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Show r f' y 0 The Salt Lake T -- thane, Sunday, 2C Counts, Mtpo'H iroSt od rera ui iat fq pa'''' are"n I' TE - - ' C E ST c E Ee r p CP E o Si.jry EP -- GL 17 to $9 728 per annum ) W'lj anfl rooto.nanno an pnasas of San Like Requires d$'to in PjC.g or $ram P arnmg cr re.ated tea ato s x jxciofl v managerial exporter ce pretotob'y nt combine' on of cr an eguv programs 5'ry ing be rpcrs TEC.CiN or mr-- In urr-a- t tranirg -P'C9rammerAna4ytf VElH ENG CR CiWiL ENG U'Can years of exteu- - an ntnted jr i exper.ence. coi S t 10-H- NF ncoeanna cocktail AT Cali ?78 fct U ST d m J77 li A be e't'iiC'it, Mu po sed, LOG totect HAVEN piatuie, 70 VVRM plus, 110 120 Vv PM. pecia isi to avaiuata coordinate ard report Droqram proo e s w n for omvy oeK vnri,s comn rperdion of Frs er GfrOKX8 ran s j Food. Leoai Service Emeroenry orov da ad tiaird ofom.m, teebn col a.s otrsfive or S'perva Ant Povariy Program cfaatmi with Maroower. Physical Environment, housmu Nutnt on and Leoei Prob- j rom co Dtsira canuancn lem laoa w th a decree .n public or aom.nufrettcn, oc al urban ork, nsycnrcKA. ootOQV. afatr or re acd area with j administrai.ve or supervisory exoe- nenre workina with lew income j Work experience rray tommun tie be suosMtuted on a year tor yar educat on. bai for the requ tjafton Reupon u e Services Home componwns. Senior Citaan matters, a tuisiaary of Up John, 5.1 4J54 Women Men INCOME H ph firra SKGUSoN TAX SERVICE comm ssion, full tra nm E JY.0 SLC Scctn. WANTED JANITORS h SECRETARIES Executive WELCOME Ct Vcr To te to cniect rd End Aavertisre 1 Gai onil Six-t- i2 I -- We provide: arrange a personal merview v,rh our so;' of too engineer, pease serd a cea 'ed resunve to. gh commiss'Cns over and above salary Control proeced tsrntor es, quel y products, c . can,inu0us t.Oin.ng prog-amFt Do you have ales success, cb y, des re a car Send us a br ef letter cf your l ve wJl arrange a personal background or-- To'enf-prove- n lae-moae- Box X22 Lce C ty TriDwne So' Eaai An Oppertktmty Emp-rva- Wife today to personnel dept. SALES - t400-- Munichem Corp. REPRESENTATIVE - Ooena- Office (No Snormand) Rtxnotiomsf arn weve got tie cppo'j1 el nr n,ng George SLC) Corn Opel Looh Mcr9-g- e A ?S (Many) Hiyrance crLte-- f ad w a teem Man ano auerox ? k jri Dt ncF ntgr s oar weak, benefit feedy wwk for oua' t,ea peotxt Aoo.y .2 wait 2'4 a he ecoior c oialyss of the p't and re'aed foc!,.es. Fairiiha'iraion wh pt des gn, deo led rr n ng p'ons, snort and long range pannmg and ove'GlI pt epera-- t ons wouid De most desirob'e. 1 INQUIRIES . lai Wnte , A Good Job Is Ml All ftOedWvoiUi tn Uah 10 of areas fccckg-ojr'd- h,eres,ed m rceostd eornmgs in 1970? We w.il CjO'on'ee you ct least $12,500 annual income sc'a'y and cc,T'isson. Noona'ly knon MwN.ChEM Carp is loo ng for a solid cnemi-ca- l sa'escn in tre Sat Lake area. I HAPPINESS PREPARERS TAX ycu've got tue see a EAST 4TH SOUTH S 13-- MUNICHEM bace ors deg'es V g'03o3 irg, Geo'og col or Cv Egineeng V.e'd e o least five yeas expc ece m lorge ooen p.t work, mcioa ng ONLY Wanted Mea p MS Help Wante4MegH5-H1- Meg NFk V. e UPGRADE ASSOCIATES PROGRESSIVE ACTION ea NURSE AIDES Work owat cnadv part or full time Can 321 43S4 Homemaker, a tyte OPPORTUN'TV EVPLOvfu LAKE COMMUN'TY PROGRAM aM Rot res Drooram manauemfnt iVstiOCA-a'-i- RfcliABtE maura woman naaoa vartou caifor'fcs, part t nte, aoe nurse houtakeeoar mciudtnQ neat and personoble, 3tnjS SALT NT lOA-Dom- eitic SECRETARY EWUAL Wanted Women elp 328-859- 077 lj Cr'fo''t MiSS WILDING AT 2195 S 3600 WEST FOR APPT. PH 466-607- iT confidential 6Y APPOINTMENT JOES HUNDREDS M LOCAL NAT NO REGISTRATION FEE UT EMP. ASSN NAT L NETWORK and announcement! mar be obtained tn Pnom 3C9 C v & Anpitratioe 00 pm or oba ned by mel bv ca ng 3"t 7351 Cnurty Bu fl'ng I no rreet tbe eouca'Cri to a prrnn and Rncru tmen is naiicnat of race, coor, reoi rementt regarded or grn, political aHt .atior or aex. Yiauui Help PERMANENT POSITION, TO? SALARY, O et w th u can rg ,pr for aL k nos of ,ofc3 Yew pro- - $ Our Business! Ae rert, t sedao'r ta for ma or companies ertertng excepTonl A ary career opporunnes tocai ava aoie fnrg our office. Most firm pay cur fee Coer for 0 reel- fc REPS. SA.ARir CAi!Ex-EN"- S TCP IMCfST'vES 4 E:Ntc m prff l VANiGFR COLLECTIONS Ctur v Mooet Ci Aamr is ra'ton 'IS or Hard Rock Mining's PCiiT'CNS $10,000-$20,OC- FP LAY PROCESS1 Data Wanted Meg ENG r wwu-w- EXCELLENT EENEFITS! tPK 'f CASH DIRECTOR, MODEL CITIES T -- MC cai iCC MAvN CTiO. T (Grae C1 Help V RfccET lco PSx-if- E0 c R L TV-i- iij CCrwvPTO FOJ--C PCS TIO iias IS - MARKETIN G MANAGEMENT -- A k frit E PAYPClL Ape f oc p a"1' rg f 2 vr t wti v' Dvst o re'Qtod t o n- .ntt COl h qn no ' Mj irg en iroto ond bo pfo,n t F r9 c'$v odd nq odi-ed s pso w to T' s s a P"i monufevT on o m ryt c n wr- A?ecT SALES TPAINEE-NC- J qc oin AL TO? SALARIES VGVT N lES for A'f rf AwC "UNTAN -rajHtr SR. P preM rq vo.4'tor t? o v pOD COD ond comp, 'g pe dtC ng 14 Emplcrmen! Agade LOCAi-KAfi- SALT LAKE :MERIT SYSTEM COUNCIL ANNOUNCES ThE toocod v y r nr CAREER CENTER COUNTY w CLERK q J14 employment 13T8 a ACCOUNTING tr , - TELEMATION INC. wek I, cy W" ,13 Men - Womea 13 Help Wanted Womea To Aucu-- t r 0 - P.O. BOX 661 WSC--- F30 and ue Dart time $X to $4'0 yp comm . fu'l time, aautnq me and typist 54 Notionaily known cor'pony seek g a career eau.Dmant (n home axerc PAYABLE AN.1 ACTs of tne UpiohnJLo j0 fme secretarial Thu is neces the !,m Gvm No exe. LA VS PROCESSOR to U3S f direct to'esman sales for to cna n and independent n Cal Mr. Nenna. RECFFT GAL. FRIDAY sfrvice Ooen ary w) tra mfrryor maid 4 part time work for povtion which ouers good Pe nanen ';77?42 KFY PUNCH ?vi d nurnes ond scount Salary a'de. I'ttar 3ta to departrrent sfores, se'lmg knives, variety, start ng salary based upon maQ. MIRELLE w os. The tasest grow.no PBX oOuCTlON 4051 We transport you to tob DRAFTSMAN W5 industry today nreds voj On y tf watch bands, ec. This established Sa't Lake City based and qualihca-tion- s WOMAN act. j'oo id care. rh industrial for live a ms, fme income n are you intered experience NEIGHBORHOOD YOUTH turn We pay salary housework commission, new car and have farth ?s nc,. fm' Congenial woik trns Merry Maid Service. ao n. Ask tor Thera Open thru 5 30 in your territory requir-- j goed closer, one who values the CORP DIRECTOR 747 292 2ili 295 and unexcelled contract for budoet and cf service tc the retail trade. Excellent salary, Reiponvbe men concept Wont Work for home needed COUPLES Development For benefits proa'am eva'uation employee in Ettie Lee Home for Boy, and statistical reoorts, narrative bonus plan, expenses, company auto and good Responsibilities include ooal worker reeded Can NURSES staff supervision, payroll preparaBUNDED, INSURED Support m the oreo of genero! occountmg eppt please call. 487-75- 1 Auvustu. Provo, AlOFS HOUSEKEEPER, LIVF iN tion and distribution, record mainte3636711 345 S State, Suite fringe package. For a personal interview telephone ooministratiye functions Prefer card da with some college nance. reviewinq CARE. CHILD COMPANIONS, approving, and SECRETARY, mommas, tvpmq letxt. 28. 5?1 4254 a contact Host , with mamtaimna ter Homemaker, and heipers soliciting, appts aubsidiary business background. Opening Is m our Tw n Fol's, Idaho, factory B. Saich, World Motel, 437-780- 1 FEE of a of the UPJOHN Co Aaenoes and administration etc Christian and Health Bureau, Monday p.m. and office. Salary eommensurare with experience P'ecse call or send proor.im designed to provide work 4b 3164 MERRY MAID SERV.CE sumfer in all and school experience cay Tuesday. PARTY CHIEF TO SURVEYOR We heve ouelttied cleernnq women, rbsume including oary history tc. mer youth Knowledoe of the funcnurse atde. vacation, live-in- , $700 filtions and roles of ocal or federal ters, party help 364 4051. agencies Desire a minimum of 2 HONEYWELL COMP. OPR. DOG TO OPERATE yrs colleoe education with 3 yrs. MFN OR WOMEN EXPERIENCED. Housework, elderly DIVISION CF VARIAN or' HEALTH FOOD STORES, CALL LEGAL SECRETARY in aaencies and cb id care, hve in, vacation, employment POSITION OPENING S400 low Income with proarams working Merry Maid Service, 1672 PIONEER ROAD The Central Utah Water Conservanmav bt TEACHERS cnn.umties Experience reeded Wef State R N. PT. P.M. SHIFT cy Disrricr, r u, tux 4 7 jrem HOLLA substituted ter academic ouahhea- - sd,ar,es $6,500 ud Teacher Special-'l0ALTERATIONS IRONING AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY Utah is accepting epoiicaiion to fill DAY ARE A27B 2340 EMPLOYER R. u ists Bureau, Bouder, Coio X RAY SFRVICE ENGL. $X No experence We reauired will a new position of District Area EXPERT lromn9, free o.ckup and COORDINATOR (COUPLE to manage apt house, apt. stratov. The employee filling LICENSED REAL ESTATE Good Excellent tram sa'es 4526 SE salary! 466 area, delivery, pms 5100 per mo Anoiv Se Rancho will this be located at position men PLUS earn at least $)80 UTAH DEPARTMENT OF good (Oquirrh Action Center) Motel, 640W North Temple CARE for elderly persons cr couple, Duchesne. Utah Empicvee resocnsi-PEOPLE PO. Box 1520 a month sales commission Prompt Resoonsib'e for budoet and proaram MICROFILM experience iities will consist of suoervisina my home. 4SS 576Q, 485 8554 Inspection salary races Plus excellent opportuEMPLOYMENT SECURITY the operation and maintenance of develoomrt, narrative and statisti- and Quality control preferred. Call for advancement for qood men nity cal reports, staff supervision, coor- ' Mr Thurman, 4870785 works of the Central Utah Pod ect Must be H S trad., must oe bond-ablTYPING SERVICE ,292-334- l 383 SoutFi 6th East Ogden, UtGh 84402 activities and trans'erred to tne District end ether dinating antiooveriy For interview see Mr AnderWILL tfnd chtldran, vour hom, full, prourarm, District located works the maintain contact with in 383 son at Employment Security, AND TEMPORARY Duchesne Area cootumate the ne-- . part tima Exp Refiaai 704 Agencie community drowns, local and federSouth 6th East. Phone 399-343- 1 al agencies, pollutions of water sales contracts, providing resources, HOUSEWORK NEAR 13RD SOUTH AGRICULTURAL serve as C striu sn' . no programs, and solutions to disadPART-TIM- E five, coordinate and assist in water Desire graduavantaged residents 235 West 4th South IRON.NGI TIRED OF IT tion from edeoe m field rented to activities involving the piannmo an equal opportunity employer V'C 36th S and fth E Cal' 322-143- 3 District wih Federal. Socal Servre State, and SERVICE Communty' IRON SHIRTS 19c lotJ aoencie The employee must mav be1 Organization Experience Mix clothes, 85c hr. of have resource water for knowledge substituted academic ouaiifica HORIZON CORPORATION facilities and experience in lions. HOUSEWORK, also practical nursing EXPERIENCED must be capable xperlenca. No experience Apply for positions CAP Admmis- has grown from We will administration, required preparing records and administraGood tram. Excellent sales WILL cara for child, day or salary! to tive reports. Saiary be based on trativ Office, 2033 So. State commission! Good hours! Prompt SECRETARIES $300,000 to my home. Closa In, experience and Qualifications Cios-I- g Phone 437 3641. Apply before Salary raises tor good rrn H S date for receiving aoolilcations TYPING, ADDRFSSING, MAILING, see For interview assets of $600 to preferred. grad, Exec. Sf'c. 14. wilt 1970. be 31, 77. Staff will be guen August MYHOMEj487-6566,4855Aug. Mr. Anderson at Employment SeNEED AN EXPERIENCED $100,000,000 CURTAINS, bedspreads, tabltclofh. curity, 383 South 8th Fast. SALES ENGINEERS $375 preference Recept. - Advertising IN DEALERSHIP Pickup, delivery. Denver based manufacturer of minin 10 YEARS CONTROLLER WOMEN-CHILDREN-& METAL to $550 Sec. Legal SWEDISH woman wants houseclean eral and chemical processing equipExcellent workmq conditions Established petroleum and trucking Own fran. Ing wo-- k ment is expanding its operation. $400 Cnw-hseeks Qualified person end honeit organization NATURAL PEOPLE Sec. - Insurance aeframh work week. Hospitalization men with mining, meia'fur-Q.ca- l ond ironing, baby sitting, children. to establish and fill s.sition of con-- i We need lend development menaoement and ire he reaion EXP Peoresenatitve or chemical processing educa' Holtadav area, Me 'nsuronce provided, along and LDP for thi amazing frowth. In ohar. Recept. - Personnel available with national trolier. Accounting positor, tion or experience who ere -GOOD WORKING essent x' and In ttatura. experience and fields all crovids in companies with paid vacations. m Sec. - Busy Office annual &alarv to start with als engineering Traineen salary, car and expense accounts. $12,000 CONDITIONS potential qrewth Pocatello, Idaho and advance position available Ve can use a few more cellar FOR TV COMMERCIALS, CONTACT: MAX WOOLSEY TYPISTS area Your resume wiH be treated both domestic end internationei FEES mnocd sal NURSERY SCHOOL growth, career-growt-R- ETIREMENT in confidence. Reply Box X47, in sales departments eswomen in our Sa't Lake office MOTION PICTURES AND Statistical $400 to $500 fence tent salaries, incentive plan activ.ties, care for this paper. STM Recruiters, Inc. -V- ACATION 73592 meais. Rates. ang benefits. Send comp ete resume MAGAZINE ADVERTISING 375 Horizon's to $450 Technical EXPERIENCED Investigate potential LICENSED child care mv home, 30c to 243 East 4th South CHEVROLET CO.-.- . ' m this area AM aoes -I- NSURANCE , R S NOLAN Phone (801) 521 7225 matched oqaiml your obctivet. per hr., hot meat Large fenced To he filmed $350 PARTS COUNTER MAN sizej, races, types. No trammq or .UiCtOphOne DENVER EQUIPMENT DIVISION 359J356 yard 1C26DenverJT. BOB LAVATO Contact Id 320 W. 13th South There ecu be a kit of money in Snd comoete'- -i experience needed jOY MANUFACTURING Excellent working menv facllit'ea, $350 chool, educa and rec. fihysical description (and snapshot, Llerk-- 1 Vp'ST COMPANY H for you. Coti Mrs. George NURSERY fringe benefits, salary pen deoend 328-129IN PERSON 9 activities. alono with address and 400W.Jndiane P O BOX 5268 on Qualifications. ing ACCOUNTING to Monday or Tuesdoy between 9 00 CHILD care in my home, vie. 109 phene 80217 DENVER, COLORADO Contact Bob Jeffries at 600 SOUTH MAIN COLLEGE' SERVICE GLOBAL BUSINESS CASTING An 48M)452 ast. 3thE GRAD Equal Opportunity Employer S.J to $600 9 m, ond 3 00 pm, for on Bkkpr. - All Kinds LOVING child care in my Granger 747 W. KATEllA AVE. Accounting position offering xcel. BURROUGHS con be the home, any age. Clerks $375 OPDort. and favorable workiriv conFigure 262-3411 5650 S. STATE Dept. FB-ditions There are several positions life. lucky number In CORPORATION $375 avail due to the cf cur Supervisor ORANGE, CALIF. 92667 Busmess Forms and Supplies Grouo comoanv. ability to growth GRILL COOKS for DRiVE-Iwork with and A Division of United Sha-p- , WANTS A SFRVICE ShLES OTHER IMMEDIATE suoervise other personnel desirable, International Pictures parf-timfor employpermanent REPRESENTATIVE college oraruet prefer busmess type. Dictation 80, type 60, know ment, neat appearing, no exoe'. (Who wants a career not a job) SALT LAKE COUNTY with ab.litv. Salary commensurate office Aoaressive, (DYNAMIC necessary. Our 'omoanv it expandman with send resume to Box intelligent m care off procedure,. UTAH Sales e advancefor ELECTRICIAN MERIT SYSTEM COUNCIL some fast, ing coJIooe. Mechanical abilities Pfrmant, this paper. opporiun'tv Keypunch scarCOMPANY.) co. ail benefits, profit ment, of prime importance position servicing mator aooliances Sales experiof all types. Elect, and niech. backhospital insurance, ence reouired Serv-cing, vacation, ANNOUNCES THE .Cash,er Millwr ghts and sales of Mgt. Tranee SECRETARIES Some mmoeri Local etc referenres required. ground. small machines oroduc?d bv Pader DRIVE now, other later Very good tvpmo Ins. Rater Apply Dees Inc., 433 S. Mam FOLLOWING POSITIONS Off'ce Manager in office equipment fie'd. Comprefor all toos Pipe Fitters shorthand tor some 2 3 years DESIGN DRAFTSMAN hensive emo'ovee 521 benefit 3737 program. Sc 4th veer stable secretarial $800 Tellers 455 East Clerical Coremakers exp in Aren. rn)uuemg. Eiect. or Travel expenses paid, but automoatmo-oh- r Stimuiai.no tf vou are tookinq for advancement, 1 background. Cook 'Biker) bile Good required training Full or part time, excel, summer call Electrolux Appliance mech. b 'jg. construct. good salary, and beneiits. Locomotive Repairmen (Grade 05 starting salary $369 Unlimited program. advancement business, h gh carninos S8C0 Center per Management SMILE mo. salary range 8389 to $518 mo ) SEE MR BOWMAN Tn Eoual Opbortun.ty Emoloyer potential with a company that proIf vou month Apply 401 Park Bldo training salary Bakes bread and pastries and pre9-- 4 motes from within. Controlled terri346 WEST SOUTH TEMPLE INTERVIEWS 402 FOR Aoo'v bide. A CHANCE Park GOT for OPEN I to 11 a m,; 1 to 3 p m. oooortunitv an STILL YOU'VE Qualify plus ami skilled exin pares oher foodstuffs Requires 3 Minimum 5 years' fully Utah tory and For Idaho an 4 or to call a as WE'RE Louki Opportunity Employer A CALL. 000 to 000 p.m. US $30 per year $16 GIVE After work and special aoots made year full time paid employment in perience. Apply Geneva Works. appointment cal! Mrs, Cleyton at manager after training Ph. (PRETTY DARN QUCK) 355:5358 1063 So State BRIXEN & CHRISTOPHER related field. PDQ A-NEED automotive WE painter, 33rd South 1067 E. EVERY Day 5 P.M. to 8 A.M. ARCHITECTS An Equal Opportunity Can Supplement your earnings bv driving can do work. who some body Employer STEEL Buildmq Equip. Operator taxicab on Sat., Sun and Holidays offer a permanent lob to right man Have immediate ooenlnas for Que"-fieTHE BEST IN THE WEST DEPT. starting salary 1509 (Grade MO-iS- : or on hourly basis after 3 e m. Part MINERS vacation 328-963pav, Benefits, holiday ins., 3 Personnel Division end experienced architects mo rang? -- 509 to $588 mo ) into Ask for Herman Randa'I, ef home office of natl. compm has stalls, Lv For underground mining wort. Con- time and full fit.Tt needed. Very to assume Technical Clerical draftsmen, considerabe operates regulates, budding Box P.O. good earnings Provo, Utn Broadhead Automotive, 2025 W. 3500 resDonsibilhv In opening for ndividuai with exp. (at 510, rmn-rtracts to available Reos. as Sales such experienced Engineers design development heatina, eouioT?nt atr 267West 3rd South (oast yr.) in accounts payable, South, Ext 6321 LINE and preparing working drawings work eeictricat, mechanical Alternaung 5-- end is Open Daily Ample Parknq conditioning payroll, or general accounting, weeks, board and room, $3 50 per REFRIGERATION M.ECMANIC For further information, look us up In MANAGEMENT An equal opportunity units Renures 4 end plumbing 3 employer Unusually hoh and specifications. Call Mr. Bnxen, with nata processing helpNew! Just in at S D I. Ura.ntl 193. in for call or r day. Yellow Apply person, of related the n Thermo appt Page ice it years write, tu 5 directly experience Pages base income olus bonus and ret ful, must be very proficient in ooer-hoUS and LARK MINE, LARK, King, years MEN AND" WOMEN TO $86,000 YR. refrKieration. transport Must Exoer. or inexoer. Two po. avail $3,600 PERSONNEL of 10 key addmg machine, BUREAU OF GLOVES & SLIPPERS UTAH 84040. have own foois, must be subm ited In in new corp week, guar Rapidly expanding excel, working cond., top None or Much Experience, But airy Applications Immed. Dept. Openings 363 E 33rd So amee. Send resume Room 39, City and Toun.v Build-Into chemicJ cleaning teld Ph 359 9631 Resident menufecturen reo ceHinq' PYPER STOCK MANIACFP and frlnoe oenefits. Apply et 505 E At Least High School Diploma. Detroit Diesel, P O. Box 3648annij 8 30 a m 5 p m. Recrui ment is on maior retai.er tor gur pooular S 364 9449 Mr. accountant, CPA or PAYROLLfor appointment. South Tempie, or send resume to SKiLLED AND UNjKLLED ooen to all persons who meet the D., Aibuouergue, New Mextco line of Excel P O. Box 2317, SLC or ciii 328 8831 accts payable clerk, purchasing D ehe rrea facilities, working mary Employers Pay All Fees to Men 87110 women and and back with varied education employment requiredeot cle k, cost accountant, layout for appt. fringe benefits, Highest; good starting r sal, 3 vrs DRIVERS needed, ments icgardles of race, olor, grounds are now bemq Interviewed commission. State tines now carry-- ! ry, will artist. apply personnel dept VENDING machine rout men. ma ana accepfed to wor with Hydro-- 1 exp reo , knowledge of exnational origin, political Box 979.1 Ing and territory covered KMART ture, married, wilt tram, some meatr cleaning equipment, Aerchandis-dispia- National Personnel Associates Inc plosive regulation rea , only tiose J501 Broadway, N Y $0034. cr x 27 vj East chanical ability. Salary plu Trans Parleys Way ouel fications need with abO'' Ing Mechanical service Word s Premier Recruiting Grouo sense of fashion and wwld clean-cut- , WASHER-DRYETsch-ner- . EXPER. ... portation, Dervt bondable, not e"ention we background as apply; reply necessary for Mad Confidential Resume Info. BODY 328 0396 121 E. 3rd South SHOP FOREMAN you entoy telling th most bushy haired, berrded, Box have complete in cars of this newsinferiority baaut4ui cloihes In town Start comotexed to Some REPAIRMAN oersonnei needed Send $90,000 work, salary pus hioh conv Start at Sxao per month paper. $9,000 Do you have humor, oatiance, name, aedress, phone No to Box S & Rabid Advancement V X 55. rare of this men Immediate employment, too wages, si Sti'n Ren&haw 333 S. State, SLC, Ut. 84111 life Insurance SUCCESSFUL stamina, and desire to ieern? newspaper Company Benehts I? ffli!' needed as ass slant mam ar in oood workina conditions, ,n.uranc Are you e mature woman who l,c Co 1070 S A.in NEAT appearing for quaM-tieOpenings in management young man, manDOLLAR benefits InApolv Excellent FLETCHER branch Utah can handle a full time ob? Qrowmo rmr mum Qualificapersonnel, not afraid of agement A N N S F H potential, on, Rfnoert come and advancement poential 3 EXCELLENT PLUMBERS Phone for inter. tions II and over, 1 year re deni. hard work, to assist manager In INTERNATIONAL COSMETIC CO. 328 42)7. 165 S State Prefer man with coUeoe degree JOURNEYMAN DIESEL MECHANIC Needed for ARENT'S dry Cleaning busmess, experience ooenmos Cali for interv ew now has full end part-tim- e construction C L.U., Cenade Cad John wmd't of LDS churches. Apply R S. Bower - 363-274- 2 heipfu' but not necessary. Reply jo " S. HATCH CO. for men and women Unusual b.si-- i Life, Construction Co., 465 East 9th So, Box 7173, Murray, Utah ACCOUNTING department M home nes ODPortumty for peooie who .el E.E O Employer (Service DeendaK 'tty . teority) Mondav Qny in1 available Hice of natmnat SOUNDTELEPHONE comi jy hat anbitious Training CumIn Personnel - Placement in eavy-duttruck mechanic, SERVICFMAN 1201 WILMINGTON, SUGAR HOUSE ASSISTANT MANAGER modern facMIttes. Openings are also LAUNDRY oenmg for individual with exoen-Utah for past 12 years HU nee (et leest 1 veer) m accounts avaiiabe INSTALLERS for and REQUIREMENTS mAnagemmt cShw&imS PREVIOUS TOO VANV JOBS TO LIST backSa ary open Car suitable 4 or bookkeeomg bie pavabe. payroll or otneral account - supervision oosltions Contact Mr. ' COMMERCIAL CR INSTITUTION- THE $4 75 per hour salary all olus fringe appt esirabte ground AL EXPERIENCE. C ng wk w th work Phone 328 8869 W Smith. 466 54? or 2994733 Familiarity wth data prgresSUPERVISORY Bob Mever benefits Call e time pay, hr. , EXPERIENCE to 4 30, must be Ing heiptul. mu t be very p ofment PROFESSIONAL refinisher, 328-963- 1 exper bonoabte PARTS MAN In ooeiiton of Ifl kev adding ma-- ( k in person at 320 W. Apply FOR RAP'D 333 S. STATE CtOTUX''' ict EXCELLENT CARPENTERS 3 to 5 years fast with excel I needed, opportunity 9th South experience In automohine, excellent wor ng cond'hens, PRFSFNT 8AAN AHVAN(rMFNT inUIUy tive or enqme parts. Prefer Diroit store. R C. Wilfurniture f growing state Needed for construction too saary benefits PLANS ami fringe AGFR nn y 'N RFTiRtVENT mrrn MOVING man Private party needs avail full time on ' Diesel 861 Send resume to and E. Sun.5, 6e(tt South, experience R. ley LOS of South Tempie cr jn MioOio,ogy Hemomcgv rhurchs. aonly a emp'ovment Inc. Anpiy at 5A5 and THE NEAR FUTURE experienced van driver to park and P O. Bnx 364$ sta'ton D , A buouer 262 2481. 486 8196 1 M i ACE PREV Bowers Construction Co, 465 E. li 'lb LY 327 East 2tst scuth tend revyme to POBn 2J17 Salt Chem try Reoue ASLP ed'S'ra move househoid ooods In rented ng que New Mexico 87110 reIV OUS tne $nuh benefit MINIMUM EXPFRfNCE ode ton erfiient from Michigan to Utan during week CARPENTERS of Aug 10 Cali duced U'"veri,Y tuition and use ef SALARY AC . FTAN F. SECURITY PATROLMAN: between EXCEL. BRICK MASONS R T TO exit perNEED! soo u fniiDe5 For 6 30 and 7 30 p m Good lead men for housing proiect r L,wl tflt, L DIRECTOR PERSONNf wk. II to o- -r hr. 32A3711. X0 evf sonnel ot ct construction bv contract, piece work or wooes. PFRVANENT Needed for FULL-tim- e 1 SERVICE man EMPLOYMENT usury N qhf sh.lt only. Senfl reGENLRAL ROE MEMORIAL START IMMEDIATELY! 495 5CJU, 2f6!1.: (Itv attorney's office, must have t LDS churches Aonly at R S UNIVERSITY HOSHTAl wanted tor delivery in Satt Lae plies to Box Vt?2 Frst Security Bank B'dfl X S3 in port ot this HOSPITAL year tegei eperence Type 60 465 East Bowers Construction Co., rea Contact Mr. Ron Rasmussen Ra;idiv expanding Uah Corn wfth 4fh Roith and Mam 328 20691 newsoooer. wo m. f 8 H ERVONT STREET nrthand 100 wpm Salary Construction Estimator Ehuat OrPC'tumty Employer 9th south between 9 am. eng noon Muter Downtown, Lovely Offices, offer Liberal fringe ben-i- A S A YE R renge, DENVER, COLORADO 80220 time worx on steam cleaning $ for progressive gnerl contractor floral Co. 150 S. 200 West, Farm- PART f xpenenced ausver PE MAN BODY crew 14-Apply personnel grpt , room needed Immediately, After 9pm Start at $1 80 hr. WILL Work INTERV'EW shou'd have needed Immediately. Send replies to ington, Utah. Temporary 312, City end County Bunding OUR EMPLOYEES Possibilities for advanceeondt-tmnsaiary. Box X 52, tn cara of this paper . wet assavng tor lead imc. and, ARRANGED wnrk. rood StMdy werkmg ' L Al AD WANTED full time weloer. Must be ment end assuming TH' Oc Many benefits, raises, promotions management for gn'd ard. kKO SECRETARY-RECEPTIONIS- T aid vacations, hinh guaran- ORDER Ccpner. Eire assavln I R r PDFS IN FORBF nrLD cepoble ot bemq certified for WKL Mail Writ 6o P.O. responsibilities. opening with Industrial W 4th silver. Atomic absorption Cxon. STRICTEST tee plus commission J! 10 Key Add weldinfl Too CONFIDENCE bene7037, inoav, Utah Machine excel, Murray, rubber distributor, eood salary, Operator womsn, enced preferred exreiient need rratyr, dependable nd salary) Wiichool! W8C0 354 ,rK 5 day week back in pJr FITTERS-aLedger Clerks surance, Th. .Imosl profit kip. gnod typist, nee appearing, fleas welders and fringe benefits Contact Disiivni needrdAIMEDICAL RECORDS NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE! in cere ef this 7thAnSo end we have the perfect wav to' FURNACE MEN ATTENTION ant phone voce sa'ary pH-Reply t Box i p,n Meteis, Plan! No. 1, 577 Wet Com , hnx t73, Silverton. Colorado eouai opportunity employer. t 4 n m Thyrs or Mon. Aonly earn extra dollars for new school J 34)0 S. Se paper Ned bene,H, contact Mr. Ashby at 8 433 Cn'lect Sommers, Pi,nt R R L. LIBRARIAN ed expe-encmen Service wanted Reoy for emoloyer interview No 2 See Jim Walker, positively ShEFT metal men caomet for interview Clothe, tuition, and all the other end trainees, evreiient eem no. ELECTRONICS eng, with sales ex-- and assemb'y line pesonnei.makers, com need Prelittle no phone cell. extras vou HIGH SCHOOL AND ,To super v $ department n new 3?8 etfv employment, Apply 251 E. per ence, or dsire to examine sues r a STEO, .eoiember. if vou ferred married men, omv experiPHONE WORK be acufe hospital, excehsnt saiarv instruSouth end -, KEYyoo TV TECHNICIAN computer engineering, enced need apply in person. Ute BOOKKEEPER, ant benefits, contact or send reCOLLEGE STUDENTS YPIST, i 5 hr. salary. Part time eves mentation activity Send resume to Liner Inc., 145 West 4500 So sume to PUNCH Of MACHlNc OPERATOR Want exDerienced man. alio neeid rom vour home . to develop team FUIL TIME SUMMER ran t p- -l TRUCK DRIVER Box C 29 car of this paper how to . ut Director find and Cali Joan personnel today RETIRED man, phvcat'y capable, commission salesman, call for Infer 2 t me We are see-'for home Study courses, no selling rie nen. 333 S. STATE ST. 323-963- 1 McKav Pee Ho'Ditet make extra doflera tor those extra $ mm experience end gnd driving 2 View and misc. duties MEN to essist manaoer tn sates p'ant ctoanup, 486-232pie tp xeM new- homd iiffv punch : Xfhnnl Oaden Uah needs. Fail record Tl 30 AMy e Gran thru 7 X MAN to do maintenance and janitor 4T t081 fv aoot An gQiat Ca" 7"?'iWi nght shift. end service of mai econence. pm Emo'over 340 E 354$ Kouh !y District Ooporun 75 e m. hr. salary. 22 3529 duties, 5 davs a week, arvtlme Monday Bountiful area. SALES am.; for liv shift. AVON CALLING NURSES Interview. Aoov In person to Mr Adams. '169 ftat'on aHndaM tn onlv EveepFNCFD Immed at one unrs RN't L P N s SUMMER JOBS t lust set In the sun - get out 2 mator b'nhH S. 10th East, or cal! 32? 5521 some EXPERIENCED work and week comoanv auto needs Cn NATIONAL $ii. wrecking yard Hi F Time and Part Time Immefli in it selmp wonderfu1 Avon tosmet Resort Wc-- 9 Jn WYOMING Mechanic i small tools House man, need and wilt Utah drivers men to exp halo exoandmg nce.ary. Legli aie coen ng, Operating Room Super m ks end To'ietnes Earn as much as keeoinn Ktchen, aundrv. Sale Btfl. end license, legal age, tebrum Auto. Must have dnvets BOy ene Barney Motor Co. 5AC1 S aooiiance busmess Saes oosltion ooen wih national v snr he. 48 hr. wk. Call you like on vour own time 3508 r n- - 10 O " So. 500 State CA' Ph 292 U46. Wrecking, st' Aooiv at 940 So Main m Sa't Lak C tv In incus-- t 10A3 South Sttl tC Bed gneMf oxpitl; now bui'd comoanv vw 355 5147 r FCUR'TY FMPLOVMFNT al tie d A onod seif LW auto bodv shoo Wanted enod CARPENTER Good mo a new VI bed hospital and i WORK w II tram, full in preechouse. MTt Fvt 429 AT fai DDL man not afra d of a challnae MANPOWER INC. woman, smoie. for auto hndv meel man We xn-iSubcontract" wanted tor terming EXP. pite and structural men need- - time Skyhng Flower Gardens. 338 brnMs exrei'enf a arv futu'e A ed No In Vnfksweoen In person 34 mveved. Potential 5 SAINT eo, see Pete Herzog. Vu'can Steel and or tnrh Ann v secretary and bookket ng work IMTPRIO dexoner-xa'esmaOent Personnel Dr ece' Highland MEN NEEDS 7 Xn 2nd Wet w thin 18 months 7?r9 Snnrthand reouked Excel opportufigure Coco , 83 Navao St . aouai tent nnportuntty xalarv. ph S com- - AlPHONSUS Boise, Acvancemen MOPiTAL, WANTED exo. e'ec motor repairOLDER man altering and oressmf. potential Into midde nity tor right person Send comp rte C!l loaho 6:2D3 342 571. miss on mov extra benefit er hr man, Eiec to Motor and Suooly opportunity employer YOU will earn $2 $0 comm 248 S. 13th East. of thi$ mananement. Exce lent car sa'arv FOR TEMPORARY WORK reumg to Box for eon Ft'rmfur rsh nr I toi West 4th South 378 2801 xeii ne nc. o oa n za t ion has ooe n- - cmm nu station SERVICE attendant, part cvppoicurcn o I, ssmn. oarer ok, c expenses end fringe Ai inquires v be hed wiM ney fb d7tornc. 2to 2861 br COOlT not 'nmg pres f but time Pardon LABORERS m Experience helpful tn 0i,a. for small cat benef is. Employer pad fee. ktfretsj parT ,mb "b. 467 446 maseuo 977 OVEN to teach orof 5T4 ontect Stagman cartme xe'a in frn d management, Hoef, $4S0 mo. taiary. 140 East necessary iPART-TMCALL DONNA tethn ques and se'l Vivang Wood TELEPHONE ers Sinclair, 54i8 S 9th East c reux UNLOADERS CAR 58 2p9 per year amtor, 6 mohts per A WK ticket sales comm benrtit FuL ry $175 Many Temoto guar South se'hng No nrw rd Cosmetics neres week 798 792? 'Ck mc'ud t a leave, ler vacation hourly wage o'us omrrmxion a v product, wa a'sn nnnd hatwl LIGHT delivery work, apply in oer- j,arv Consultant and executive posiWAREHOUSEMAN Piease mmxenge - 715 East service advancement ncortunity 5th BARTEHDFR lMtnH WANT? DPert Time EMPLOY7p.Ckm, tions avail Substd ry of Gnera! 25 7521 or 25 763 p i n car of 51 X me to box 255 9946, Foods Feve Rees 46 3508 33 9 451 MATERIAL HANDLING CARETAKER for Oder anf house 'Jhts oaocover $?ng take BARBER, SERVICES 5m SALES PEOPLE plus act. Writ to P O. jo PFOP E needed now Fu'L parf- FACTORY HELP B.ent- - XOfl W xsoc 1063 So Stae j t'rn Teiephc 'e. re'sona contact 355 5351 8Vork rt t'ns, mxgennf BoxJS7 full or otf e TRUCK DRIVERS praxht ida inn toe 4 ORGAN nlayec who order desk no exoer nece sry SfUDFNTV Earn $l 95 ner hr GIRLS GIRLS Eul rv Bfush. er (feieo'ione in S1 60 onto wh Idaho. OiCa.n. week to $2 no hour saiarv, Anoiv at 3to So 7h East WANT to be a eoe! secretary Earn! ? Ooden 33 3772 for appt Equal Opoortynn; Empiover whu learnnc Cnod spelling and oih Reliable end depended nn reouired $aa tvp hr sitter babv needed for R ;ADY to rfturo to work Ynur 19 38 d m., vtc of Sugar Houe 3 sk s may pe rusty but buamex. Cefl29f-484mnn want vour maivt iudoments ELECTRICAL WOMfN who are mbfous, earn $300 $400 in u'stand good income tv seil-nwoHc Men to nested dav rf $3004400 f ieweiry fui or pert (nq line as De'VCbS PPG- LABORERS, WE are looking for , man with some estimating ex-- C VANV Docrfunitles ope on office time. Me. BiundeM, 20953 s WE- - Requirements: BSEE degree with at least 2 years expe- machines. Previous tra ning or HQUSVfcN JMW 1T fill an important slot in our Sales Dept. J CSV vouno'wT,.n to c.r. for Responsible for maintaining cost data on iobs, establishing to perience schooling required. week. month and tonoer. payday bend'Ceoned man whit wto wnrk rlence in the oes'gri of K!tdstate control systems tor cost standa'ds, supervsing periodic cost reviews on jobs Must be sales oriented, with ability to schedule pro-BOYS BOYS Housewo'k good pav, good vaca high-spee- d or heavy manufacturing machinery and furmcs. Will end the olso cf in area curement and production. Lack of an engineering deproducts. perform general 'kl CPU"' oH, wll TPESSEP naces. Must have knowledge of power distribution and Pet F rst Month Only tram Permanent employment. CaU tax and payroll accounting. gree will not disqualify you, but some college is for acot cnmi i R1TY EMPLOYMEN" pneumatic systems. Responsibility includes design and , or lEAUTICIAN e necessary to handle this job. 341 S Vin aluminum Must hove B S. in accounting and o min, mum of one Buitdtog start-u- p Mid vAcaticxi. of control equipment on high-spee- d Tk o 35 to 355 3692 118 Si Herbert A 'I'tol So. Steto) cost lines This account. ng experience. is a growth opportunity that should appeal to container M- - t hvd Beau-pyp h,unc O ,n. mut Inn y imsdA te1-. c who feels boxed-ihis present K?lP! a self-startI Sf nn. 343-5L 'STCOpTARlFS N ght on. EXPER. TELLER NEEDED IxEER. printer ,oll resume at to Send jack posit Coyne sa!ary requirements -- h n Cal' 4C hr. wk CEESAt e m 4 lpB,FTRIEl Sncthand a bkimMi general off Accountant a EQUALITY NO 89431 SPARKS, NEVADA a CHARGED EIMAC The Amalgamated Sugar Co. ASSISTANT STATION MANAGER Dunbar Att.: J. The Name of the Game CenCor MONEY! Is STATION ATTENDANT EMPLOYMENT SERVICES 5 BENNETT FORD Sa es PAINT MAN tnen WANTED BODY MAN FOR VOLUME USED CARS NO ' STREATOR t GIRL FRIDAY WILSON CHEV. $500 'ur UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY OF UTAH JOURNEYMEN OF PROGRESSIVE YELLOW CAB DONNA UTE CAB ACCOUNTING U.S. CORP. to JOBS! HOT - cl.r, N.P.A. Do You Have ASSURED EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY ABBOTT S.D.I.Agency has ;rr, E?oX?bLS,.. XLm'tk'r beeh Trn Help! ELITE URGENT irr V. COX job for YOU! fat " $360 to Start Plus dk l!!HOUSEWIVES!!i .r. $hrn, 9m S.D.I.Agency nr CENCOR MANAGEMENT - TEMPORARIES sarr Fu'r Phnl yrf. CENCOR MENT .7 hne - ESTIMATOR SALESMAN pr NEEDED! AMBITIOUS MEN! CONTROL ENGINEERS STEEL FABRICATION a JtuTe - ; XTr?,i:w,ruk'D,iCfEE", vr years hd w O" Tfnri Vyjm! a sa a nr HuRSEi f e Car fch 1 r S fl ow, fc'h 1 F $ yr, Cato. 3e3 25,4. 630 m toua v p'manf't OA"' hcU 54e5 ft p k CORPORATION Ph. nCrSry ro Fpw FFFO ov, secretory veung sr rtohrne ri Cc 0rRAE STCRE, CALL 2645 SOUTH 2ND WEST SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH HEALTH An equal erDrumty emDgr. at and EDO WESTERN WgndS35S-ST6- OUTGOING WE NEED Fiti 4 fr T FS V.rvEnV chargb VICTOR TenpDOror.es r - TRAIMEF FINANCE rvq rd receiving supervisor 15 Help Wanted ,Lr5Nman 'Soviet Chicago pur"inng co man to hgrr $aif Tipnay DAY! GEORGIA V'4 bo a w , 423 S. MAIN ends mcr Lax pm. mv, snrre EXPCNr6 only tandant, exoerincag 04.A T77 o UTm S DLDF'T EMPLOYMENT AGENCY N I aoev. Gnod hour, m at 15CS . i 1 oon Bouitw D. An Fqua! ton a cad pay. Cai CALL OR WRITE: edd'ess be.ow. Ohpb'tunty fprer COORS PORCELAIN CO. 1800 JACKSON T, GOLOfN, COlO. J. OER, VICE PRESIDENT SYRO STEEL CO. CENTERVILLE, 292-044- UTAH 7 A |