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Show f',r,r'wfk,Tvf'TrV V if ' STTf .Ki - X y vy j '7'' '9 Si mTij r tiz I flje fait Jab gfibime Dial 521-353- !:GLA A Area's Intermountain The Section C '10 Special NaticOf 1 F0ntial CON it THE WANT AD COUNTER IS CLOSED All DAY . SUNDAY However, you may schedule, correct or cancel odi by telephoning 521-35- rEFTAPY l ,LSJ 35 Salt Lake City, Itah Wnaftd Wamea 18 10-- Htlp service by statewide 4'Sanc-e- s which menufar- licensee to recent and piece Locel meotcai equipment tor a setre-lar- y turer has an operv cniidren Ke adoption. Service wiih ft mirvmun of 3 years exelites como'et panning tor vou She houd possess excelnfi yCHJf child perience lent office kilb, P very accurate, service children OF society UTAH b jf ro shorthand rooutfftd Expert-enc- e 57ft E. South Tmc e EL tnouio n.ltde rounne office in well it experience ft tDS UN'FtED SOCIAL SERVICE Ou' travel arrangements a no ADOPTION DtPT. mining 40M?tN Ave. Sft.dnr wgoomrments arranng CATrtOUC CHARITIES OP co)'T'n&vtftt call- with Ability, .For SALT LAKE appointment 3?t 2569 me. 320 E 4h Sov h CHILOREN s a 10 SOCIETY 2&2 solicitors for winter TELEPHONE kJifML.x FaJ 328-36i bOAm teaoiees, S cays ft ween 60 2 i between f ir. ftnd $ 30 THIS WEEK ONLY FREE SnAMHOO AND SET of First Witn puf:nae Quality KANEKAION wig 1 for ftrot.. can SUNDAY , nonomme-c.a- Help Wanted Woman 6AlK 9 WIGS AND BEAUTY 4&Sf Hoiiaday Bivd w own , SALON No. D a selling ad. August 2, 1970 Sunday Morning Tage One 10 Help Wanted Woman Help Wcmtad WerntB i - 10 - Help Wanted Women - 10 Help Wonted Women 10 Help Wanted female TO manager woman uhwhhmhvwmumuhhm CLASSIFIED INFORAAATION & INDEX FRIEND WIG SPEC' AL! BRING 74 lovely sneoes to choose from St vied 1st wig S20, Ind $15. unsfyied WANT TO MINING 1st wiq $13, 2nd $13 Cd'I ft'l oay aft. 3 pm. Sn , Mon or lues-Sa- t. ? or writ 2T12SO Box X44 m care this paper. PAYING $5 to $500 for Jreoh Barr dollar bills, five different lists with serial numbers beginning B, E, G, 2 Auction J, and L. Send SQc and stamp for Freeman, Boa UL Sandy BiXE auction to be hed at 47iS So. each list. Creek, N Y. 13145. State August 15th at f a m. Assort mftnt of boy's and siri's piKs. BUY Silver dollars, India.i cents, eold lost and Found Rust proof sets, od coins Con and G'tt, 311 S. Yam, S L C. LOST $)00 reward for "Tufty. PRIVATE memberpoof swimming valuable white fluffy cut, female rea, comoiett ship, Mt. Olympus Maltese dog. Lost Sat. 18th at Cot privacy, only 11 famines. Must sell ton wood Arall, wearing red harness. will mv men bership, sacrifice. Please call Sola 3 La5T iriLome Rea Estate Industrial Commercial Lots for Sale Livestock for Sa'e 41 46 Read placing it yeur ad carefu'V before it is imrosvbie to cof r or cancel an ad unm t has appealed net'me A He p Wanted' aos must stett the nature of tne work baies He r ads must name the product to be so d and if the pay is saiary or commas on i i ,T rht wtrn dav ceots oust rejr'da. lishers. rns wanted, wanted to rent, and a!' ads p.aced fom hoe' and motets must bn pa d m advance. tirt be presen'ed tti. Sail L, O'v to FIVE oar mo. S4S0 CLERK-TYPIS- . O0t o Reg,s?e'd Nurs w th pedatr experience posess leaoern p obiltry and on inqui$(t.vg mind have on understanding of end offechon for child-et- i previous for cash the full ar pan time work apo'v TEA ROOM, DOWNSTAIRS ho Money Wantej Motor H wnes Mot'src vC'es. Scooter Muicei Mvtruments Machine Pica Too t oj 6 for-- . ac-e- ICU Head Nurse WAITRESSES ae b PoS'licnj CHILDRENS HOSPITAL T Salt Lxke C tv POLICE DET saiarv $370 to $4Y) mo. plus $ 5 mo. un lorm aHovtoice Detailed lnforrtiaion at.d aorntatlon forms a. ail in ruom 501 City and County Buiidmq is taaoe to enm nate fase and miveaomg advert:si Aos that nconvemefv e or d'sapco.nt readm these columns. ers have no p 60 60 tt.e nursing team ot DEPT., Every fMurt THE PlIBUSHfR ASSUMES NO FINANCIAL RFSPONCiHUHV FOR THEN Knn PRIMARY e STENO In ' c 3-- in the Sait Lake Cv POLICE DEPT , saiary Jjm to $4j0 mo., ptus $5 mo. un.iorrn allowance PRS t The Newspaper Agency Carp The Saft lane Tnbjne and the Desto re ect eret News reserve the any or ail advert sng. Advertising with and conform tne must copy t the pubs.ficatton regulations re- CLERK-TYPIS- In tal.rv Sb. t the both. Massaye Miscellaneous for Sale Miscellaneous Wanted Mobi e Homes Money to Loan APPLICATIONS erf nov b ng ceived tor tne to iow ig civil positions. ERRORS. ERRORS TYPOGRAPHICAL IN DURATION OF PUBLICATION THE WRONG Cl ASFICAT-OCV,eGiON Of COPY PART A.U CR COMP.EIELV' OR COMPlETE OM'S TOTAt AO IN HER b CN OF The Ci 4SS F ED OR DSPL AY 1 StC 1ONS OF THE FA ABILITY fOR ERRORS OR OV'SS'ON SHALl NOT f HCEtD THE COST TO THE Af)Vf RUSER Of THAI PORTION Of SPACE CXCUP'ED BY SUCH ERROR Claims tor adjustment t the erst ot the ad must be made 10 flays of puOcation Creait insertion cnly. Re is a owed tor NURSES Career Opportunity eM $t nmg PEDIATRIC Staff Nurses et Open daily 8 am to 5 pm and urday 8 a m. to 1 p hoi.da,s front counter open 9 a m. to noon Ads received by I p m. will appear toMowng oay. Attar 1 g m. aos start second day, in the eesnt of grror. not hr tha Ciass fied Department at orke Ad.e tisers art expected to check the first insert on. Newspapers wii net be tor errors atttt tta first day. When eanceiinj an ad. ask for a Kiii" number. No aowance mao without it When phoning in a Catv ed Ad always ask for the wording to be re peated bftvk to you. Be certain to check the first day ad appears to mane sure it is rgnt. Espec.aiiy check phone number and address Tme, descanted bet skunk. MEN m white boat who stele water VC. 4th E. 7th South. Had raoies ski from Timp Manna Tuesday shots, harmless If seen pieasft call nave been identified Return ski to or Reward. Timp Marina caretaker, no eues LOST Rew., strayed vie. Wasatch tlons asked. Bivd. 33rd South, small border col WINTER LEAGUES now tormina, lie (sheeo dop). ic. No. 546ft. BlacK, Maas now! your reservations white. Ans. Shep." N Ladies' aevnme leagues q h t team. doubles Men s mxed cat. tem. Burmese Reg. SOST Cottonwood 3830 ; SteiedO-WS. Lanes State Dark Height:. black. almost brown, Center Shopping trained will help you with COLLEGE ATTN. R.N.'s PARTY PLAN WORRIED ABOUT EXPENSES? LADIES Excel. opportunity to oo ft dime NEED A FULL OR to IDS we PART 1 1VE J0D? your nyrsino tit re seev-if- l S ie- - ceoee ro Hospital & offering on ppcrturi have done pub c contact wryx to ,, GUARANTEE V00 A WCEK Help defray your expenses. THERE S to You ar ftp experienced pony piari trf n a ft lechn-- an 'i tre train as mcirNf ai counselors Sa a- Let us She w you STILL TIME of racierion Ihersow ry wh Inc Prmcesa House, growing ftfd income Manager, t'eu.mg H3h what S to TO weeks of "on the top must tc Hi n for potent e ba an R N w'nn m Americas ta$test gow.nq party Open-nnow avalaoe full or tun con oo tor you a it commenor-siore year, MEMORIAL Pan Amy Vancerbhi endorsed has part t me shifts Call ageO'Sa, Fiea Ptf hours, fts COMPUTER SCIENCE COLLEGE a once a Mion For in witn tron.no purse l'e'im ovpcituniiy cna lengma wora in pieasant anu ESTATfc S for toot i,erfr 144 S. 4th PftSI. a contact Pfsonnti Dept menaoers h position earn ronment Call 33MP1, Ect. 791 tor Eves call Mrs. Mar . EXP mature women cook lynch, 4 $. iXK to $50 (X)u yearly comm. Interv ew aopoiniment. NtGhT SMiAT FOLNTAlN GlRL o ! hrs a dav 4 to ft oavs a weak TWO QUALIFIED WOA'EN Princess House has America's most t H Vast be leoai aoe. ftoo Could you apart TO hours a Sun. rws'ess and oecoraior hourly wace, vpiy in per. outstanding S Tth Fast P If Hires Drtve-son for 213 S y uu were Paid $55 comm Saie Mon, Wea, accessories. EqM years of unprece3 o m. HOLY CROSS HOSPITAL Tnurs . only 9 to 2 pm., local rei dented growth Write giving full So. call Mrs. Eatchti, bet 2 4 p m. fort U a m. and a er WORK NO SUNDAY 1188 to '2C Princess House. Inc Fashion details Cosmefcs, V - l -Kor,B O'qf'Wn, XP. paH-tim- e mature woman torKiTCHEN help reeoed for seicmg io5 e. -t south n person. SI it 2'6 Sc App-SChXN.I piPTeS MwSit othce aes worn. vtr hr CuCttTAiL Vk.lTRESES - WANTEDI CW'.pn. ka-IWI032 3157 3;2aa9 r'ers n.aWi-- r, ' a n Equal Oooor.un ty Empiover CHARME a.m.-12No- on Largest 5 Nursing Supervisor with education Salary commensurate and existence Piease contoct ot rei.ior ot nursing at aL PERMANENT POSITION. Long established firm needs mature c otfice girl, work reouires from a dictapnone, pot,t mg, and ght bookkeeping. Good typing and business correspondence a must Good starting salary and many fitnue benefits. Reply wth conPi' rtsum. to PO Box 1121 Ldk City, Utah 4.110. i,t BOOKKEEPER AUERBACH CO. acet. accts. receivable, daily ioumal oostmo, position. Ave'iaue for permiwiwwwwkwwwuu sonable mature individual deservwho ing congn ai surrounomgs etjovs tac.tul reception of customers. Cat! Mrs. Stephenson at Memorial Estates for interview appt FOR FULL-TIM- E WORK 464-0.4, COINS Personnel Office Apply board closes Monday I pm., CAPABLE secretary rtouired for Brown female mutt, part LOST WALLY'S COIN SHOP 2nd Floor Chihuahua, Dachshund, red collar. rapioty ex pa vti..g firm. Must be efficient and accurate in typtnq and No. to "Happy." im n. 2 1st South 214070, answers shorthand accounts receivable exreward;48M23? perience heipiui but not required BRA LOST White malft French poodle, 521-35- 35 bv ability and salary determined SECRETARY-RECEPTIONIS- T ars. to Pierre. Vic. 13th S 18th Send complete resume experience East. REWARD. Tag with 1312 Co to Personnel. P.O. Box 1806, Sait For Con of kind PRIVATE service manufacturing company. any Experi- Lake Please call 4671679. Jon DETEC-TIVence or framing City 84110 MOUNTAIN in bookkeepmo and tact ROCKY Mlchelln truck tir LOST helpful, full benelits,'air'cond.6fT AGENCY, 341 S Mam. Felt tube, 7.50x16 on State St. bet. 22nd 8 a m 4 30 p m . S das s PART-TIM- E fice hours 415- 331 1069. Bldq.tSulte 245 Wen' So and Murray. a week Starting setarv $350 mo MONEY TO LOAN TOP PRICES. worth Ave. w th edvancement to abilaccording of Anvthtne rifles, shorauns, value, LADY that picked up prescription GIRL fc&otiflit ity. Call for aopf. Contractor Mr. NaDay or Job 'oiRting, Tapering, Cleaning j Remodeling jewelry, coins, auitars sun glasses at the beauty shop by pistols, Reynolds. DAY tional Loan, 20ft S State, HELP. MATURE, FXPERt mistake please return to beauty MUFFET ELMORE DANCE STUDIO ASPHALT PAVING fcNCE or BASEMENTS Laroe PkEFFRREO. APPLY DOG, CEMFNTED, RN'S ENAMEL BAKED ON GENERAL REMODELING shoo or please call LISTING park-Tn- q ARE NUDE-- BY 2 5 P Mj905EA5T 4thO small patchwork, driveways, UNDER HOMES BY LICENSED Tap, Bauet, Modem Jazz . Lost wire-harefr tg , k tchen RUMPUS rm , kitchen, fireplace, Would you tike to be active again? Any desired color GENERAL CONTRACTORS. Terms areas. Call Ladies' Siimnastici, 4 tg adults terrier, We 11 to 7 vour as need ot-- l services head-bi, WINDOW cabinets CASHIERS Vic. and brn. $ anres, bsmt metal saodle. to veers. gppt Construction. oaneMog, 2014 South 11th East Bryton maie, ASPHALT patchlnq, expertly oona. 11 3 to nursmq supervisor nursing Married worn on needed at our differfcg furniture, denial aaupment. .Hollywood and lift! East. Free estimate. 487113. 7 to 3 Saturday and ent drive-inetc. Rex Industrie. Inc supervisor, BSMTS. and LOST Whitt Maltese ooo, male, vie. MODEL cemented alt shifts avail. Inr excavated Rcots, Roofing Sunday supervisor. Salary open. Full DRIVEWAYS OUR SPECIALTY. Call under 27th East and 3ath South. Reward. existing homes. Terms to 8 OPPOR-UNITIor part time. Contact May Time eludes ail company benefits profit PERK'S PAINTING morn, and eves 273-4IN Merlin THIS P. Webster, years. aL 411 E. S Tempi., DA Manor, vacations, group paid eves, cat! 272 0445, sharing, ASPHALT Decorating painting of ah "vt and 'patching. paving GRAVEL ROOFS BASEMENTS Australian shepherd pupov, insur., (oral rtf. apply Dee's Inc 299 0477, Fret estimate 2i 5 73 Under Homes 433 So. Main. Duo, Cemented wKt. Unite with 2 blue eyes, .itiia Always Lack .Your Door OEPAIR6D OR REPLACED ' WELCOME new families 3 Sait fa on one sid. Reward. Whether In or out of auto. GLEN for fsrk coloring PAINTING, PAPERING HAYES ROOFING-278-19- 81 Lake and Bountiful, several ladies POWER MACHINE OPERA. ORS J8S55 S. State, l712C. BASEMENTS DUG under homes KEYS Of a II kinds. 1205 S. State. AWBIIIgf to represent merchant members 19 Want to talk with experienced ope a- CURTiS. tiS0UC,.CLHtmII? 161 ,5M 8rF4lR 7 UP; rtropl K vr., UB0V ,wi!h' No to 12 hrs. per week, more If de- tors. Tech greouates and home sew-terr.B.l,ek. my trailer, J m.lti from Wa-- ! . ' r VIC- W . ?$; HM; Well yr cement In sired no no REMODELING, Golf Mtrh oa'd stlinn have rourM garaoes, Midway.S.lfand others wsth single needle SAVE! Patio covers, carports, win j.1, j!Js, 10 k ) Lie. entr.. ir NUNLEY PAINTiNG t., children under 7 Write Mrs. Milne. cuff, ziDDei, (wo cords s ' - Lost" dow awnings, storm doors, storm sidewalks, patios. sleeve and collar OK torvice. cttM 7200 So. 1300 Eai or dal Friendly Fm. and others with single need filter L.C Frm ,$t u. i air conditioners, windows, EVERY DAY-E- OR 30 DAYS HOV5E AuADEVY No for interviews 40th appointment. by buttonhole So., 9th East, overlook and i ,Vic. peds cooler servree. utility storaoe experiEXPERT cfeanlna and pa balnting phone 2 Lin Ad $19 20 Design ence Please call Grace Steely ; ju:U9$. sheds, steps porches, famiiv Amcr, DUilCiCrS KOOtinC) pennq. very reas. No wading free, for mobile homes, mobile Osborn Apparel. Small mail White doe Ad 4 e LOST $28 SO Bookkeeper-Receptioni- st estimates. Golrt StrlkV bnOKt I0.. Aala AWNING CARPETING SIDING home skirting. Sava now) Ad worth AWARD DESiGNS-PLAblack spots. Vic. 3500 S 3790 merchandise SERVICE Sell for ud to 1100. value, Frae est. Easy terms. SECRETARY Ad i $38.40 ) 88.. PAPERING ond PAINTING' 9 5 p.m., Mon.-Fri- ., Homes, multiple housing ayt. Reward. $1.90 hr. to $2 50. r KOZY KOOL CO. Mature persons, permanent oosit'on. LC'ST CHANGE S Lin Ad -- $48 00 WESLEY GREEN ROOFING tioin, accounting PURSE. Reward CLARK THOMAS, HU Terms !1 BIG savings at Tha Remnant House, experience re- fringe benefits, must take shorthand 6560 S. Sate, remnants V$ price, H FAY SHIELDS CO at rets, prices. and general duties of a secretary SKIRTING, gwnmg carports, Stor Crofting Sonrico Ouc'lty workmans quired. Apply In person. CHUCK IN ALL PAPERS Man' gold Pocket watch. took for large orange sign. or Painting, all k'nds. Clean, tat. la., aat sheds, porches, steps.r. Neet Apply in person, South East FurrN " pC.wND Obu! 26630-- 4 744 East 4th South. small lobs, tic., est 484 9364. PAYLESS Horn ph. WORKING ins, Awning Sales, ture, 2144 Highland Drive, Person WILL pay $15 per hundred or $150 for Ex .. Improvements. drewinas, house plans 1 blk. and , Evening Morning Sundoy iOST2 tong haired cats. SHFRW F sher. lie paint contractor.1 parts m roofing, ending, remodel MATURE woman to assist working1 --nel Deot. 1,000 Indian head pennies. Ph. Service Design grange fern., orange male. S L.i FM 3 998ft Davis Icq, window replacftment. from 9am ask far M mjther, tend a day kindergarten Auto AlignmodtBrakoe t LOST Gold Stinorav bike in child and light housework in the J.ourtv. day or night. WILL pav 315 per hundred or $150 file medical insurance cialma, Holladav area. Must be very de-Park. $10 reward. PAINTING and cleaning, real., FIRE resistant roof sealer for wood Dressmaking for 1,000 Indian A) Head pennies. COMPLETE Wmino'dQv and secretarial braka and anonment tra a,t 262 2214 shake and roiled roofs 20 yr. guar. pendabie and permanent. Have own f1??103 ask for Mac, aft 4. LARGE Basset hound, lost In Mur Ph. kMs essential. Contact Neil All cars, trucks. New preciIt not service. and references. traf.bportanon F'ee est. 364 49M 484 0859. DRESSMAKING SEWING PAPER HANGING and PAINTING INCH MASTER, lost a dress size In sion eo. assures perfect oper. Same Gets Result Medical Center, Granger do net apply, 6 or $ days irtn' Everyone ,rftyjDavis Countytaa. 2624421 3154 359 HU or All M415 new WE FIX REASONABLE, leaks 2 wks types cheap. 277 5073. guar. to buy or te", day service. SAFETY BRAKES LOST Bountiful area, blueoeint Si roofs. Prompt aervica. Work guar. week. call In "NEED AN EXPERT" .EXPERT sewmg, alteration, costume CO , 166 E. 6th South, PAINTING ail types, catch pla. amese, 5 yrs. Reward. real ... . .. GROWING estate corp. has Gravel roofs 19 Freeest.364-49B8,4M-085repaired desion, yrs. experience. BUYING SILVER DOLLARS for aftr. saleslady, clean P05 stering. t0ST black wallet, reward, aff should able to take shorthand 80 opening mature neat Paving $2 aaefi, fine or better. feinqie ANTIQUING, wintlno. panel and cab CONTINENTAL Roofing, all types, wp.m, b. typing ( Frl. 356 Concord St 55 521-35- 35 w p.m., .some woman. appearing Non smoker, drinker, will Zion Cold Co., 57 E. Bdwv. Brick, Concrete, Plaster Inet refm., free esLLic. guaranteed. Driver Training knowledge of keypunch desirable, to work hard, study, typa, tare Ing PAINTING by Ron, exterior, but not necessary. Salary $325 per orders and listen, BEAUTIFUL cabin lot on Navaio car nee If qualiJUST SAY "CHARGE IT mo. Contact Mr. Boren, Utah Tech- fied call Free est. commercial lot, H'ahwav BRICK end block work commercial Shoetrock 3 for Inor iake, also to and residential. Big and smell fobs. A- -l ' nical College, 4600 3. Redwood Rd Cedar C ity. DRIVER TRAINING terview. shields;" 40. ext. CUSTOM-MAD- E VACATION AT LAGUNA BEACH State cert, school dr. lie. 9 days. ins. CEILINGS SPRAYED J.ic., Medical House sleeps 4 $125 par wk refer LIC. BRICK BLOCK CEMFNT. Big, Eves , day classes Transcripfionisf finEXPERIENCED Dry waif, hanging, taping, and telephon solicitor, Wanted EXP6R. papering, Walltex DRAPERIES ences. v or small lobs, debt. Must tyo ,t ishing. Reas. Work guar. re mod. Free est. APPROVED ORIVERS' SCHOOL hr. to work tor least 70 w only! $2.00 wpm. from dictapnone. Sal- in styles PIANO and ORGAN LESSONS, vour FIREPLACES, or Anything and evarythlno GARAGES, fences, Morning or evening class Interior or extereas. LIC. painter, commensurate with experience Land Investment Co. taorics. Mrs. ary i home or mine, all ages. .end block and stone. State licensed. Apply brick, est. I. o 3tid. free Fort. rior, Housa Grovel, benefits. excellent Apd v Call and compare. Best febrlcs In SEVERAL frlnqe Cleaning Crawford between 12 and S. Primary brand name suits and CUSTOM fireplaces, Children's wall, gar., WE BOTH PROFIT. Painting, romod Hospital, pertown! House calls no extra charge. coats. Excel, cond. sport boxes. 250 If ext, Lie. office. S off sonnel at DISCOUNT. this mention ad. plantar you Electrician elmg pet. BOB'S HOUSECLEANING sk for Joann, 487-0)00 E. List INVEN f IONS WANTED OR 4 PAINTING specialty, low. low rata. . NT. CALL WAITRESSES Wth, 3644853, a COMPLETE fast service. Alarms FOR reliable service. Burglar-Firhousecleaning call SWAP MEET Sun., 10 to 4, 3240 S. ' Exp. pref. Ail shifts available, for FXPERT PAINTING. LIC Gua r. work. Free es ornate, . Advance Electric. 299 5263. DRAPERIES Redwood Rd. Sellers $1. new location soon to oen 21 $t S.i Guar, $13 room and up 5 housecleanlng 'CUSTOM MADE PCT. OFF LOOK better and feel 7th Eat. GooC working cond., all MraAo?Ii SECURITY CFNTER, LRG. or sm. jobs, free ast., lie., COMPL. Choice mtn. soil, duality ar.d yard betr with a PREVENTOR P ANTING work, free est. Austrian sneers, $2 yd., accoustical Slim GvMexercisor, 25 vrs. exper. in co. benefits. References assured. Over rea. App'v Apt., home, business, alarms Fee bonded 0. E. Barntv Elec. age FREE, E ST IMATES. 8 $1.50 vdjtntiqut ALL JOBS residential. Industrial, lie., satin, S.L. area handling-deliverinsoil. in person, Dee's, 433 S. Ma n. security survey anytime. r varapes, loose weave 75c to $1.50; WANTED silver coins will nay 12 bonded Free bids. Eves. , 278 2256. EXPERT papering painting, interl' 4QCYVY4. Work Jackhammer iej.-pvs nrikP4irm above face ut. pet, u r, ! NCR BOOKKEEPING machine ootr Cheers 75c to tl .50. Ask for Joann. or exterior. Johnson. ALL electrical EARL Ferrin Co., best soil, steer exper. necessary work, maintenance N L P N Cil ' Bovs Ranch needs newspapers, Cabinets , and MSI- -. B AND H PAINTING Mu,t hav and repair. Cafl small ferred, altnmiah ciav sand, fill, Qravel, Per'n ferf., nnt Calf JACKHAMMER tha work. Clothing, furniture, etc. or large loads. Real. Tractor grad emDiovmant, saiar, LARGE OR SMALL JOBS Reason. -Englishman any time. $213947. jdfh Annivenary Open Hse, TAP, to 486 9054. 5?.TT. esume S awnciean-u- p .', Personnel, .Ln9 or Ing Sjrd .5 . yds. v Licensed, bonded. Free ast. Bp Auo. 3rd to Aug, 7th CUSTOM-BUIL- T. ' Salt Lake City tend Call HARPER SOIL 4 ; open Plastering Kefs, Safes, locks base .... WAITRESSES Sale . Bazaar, Rummage Excavating ,$18. Guitar torn. free. 21h fo.r. little Experienced stucco founda- CLEAN rich soil, sand, crawl, road WASaTCH VILLA t PATCH aveniM preferred, KEYS? vour LOST Who them? has Call reasonaora-e2200 E. 3300 South base. neat, ALCOHOLIC! ANONYMOUS ceiling, tions, or as much and as work shifts Excel, responsibility you avail. tips GLEN CHANGES LOCKS for YOU. able. mmd service 484 4673. BACKHOE loader. Fast and efficient Information and asstance, Solid wood coffee tables, end fables, dozer work. Reasonable. desire. Apply certified Blue Print,! cond. Local refs. rag. Apply Dee 120$ $. State, 3847 Highland Dr. 166 BUYING, COINS 205 So. Slate. textured ce.li'.gs, Spraying 'ARF'YplI in NFFD OF DIRECPLASTERING, headboards, all types of wood furni- s Matn ,nc ' 24-H355-341- 3 4f4-0- 9 r PHONE dollars, Tn or better, $2. Sfl- - TION? WORD OF TRUTH, Free est. built ti order. 4004 S. Redwood painting. fur. M'Jn. ver corns, oold jn$, old corns and SEWING machine ocerator. Excel, Wv5,N.n, Rd , 299 4331. A A J TREE SERVICE, PVkup Sarvict co. wort . many Jorm onComcoinsCo Highest prices pad. PET CEMETERY DIGGING, Cleanup and Hauling TREES, EVERGREENS, LAWNS. car, cook meals and do some light fringe ng benefits. DENNING HOME IMPROVEMENT HUjUOTB 57 East setters Collar Zon Bdwy., ? landscaping Pvt. rm., board and sleeve setters, single needle and housekeeping. HEN to fit your GAR AG J2C. Ramon. We design a RALE In care of wages. Write Box rsonaf needs any Any wood Ave. 466 4796 Sunday other operations. Apply: Pvkt Mtg , ftcm flOMPT GLASS REPLACEMENTT this newspaper. ce. Any Color Free Estifnete, Low Fencing Co. 1025 So. ftth West. AOKI LANDSCAPING CO. j . SIX chol ourial sme Redwood 349-oUS Install duality glass in your aan o Financing. Dennmg, W7 HU Memorial 6 Gardens. door,. DINING ROOM HOSTESS LAUNDRY markers ad shirt pr . Jrrcfcen wmoows, sturm doers and 949 I. stile. C71I, WITH CASH, ch'n link. Ir SAve wmoowk, sor RICHARDSON operators, experience RFSUME 4PTNUR preferred, FulMimt. 3GS off. Aooiv Fontana Sunday . vauto. w1ndhietds. Save over est. He. contract, 262 6061. Install mot honored landscaoer eves., wk dv.J647?i3 Cnmora topair restaurant, 334 S 4th Fast. Mcn-da- or will Va.n, must be s'jady. Apply. ALL SEASON GLASS CO., W illi Wkdy. DRAINS UNBLOCKED GRAPE stake fence, 32.40 par ft. Free or oasen and you Inst!!. ConsuiU' Aug. 3rd. $ a m. to 5 c m ready for work. Metropolitan LaunTeaching GET rid of yard burs without spray SFLt. or trade furs and hir work. f.ons, grading, fitAnuo estimate. orursirg. v odry, 2253 S. $rh East. maM Gueronteed tt 90 tng. Lurallght bug catcher gets them ALL MAKES reotired lioht meters. NURSE Shrink, crs., waterfalls, fane me by (.ertltied in tin MATH TUTORING, Cell JETI DRA N JEJRV IC E OPPORTUNITY for woman to leali all. Results guar., only $29 95 Ex WILL pav t'1 TO for most any ilvar and cameras. Camera Tech Rm. GRAPE stake Perky cadar, Block, patios, garden tiohima etc In N. R not need medical be 755 clinic, 8103. teecher. Cham link EM 4442e loo. Atlas Bid and counter clusive at Hymas Feed fc Appliance dollar. prestino, soohirg, PLUMBING PROBLEMSI WE LOVE TO BEAUTIFY Contact Neil Anderson, FuM 1358 Granger work. West Indiana Store, Expnr. not necessary. Avg WONDERFUL ACYEFEnCI CHAIN LINK t 395. Inch faster, Medical Center, 151 Westminster 366?630 time Cleaners, Of Cell Jerk or t.v. !S5,7SS , feiBviiton. Sava Sadie 57(Va Oroar Now, mo.Ca1t Seoairtng tisedj WIFE of service man "SmVE" till So. 15h E.jt, Corpenlm 79iO, Keliabit ieru.ct or itt Maying s to tsoo to, jo$,oh WOOTH.I.GTON LANDSCAPE CO OLD antloue dotH heads. You ais and gets hunby dollar bills, five different fists With iewelrv. dishes. Loroe o, tmoll lob,. PLUMBING ,mTn EXPERIENCED Compt landscaping gxcav.. oaorng, COLOR waitresses, SPECIALIST 20 FUSSY Who you have ereung? e aerial numbers beginning B, E, G, Corogn o.timete. 4if 2IOL e'earue, piewma, ioo-fii- l. 'm vourt and Xtra H-Cost 37$. yrs. catering tg door J, and L. Send 50c and stamp for tyFDDiNO oo ny lob plumbino wopries wo Boro i ifts. Apply Hub 5, 41 83 S. inttouotioe Factory Trained Technicians v'emu each list Freeman, Box 1S3, Sendv will MJLforJJO. , roorroUjwHk. w f $pec,AUZe 7V 7H05 H8E LIC., i Ca.l J6J-4ams ofots estj WANTED Cook, Creek, N Y. 1 31 45 Onrl baolnexperiencg pre outfit for! Vo Any 1$ lob touoh foe plNG veuf carpenfar! Good ferred. cond CaU, 44-a;working arranoao Caoinats,! Itnawcg icompiglaMtrysarJ.fSrMWTlal. ninq and intermediate, Just caU 1') you Rlvtr,on' EXPERIENCED heavy presser for SLIM formica foot, bsmts,fm., gtc. r!?3fy &eor9f modem, or your choice of des an dry claamno deprrtment. Start $1.60 REMODELING, wall oanalmo. canT Class Tinting A teen on th Mike Douglas Show co IMMEDIATE position for reception-- ! per hr with advancement. Apply m worihinwon AND PARTS PLUS LABOR J $ After 4is4 net work. m., p for demo. MrsHedley, I D i I C f n g landscaping, Complete mobile shoo on wheels, 1st, typist, must handle phones,1 person only ready for work. Metro- grading, e.i nTrsrerriJFxrBTurt ALL types bidq remodeling, pabea. 3UNSTOP reduces heat and omre R?tofin. Free tit 2v 2u5. radio dispatched, serving aft makes aooiv in person 1400 West 7900; po itan Laundray and Dry Cleaning, vacation in san oiego Swedish Mcssogo. 299-105- 7 Imfant sod lawns, roiovaiing, lawns! Cleanup, 2253 So 5?h East. Draoertei. ca pes, uphrU'ery lug snvall. 4s54V2. 100 seven davt a week. South. ibdrm. eot. on beech, model wk, weed plowing Cutting, ROTOVATING. from fedig JeJisst d.frlng and gradng, piatd, MUST be legal age. Restaurant, UNMARRIED mothers, light house- - 4 ' dishes, linens, utils., surfboard. 2912 2TIJ421 -46- 6-4848 CARPENTRY prep ? comptete pueft, M'tS'on B'vd San DieQo kitchen andcashierino, Aooiy Der work tor room and board, sma m Caht., ' 8 6813. RatseeHer Piza Shop, 250 a. 3rd wage, confidential maternity car 92109, ' LON BUTTERFIELD LANDSCAPING C3 WOSLD MENAGE Finish work. Howling EaM. Children's Service Sociev, 57ft R F MOCF L ING froart 37 So Complete tand,e , yard ne.nlehjnce St, ?4tt 466-591MODELS WANTED 5 2 MATURE todies 1 ng , flower sper , trr , needed for fete - South Temp'e Ph. service, NOTHING tog targe or toe small tor co. Me for APPV work AGEI, ALL TYPES insurance Master .ACL BankAmericard pwr and 27ftr1 scravlrg Charge phort me to haul. fran, hav, gram, topTpovbI POLY'S TOY PARTIES Famiturt 1399 S. 7th East Mon., or Tues. 10 am. sharp, 925 welcome COMP, iandscaoing gardening. on soil, bktg. mat. 299 1878. East 9th So., fcM. 211. Housewives, earn $2,000 Chnstmax and yard ciaenuo, dun$o hauled awav. make EXPERiEN(EO pruning wont NILE RUMMAGE SALE to o,iv co. to, CARPET AND UPHOL. 'drivers GARY'S hauiinu. haul comm bv Dec. 1st, working ev9C I anything money 24i2. In cleaning COLOR SPECIALISTS WIG Yny me to and from L A San Francisco, styling and cuttmq your home btaut , free tsl. .321 9, Ki care, free ebtimate a c 4 bsmt. clean up a specialty, eo rm , $18; Mrms , $5. Work home, lie beautician, $2 50 stvhnqj 3 to 4 t.rs da.iy, need car. 2 ' Chlcaoo, Phoenix and other er Ihur" 2271t Denver, eJfies Ca'H $2 50 plus oart tabor. Odd (CPs U UP free est. 48y9756. LANDSCAPING, gradmo, lawn preo ,359 748. 262 Murdock, so. west jemcie, J!!i? Si 53 or women cook, evena call open f a m. EXP mature cutting, 0 This Is hot amptovrnaior free Valiev wide service. 2073', ?9 5077 Rdo CotttriBg RUGS, carpets, uphol, craned 1h DUMP TRUCK Yard, batemant, ga- - am'on. work, local rets hourly w4Qe Se FLEAMarkef Swap Meet tvary Sat-- j ment. SUTTON TV, ca is $2. Cua'ity guar. reoe. cleaning, lioht and heavy 213 S 3 3727, home. errson. EM in dem. Fret f', free, sellers $1 00 room your hos. DINING waitress, good INSURED DRIVE AAY SYSTEM 4973 S Sae. CHUCK ILLSLEV RAIN GUTTER. m. ,poly Lawt to 2 o.m. Mo hawiinq, broken concrete.. Wed., Thurs Open I a m. to ft p.m . Mgrry'i'i RUG CLEANERS lunch and evening shifts, apply m J; w5,4tJ prifes in town Free et. Lon$t onlyGlass Barper Shoo. 9104 1374 RATES. Ave. Indiana SPECIAL 22 person, a YARD, HAULING, Luka, TRAH BSMT., 5tare licensed contractor GIRLS to po to SMttia. Lesve K Til. South are DICK who YARD (850 t CARE tired 3 WAITRE$5ES Treasure Master j?-NEW method carpef C'eaner, very GARAGE CLEANUP and odd fobs. Fr! , Auo 7. SERVICE' aft S RAIN GUTTER waoes and would like small and mealdeteor1Phonj484-j7J-. Call 4853524, Lawn eara, power rake, prune. Trim, AL'S 2 mv RELIABLE tend to ladv special soil retarder, free 244774. 29 3945 girls, j? or ' F' esf srrfte 50 CERAM'C est 466-Remodeling a special 15th home or area WESTERN hats, moccasins, lecVefs, 4 FREE est. cleaning East, 13th learn safes work with yds., bsmtl cleanup, weed, free Call tv, 12 yrs. in the business, work SOUTH. Mr. Remeia. u22 7344. appliance. Legal power1 amp let. Disc, to 30 pet. GARY'S YARD mamrenance, gar,, moving, odd Jobs. to satisfy. ?55 0574 before noon guar, Carpet Installation lawn care, HAULING, 7 day wk., yard, bsmt, rake, prune and trim,est , CERAMIC SHOWERS, baths, remod - jvvAlTRESS wantaprnoht mitt. Must COMBINATION cook and waitress weed cleanup, free est. free park, atc.rtas., aop v m person. Norh el lobs Terms arranged. WE instaii new, used caroet, mend at Karrs part-tim- e legal aoe. Aopiy BUD'S GARDENERS PROFESSIONAL 702 North 4th W.t 351 W. SAX) Wh. J9I2I36 seams, burns, shift stairs Carpet, HAULING. $5 anv262 time. Odd Uft- - Lawn care, pruning, power raking. CeTaviC bath, fireplace mot, .s'. r 764. vards, ate. Bob turn, expertly cleaned. 277 251, REFRIGERATION NFW prlvato club exoer cook a'n clean-up- . . 2SHH64. cont. dll , 262623 si.cing PETTY'3 323 2ftftt' excel service factiiities. hauling, carwaitrecs cleanup Install will for CARPET layer, tee your AND CARE. Mowing FOUI.KS LAWN NO JOB TOO SMALL MATURE rv P6X operator CERAVIC a $ V1 4 Tnt. peting and do 9 ond work. New ar Bsmtt., odd lobs. Reas, eocno. clean uo. weeomg. Ask for Gmo, CONDITIONING AiR on HAULING Y Mon. from thru n Call Fri. shirt to work used Free est Reas. IN GIRLS laundn anything. any 4675 anytime, . 8220. 484 Apply in person freer), 4353 S. 9tjp CARPET INSTALLATION. REPAIR where,$4 and jjp,484-5809YARD CLEANING, MOWING ETC. SERViCE Trw Serv Removed FULL-TIMMS. good East Exo. workmanxhip free est, 277-- 3? YARDS, bsmt, cleaned, traes, rubCommerc air home and auto 4&677 44. woman for bish, reliable tvoist, soeiUno for doctor s office. CHEERFUL SUMMER CLEAN UP LAWN CARE 91)9 9 Neat appearance. Send resume to housework, some cooking. Board FRANK J. LARSEN HELP MISS lONARY.hau! Ing, yard VCAL, DAN'S YARD CAPE 21030 ?09 5723 ca-- e of fh Box Ctilings paper. rm with TV, wages. 2"8-0work and la wn ca r 298-4- 76. ra- - LICENSED end bonded AH contractor, ciean-uaxportly maior appliances EDGE, prune, total clean, honest, love RANTED exper. medical secrerery . MOVE FURNITURE I Insured 28 -vrs txo - stump d'ooer .UNWED mother, throughout and maintenance paired O'MFNSIONAL TEXTURING exoer Insurance cniidren, for mce Ceiit. home, tor Dictation and 2735725. The ultimate to celling wear and re- Uth.CaM anytime. . aft. 3 R.m Wtd. reauired Ca'l ftnpt. coat A'io wail textures Cleaning Trash hauled, clean up, odd tnru Sun. only. Mowan .. MIDDLE aoed attendant for laund'p JOBS. Reasonable. IN Done hu machine minutes process for textured ceiling. Paint and hee fat, good at ironing, part-tim- e MATURE lady to live tree I no. 44-44pruning. pieto 3ft ue. HAUL most anything, professional care of Invalid child $180 mo PlUSi 9901 S.State.486-73?7466-074Frag GUAR POWER and hand removal. 48 7 0204, estimate, 363-- 700. CUSTOM CEILINGS c57 sparkling del. board and room. Private ouarler sharreniriQ, REMODELING SERVICE reoeir, orkup NEED 12 Baum Tov Dealers, no onlSAEDIN S TREE EXPERTS 3. Fri. Sat. Off. DUMP truck and ke;e, excavating, GLEN SK 6Y, 1205 S. State, spraved textured ceilings, patching, nrc or deliveries. ADO Car ROOM BSMTS FINISHED lecting 65 ft. ins , stump grinder Bonded, taping. Licensed, free ast., 255 4Vo3. moving. tune aide wanted, 5 da vs a week NURSES sharpen, lubricate, KITCHENS crane ENCL. CARPORTS est. Free CEiliNG SPRAYING, piaster repair, GENERAL hauling, yard clvanuP. PRECISION necessary, thlt. Exoer. .....-ttt-. up, low cost, ptekue, del morning Commer. Bdg. Rtmodemg cw!. rehab taping. Apply In person, 1G5? East South tend, gravel Reas 4776 Free design and estimate ftth, 0 pet. opefit,on Temple.$1 55 hr,sa.ry. j Uohalsterma Low bank interest Mvsieel instrvetion to st with musk APPLY typ Cement person, Howt Cleaning LADY to work in nursing PRECISION BUILDERS MATURE for work., promotion REUPMOLSTER vour turn, in ve'vet backoround , 521 2725 3555 W. 1500 South at a fair prre. L. B Davt UPh. a mpuhad booKkeepmo, 49 hr. wk.L home.35M)j7i. 5. Bill. beg folk guitar, 467-5SPECIALIZING EXPERT CLEANING 1343 S. Mam. ustic Acre 10004 WAITRESS 2307 Highland Dr., Cement work, e' types, ItChM, ONE CALL INiLL DO I) ALL. FAST WORK-FA- IR PRICES FINE 7th East. I YOUR FURN, ,emod In Naugahvde. TELEPHONE solicitor for home er ConTrarfnr HOUSE AND COM- - ft(J4 Jobl COVPLETE I tor e tor co.,, and cond ft NEED CONTRACTOR housekeeper office LICEN6EO air 9900. heef'ng IN 1731 S. Kit Chairs, State, NEW or replacements , Rati, MERLIAL CLEANING. Kitchens, tonvly m , patios, rerrod UPHOL. experienced preferred, ceil Rocky nursinf home Free tit. Soeoel 20 percent disc Christen drivewavs, "ilk. Frag gst., real. wm mecK,nt room Mt. Refrigeration, etmg, carports, garages, full or hire HANDYMAN LAUNDRY hostess. part 1415 Utohna Or. sen, rates. 364 285 diSCJtTJsa, basemenf rooms. Financing. , SLC or Sandy, PRACTICAL nurse and housekeeper in SPECIAL OFFER Ifew'ethod Reasonable rates. 355 3312 SUPERB WORK 27F0364 T for elderly Invalid, llvmo in AmerL EXPER. Cltenine Co Walts, carpets, girl fur wool pressing, Drivewavt. TOI999 reo. steps patios, patch WaH can Fork Ref, . . cotiiplete1 n contractor LICENSED counter ng assembly, wndowa, expert painttn, lie. 487 7921 jwork13A,3-ft44to to 20 pc tm rfllBtlRJ, Poptrih(, (ICOIIIFg remodeling Including wall covering RELIABLE babv Sitter wanted mv ATT Owar. waitress. BARMAID &nC CEMENT WOPK WELDING pnrtab'g. ail knda Of, nome Cottonwood Ma I, $5 vwr est. 322-- 86, textuHling jTKn?h, fr-J J3SoSat255-?a5iwawmanto mH 277 x06 2 t trail asv. and peintmg, FAFERING & fire-p- t PAINTING EXPERT cleaning LICENSED brck, Contrators. only experienced GOOD cement work cost no more. wHs. window, floor wrxed and 5vxt warnd MATuRE ladv. free rm. and board W'G 486-- 0' 01. KAY BOOGART ie9, carpanfry. 25 yr. Window Shades tor limited help w th 2 school chil - need aoov bjHed, rtws., frge est. no waiting, , oanel.n. ,Dt. aide, live In, flyet gptTOrf kit, TAPER HANGING erd PAINTING PAST UC. Call Merman, 2t2 4505 363 3300 or 273 2128. en (NURSES dr 467-6290 Patch Work Guar. 48 4 51 52 Rf4l. rIM. VV INDOAI R EA5QNABLE HU 7 1415 .Odon premises if desired. Venetian, vertical "TEACHERS wanted, U S. ndover-seasHOME imorpvment repairs, cleanHRS. per day. Men- REMODELING COOK Pckup. ctment, bi.noa CMao, repaired. 5071. TOP Qua, ity concrete fiat work, Fret ing, carpentry, electrical, painting. FAINTING. oaerm, apravin Foreign and Domestic TAach-FR1 h work. t.M, Faint. Jr4 3J4 cav through Friday. 1r of Foriy, area, Sanoeri, 26? S. State, 45 Mr. 8. L.c est 2AV1419 er. Box 03 Vancouver, Lost 60 8S Payroll, 73 521- - FANTASTIC NEED AN EXPERT 521- - 3535 AUERBACH CO. For Listing information in This Handy Business Guide, Call And for Fast, Reliable Workmanship Call One of These Experts Now! alpr favinf COUNTER BIG PROFITS Your Service jjiita.i Hm ton' J DIRECTORY rent F.N0 ; S WithuF S EXPERIENCED WIG STYLIST 3535 , pavADle, Sl, lS ... ' tl J: - a, Dial pr J MOFFAT BROS. SOIL Telephone Solicitors1 rn cSKSt andakt wju00' 'X, ... FURNITURE X Ai! !orJ.rk ,R It Ihar hVo,-0- r lam it W" V.foW.U .WSPSaftl K2 . vui orr The .Tl Slsy eio.efat. GYM MfitfrP dl SS bmtt drst CALLS " nf lanoape Wxt $2.50 J04b carpenter 5lt f C!n4 (orptfs, MR. TEE VEE rl 45 Qr. yroay. CM J fortonals o. En, 3 ROOMS ' dlt.ea. pt FURNITURE :moaitna law t- $188 VRONTIKIS FURNITURE fr fr 1984 SO. STATE allkin6$ bt jc I. t boat and told h 9roilr to th first rpondnt to h't Salt lot Npop-- 9 Clamfifd Ad. You con gut th tom rtuk Cafl Oottl-td- . You can save money on Boats and Motors rar o im fs riHn, See Classification 67 Today! . ff K A A --4 Jt- -i k I e , A A . 1LA.B a A- UL . MAI A-6- rn AA y A k A I x A |