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Show V Fir Peis a:e trattrg Ft Barbara Varro Wrier Clicago Whatever happened to good old plain furs, you might ask ourself ttiis fall. The natutal pelts are sail around, but thev're being oversnadoned by the nioM otfbeat and colorful ciop of futs to ever hit the fashion market. At least that's ehete the news is this vear m addition to lengths, which fall arc-s- i here from just below the knee to the ankle. Sun-Tim- New Furs Show Dash of Color K ue about every cook and eianny of a vauety of animal specie. They tell us there is no such thing as scraps anymore Heads, necks, paws, be .lies and backsides aie bmrg pul to good use. And tills have never been so popular. Everybody's using them as (urge on ponchos and '..M tape-- . 'eoetal embaigo on pai tuular fuis hasn't really h mieted mamifartorers. They The simply 8!rersffied. pelts they .rig'--t rot have bothered with in the la- -t few years, auch as p.ihmi (a Chinese animal), rorina (South American skunk and vemen kid (a mottled Iambi. hay t:nl-izir- g i Monkey, ruina. unplueked sheared weasel and fitch aie be;ng revived as chic tun tui. Fumers are also stem iluig up a storm, so white mink ian be dyed to resemble leopard cr tiger or any of the endangered species. Addirg color is ere pf the favorite methods of producing tioveltv furs. Today ym can have a cranberry lokohi seal coot, a red mole gaucho suit or a blue South African lamb SJ.t. nui.k lias a!o in some of the tno.-- t unusual patterns ever imagined 'Ins side of an I.SD tup. Huge sploches m rainbow hues cr pale floral designs aie splattered all over mink to take it wav out Tie-dvu- The Salt Lake Tribune. Sunday, Lngust ?, In our windows todoy IT 197 5 . , . FRISKY FASHIONS FOR THE SCHOOLROOM ft--. 'am) A rtnw ifci ! M mr 270 s375 Exclusive 225 A wmljL Xe Tke (3'xiuJa O' Take Long Leek ot this impressive coot, ocfueving all the best of the midi silhouette. Splendid black wool with the impeccable'tailoring of Originals, caught with a wide belt of butter-sof- t leather. Between the sculptured lapels, weor a giant neck ring from our Second Floor Boutique, and add a Valentino-inspire- d hat from our Millinery Solon. The coat with its inverted back pleot, ot 395.00. Sorry, no phone or mail erders. foils into ronks with soft, imported French colfskin. Precisely detailed and meticulously styled to end slightly below the knee. Double-breastebelted, d, and deeply center vented for man's new image. it the adventurous spirit that inspires a vivid fall look, executed here in three parts. Plushy Panne velvet in rich walnut brown forms the swinging gaucho pants and brief sleeveless jacket, both in sizes 8 te 16. The m prism print ef blouse is ecetote-nylo- n to 16. The pants 6 sizes i ere 37.98, the jacket 23.98, and the blouse, 32.98. Sorry, no phone or moil erders. Olft high-foshio- Designed by Erickson of Sweden in a chewy caramel color. Sizes 40 fo 42, 270.00. Sorry, no phone or moil orders. combine in o foshion formula for a completely successful pantsuit. Supple brown leather is crafted into straight pants, ond pseudo leopard is fashioned in the dashing pontcoat, with four giant pockets end other accents of leather, keyed fo city ond suburbia, 225.00. Sorry, no phone or moil orders. Street Floor International Shop Second Floor Foshion Suits Second Sportswear Floor Second Hoot jfy' JP&c&omI goes glomorous a romantic pontdress of sumptuous block crushed velvet. The bib effect, gleaming ogoinst drifting whiu chiffon bodice, end edged with shining gold braid, corrie off this seoson's rustic fashion, in the most bewitching manner, 95.98. Sorry, no phone or moil orders. in Second Floor Dress Solon 'JacM Peacock Pvut morks the "f me ft others of this striking jumpsuit for gala occasions, Jonny Herbert fashions oceiote-nylo- n with wide flowing legs and bands of glittering poilettes ot woist ond cuffs. A print in warm shades ef blue, green, lavender ond grey, it has an e xotic allure all its own, 1 1 9.95. Sorry, no phone or moil orders. Pucci-inspir- Second Floor Forecost Shop ef the Crystal Room ed dbuelc Lee mod in Italy, looming large on ycur fashion vista, midi skirt end blouse by Francesco for this mid-da- y Damon. Fabulously fringed herringbone knit skirt of wool in deep purple and white, topped by frankly feminine frilly blouse of soft Silceta polyester. With effervescent Continental manner, 139.95. Sorry, no phone or moil orders. Second Floor the look that highlights oufumn innovation. The effect of this costume is ochieved with a slender black wool dress, comple'ely classic m line, topped with towny rust jumper, bordered with foke Fers'ian lamb. Slit ot each side, ond adding drama, 79.98. Sorry, no phone or moil orders. is two-pa- rt two-lengt- h Second Floor Dress Solon |