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Show NOTICE Is Bereby given to all partlesvinterS ested,,lhat I shall Bpply.ol tho riexf.regular: term of the County Courtof Box Elder County ' foraygraht to the Kanyon known "'.Grover'a Kanyon; ' 425-if WM. EMP5T. ' 4 NOTICE? . : CAME into my pn'cloauri', Cstnsll COWj ?ed brockle face brand "C on left horn, jlie owner-'lJ requested' to- prove1 rropertrrpay charges; and take her. awsv. . iJ5ltwEJl.EB; S5;U ..a- ,,,,-..-'MorrooniJJj.S,;L;Ci. t''' t iv : .I, -' ;'m " .i?- " a, v. "'. . ''.r,.;; t, ... V;- --?.t.s i ", f,z.---'i? " Si BEGS, avi;:respectfullyv Jo3etUTn' h; lhanks for the patronage extended to htni during (lis pasttwoearsVand ffopes bV cpTiiinu. ing' to . supply a 11..rst-rttfe;qaality of II AT$ta merit ati.lueresse'cf.patrcnagalh the future vi Produce taken In ejfchng'Tor Hits.; 7 wi -, ' Wanted-Fpx; ;Vpif,' ana.Hiavft Skinsralso Wool; foV which a good price.; will JbVglvei..ljkj ' Glvefi'me ' calf,'. and HCOuraUome-ManUi: faetiire-. ( .V- fi t- J . "Residence 14lhJV"ard; 2nd dobr.eVstof Court I HAVE pliiced the .whole of my Account fu the hinds of Mrl, Jphitpii Jlaiben, fofVcol-lection, fofVcol-lection, Ah persdna'lndeMed Willi therefore, oblige me by settling with hlin immediate " lUAXMES.fn. Tannery, l9lhrVrdi Gi;S D7ti. ?-l-2t FOU.SAtE )it IRKS!?; ' TEN Acres of LirtdbVokenj and fenceit, r adjoining the dbbifl Ynrd;Iso, inlhelSih Wanl, oho or two small houses, with ajuif. B attached to. eaeh, far u'aitlo'ulars apply at the Mbo?(TAiK:r-a Drritic Sl-'tf, IipnSE8Vs.'XEW. ONE or two span. of Horses for sale, or to exchauga for Oxeu. Enquire at the Moox-ixtKBta Moox-ixtKBta OrVfcx. 24-tf. SOITIETHIi xtjV: tit VTAti ioToOuXIJS, Yliik WANTED!! JAME3'bl0VE,TjWiyg5pachased new and Umprbvedmacliinery is. prepared to make, Stockings,.' Socks, Milts, tAdles'.-and. Gents JackeU, XWUies Hopd, l A:c., ito.! ' IIe,r mil purchase parties material, or-- worlr- tt :upidn hares." For work, nil kinds of produte. taken. JAMES DOVE, 20lh Wkfd,dS I 24-3m 4 Blocks East Prestl Young's House,' -Z-. SWITZEUI.A1VDI! OCT A V to" U 11 SEfiBAO U , WATCHMAKER, XTATCIIE3, CLOCKS, and JEWELRY. YV of:every-deicriptlon,skilfuljy.ropaireda-uo cleaned,: Glasses, Hands. Main springs etel, etc., on,hand. Bilng practical Watch-maker, XH1 endeavor to gWoalIifactIon to all" wha may honor me with their "work. " Currhcy,TerltorIal, and City ScrIp,Froduce, Tithing, and work "of every klud, taken for pay, ' ' BUTJNO TRUST. SHOfat VVm, S-Godbe's Dg Store. Great SaltLLakeCUy. - 25-tf. ItEittQVAL. OF MEAT MARKET. rpUOMAg HEPWORTHbslfavetoinfQrm X his patrbns, and5tho public generally, that he has removed his plsce or b'isintss to the south et coriier of Council House block, in Math St, opposite Per ry.end tjo,? stoje where byiis usual promptness hs bppea to .meitt, and continue to receive, the cuitbra of his Irisuds, and all rrqu"-Jng rrqu"-Jng anything In his line of business, constantly on 1 hand, and of the best quality.Beof.Mmtuu, Poik, ' Baron, Tsllow, Lard, itc:, tc; I While thankful for past favors, T. II. begs i leave to request those knowing themselves In bo Indebted to htm,to call andsettle forthwith. 25-3t r IS-HAKD IN lUSntj: i", B' A'rK. Ii II Y, X WAIN: STKEE1V . ' I TAKE pleesur In Snnbunclng1 to ih pnbllo thit flm Istlli ittending.to my; buslne:sf.e,t the '' - ,.. . j,-" - ', xiAttp iit: hand bakery; On MainSirnt, ofyoilti, NIXON'S STOREf And Constantly keep on band a No. 1 article of Ltght Brsd-fresh every day, , -Buns, Round'Cakee, Tea.Cske, Butter, Milk' Ginger Nutst JubmleSj Eples, and- Boston Rough afid Readies, Rock Cakes, Crackers; Mface Pte. and Drop Cskts, Hard Bread, Apple Pie asd ..Chester Cake, Soda M other Peach" PIe Custards, ... Biscuit ' &e., &c. v'r-r made to order In connection with the above, the rubliccah be accommodated at all It E A S O N ABI.E HOURS with tJ ' . . - , ,v ,,v?,, " Hot CofTee and Tea. - , - s J Stewed Oysters and Sardinestl ., Ham and -Eggs,' H ; Roast Beef, . i'-,5 .... . Beef Steaks, ike. , -. in fact, a tood Luucli, bn reasonable lerms,Is prepared. and got up on short "notice!- It! is no trouble lo wait on customers for the,. " - ., - REAUY PAY-!; Having always on hand the best slock the msr-kei msr-kei affbrdsnd long experience-In .the business, I flatter myself to be able to please my friend and the public generally with something good to eat by repeating their visits, as often as they,, feel inclined, aUthe,. . HAND IN HAND ;BAKERYAND v ,;- . RESTAURANT . IY-vj ;: DANlEli GRENiG. ' :1. will lake, superfine Flour; GraW . Butte ij Egg.Cheese, Beef and Potk,-Tithiog. Receipu, Wood, ,P6tato. Cash arid' Store, orders lii x change for the above commodilies.'so as to give eterybbdy a chance tqpstronit the - J1'r" HAND ''iN HAND BAKERY AND' RES: . ' A" TAHRANT -if A : . -I The trsvelilfg commnu'lty are also invited to give me? a calf for their Outfit across the plains with' thestBrroMife.'M,.; ; .. tv; ,-Reroember the'p'lace'isopppBlte Nixon' Stpre,-on Stpre,-on Main street-, west sfdeS ' " V . IN Virtue of provisions of the sixth atctlori fef .an,rActincorporatr'g"Gfeat 8alf LakeCiiy," approved JaUi; 20, 18liO,Tioticfti,broby given to the qualified voter of Great SattHike City, that an election will be .held at the City ' flail, on Monday the 13th inst., the Eltcllon, of the following cflieett, to'witt ', . , 4" : t'tk'. ' ' ,One Mayor f ? . U- !5lNIft'e;ConnclIsjr S' " , " i J- VOneMarshal;?;'..' -; .'OheTrfcasureriVnd'--; ' ' VAOii Record? rfb'raaid cllj;whose'.tbnri Of Jwieb. will MuUpueforjfwo years, arid uulUJtbefr siiccessbrsori elected and qiiallGe'd. '; " Tiiepllsvill hV'cjpenid Bt...eiglit a.m.,BiM closed t six p.m. ' " ' drik'' JOHN Gi-'.LYNCH, SS- H Coojtfy Clerk of G, S. L.Qounty. ... ...... .,f m. m i;hlu - WE W TAiLOnlNOESTABEIS?!- v,xjiENT.;;:'.; THrBKILL, AND) SPRQlVT thlscltv1 that.heybae..cprmneneed Jiusl-:' neas in the ficftatare north of George Gpddurd's, JEtTemple.srret:.. - . A workmen, they have j0 siyllhat they have worked In tbefiratUlloili)jr establlsIiminUofNeiv York;- and, feel aisstired that they-wntho.,nblvtb give satisfaction to those who mayrftty?HIiem with the'r jwlronsge.'i.' '$''';, -'n-. "v , :lT)elrtyles are of "the latest fashlohj Every. kind of apparel' made sto order,. . Gentlemen's; clothes renovated; and repaired bri ; reasonable terms, ', V ' " p : ;"'. , 25-tf. . i ;'rr;'i"E;p riit-ifBV: iyja.pf rywo "M south of Greritft- Bafarfr ii;7tNEA"ST'lEXttI STREBTri rnHE undersisued.begs respectfiifly to return JL Ills' thanks for.the extensive pstronsge of his frfends; and instate to them tlmf be ' will con-tln'ue con-tln'ue to give his . f .;,WEEIl'x' ENTEUTAlNIWEKis every MnrHlayvenlng,commenctnj;"al7 o'clock, ' "Hi;HalIiitHted"pnosito,;Nlxou's Stdre, 1 commbdibus, well Hghnsd, and ventilated with critical view to bealth'and comfort. " Thebest music wengajsed petrasnentty. and supper und refresbrneuts'of the first call are furnished to order.- v' Cbnvenience for Sleight and Carriages will bo found in-lh'e. lear of thep'rernises, Intbxlcatinedfinkssreentirely prohibited, and policemen vare-1 engaged to prevent tuiyrlot or Interruptions.1' Persons'tshlng' to get t pnvate.parHwcan srrange for the." same on "tlie most reasonable, terms;,. . - PO.RTR.AITS! KOW ITliE TIME TO SECIIIIE IMPEItlSlIAlil.E i!ICTIUES. T" HE'advanctiig 'pros'nertty of; the ciiyand the consequent call for the' deveiopement ot artistic taste, hive Induced JED. COVINGTON & CO. ,FiRS7f.&LASS p;t jC T-V .It.E" .O A X JLE It Yt KOn Tlird South TtmpU Strut, TWOr"DO0RS WEST" oV THE PDST OFFICE, where every object of Interest apd admiration can be taken and "preserved for eternal ages At this Gallery, portraits can be laktn sufficiently suffi-ciently small to enclose in fingvr rlnss and breast-pins, and large enough to decorate the .walls of the drawing room. AMBROTYPES, PHOTO GRAPHS, .AND. MELaINQTYPES, A yery, large rstockof cases and. f-ame on hand Id suit-the Varied tastes of customers, Wlitfe as?rtlst's . Jbey "regard, themselves second se-cond to none, and rarely equalled In their pro-fewlbn pro-fewlbn they alab i calculate 'tci be unrlveJIed or excelled la low prices. Come and see us at our Gallery. . . ED, COVINGTON St CO. P. Also, at-CAMP FLOYD, an excelloat aud commodious gallery Is open to the public aud their patronage solicited there- J?5-tf E. C. & Co. 'I I scmawce reft', thc riioi'tE: y ; llVKRAJJm TliXASiir THOMAS BOX MAS purchased flie' vtli .assorted sldck o( gdbds.of , , mieee'Rj'russeee & CO., foiltot .RsadyWa Clflliflntf CfncVudlng' In. that ilst, flr,t class-dress, frotk, and over-os,0, over-os,0, .KTat Vsrlety ftf iliejalwt stli of rrints, lists, Caps, bleached and gr y DVrnesttrji Llnseys, Jeans; Homespuns, .Hosiery of all kinds i kid, buckskin, silk and thread gloves; Boots and Shoes', for ladies, gentlemen nnd chlldreftr and Tea of all good klndst CoITee, Sugar: every Variety of .desicated vegetables, ..tj, , P.ICKEE , i r' ' ,Of theso'est qualityj ' , Whisky, Cardials, Braadie! Ckerrlcs, SyrHps, SftrtliHvs, and la fact Fancy 'Groceries of, erory deicrlp-Mon. deicrlp-Mon. ... , , . , Also, 'a;finassotlment of Tin-ware, Iion Ware,-and Saddle-Ulmmings) Yesst Powdefs, and plain and fancy Soaps; hunting and fuhlng apurtenaacess Including powder, lead,- csps and, alt kinds; of shot; Medic'mes.Mncluding Castor Cas-tor Oil, Patent Pill and Bittiirs and Aoids: rjtatlohery envelopes, tetter foolscap and n6te-paper; n6te-paper; red, blue and black inks, desk-sand, &o; Together wluVwhat generally bears the ttama of Yankee notions, and that-iucludes everything that thehumart family requires, , ' 'Remember! GODDARD'S 'STORE, at Ihe old stand of MILLER, RUSSELL & CO,' - aui'i V ' " -' 1 THOMAS BOX; T ; P.9rrCatl, taken in , exchange .ibrl.Gonda. AlsoJ a few huadrdd .Mules' wante3,;? 'T;,B. -"iMFdRMiiTirra ,TO mW SUU'TIIERN. TRE.IN rr":r'--MRTlCtA,R-?';-i': wiiL'tf eb '.BnoiiiEnsiS , AlRIELlJi JREshoWv )ffer'ibKrwhoIesai A large arid clrKttH t MSisertmoHt of Of -every descriptionj variety, .WyfeBi'qualitJ and price unsurpasied by; any. house... , v -.: Dbnf forgetr three; door -easCof riid Sione Fort, on Mam Street. i. r "f-attfj rf.yfc$$"t- .f.-, kr'.'y?'.!-t v , ross; andv;-caWee.';;:';. Ntxt door, porth oM. Gtviei.ttlA'aruty JSIaT$, BESPECTFULLY inform. Iheir .fnVrids'and !the publtc, that they have commenced business busi-ness in tho.aboye named, place and solicit a share of.tliejr patronage ft '"" -r-. , N.B:Garmeuts Cufi Terms reasonable; "24-'tf 's'.'i'S'1"- 1 - -" '' : BEACKSiniTUlllVGl IN, AiLttlixSl t3?"'U.'4r3'- ,tATSiCIIES"-' .IsfSH Ht-CJACKSON; will be,pn.harid J'c slccom--' :- modatb III . friend and custonierS'al bis Ord; Stand, near BALLO'S. HALL, where "he hopes, by tfIcV;ittejitlqn - to businees,, to be .worthy Urn patrwiDge ot all who .want good .work done. ' --;. "";;' ' ' . t -i ; Accounts of Jong standing Will; be pollecled without fail.: A hint to theiwlae Is sufficient. : .:viSrU ,j-.t.,"- ' "' i- ir: T BEG;lev to inform :my. friends nd ftfie X ; pnblic;"gbneraly,1!a,t'"1 have .secured the services of Jorr.-t I'ovvsix, one of tho best turners (o be found In. the Terrttpry. ,irving hsdvcori-Blderable hsdvcori-Blderable exberlenoei he can turn out all kinds of work-in tlie first style." Gire ns.a.. call, and you will besulted In' work nd"ptlce.j. J "" Bedsteads", ,TablesfJChairs;'&c.r.&c; always on hand,' for sale at reasonable rate!; ' ' " '' z' E.MCAST, 13th Ward,? , On State Road, half a block norlh of Emigration .Street, Bpd.opposlt9..ll4to8J llyde's. lTtf -. '. . - I, -1, i ii . i i i ,n t r'WivirEujr., m O ..THE v LADIES OF SALT ItAIfE 1 CnX-MrB. BEER m Mrs.MwdJ begs "respectfully to Inform' the Lad les oUhls city that she is ready to attend to theaccouch-nieht theaccouch-nieht of those who may feel disposed. to favor hat with their pstronsge 'Her xpetlence a a MIDWIFE for the last' SI years folly qualify her for the Important dtitles'bf that office. Keeldenco John Young's Buildings, 13lb .Ward. 2L2t .J, M ' "' ' ', " " . ' ... .11 ' L (i. ,m g f Olotldvfft -CM?!!- CWwfftU 0 """O - g4?! Sl''2-5?- 2 : "5 : Ss 5h1 s;25 b : , ' s : 7?o 2 w.e s'o-14 co : 2 -:' Sug,- tig-" g 14 Ir - g Q -5an W. : o '1 : 5 2- o cq s-ga : a. S 3 a. a u 3 2 a : S - : " I s tA 5-ao : 5, 6 ""' 'Wit 1tD0 SQ tuni'l'Msf satu))z) Hm$frimtm iStjln, si inSfcji ST , k- . " l1" i B fyw ""S l siij murm iit n I il fcil i SSli J" VkSSlMMat XilairisSvllSiaSi 1 SSHB j , 'IN TRX5r.VAT ' v .''S rp nnndeisfgned,(TWj fiad a long esperlenee JM X : In the bujitiess, would rspeetfiaiv -Wrform O his frlends Bud; the people of, Uf ah generaMy, that ' ' -:'lM he if on liand to make out , V ,vi - JOfVJSff?S OF ATTpItNKY- ZKASE9, ' , "' '";' AKTlbLES OF AOItEBMENTtt. V . anirall older documents ef ftka characfertitsa ' - -. j APPLICATIONS FOR PENSIONS,' " ' "OT ' BOUNTY MAN D -V t . '?S and other ctsfrt son Goverrimeiit made euton the ' 1'' ;. - ' . , ' ill shortealtiotice. . -j . ' ' m j .He I connected with responsible: persori who ; .- - t Hf mill promptly attend to the, , v ..- - ap- . J. CGEEECTION Of Mli:r "" ' ffi i In the Untied Slates and In Enr'ope; . ' ' Ji . Njfchirgesmsdofor miy infornistleii'Ae may , " " Jfi bekbltoc6mraBhlcaioonlheesittWsy V' C?;' person who msy favor him with a cll. " . ' " , , ',, By a strict and rigid attentloa tct basInesW he hop toveeelve aliberanhsreotpiAlisei- " '". , Is f8-',. tf'e?e,ttstrdtocoistfiitscei,'ln- - ' , iWB tegrtiy and just ; dealing, refer to any person wha . , ' ' W has been arquamWd. with hini for the t 't 1 ' ,." "i'-,,' fiif fifteen years. ; -. .' s v jM ( Ki:!iCIS.i0' "c,,yn -Co.'4r8t,., ; tf , 4., m sfgri bf.timblgT, Temple Street, G.8. L. City -i 1 -' Ft . fr . y, cuyton; r- ; -M - '!' NOTICE. -;'.!''" V-' . ' A' HOUSE arid is half Lot for Ssfcyiatfc . " . i, M JX 16ihWarL Cash, Wheat; wWecktakea '-. " . tot pay Church pay taken ta part. Apply to , . , , . s Thos. Hall, n the premises, ' 4f 1 ' "'i .." - " ...-h-.-f X S'i.';3 V' : IfENTAE AKT. . "' w f- " ' wls? ' Wk THE nndSrslgosd has received an assortment f, - I :'M& -of Sfoctoli' celebrated GUM TEETH. V ' :fl He U now prepared t6'aCCoMssodatscMchas ,i . may call on liim, with from one to a full aot 'oa'- "" .11 Gold, Plate. t ' . , 55'A;:i"AyVr-jA8M. BARLOW, - Siv ' "-18 r. X Ctocknd Wich Master, I'l , -Ffrslhoosoessi of the Dosewt Store, -tf fe.4 -y;. 'v":Gr8rLi.Clty, -! , ;j tCII3BAgEjSy:' !., ' , - !& :0iiqE;.G0pii,s,( " ' : ;?.: "k &iftS iff ' I Ij:' 'FirflnstaneeVBBsKO'ct iS' - 5 v'. f. -BestTea, $1150 pefe.lb.mfit -?ef E' .-'A bdltla pf Ilhk.snd ball si.qulra.cf iv v CSM 5- Writlnt, Paper, tot 35. els., and eveW !, - . : tlUifgetseintheSiareonthesame " . ' -; ' i tairu-. ivs aVair .y . ; "'l J KVrillfAl ,AIt'E,' t : Xj ,pt EORGB GODpSnDhas,1 just wceivel ,a "'tf ..Dr:'arffe'-aupply".of Eastern papers niid msg-'' xinetf..' Harper .and. -LVair' illustrated 'arsi r excelle'rilif :' V,jC -;7U 1 : .YEitYlppr:' 1 1 r,lEMUTxrniple$fcVop i: t , , ; , WHQX.XSAI.ti AHO MttJUS, i..'j.V -Uf BestimefHmackprtnlsilScentapery ffi XasVcolQr.madderplnU', fromJ5eeatapetyatd,5 , bjeached muBlin, from 1 oents per yard,. -1 ' JA compUtei, assorlment of Tinware; Boot" nd,lSboea.l6f "every .description. Fine :Gub- , ?j 'nowderBrid'otbe'r-Teas cheap.-. A choice-lot br Llnseyir, Coltoiiadesi Satlaettesv Eaglisb; mole- . , skins, Hats,? Caps, &,c-, &c. Cheaper tlian th ft 'cheapest.,.' Come'atid ee. " j. " -i. "' . Wheat; BsrIey,Corii, Oats, Wlte'r, JTiga a ad .J -Cheese,-takeri:forBOods Xi "' -'K. ;-L"' - j8 -J N w, All ich' Cow for Sslei'.'1-,- .SI-2t ;E T" HXNKFrjD tbiis etd fnend fothe'b4l share qf;;patronag";he"-havreceJved,ffM 1hom, wisiies to call their attenlou to his' wsllf &sorteo;Stofbf; v , Wester clothing, . U Boots and Slocs,IIat aBtl CaiMf jM crodscifyotoccrics, pry ooosir4 J, h -dte, etc. - ; -i: ? Also, for Sale, all kinds of GRAIN, at the low- ; est Market Alices, and large lVet of A No. ,1 FLOUR. ' - , - r j A large lot ot MACKINAW; BLANKET v S for Sale-at cost. z t ir .;' Also, 25 Cases of BOOTS,: by ttievesSff at cost-shd freight. ,r, A p-Sl. ft As I wlthjo closaout my present 8 Oek of f :5 Goods,Cnntry:DealersandFaniiliewi!lfiiidit k to thelraavshtsge to give me rcall ami exr . ? qiallty arid prices,'- WM, NIXONi.'i U ; F Clty ficrltt taken, - .f , v.''y,y 3 . 'NearCampYFIeyd, hisAitoct I ; eh'andizet-vflll 'be onod unsurpss ;bv,siayf ( either In, price of quslltyi j ;WMt N JONVj l M ' ' " ' ' ' " ""' " "' "'7'JII liM STAGE AND EXPRESS NOTICE. k 1BBG Jve td Inform the travelling public jfiE tliat Ibave nurchasel of. P. A. JACKMAN, f the right to run a STAGE and EXPHESa ;to, . ' and from, Camn.Floydf sn.d 'hat.I am jwepared to carry on thebusjries- appertalBing-to thw ifl enterprise, -"U -1 . il I have now running, tr I-weekly line of stsges, J ninnlug.tfoin G. 8. L, City to. Camp. Flopd on ''rj.'f Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays at 8. a.m: and leaving Camp Floyd 'on' Tuesdays,'' Thurs- "itt day, andSundajSrot eicll week. afcS .a. itrS No letter willbe received! pr carried .,by thl adi line except tlie Postage la prepaid, on each letter ' , 25 cents. All psssenger'a beggage, weighing ovsr 40 : 1 pounds will be charged at the rale of S cents psr "4 . pound. -f ' . ' -.5 Vfc' AH packages weiglijng. under 10 pound will ,3;-be, ,3;-be, taken' for 5(1 cent each. , All overlOiiiotmds, will bo laktn at the tat of A: j & cecla per pound. " " '.... .J-' The .undersigned, wtll not' bo.,responslble for ft any Trunk, Psckage.Farcel, or BnyothersRseis My, of property whatever, except receipUd fo by lj his agent at each end of the route,1 . ftp A Liberal ahara of public patronage l earnestly Olicited. ' j in r-kr: "" 1 Office at Messrs.Hoekadayand Burr' Btor, m Main St., G, 8. L. Clfy. "" , 22 tf, PHIL.ANPFR PELL.Propiletor. M |