psdi 6C ISO ft (1970 Ideal Wdh handome homes. Great place Rta'toG Thompson, Realtors writ Box of $5,000 car this newspatv animals and kids. So, coun1 for ieniur part East 2nd So "Call the builder to show the LARGER per. GRAYSTONE 3 unit. S.11 real nice brick' $?1 500 L.k. Count. C41I Marge, CANYON I RIM, familv NEW industrial park dviaiii." J bedrms., baths, eleoant' cond., air 70600 FOR OR S. 20TH SALE room down, down,! LEASE EAST CH ltontorrt 30 7128 0' Ned, Fireproof warehouse and otocw LOCATION FOR carpets and draws, main floor 3 aero estate lots, 83.000 to lot "W nice lot, appraised' at 817 050, move (Jr a"tomo-- i nrTcios IDEAL 85 000 ear 21.000 McGee 350 tp9 277-185- 8 o. ft. au or part, w H be CLINIC. 3 wavs to ante", close to pool, 87,000 under usual1 acre. Call TS1?1.' MAX CAR0' or rccreat.oni or 5 homes,. complete bv Ajo 1, Close to town one. 8244)00. ESTATE' Phone NER IcaT beautiful' t'ff tori "sio BY ?,.h REAL vehicles, OWNER type 8,'(Lf,,'i,Soc,n'r.!lnc and freeway T7 HOME ON 6 LOT ft. on Staff Street and 210 ft .PPL eothl I?esinti!C BUILDERS TRADE-INI,h BY OWNER-Uve- ly. Choice sn vurrav tot. t ve. whflrm. home. oYT.' li sm at 4360 S State. SALE or lease, 2 bdrms , IDEAL LOCATION cond.. Live in or rent until ( nr bu.id vour Rose Park, liv. rm. with white brk. EAST SIDE 4 bedrm Ito We Tadr kt. jj md ramber, fully carpeted Realtors Jansen cr Dick Xtra McQcneld.l large liv.rm., &atb, south. Can vHa pood rental with built ms, tog. dming area, irg avd dafd, targe IW rm , dm fireplace, dm. rm extra Irg. kit. j na oftlre bench. east APT. or VV 2-- 6 0 Eva .HOUSE.. rm 'T Estate . com-23x13 rm rm , buiit-lnOPEN , amusement ! 1159 Witt) oraoes, snack bar. family fm , ytll caipeto. Wnl Wndvale, Utth. $566.50 gross'4! LEASE 35 tux. furo. 39 77 2 Jimty full bsmt , gar , covered mam floor. trench doors to patio. 2 full baths, oena ee bam ut 379 E. ADONIS DR. (4)60 SO.) ceme, can gat mere rent, 839,500 baths, vr. round pool, 364.1487 fenced vanj close to schocis, FHA bmf wto mtsde entrance, fam. rm., util, rm., biooar than dbl. VVAPE HOUSES UNITS EZ farms. Lssl for cash. Call Ron, 8 VALLEY lr,3y;rol ' EXCELLENT ASSUMPTION or VA $17,500. with spr;nH!n ., v?r. Bar , lovely vsrd with sprinkling 2 i. to. or 20 acr estates tn wheat and Psrfc will build lo, suit tnr.ftn! Rr.s u'ar 4 444-6for 44 triplex and f duplex. Ranees, brick sued db oar.. With Gem control HUNTFR, Ira 3 plus bdrm 4 S BEDROOMS system. 363 175. 918 N. 13th West. for Solo kl.sr j hay. plenty of water. Irrigation and prics. kriM it w fe'r'Os., garages o'us 12 parking appt. fh en rambler, full ttofnt amusement rm., Los f evtoas rtont LOWER COVfc AREA lake and valiey. So. 6ft) Asst cm Sam. Ron or J.n, Real stalls. Investment. w th frpic . bv rm Call good with frpic, Rral famtiv hvirg. is.33 ),y, rm , 3 of 7H H$t ONLY .'...Soor'. with! sou 4 OWNER 3 $1 $8,500 170,000. chmr lots left ' equity oymts. $jio with burti ms kite. carpeted nTCjTG CU,. Mrsm-rh,ols, kitttwn with eating area a,D'"r-nkir- i' I 7 pet. interest. PARK For thl oood business location. In- c,er wster gnd trees on Littlg Col- - SUMMIT 78x111 with gong inib n Wooded lots and of course the buit.tns, throughout house, tog wailed ton. 250 end uo. Terms, H- tonwooo tr. 130 front. 87.500, Otti- clude SHIP home In Too conding v,200-tto Pr. bOroi hsuso Hated 2 ham. 3 bock vard. FHA r VA or sum$ S,afA black, . cpSts 2. Cenvon Summit. fm, 2175 With il sat from- - S tion, ers Richards fruit St. 262 3683 tor trees, Cai asium 8i7og rv--t man. V, $ lew! toufl-u0.draoes, AIR CONDiTIONFO, )5Tt; EAST 4TM SO . . . epDoinr. b b&o const BesLifitoi custom built homes on ?6449, mr,0a0a Ip),.10 tots. Mar verify than aV (VESTMENTS akg wf near toth Sooth, very clean,1, oHer are lo Sa' L'M, as tow as y2. TO 1 -- ACRETotS j BY OWNER MT. OLYMPUS well kept, good rental record, cood duplexes, all newly refur. j 7, $25,900 Biverten, West Jordenl rooms. W.M trad' for ringes, ret'ng., gerege So. Excel. Subd. ground, unit. viHb!e, I0?. return, large 5775 2 56 W. 7160 SOUTH HERE IS V OUR CHANCE East lucations, Ask for Mr. Bteg-- j omy w,juQ per ,7' oL7Aunvjrrc,v for FHA or VA. 7627a-aci ef Apex. Priced at $?3,7S?. rmTi REALTY 1 or acre Ml smad msner, weekdays. IY OWNER to be In's fo see on of th best HORSES- -! ACRE -- HORSES bsmt., fam. game rms , wet 466J7I7 Ma BLACK, 2A6 3?6 Qf, I ve 3W BY OWNER In the vatiev. Just I vn. old, buvs bar, $36,000. B'vd., $4,300 apovt LEASE ' lot'n045O, bidd. 4TxfO, UNZONED cei $ 018. how $79 000 Owner ' Pd CLOSE loc 72x160-f- t In Redwood Rd. orooertv, SeautiM brick duplex bdrms nr. J lot 13th I., East, n tst HOUSE BY A Si?5AM see thiv tonav'.ic lot, 27 2946. acre fpt with stram 4 bdrms., 2 100'x435', plenty of room for exoan-$Klecro. We So . 13th ves t, next fo $? mo top. amusement rm., each side, car-- j A real buv. Can Jim, i 4 bnrm , 3 bam, wh.to brtok -- ues- oar. and home 4 beitooum )7jf0, $6 406 equity. Can finance barhSe beaut, rotk fireplaces tn liv, with prewt Income Hoi- family room furl basef pet. Tu4tie $350 caroort. Re ity, L s than rm. and ment. covered year o d Make ottor 47 excent a out Contr. Estate rm, J kitchens, warn S24I00. 1)03 mo. pvrnts. 5'2 DCt.'per mo 40 000322bv3961.owner. Reas. ACRE O,01ce'7Ye CaH Bill Peii-- y 521H5 John wh Bench ansi, nose to Westminster, bsmt., toveiy family home or loan Best buv In Sandy. 255 7 044. tems. MIDWAY water, $)9,jU0 NE4 fum, term. 485 523S toe u , a3d ah oubhc rhooit Just mav be used as duoiex HOMESTEAD SUGARHDUC pLEX near Hoiy Cross Hospital cei. BkCELLENT fi02. real estate contr rf cr, 7 )) ufilifies, cm ba 70,750 with a fow REALTY. ntortoaoej mortoag aisumohon pr,Ced unoer Collins Info ?rdh.umvr,!ty los. Follow tor sale with net better than 10 or to assume. Can into') 359-at $75,950 For aopt , call Monoav, piease. aoora Wood 34, Iverson TWO lot in Riverton, 72 J X 142, sions near Homestead 13,500 BUY ON CONRAC to Swiss Mt. annual return, plus a suhstan 4l Cus, 27 .1 Richard $i,500 each. $5uo oown, $50 a mo JAY HASLN 2,8 cash discount. Cad or wnie to Estates. C 27 . R tcharfls, fie loan costs Move low Richards EJRtALTY time for N H Hansen, in SU RfcALTORS m to Aspen and Pin terson Realty Co., i h(y. ce,en v E tec. rdrm bv owner, $4,500. Larv Bar Vacation I1- near Deer Tra'I Ltxiot Fanouitth pflgfrn, Utah. 369 9663 Ave, Midvata, LOT, OPEN HOUSE . ba'h contemn grcx rambier.i 562 KENSINGTON A'E. 25th subdivision, Last 6600 bo. Lake, Utah. $J0D0 uan. $159 per mo, CASH cr cb'e carport, trees, fenced va-aiat ral term, ,GESI rmt.LiS 28 ) on request. M Matvcnuck, pictures (OPEN C 0EFlIW-tto schc's shopping centfr Se tl97fl S tract. Devs, this 3 beoi m. home pruned tow, CANYON, bv owner, W. Lynn Tiflard. Oreaon 97223. frf i g?on' Sam Jm. view tot, Full b ice $17 950. Your down f 5 Jfer's 77.., h Ave, I7C0OC tor spot. es'ate sa e Own ths home bv aver- well mav no d Why not try permit, 48 Fermi home for only $14 5oO rent pavmet, to 6 yr,, rrw j SS.aO. Call aft. 6 p.m.t BUILDING LOTS . Acreoga . Pwne O j SOUTHEAST DUPLEX ROSE PARK jummil Beici,! FARK CITY- - B adiomint Mam $t. A REAL chance to Invest. 10 acres For th, B,t tn J toto across from P. 0." By "owner, rm$ Se?lT' ? in scemc MnaSi. b Utah town 5 It. OvOk I ,FAVTT6 UTAH hornp. C.ll Lake, north end shore lot, Properly canyonlands, Mneo MORMslo'wVb B rYt Y5'24:i656 355-- 4 sale near 3 acre fronting i j 31, culinary water, ovt. road, oower, Course, alsoadiomma drr1 v near rsOWNER proposed Nero, MUST 4 Garowi SFLL DUPLEX, 7 Co., 364 )856 rytt orchard room, , must sell, low down, easy ter ns, 'Ix77i7 1, ftealtor ueautifwl naiural iur.tU'd ie, choice bdrm, new carpet, fireoiace, f,e)ds 262 MQ1, LANDSCAPEOBEAUTY , b'Clev tfme COr9-!first D enty property OPEN 3-- 6 P.M. ESI Side khsJi. im fee.,,.i HOlLADAY 6 4 9v.so $48 UO, 29 oct, homesite. West Alpirw area. Wr.te fir .828 506, termst-TIU- . U lot, 1206 East 6385 South, Lv30, 10 - yf o'g brirk, 3 bdrms., C6rpt,d, 497) NanNoa Dr (79T E ) r float ion waer, bauf viaw of bet. interest. For further informaVirg'l Atorsh I of stor-- , ana r'mn tion ceil 253 8(04 Mceb or wd B bee this SHADOW MT confemporery .Utah Utah Lake, $7,500 full price, i Goo E4fV4',i-toll-i7S-3BY OWNER , 64 3 Irq. norms , 8, Moab, Utah bafns farm' immM,.!,. r.Vig ,ir cond. IJI.Joj). Da.-rdn easy terms, 262?4ui to new carpjts, $7,200 baj. at bonnv--pci. d'jck aasv.NOfCE2 wooded ot nearly Ia acre BY OWFR tv( PROP regecoraed kikhen, Irg fm rec. bnrmTwo V? tath with tots with! pay off. Cash talk. 57 3704. strearra. 6200 Ss at Vancotl See o annroci-ae- . I 950. Call 40 ACRES perk-hk- e vard only otoer 5ft) or make $31 $?2 tome, 134h Cast Cf 5o s d.Ewensiva, Cat! eer. RESIDENTIAL buddme tot nestled Ken, All fenced, cultlveted . SLC. Utah, $8 950. Call end trrifljleif. ' in tha shadow, of the Wasatch 'EAST Bill Rmo, Realtor, W North COTTONWOOD HEIGHTS La Excellent Bovnhful, lov.lv Extern Lodge, Alp ne, Wvo. lend, beeutltui ArAe rw U5 approx. House plan wth each lot. $4,500. ro1ST OFFER! j-,SKYLINE HIGH $26,500 toe, 3500 East 7yQSovtii., RIVERTON AND V B'Vd. ftrfc re 3 excel. lots, rea, format d bedrms, earner nice blrw Hstino Henj, trrod hre, IJrOOM furnished tek. home. 2 VEW tot in Summit Fa rk paved underoreond ufto rm., feol b water right. wtiv Gl bm , $)0 0(i5. no FHA or Nrectaces, 2 bath. Icned b'ttk. sharp, Good road, vtH. on property, $295 with Fjwmoton, v ! TO 2 ACRES Oawan, Rea F2 Income X 2i4QS9 iff X1 2 Jn. $35 mo. 44-47$7f,6no, Amertcan, 2 fireplaces, fn rec, dne lroar BERTHCuD, REALTOR oown, $!3C 5,(0 mo on e. With handsome home. Greet p)r ba!. 621 East 3rd So. rm., ? baths, dt gar., neat vd. .EXCLUSIVE 364 9457 -- vM FANTASTIC VIEW JS.-ld'ter.OWNER ?lvuSwwK' eh!! Cen TRANS, o or nr 44;:j2 Kitchen wh animat cm ltv. eng ktd. .0, part of large 'tiX4-,0' is. r,.Bro- - mbaimunn. iSi-te- CM with utlis.'rot.s troroSIJiO R NOR EALT0R4-fg?B !LL LLf NT So. G'Nl ) feve-Salt Lava County, Call wa Merer. Sl 950 M rec, rm.. deck rm g;V.ijt gh. Must o $2 h3h for ecjvt,, assume $50 571 3343 or WE NEED A LARGER HOME per totALilig v ty, torB fyf. NJ HrtQ mo'h 4 CMrrrs Reaiiw. I eerne Kenoribercer, 2sfarv home For sa e or trade toveto 75. car , wa'kouf SfM Dbl iarQt k,cr3n caj Captain if SO EAST IDAHO rreT 7b9 ccataQ. Orce toe 2500 REALTCRSJ5 Rmd Income 0fnr, DESIGNS AND CCNSTR 500 Ph tree' SprmK.o. $vi , ceroeH, drauej, oratmo V,'?r 7rt? JUST LIFTED, im Tiac 7 oerm conbai $r9 farmed, o' excel. s,t L'Zl h.qh rise, medicei AWARD imij-tZ!J E J Buv nut ou Homes. evared pa mull.Bte 3750,57f 2 b'm Creefc. 3284)144 hous.nq, Provo day; ReAsonebto flown aprmv temporary . w carpes, draoes, fires -a aff" CITY Center, 13,900 cesh.'So. 700 E CHOICE tot fn 126 J rvrtinq So cove-e- e Va n trade for ,l,k9 eau'tv. fine of tos 2 9T? lore a. car storage, mq, X" laroe ee) anaH'3e3 East Farotown,exrpiinf toattoF an, Ida. IsV front. S74.000. AM tooced va flow-nacx'T) tandscaoed wii. Onlvj pwne to atpinf, ACRES and view, ak ,10 stpn4 hO' trurx ,lv414 trg.ter S)Tor C.H,?iC r )!V?hS2alE 0 ie fQ must see iViFW tot, 20 min. fanm dnsMntnvrt LOW INHREST Gancer buv f rede Pa Pmh jlSE Realtors Bo Motor Co. IncJ toction under 3 F ft.S55 70 Cnhonwood Rraity &r'r9 I s s full btmt. Tn, f?jyt LOTS of icfa $2,400 un Term. Dave Phone 344t?2, Gooding Idaho Mam fnor fam. rm irg tSx?o hv- - ZONED R 4'- 5 0? 2 H r j 1.6 Tlft soc-to'GOvfRNMfcNT re. k home '&. 7, lend 45 Ore $'6,ytoe rm ShetoyRestiyf, me cttoitemoo'ary N 5TH trdr 14 4th W , k 000 Wind-or,feubtacai ft. 4$a1 $. 4' WMte C Nr.l, box 3462, h'uH) Sun. sg, 5 r io acrs. 40 ac-es- , d home, CaI Joe )6C4ei. E'fcn-rLOVELY wood eg in Summit T ACRE, ' 78.00b cash or trag Resort for eld Wvo. apt, Call. 92y9, vaHabto. McCtouaaf Rea gv OAHER. X74UC-2?1T:it n. 3 tr,"?. ty, j $uor Houie houiHf Ca'I Realty, S 4CRi6-ftea- yt 3W7, evs Fak,Jerm 266 0427--- orn ght. wyxj Ma'L bv hwrc ,ie. View of 1 I 5 90C -- 2BD&M. hgfne, fuU BY OWNFR j$e? MO , ft OS? d'- view Jot eoove BY rrVNFR, 5 7n. 1 4 j CUPLf " emir vrd. n.rf oatig. irhgw Wed sic VaHev Mu-- t sew to 3 r !w ro4. rrar srho-j- i 3 NJ ? and i bjj fvt , $ i s,soo, excel, rent- P'vd., Jcio-carpet, J9C3. grapes fl 4 $: to ? let m ma Heart 5X. . f Ha.taaay , 81. TtLnef-'. j )t2 Kf 54' i. renp'-d47 7u WOOOFO mountain acre, 50 pet. elf ? ?,7"59. i4M ACRES viro-fnrm lad, East- OC Xu H CKiJ. tj-rr- ,. bsml., each. FOR fpr Raraa. ;RV OVVNF SAl N'CcIAYLCR or toc VvtTp apprise,, a f BY OWNER, chn(rf u acre cm Nursery $rhoJ ' 6 XO. $ 10 per im. j P'tJjS',1-64',u- i TLi- k n uij j HOME, Mt'Ob AK m tlvirg GOOD toe. V i puis love'y Wanner Lana, $4og J.23 Chff ftne 3lf6t. 466-5fr-OOTOO&bSenshury Of OANfR Good Ave. toe. $32c0OO. CW qmrrr. home, W2H. fcaai lor $ph$ tovtstmenu 8c,0OOr ceil 464-- 3 lC Ca4r i 7- -, nr. 0 otfKj 4 Dd f mri.n u eu.tui TO - iisa qua thoe jcceperi PURCHASE j u.svs Cr T:UJ:,FVLH'U5 f OPEN HOUSES IP,', 591 3275 street 'I Send For Part:cV$ J. jrBORWsTTbSteTfSuS; rr., OPEN 3 to 7 p.m. 4000 WEST "CREATIVE" ARMS To Box in 4cla GRANGER Hei (orec Vos Open House 2 TO 6 HIGHLAND (20th East! 577 MONSON CO. AAA - 'al ARMS EAGAR fa'fa'i '' MFG. INLAND, INC. Open Housed ACREAGE eras 4d 7ar Care Of Newspaper 2 OPEN HOUSES RAMADA Keller Lane 2043 GALLERY .... 52 Qf SOUTH 6000 li RAY TUCKER DUPLEX NOW" SELECT 24 HOMES OPEN fa ATKiNSON Ethel OPEN BETTILYONS r fa fa Available on 235 ARMS $75 per month BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY (if you qualify) Award Homes AMERICAN CHARM ENDRIZZi ft SHOTT Um ONLY OPEN ON PHEASANT WAY $38,500 ARMS RAY TUCKER WILLOW ft TOWNHOUSE ft it prle ii., EAST rL,'ld nT'i, jptabto Slin LTii 'VZ elfv GUMP&AYERS MoWiW?.ur;BEl OPEN . ' WIRTHUN 3'. BY BUILDER BURT L. CURTIS re, atihrd re, er brothers BETTILYONS a ofJI.SS Ft bah. lf!l HERITAGE fa .... .G.. lr r7 fa 3.7, t'0''- Snr', loti JAMESTOWN OPEN ', jre peamV!c1K MIDWEST iMUvd 7X: - realtor ori WnT ItU fr!yt' realtor ,.fa jar J rc pto Rol SoIrJ. fact '3 leant, .,500. rr, j . 26 ae etr. STAN KATZ ez o " fa r r9 F'v A,,l6, m, X 46m' sj&i.r4' Sr r Cract. 4.yx Or f ery, Nr, ", !.,. 00'L?1' i0' b1. $""" ld4 w '&,? Siwi f or f$i tXm nr cj t j. ntr r! Jr etj re ir( C'' 46m. wi 2?7)J 3h Pr it K7bvorr. JJama, ran I swallow somebod j JCsil ien iredVl( Car Cf |